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Arithmetic Logic

Control Unit (CU): Registers:

Unit (ALU):
The ALU is where
mathematical and logical Registers are small, high-
The control unit is
operations, such as addition, speed storage areas used to
responsible for
subtraction, multiplication, temporarily store data during
coordinating all
division, and comparison of instruction execution.
operations in the CPU. It
numbers, are performed. Registers include the
controls the sequence
Instruction Register (IR), the
of instruction execution
Data Register (DR), the
and ensures they are
Address Register (AR), and
executed in the correct

The CPU and

Memory-Register Unit: Address Bus:
This unit is responsible for Data Bus:
reading and writing data to the
main memory (RAM) and other
storage devices. A Memory
The address bus is used to
Register is often used to
The data bus is a set of transmit memory addresses,
temporarily store data before
transferring it between the CPU
cables used to transfer allowing the CPU to access
data between the CPU, specific locations in memory.
and memory.
memory, and other
peripheral devices.

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