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4.4 GLOBAL SKILLS Understand and analyse problems.

h roblern -solving
3 Read the blog post again and mate . p ne step that you
Solving problems steps A- F to paragra phs 1-5. Th ere is o '

1 •.J. What problems did you have last week / month?

What or who helped you solve them?
do not need.
A Choose the best solution
B Define the problem
2 Read Emmett's blog post. What problem did Emmett have C Think why you have the prob lem
and how did he solve it? D Check the results
E Look fo r possible solutions .
k on your solution
MY BLOG F Take action an d wor
r t of problems peop
le often
Posted 25 May 4 1w,r.1:jij!HI Read the 15 ds to definitions A-H.
have. Match the highlighted wor ·1
on't make friends eas1y.
Last month, I had a few important tests at school. 1 I'm shy an d I d . d
Every day when I began to study, I couldn't 2 I argued with my best fr1en . h. k I'm addicted to one
. h t y phone. It in
concentrate. When after two weeks the situation 3 I can't live wit ou rn .
didn't get better, I started to look for help. I found of the games I'm playing. . . . me and it hurts.
·mes cnt1c1se
an article about problem-solving and decided to 4 Other people some t ,
th re's a thunderstorm.
use a five-step approach to solving problems. 5 I get anxious when e I that I want to achieve.
6 I never achieve the goa s
A meet new people - - - -
What's wrong?
B feeling worried o~ nervous _a_y_b_e_ca_u_se you have
I can't concentrate when I study. I don't remember
C talk to someone in an angry w
anything that I learn.
different opinions .
2_ D not able to stop doing something
How can I solve my problem? E make someone unhappy
Here are the ideas I had: F say something bad about someone else
• Tum off my phone. G do something you hoped to do I
• Tidy my room and my desk first. H nervous about talking to or meeting new peop e
• Study for 20 minutes and then take a short break.
• Find time to relax. S • Work in pairs. Choose two pmbl_ems in Ex 4.
3_ Co~plete the first three steps in the five-step approach to
What solution can help me the most? problem-solving.
I chose two solutions - tidy my desk and tum off
my phone when studying. [w~at~·~~~JT:-·=
[Howcan I solve' - •
l...mY problem? .......
What did I do?
1organised my desk and got all the boOks ready. Then I rWhat solution can_..,
turned off my phone and started studying. When I finished, l.!!!!P me t~e most?
1tidied my desk again. I did it for a week.
6 .... Work with another pair. Take turns to talk about
the problem you analysed in Ex 5. Do you think your
classmates' ideas can help? What are some other ways to
solve this problem?
7 Imagine that the problem your classmates
analysed in Ex 5 is your best friend's problem. Write a note
to them to summarise what they need to do to solve the
problem, according to your classmates.

1s It working?
Yes! I sit at my desk and nothing stops me from
studying. When Iget tired, I take a short break,
but not longer than fifteen minutes.

I 52 Unit4

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