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Technology has always been changing with the constant changes in the
environment and to adapt accordingly. It is always transformed on the basis of how
people interact with each other. Technology has allowed people to keep in touch no
matter the distance. One is able to communicate 24 hours around the clock, seven
days a week, 365 days on an interpersonal level. Technology has completely
changed how we communicate, from our daily personal lives to the workplace. We
can communicate faster, more efficiently and more conveniently. There are new
devices, tools and software coming out that continue to advance communication
technology, and the existing popular technologies are constantly being updated
and improved. Businesses communication must utilize this new technology to be
successful. Businesses need to understand that they need to adapt quickly or lose
market share to a competitor that understands the new communication landscape.

This essay explores the impact of technology on business communication through

its evolution from the early days of newspapers and telegraphs to the digital age of
instant messaging, video conferencing and artificial intelligence. As business
continues to adapt technology into their communication strategies, they experience
both threats and opportunities and changing to it accordingly.


Technology has changed everything in the modern society. New innovations has
really helped make communication in business organisations a lot easier.
Nowadays, communicating with each other has become much feasible and this is
due to speed.
In earlier days, the only way of communication was through the use of Newspapers
and Mails. Then later on innovators introduced radios and television. Also the
business world heavily depended on physical documents and face to face
conversations for communication. But all these ways of communication took up a
lot of time.
The invention of telegraphs and telephone networks were the first step to mark leap
in long-distance communication. With time, the humans understood the need of
innovation in technology and personal computers and mobile phones were
introduced. These innovations helped businesses to communicate and exchange
information more easily and efficiently as it reduced the limitations of time and

The one thing that revolutionized business communication in the late 20th century
was THE INTERNET. Businesses started to showcase their products and
services, making information accessible to the global audience through websites
with the help of internet. Furthermore, the rapid increase in use of smartphones
and mobile internet enables the employees and customers to remain connected,
responsive and blurring the lines between work and personal life.
During the early 21st century, SOCIAL MEDIA emerged as a game changer in
business communication. Platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Twitter (Now X) and
Linkdin provided opportunities to business organisations for Brand Promotion,
Customer Engagement and Networking. Companies leveraged social media to
interact with customers directly, gather feedback and build their online presence.
However, the use of social media also tarnished the reputation of the company
sometimes and also introduced challenges related to privacy concerns.


Social media has become an increasingly powerful tool over the last number of
years due to rapidly evolving technology. Social media is used daily among
consumers, clients, and businesses to communicate brand messages, share stories,
promote products, entertain, and more. There are a number of positive and
negative effects social media can have within businesses which can lead to various
pros and cons as social media is such a powerful platform. The average adult
spends approximately two hours and forty minutes on social media daily, which is
increasing every year which has resulted in making social media as extremely
influential over the recent years. Hence, it is crucial for businesses to take full
advantage of this power and use it to the best of their ability for a positive
outcome. From reading various journal articles on the effects of social media in
businesses it is evident that it has positive and negative effects. This technology
proved especially critical during the COVID-19 pandemic when remote work
became the norm.

Social Media has a very vast influence on business communication.

communicate freely with colleagues regardless of their physical location. This also
helps in smoothly exchange of important information through instant messaging
and emails.
GLOBAL REACH AND MARKET EXPANSION: The internet has opened up global
markets for businesses of all sizes. E-Commerce platforms, social media
advertising and digital marketing campaigns allow companies to reach a wider
audience all over the world. This results in revenue growth and market
diversification opportunities for the companies.
IMPROVED CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT: Businesses can actively engage with
customers through social media by responding to comments, addressing concerns
and fostering positive experiences while creating a sense of loyalty and trust.
REMOTE WORK AND FLEXIBILITY: Social Media has resulted in the rise of
remote work as it enables the employees to maintain balance between their work
and personal life. This has increased job satisfaction and offers a wide pool of
talented employees to companies for their hiring process.
BUILD BRAND AWARENESS: Businesses can use social media to establish and
enhance brand awareness by sharing engaging content, highlighting their unique
offerings and showcasing customer experiences.
PROMOTE SERVICES AND OFFERS: Social media provides a cost-effective way
for businesses to promote their services, share special offers and encourage
customers to visit their establishments.
MARKET RESEARCH: Social media platforms offer valuable insights into
consumer behaviour, preferences, and industry trends, enabling business to tailor
their services to meet customer needs effectively.

While social media has numerous benefits in influencing business communication,

it also presents several challenges the company must address. It results in security
concerns which is why organisations have to take appropriate measures to protect
sensitive information. Sometimes information get overloaded due to the constant
influx of emails, instant messages,therefore, the companies should know and make
decisions to priortize communication effectively. As not every individual and
employee have equal access to technology, it may divide and create disparities in
communication and limit opportunities for some individuals. With the increase in
use of social media such as Instagram, Facebook, Telegram, etc, concerns
regarding data privacy and ethical implications arise. Businesses must navigate
complex regulatory landscapes and ensure responsible use of customer data.

In conclusion,There is no doubt that technology has changed the way humans

communicate. Great impacts can be seen in the way communication has changed
the social structures of our society at all levels. Even in years to come, technology
remains the driving force of the way people interact.The advancement of social
media ensures that communication is quicker and that more people remain
connected. There has been an evolution in interpersonal skills with the
advancement of technology, and users should always be keen on adapting to new
ways of communication. Social media can be a powerful tool for any
organization.It can increase your visibility,enhance relationships, establish
two-way communication with customers, provide a forum for feedback, and
improve the awareness and reputation of the organization. For these reasons,
Social media websites have become an important platform for organizations.
Technology has continually brought new methods of communication leading to the
expansion of mediated communication. The reality of having one message shared
across a huge audience (mass communication) is now with us.

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