Oral Environment

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 Deforestation is the permanent destruction of forests in order to make the land available for other uses

 The only responsible is the human being.

 The damage generated by deforestation is the destruction of forests, jungles, and natural ecosystems.

 When these natural ecosystems disappear, flora and fauna may also disappear


1. We can raise awareness of the damage caused by deforestation (generar conciencia)

2. We can increase paper recycling (el papel viene de la madera del árbol)

3. We can plant trees

2-FOREST FIRE (incendio forestal)

Forest fires are fires that occur in forests

This type of fire is evil because, because there is a large amount of wood and leaves so the fire expands rapidly

They can be produced by high temperatures, by lightning actions or by bad intentions of the human being

Like deforestation they cause the destruction of forests

How can we solve the problems of forest Fire?

1. We can avoid littering and cigarettes


Air pollution is a mixture of solid particles and gases in the air

It is also called as smog

The emission of gases from cars and factories are responsible for the pollution of the air

The best known effect is on breathing; but there are several investigations that confirm that gas particles can
cause permanent damage, even death.

Cities like Los Angeles, Karachi in Pakistan, Delhi and Calcuta in India, , Beijing in China , Paris, just to mention a
few, they are famous for having air pollution
How can we solve the problem of air pollution?

1. We can motivate people to use public transportation, because they pollute less

2. We can encourage the use of electric cars

3. We can encourage the use of the bicycle for short distances

4. For example, factories as the damage they generate in the environment is very serious, they must
received very high economic fines


 the glaciers are melting and causes the water level of the oceans to increase

 The warming of the planet causes the melting of the ice caps

 Global warming is the increase, over a period of time, of the average temperature of the earth

 They are millions of tons of ice that are being lost by the melting of ice caps.

How can we solve the problem of melting ice caps?

Firstly we must stop global warming. For this, there are some everyday changes that we can all do:

1. Save electric energy

2. Use public transport

3. Reduce water consumption

4. Educate people about this big problem

5-Endagered species (species en peligro de extinción)
It is the definitive disappearance of animals and / or plants

Each year that passes, the problem is more serious

The human being is the main responsible for this problem

Deforestation, fires, floods (inundaciones) , expansion by agriculture, are some of the causes.

How can we solve the problem of Endagered species?

1. We can educate people about this problem

2. We can create nature reserves

3. We can support those foundations that work with conservation programs, as Fundación Temaiken.

4. We can comply with the laws

5. We can stop hunting them.

6. We can protect their habit

6-LANDFILLS FULL OF RUBBISH (Basureros llenos de basura)

 They are those places where garbage is deposited

 Some of them, are authorized by the government, to be deposited the garbage of the city. Others are illegal

 All of them, generate pollution.

 They contaminate air, soil (suelo) and groundwater

How can we solve the problem of Endagered species?

1. We can reduce the amount of rubbish

2. We can recycle the rubbish

3. We can reuse materials

7- OIL SPILL (Derrame de petróleo)

 Is the release of oil, whether accidental or intentional

 It is a serious pollution problem

 The most common causes are: human mistakes or equipment that breaks.

 The spill may be on land, rivers or seas

 The Oil Spill generate the death of plants and animals

How can we solve the problem of oil spill?

1. Check that the factories and ships do not throw oil

2. Check that all ships are in good condition, so there are no accidents

8- Water Pollution
 Contaminated water is water that has chemical substances and makes it dangerous.

 This type of water cannot be used

 The only responsible is the human being

 The main water pollutants are: rubbish, dust, chemicals etc

Problems generated by water pollution:

A. the death of animals and plants

B. Diseases in the human being

C. Soil pollution

How can we solve the problem of water pollution?

4. We can reduce the amount of rubbish

9 .POLLUTED BEACHES (playas contaminadas)

Polluted beaches are those with a lot of trash and rubbish

Mainly are contaminated by the accumulation of garbage, especially plastic

How can we solve the problem of polluted beaches?

 We can clean up the coastlines

 We can generate awareness (conciencia) in people for not using plastic on the beach

 We can communicate the importance of people throwing rubbish in garbage cans

10. Energy Waste (derroche de energía)

Energy is important in order to have a good quality of life.

Good use of energy It also helps to protect the environment

How can we solve the problem of energy waste?

 We can generate awareness (conciencia) in people for use the energy we need, so we should turn off ligths
when we don´t need them.

11.Global water shortage (escasez de agua en el mundo)

It is an international problema.

Water is a very important resource for the life of all.

water is a non-renewable resource

How can we solve the problem of global water shortage?

 We can use taps carefully

 We can close the taps well so that no water drips

 when we bathe, make it fast

 when we brush our teeth, close the taps

 When we wash the car, use buckets and not the hose (cuando lavamos el auto, usar el balde y no la

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