ESelecting An E-Learning Platform

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FalconE Racing Academy - E-Learning Platform

Apart from the onsite training and learning facilities in the Academy, the FalconE Racing
Academy is expecting to launch an internet-based learning platform to reach the Global
education market. An E-Learning platform consists of several key structures, such as user
management, content management, learning management, and database management
systems, to continue the learning process consistently. Therefore, suitable service providers
have to be selected for developing and implementing the above-mentioned structures.

Components of an E-Learning Platform

There are several components/modules of an E-Learning Platform that execute a particular

● User Interface (UI): The user interface is what learners and instructors interact with. It
includes the platform's design, layout, and navigation, making it user-friendly and visually

Available Options ● In-House Development Teams

● Website Builder Platforms

Selected Option In-House Development Teams

Reason for the Selection FalconE Racing Team consists of Computer

Science and Information Technology
undergraduates with keen knowledge and
experience in website development.

● User Authentication and Management: This component handles user registration, login,
and profile management. It allows users to create accounts, reset passwords, and
update their personal information.

Available Options ● AuthO by Okta

● AWS Cognito
● Firebase Authentication
● OneLogin

Selected Option AuthO by Okta

Reason for the Selection Provides both User Login and Authentication
● Content Management System (CMS): The CMS is where course creators and instructors
upload, organize, and manage educational content. This content may include text,
images, videos, quizzes, assignments, and more.

Available Options ● WordPress

● Joomla
● Drupal
● Maghneto
● Square space
● Wix
● Tyo03

Selected Option WordPress

Reason for the Selection WordPress is the most widely available CMS
provider. It is easy to use, and there is
immense support available for the platform in
terms of plugins. Refer to the following link
for a comparison.
● Learning Management System (LMS): The LMS is the heart of an e-learning platform. It
tracks learners' progress, records assessment scores, and provides tools for
communication between instructors and students. It may also include features for
discussion forums, announcements, and notifications.

Available Options ● Moodle

● Blackboard
● Canvas by Instructure
● Google Classroom

Selected Option Moodle

Reason for the Selection Available options, such as offline access to

content, discussion forums, and mobile
compatibility. Refer to the following links for

● Assessment and Quiz Engine: This component allows instructors to create quizzes,
tests, and assignments. It tracks learner performance and provides feedback, often with
automatic grading capabilities.

Available Options ● Moodle

● Google Forms
● Kahoot
● Quizlet
● QuizStar

Selected Option Moodle

Reason for the Selection Selected LMS meet this requirement.

● Discussion Forums and Communication Tools: These tools enable learners to interact
with each other and with instructors. Features may include discussion boards, chat
rooms, and messaging systems.

Available Options ● Moodle

● Discourse
● phpBB
● Vanilla Forums
● BuddyPress

Selected Option Moodle

Reason for the Selection Selected LMS meet this requirement.

● Analytics and Reporting: E-learning platforms collect data on learner performance and
engagement. Analytics and reporting tools help instructors and administrators gain
insights into how well the courses are working and where improvements are needed.

Available Options ● Moodle Learning Analytics

● Blackboard Learning Analytics
● Google Analytics for Education
● Tableau

Selected Option Moodle Learning Analytics

Reason for the Selection Selected LMS meet this requirement.

● Mobile Compatibility: Many modern e-learning platforms are designed to be accessible

on various devices, including smartphones and tablets, through responsive web design
or mobile apps.

Available Options ● Moodle Mobile

● Canvas by Instructure
● Google Classroom
● Blackboard Learn
● Schoology

Selected Option Moodle Mobile

Reason for the Selection Selected LMS meets this requirement.

● Payment and Subscription Management: If the platform offers paid courses or
subscriptions, it should have a payment gateway and tools for managing user payments
and subscriptions.

Available Options ● Stripe

● PayPal
● Recurly
● Chargebee

Selected Option PayPal

Reason for the Selection Available features such as Compatibility on

different platforms (PC, Mobile), Ability to
manage a large number of transactions

● Feedback and Evaluation Tools: These tools enable learners to provide feedback on
courses and instructors, helping to improve the quality of education.

Available Options ● Moodle

● SureyMonkey
● Qualtrics
● Google Forms

Selected Option Moodle

Reason for the Selection Selected LMS meets this requirement.

The selected service providers must also be able to provide the following features that help
improve the performance, validity, and consistency of the e-learning platform.

● Scalability and Performance:

○ E-learning platforms must be able to handle a large number of users and deliver
content with minimal downtime. Scalability and performance optimization are
○ Moodle currently handles about 393 million users.

● Accessibility Features:
○ Accessibility is important to ensure that the platform is usable by individuals with
disabilities. This may involve providing options for screen readers, keyboard
navigation, and other accessibility tools.
○ Moodle's accessibility level is according to the WCAG (Web Content Accessibility
-Moodle-Kristian-Lofhelm-and-Daniela-Soccio-eCreators.pdf )

● Content Repository:
○ A central repository for educational materials, including a library of resources,
can be a valuable addition to the platform.
○ Moodle consists of content repository

● Security and Data Privacy:

○ Ensuring the security of user data and content is crucial. This component
includes features like encryption, user access controls, and compliance with data
protection regulations.
○ Moodle provides security for the content and data privacy of its users.

● User Support and Help Resources:

○ E-learning platforms often provide resources like FAQs, user guides, and
customer support to assist users in navigating and using the platform effectively.
○ Moodle provides resources management services for textbooks, FAQs etc.

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