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Homework # 10

Q 1 An oil company has three refineries that produce particular oil, which is then transported to
four distribution centers. The total quantity produed by each refinery and the total requirement of
each distribution center and the associated cost $ per 1000 barrels are given below

Refineries Distribution centers Supply

$80 70 50 60 16000

B 60 90 40 80 20000
50 50 95 90 14000

Demand 10000 10000 12000 18000

i. Suggest the transportation schedule that minimizes the total transportation cost
i. If the company wants that at least 5,000 barrels of oil are transported from refinery Cto
distribution center W, willthe optimum transportation schedule change?If so, what will
be the new schedule?
a. 2There willbe a surplus of 8, 7,9 and 10 trailers in cities 1,2,3 and 4 respectively by the beginning
of next week. Cities A,8,C and D have a deficit of 6, 7, 9 and 8 trailers respectively. The cost of

moving the trailers from each surplus city to each deficit city is given below:


1 26 32 27 33

Surplus 2 17 28 16 16

3 38 21 14 17

4 22 25 24 27

Find the best plan of trailer movement

Q.3 Five jobs are to be processed on five machines. Any machine can process any job with the
resulting profit what is the maximum profit that can be expected


40 37 36 21 40

Jobs 2 35 24 28 28 37

3 27 25 33 30 36

4 34 34 33 40 39

43 30 42 37 38

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