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Writing Task 2
I E LT S W R I T I N G T A S K 2

Model answer
Question type: Opinion
Topic: Only Children

‘Children who have brothers and sisters often have better

social development than an only child. The government
should therefore give money to parents to have two or
more children.’ What do you think about this proposal?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your
own knowledge or experience. Write at least 250 words


In the past, due to high levels of infant mortality and the unavailability of birth control methods, families
tended to be extensive. Recently, there has been a marked reduction in the number of babies born. The
percentage of children who are growing up without siblings is definitely on the rise and leading experts
have suggested that this trend could be damaging. However, I find the proposal to offer a financial
incentive for parents to have extra children quite frankly appalling and abhorrent.
The first point worth making is that even if it could be proved that those who grow up surrounded by
siblings are more mature and better adapted to society, it does not naturally follow that society would be
healthier if everyone had this background. Variety is necessary in order for a culture to be harmonious
and successful. Even though those from large families might have better communication skills, only
children possess other abilities like determination, independence or higher levels of concentration. It is
precisely the interaction of individuals with different strengths, weaknesses and character traits which
makes society stronger.
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several unfortunate consequences. Parents who
only wanted one child might be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore, revenue wasted on this strategy
could not be used to fight poverty or build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public
funds being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
In conclusion, I see absolutely no benefits to paying parents to increase the size of their family. I would be
upset if any government attempted to implement this approach. It would suggest to me that the political
leaders concerned did not have a fundamental grasp of how the world works.
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
= strategy; approach; way of dealing with a
problem or issue (It is good to know different
ways of expressing this idea because you
often need it in an IELTS essay)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
= bad results (it is important to avoid basic
language when possible…but this doesn’t mean
all of the time) (Here we could write severe
ramifications or unwanted repercussions)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce
To be more babies.
attracted by something = to like
something or think it is good or would be a
good thing to do (It is important to know
different ways of expressing likes and dislikes
as candidates need to do this in many essays)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.

It is important to try not to repeat language from the

essay title or from earlier in the answer (A financial
incentive was mentioned earlier in the essay)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
We can use un- to make some positive
adjectives negative (Examples: undesirable;
unpleasant; unintended; unwelcome;
unsuccessful; unfair; unjustified; unmotivated)
(This is a good example of word building)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.

= money which a company or government receives regularly (Many

essays give candidates the opportunity to write about money so it
is good to know vocabulary connected with this topic)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.

To waste money on something = to spend it

wrongly or unnecessarily (when you learn a verb,
learn any prepositions which go with it) (It is also
possible to waste time, energy, resources)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
= approach; way of dealing
with a problem (it is
important to avoid
repetition if possible)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
= to take steps to stop
people from being poor
(This is a strong verb-
noun collocation)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.

= systems and services which a country or area needs in order

to function.These include power supplies, public transport
networks, road and rail systems, hospitals and schools
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
= without children (This is a good example of word
building: -less can be used to form adjectives with the idea
of being without or not having: hopeless, pointless,
worthless, valueless) (This is a strong collocation)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
To resent = to be angry or unhappy because you have been treated
unfairly (The examiner is looking for words with specific and precise
meaning. No other verb has exactly the same meaning as this)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.
= money which the government spends on services for
everybody (We can use public in phrases like public
transport, public libraries, public healthcare when these
things are available for everybody and not private)
In addition, it could be argued that this policy would have several
unfortunate consequences. Parents who only wanted one child might
be attracted by the possibility of receiving a payment for a second one,
resulting in unwanted and unloved babies being born. Furthermore,
revenue wasted on this strategy could not be used to fight poverty or
build infrastructure. Finally, childless couples may resent public funds
being used to incentivise others to produce more babies.

To incentivise = to make somebody want to do something by

offering them a prize or reward (This is an example of word-
building: we turn the noun incentive into a verb with –ise/ize)
In conclusion, I see absolutely no benefits to paying parents to increase
the size of their family. I would be upset if any government attempted
to implement this approach. It would suggest to me that the political
leaders concerned did not have a fundamental grasp of how the world
= completely, entirely (This
word is used with no to
emphasize the noun. This
emphasis makes your
arguments or opinions seem
In conclusion, I see absolutely no benefits to paying parents to increase
the size of their family. I would be upset if any government attempted
to implement this approach. It would suggest to me that the political
leaders concerned did not have a fundamental grasp of how the world

To be upset = to be sad and angry (It is

important to know language
connected to feelings) (If we wanted to
use a stronger word here, we could use
furious, angry, annoyed)
In conclusion, I see absolutely no benefits to paying parents to increase
the size of their family. I would be upset if any government attempted
to implement this approach. It would suggest to me that the political
leaders concerned did not have a fundamental grasp of how the world

To attempt = to try (This

is a more formal verb and
using more formal
language will impress the
IELTS examiner)
In conclusion, I see absolutely no benefits to paying parents to increase
the size of their family. I would be upset if any government attempted
to implement this approach. It would suggest to me that the political
leaders concerned did not have a fundamental grasp of how the world
To implement = to put into
practice; to start using a plan (To
implement collocates well with
approach; plan; strategy; policy)
In conclusion, I see absolutely no benefits to paying parents to increase
the size of their family. I would be upset if any government attempted
to implement this approach. It would suggest to me that the political
leaders concerned did not have a fundamental grasp of how the world
works. Sometimes it is possible to
avoid repetition by referring to
individual people instead of a
group or organisation. (Here
we could also use policy-
In conclusion, I see absolutely no benefits to paying parents to increase
the size of their family. I would be upset if any government attempted
to implement this approach. It would suggest to me that the political
leaders concerned did not have a fundamental grasp of how the world
= to understand
works. something well and at a
deep level (This is an
excellent verb-adjective-
noun collocation)
In conclusion, I see absolutely no benefits to paying parents to increase
the size of their family. I would be upset if any government attempted
to implement this approach. It would suggest to me that the political
leaders concerned did not have a fundamental grasp of how the world
works. This is a set phrase which a
native-speaker would use.
Although it is not especially
complex, it makes your
writing seem natural in style

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