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In the sprawling corridors of academics, where equations and theories reign

supreme, my decision to embrace running as a college student at IIT transcended

the boundaries of textbooks and lecture halls. What began as a quest for a healthy

diversion amidst the rigors of academic life evolved into a vibrant result of personal

growth and resilience.

As the echoes of my footsteps resounded against the backdrop of IIT's iconic

grounds, each stride became a rebellious note against the monotony of exams and

deadlines. The challenges faced on the running track mirrored those encountered

in the pursuit of engineering excellence—requiring grit, determination, and the

ability to navigate the unexpected curves.

As I conclude this chapter of my running journey within the vibrant walls of IIT, the

lessons learned extend far beyond the track. They resonate in the lecture halls,

mingle with the hostel life, and inspire a holistic approach to the student

experience. This report stands not just as a testament to my personal strides but as

an invitation for fellow students to discover the transformative potential that lies in

the simple act of lacing up and running towards both academic and personal


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