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In the pursuit of a healthier lifestyle and a personal challenge, I started running

after coming to campus in my 3rd semester. This report delves into the genesis of

my running endeavor as an extra curricular activity, exploring the motivations that

spurred this decision and the transformative impact it had on my physical and

mental well-being. The narrative unfolds with the initial hurdles faced, both physical

and psychological, managing it with other campus engagements.

Through reflective anecdotes, this report captures the essence of my evolving

relationship with running and how was my overall experience, how it started as a

mere pastime and blossomed into a source of joy, self-discovery, and

accomplishment. The narrative also touches upon the invaluable lessons learned

along the way, offering insights into perseverance, goal-setting, and the profound

connection between mind and body. As the miles unfolded beneath my feet, so did

a richer understanding of my own capabilities and the limitless potential that lies

within the rhythm of each stride.

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