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hungry person listens neither to reason nor cares for

ENGLISH LANGUAGE justice nor is bent by any prayers”. At the same

time experience tell us that every calamity provides
Rearrangement the following sentences in a proper an opportunity for initiating steps which will help
sequence so as to make a meaningful paragraph and to render such tragedies.
answer the questions given below it? A UN summit on sustainable development is due to
1. Maharashtra has a good grape growing be held at Johannesburg, a city which epitomizes
tradition. the sad irony of our time …. The extensive co-
2. What it does not realize is that it is not easy to existence of unsustainable life style and
create a wine culture. unacceptable poverty. These are wealthy persons
3. So it has decided to promote wine-production. operating diamond mines in the vicinity of
4. The state is concerned for quality that perishes Johannesburg, while at the same time there are
in transportation. thousands of unemployed young men and women
5. It will take a few years to inculcate. in that city who do not know when and from where
1. What should be the FIRST sentence? their next meal will come. The Johannesburg
(a) A (b) B (c) C summit would serve its purpose, on one hand, it can
(d) D (e) E bring cheer to the unemployed by helping to
2. What should be the SECOND sentence? initiate a strategy for job-led economic growth, on
(a) E (b) A (c) B the other, make choices of the kind made by Akhtar
(d) C (d) E Mohammed, who had to sell his sons in exchange
3. What should be the THIRD sentence? for wheat, unnecessary and unacceptable.
(a) C (b) A (c) B 6. Why do heart-rending tragedies take place in
(d) E (e) D remote areas?
4. What should be the FOUR sentence? (a) Due to a lack of communication facilities.
(a) D (b) B (c) A (b) Terrorism
(d) E (e) C (c) No fear of media
5. What should be the FIFTH sentence? (d) Not clear from the passage
(a) B (b) D (c) C (e) None of these
(d) E (e) A 7. On which of the following the passage does NOT
throw light?
(a) irony (b) affluence (c) progress
Read the following passage carefully and Certain (d) politics (e) hunger
words in the passage are printed bold letters to help 8. What role is being played by the media?
you locate them easily while answering some of (a) It indulges in sensationalism.
these questions. (b) It is trying to bring a truth to light.
Recently there have been reports in the media of the (c) It helps initiate steps towards help.
sale of children in parts of Afghanistan in exchange (d) To draw attention to its coverage.
for wheat. Moving photographs of sons of Akhtar (e) None of these
Mohammed of Kangori, a remote hamlet in the 9. How will the Johannesburg summit have achieved
mountains of northern Afghanistan have appeared its mission?
in the press. When confronted by a media (a) By not epitomizing the stark reality.
representative the father simply said, “I miss my (b) Initiate employment avenues.
sons, but there was nothing to eat.” (c) Paving the way for an economy that leads to
Unfogettable human tragedies of this nature are jobs.
taking place at a time when the markets of both (d) Providing for the hungry of this world.
industrialised and developing nations are flooded (e) All of these
with grains. Obviously, such desperate acts happen 10. Which of the following means the SAME as the
at remote locations, devoid of proper statement of Seneca?
communication facilities. Nevertheless mass media (a) No lesson can be taught to the hungry person.
are helping to give meaning and content to the (b) A hungry man is impervious to reason justice
concept of a global village by drawing the attention or faith.
of people everywhere to the truth behind the (c) Hungry person will yield to none.
statement of the Roman philosopher Seneca, that “a (d) God or reason are aliens for the hungry.
(e) None of these (c) came, foundation (d) help,
11. Which of the following is TRUE in context of the pelting
passage? (e) dominated, surge
(a) There is a surplus of food in industrialized and 22. Three Jawans were injured in a ….. blast ….. the
developing nations. picket.
(b) Media has covered Afghanistan well. (a) mine, along (b) powerful, in
(c) The father had no choice but to sell his sons. (c) thunder, with (d) massive, in
(d) Wealthy people own diamond mines. (e) landmine, upon
(e) The summit will serve its purpose. 23. There still remain ….. which are …… due to lack
12. Which of the following is/are NOT TRUE about of transport facility.
the passage? (a) cities, developed (b) some, poor
(A) A calamity can also be a beginning. (c) pockets, inaccessible (d) industry, lost
(B) Prayers have but little effect on a hungry man. (e) countries, poor
(C) Media is playing an important role. 24. The situation has … due to …. Attitude of the
(a) only A (b) only B (c) only C administration.
(d) only A and B (e) None of these (a) risen, poor (b) come, lazy
13. What can substitute hamlet? (c) erupted, liberal (d) arisen, passive
(a) hillock (b) hill station (c) resort (e) simmered, careless
(d) village (e) snow desert 25. The term ….. up a picture of a typical government
Which of the following is most nearly the SAME in (a) brings, body (b) conjures, office
meaning as word printed in bold letters as used in (c) defines, servant (d) speaks employee
context of the passage. (e) ruffles, clerk
14. BENT
(a) dropped (b) folded (c) convinced Each of the following sentences is divided into four
(d) feel (e) None of these parts, numbered (a), (b), (c) and (d). One of these
15. CONTENT parts may contain an error (grammatical or
(a) limits (b) size (c) volume idiomatic) Look for the error and mark the
(d) essence (e) surrounding erroneous part as your answer. If there is not error,
16. DESPERATE mark (e) as your answer.
(a) extreme (b) hopeless (c) frustrated 26. There was much /(a) chalk and cheese in/ (b) the
(d) dangerous (e) regardless of anything game organized/ (c) by school /(d) No error/(e).
17. CLAMITY 27. Everyone, including Mary and Alice/(a) have come
(a) destruction (b) tragedy (c) catastrophe to the party/ (b) and is enjoying himself/ (c) despite
(d) irony (e) grief a little flaw in the catering/ (d) No error/ (e).
28. Never has before our leaders/ (a) been embroiled in
Which of the following is most nearly the one controversy after another/ (b) and it seems to be
OPPOSITE in meaning as word printed in bold a miracle/ (c) that we are still functioning as a
letter as used in the passage. nation/ (d) No error/ (e).
18. DEVOID 29. The party is afraid that /(a) voting may reveal
(a) full (b) complete (c) without fissures/(b) of the alliance/(c) or even get a
(d) within (e) total negative image/(d) No error/(e).
19. INITIATE 30. The dream project, if implemented,/ (a) could
(a) begin (b) include (c) terminate change the entire landscape/ (b) of the city of
(d) conclude (e) halt nawabs/ (c) giving it a much needed face-lift/ (d)
20. TRUTH No error/ (e).
(a) fallacy (b) slander (c) libel
(d) traduce (e) blasphemy

Fill in the blanks wit the appropriate word.

21. Lawlessness …. As a 5,000 strong mob laid a …..
to the cordoned area.
(a) lifted, voice (b) ruled, siege

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