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It is evident that technology has made the world a global village.

Hence businesses especially e-

commerce as made products reach the end-user or customer very quickly; using the B2C

business model, also known as online businesses. These models are rapidly growing and

promising sectors. With global retail e-commerce sales estimated at 4.9 trillion dollars in 2021,

B2C eCommerce businesses connect, interact, and transact with customers directly. Examples

include Alibaba, Amazon, eBay, Walmart, and others operating a B2C business that have a

strong customer relations management model, driving sales growth and profit margins. By

converting to eCommerce, businesses can minimize overhead costs, increase revenue, and

expand their service areas, reaching, creating customer Personas and retaining local, national and

global customers (Roy, 2023).

With the above, I have chosen Alibaba as the good example of B2C



Alibaba, founded by Jack Ma and 17 co-founders in 1999, is a global e-commerce platform that

offers a unique business-to-business solution for resellers and drop shipping businesses; being a

merchants, shoppers and stores. With a rating of 4.58 stars from 13,475 reviews, Alibaba has

become a popular choice for small business owners seeking reliable suppliers for their selling

needs. The platform allows users to stock up on essential items for their stores and work through

drop shipping partnerships to have them sent directly to customers. Alibaba's model differs from
major players like Amazon and eBay, focusing on trade between companies. However, due

diligence is essential when choosing a Seller on Alibaba, as there are different product qualities

available. Alibaba does not charge commissions or transaction fees, but customers can pay for

gold supplier membership if they meet the gold supplier standard, increasing their chances of

getting better quality products (Perry, 2023).

I choose Craigslist as the bad B2C example,be

Craigslist, a 1995 community website for hosting ads, job postings, selling of products, rendering

services, and personal activities. , has not improved since its launch. The homepage is cramped

and difficult to navigate, and the results page is organized by dates rather than locations. The

calender is disorganized, and text hierarchy and color have evolved to differentiate between

normal and hyperlinked content. With the aforementioned I will not allow scammers to take

advantage of the above, leaving it vulnerable to scammers. Hence will not recommend it to

anyone; (Riley, 2019).

In conclusion, I choose Alibaba because of its trustworthiness, and quick income

generation, while Craigslist is the opposite that create problems for customers and others

Perry, M. (2023, June 09). Alibaba Reviews (2023): How to Have a Secure Buying Experience.

Ecommerce Platforms. Retrieved 25 June 2023, from

Roy, S (2023, May 17). Examples of B2C Business Model - (Business-to-Customer Based Firm).

Bdtask. Retrieved 24 June 2023, from


Riley, H. (2019, September 13). Craigslist, a bad or good interface? Medium. Retrieved 25 June

2023, from


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