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Exchange magnon-polaritons in microwave cavities

Yunshan Cao1 , Peng Yan1 , Hans Huebl2,3,4, Sebastian T.B. Goennenwein2,3,4, and Gerrit E.W. Bauer5,1
Kavli Institute of NanoScience, Delft University of Technology, Lorentzweg 1, 2628 CJ Delft, The Netherlands
Walther-Meißner-Institute, Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 85748 Garching, Germany
Nanosystems Initiative Munich, D-80799 München, Germany
Physik-Department, Technische Universität München, D-85748 Garching, Germany and
Institute for Materials Research and WPI-AIMR, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8577, Japan
(Dated: March 25, 2015)
arXiv:1412.5809v3 [cond-mat.mes-hall] 24 Mar 2015

We formulate a scattering theory to study magnetic films in microwave cavities beyond the independent-spin
and rotating wave approximations of the Tavis-Cummings model. We demonstrate that strong coupling can be
realized not only for the ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) mode, but also for spin wave resonances (SWRs); the
coupling strengths are mode dependent and decrease with increasing mode index. The strong coupling regime
can be also accessed electrically by spin pumping into a metal contact.

PACS numbers: 75.30.Ds, 75.60.Ch, 85.75.-d

I. INTRODUCTION external/intrisic loss rates of the microwave resonator (total

damping rate κc = κe + κi ). The self-energy caused by the
Strong light-matter interaction is a central subject in quantum magnon-photon coupling reads Σ(ω) = g2eff /[i(ω−ωFMR )−κs ],
information and communication science and technology. Hy- with FMR frequency ωFMR and magnetic relaxation rate κs .
brid systems consisting of resonantly coupled spin ensembles When geff > κs,c , the strong coupling regime is achieved
and microwaves received much attention recently [1–3]. In and explained well by the TC model [11–19]. However,
magnetic materials, spins are coupled by the exchange inter- the TC model based on monochrome mode interaction and
actions into ordered states. The collective elementary exci- the rotating-wave approximation (RWA), fails to describe the
tations of the spin system are spin waves or magnons. Ar- ultra-strong coupling (USC) regime and multi-mode behavior.
guably the most important experimental technique is the mi- Although the TC model can in principle be repaired to cover
crowave spectroscopy of the magnetic order parameter called the USC regime [22], the cited experiments investigated ferro-
ferromagnetic resonance (FMR) and/or spin wave resonance magnetic samples of different shapes exposed to microwaves
(SWR) [4], which is usually used to study magnetism in the in different geometries, which is beyond a generic TC model.
weak coupling limit. In the strong coupling limit, the hy- In this paper we present a first-principles theory that super-
bridized states of the magnetic order parameter with electro- sedes the TC model in treating ferromagnetic objects coher-
magnetic waves are magnon-polaritons [5, 6]. They can be ently interacting with microwaves.
observed only when the viscous damping of the magnetization
dynamics as parameterized by the Gilbert constant is suffi- Huebl et al. [13] demonstrated strong coupling of a YIG
ciently weak. Of special interest from a materials perspective film in a superconducting CPW in terms of an anti-crossing in
is yttrium iron garnet (YIG) [7, 8], a ferrimagnetic insulator. the microwave transmission spectrum when the FMR matches
YIG is advantageous due to (i) an extremely low dissipation, the CPW frequency. A series of anti-crossings for thicker
with Gilbert damping factor α down to ∼ 10−5 [9]; (ii) a large YIG samples indicative of spin wave excitations are reported
spin density 2 × 1022 cm−3 [10], much higher than in para- in YIG-film split-rings [14, 15]. Tabuchi et al. [16] studied
magnetic materials which only have about 1015 ∼ 1018 cm−3 the strong coupling regime for YIG spheres in 3D cavity sys-
[11, 12]. Therefore, strong coupling is much easier to achieve tem down to low temperatures and subsequently coupled the
using YIG, in either broad-band coplanar waveguides (CPWs) magnon to a qubit via the microwave cavity mode. Character-
[13–15] or metallic microwave cavities [16–18]. istic phenomena associated with distinct parameter regimes,
The conventional description for the coherent interaction like magnetically induced transparency (κ s < geff < κc ) and
between spins and photons is based on the Tavis-Cummings Purcell effect (κc < geff < κ s ), even the USC regime beyond
(TC) model [19], where the effective coupling strength geff = the RWA were observed by Zhang et al. [17]. Goryachev et
√ al. [18] reported strong coupling between multiple magnon
Ng s of a single
√ magnon (N spins) to a single photon is en-
hanced by N as compared to the coupling g s to a single modes and a dark cavity mode for submillimeter-size YIG
spin. A standard input-output formalism in the low photon spheres in 3D reentrant cavities, as well as a high coopera-
number limit [20, 21] provides the transmission amplitude of tivity of > 105 by USC to a bright cavity mode.
microwaves from the input to the output port of the microwave Strongly hybridized magnon-polaritons as observed in the
resonator (sketched in Fig. 1(a)), above experiments cannot be described in terms of a single
κe magnon-photon coupling process. In the present work, we
S 21 = , (1) formulate the coupling of a magnetic film to microwaves in a
i(ω − ωc ) − (κe + κi ) + Σ(ω)
cavity by means of scattering approach. Our method is valid
where ωc , κe,i are, respectively, the resonance frequency and for the full parameter range spanning the weak to strong, even

ultra-strong coupling limits. We obtain a general transmission (a)

all all
formula that reduces to the TC model in the appropriate lim- z ity
y C av H C av
its. To this end we solve the coupled Maxwell’s and Landau- e(x,t) FI VISHE
h(x,t) 1 2
Lifshitz-Gilbert (LLG) equations without making the conven- x rt rt
Po M Po
tional magnetostatic approximation. We may then compute Incident
microwave absorption and transmission spectra that can be Microwaves Transmission
characterized by multi-mode strong coupling and the mode- ηε0
Reflec"on dy
dependent coupling strengths. Furthermore, we consider the d
electric detection in the strong coupling regime through spin L

pumping [23] technique as measured in a Pt contact by the (b) Z

inverse spin Hall effect (ISHE) [24, 25]. ψ1 ψ2 ψ4 ψ5
This paper is organized as follows: In Sec. II, we model 1 a1 ψ3 c1 S
the cavity and derive the equations of motion for coupled
F a2 c2
magnons and photons. Section III gives the formulation of the
scattering theory and the main results of the magnon-photon d
strong coupling in both paramagnets and ferromagnets. An 0 L/2 L
electric detection of the strong coupling is also proposed via
spin pumping and inverse spin Hall effects. Conclusions are FIG. 1. Magnetic film in a planar microwave cavity.
drawn in Sec. IV.

II. MODEL fields, where, the exchange field Hex = J∇2 m with exchange
constant J. For wave vector k = k x̂, the coupled Eqs. (3) and
The weak to strong coupling transition can best be stud- (4) become,
ied in a simple configuration as shown in Fig. 1(a). The ! !
calculations for general configurations will be reported else- (1 + uk )kε2 −ivk kε2 hx
= 0. (5)
where. The magnetic film lies in the y-z plane between the ivk kε2 (1 + uk )kε2 − k2 hy
cavity defining mirrors. The equilibrium magnetization points
with ωM = γµ0 Ms , ωH = γµ0 H, ωk = ωH + JωM k2 − iαω
into the z-direction by crystal anisotropy, dipolar, and ex-
ternal magnetic fields. The incident microwave propagates
along x with rf magnetic field linearly polarized along y. ωk ωM ωωM
uk = 2 , vk = 2 . (6)
The cavity walls are modeled by the permeability µ(x) = ωk − ω2 ωk − ω2
µ0 [1 + 2ℓδ(x) + 2ℓδ(x − L)], where L is the cavity width and
ℓ models the wall opacity. In the absence of sources, the mi- The secular equation of Eq. (5) gives the dispersion relation
crowaves satisfy the Maxwell’s equation in frequency space, for the coupled microwave and spin wave modes or magnon-
polaritons [26–28]
µ(x) 2
∂2x h(x) +
h i
q h(x) = 0, (2) (1 + uk )k2 = (1 + uk )2 − v2k kε2 . (7)
where q = ω/c, with vacuum speed of light c = 1/ ε0 µ0 , and
ε0 , µ0 are the vacuum permittivity and permeability, respec-
A. Paramagnet (J = 0)
Inside the magnetic film, we consider small-amplitude spa- We first consider the simplest case of a paramagnet with un-
tiotemporal magnetizations M = Ms ẑ + m, where Ms is the coupled spins (J = 0), which is equivalent with the macrospin
saturation magnetization and m is driven by the rf magnetic model for unpinned ferromagnetic order. uk = u, vk = v are
field h, according to the Maxwell’s equation p
k independent and k = kε 1 + u − v2 /(1 + u) for a given fre-
  quency ω. h x = −m x is the dipolar field. √ The susceptibil-
∇2 + kε2 h(x) = ∇(∇ · h(x)) − kε2 m(x), (3)
ity χ = ∂my /∂hy resonates at ωFMR = ωH (ωH + ωM ) with
linewidth ∆ωFMR ≃ α(2ωH + ωM ). Rewriting the hy (x, t) =
where ε is the permittivity of the magnet, kε2 ≡ εµ0 ω2 = ηq2 ,
ψ(x)e−iωt , the potentials ψ(x) in the five separated regimes
and dielectric constant η = ε/ε0 . M is governed by the LLG
marked in Fig.1(b) read
α ψ1 (x) = eiqx + Fe−iqx , ψ2 (x) = a1 eiqx + a2 e−iqx , (8a)
∂t M = −γµ0 M × Heff + M × ∂t M, (4)
ψ3 (x) = b1 eikx + b2 e−ikx , ψ4 (x) = c1 eiqx + c2 e−iqx , (8b)
where γ, α are the gyromagnetic ratio and Gilbert damping
constant, respectively. The effective magnetic field Heff =
Hẑ + Hex + h, consists of external, exchange, and rf magnetic ψ5 (x) = S eiqx . (8c)

The coefficients {S , F, a1 , a2 , b1 , b2 , c1 , c2 } are determined by ∝ d and by the dielectric constant η. Anti-crossings be-
the electromagnetic boundary conditions of continuity and tween magnetic andqcavity modes occur at ωFMR = ωc,n or
flux conservation at each interface. The transmission coeffi- µ0 Hres,n = (−ωM + ω2M + 4ω2c,n )/ (2γ). When not stated oth-
cient is
  erwise, we use the parameters for YIG, with η = 15 [29],
1 − β2 tc2 ei(k−q)d γ/(2π) = 28 GHz/T and µ0 Ms = 175 mT [30], while reported
S =  , (9) α’s range from 10−5 ∼ 10−3 [9, 31, 32]. The resonance fre-
1 − βrc eiφ 2 − e2ikd β − rc eiφ 2

quency ωc and loss rate κc of the cavity is governed by its
where φ = q(L − d), β = (ηq − k)/(ηq + k), introducing the width L and opacity ℓ. We choose L = 46 mm to be much
scattering coefficients of a single cavity wall tc = i/(i+qℓ) and larger than the film thickness d and the n = 3 cavity mode
rc = −qℓ/(i + qℓ). We first inspect the resonant cavity modes (around 10 GHz) as well as a κc,3 of the order of MHz, both of
identified by the maxima of the transmission probability |S |2 which can be tuned by ℓ.
for non-magnetic loads at
(a) 9.91 (b) d=5μm

Frequency ω/2π [GHz]

  h i

Frequency ω/2π [GHz]

1 + |rc |2 β sin(kd) = |rc | β2 sin(kd − φ∗ ) + sin(kd + φ∗ ) , 9.88 0.8
(10) n=4 9.85 2g3 0.6
where φ∗ = φ + Arg(rc ). For d = 0, we recover the resonance 11
condition of an empty cavity: φ∗n = (n + 1)π, with mode index 10

n = 1, 2, .... It follows from Eqs. (7) and (10) that the res- 9 n=3
9.76 Hres,3
onance frequencies ωc,n depend on both loading fraction d/L 0 2 4 6 8 10 0.25 0.27 0.29 0.31
Loading d/L (%) Magne"c field μ0H [T]
and dielectric constant η. The cavity mode frequencies for a
nonmagnetic load are shown in Fig. 2(a). Odd modes ωc,2 j−1 13 (c) d=1mm 2.0 (d)  g3  g4

Frequency ω/2π [GHz]


Coupling gn /2π [GHz]

12 ω
have nodes of the electric field at the sample position and de- c,4 2g4 0.8 1.5 Eq.(12a) 
11 
pend only weakly on the film thickness, in contrast to the even 0.6

10 ωc,3 2g3 
modes ωc,2 j with antinodes that lead to redshifts. The anti-  

9 0.4  
crossings of the cavity modes indicate hybridization induced 0.5

  
8  
0.0 
 
by the dielectric load that modulates its intrinsic properties. 7 Hres,3 Hres,4
0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 10 20 30 40 50
The mode shifting due to the dielectric loading predicted here Magne"c field μ0H [T] d [μm1/2]
is absent in the TC model. To avoid this complication, we
focus our discussions on the nearly empty cavity regime with FIG. 2. (a) Hybridized cavity eigen-modes [solutions of Eq. (10)]
loading rates d/L < 5% and on odd cavity modes. in the presence of a non-magnetic load as a function of loading rate
In the limit of long wavelength, i.e., k ≪ 1/d only the lead- with dielectric constant η = 15. Transmission spectra as a function
ing term up to order k2 contributes. The transmission coeffi- of magnetic field and frequency for two different magnetic films with
cient then reduces to parameters (b) d = 5 µm, and (c) d = 1 mm. (d) Thickness depen-
dence of coupling strength for the third and fourth modes. In the cal-
Sn =  , (11) culations, the length of the cavity L = 46 mm, cavity opacity ℓ/L = 2
i(ω − ωc,n ) − κc,n − ig2n ω − ωFMR + iκ s,n −1 except for 0.4 used in (c) to demonstrate the USC with enough reso-
lution, Gilbert damping α = 3 × 10−4 , and exchange constant J = 0
where κc,n ≃ c3 /[2(L − d)ω2c,n ℓ2 ] is the loss rate of the loaded (paramagnetic limit).
cavity, and κ s,n ≃ α ω2M + 4ω2c,n /2 is that of the magnetic film
to the leading order in the Gilbert damping α. The transmission spectrum in the paramagnetic limit J = 0
The effective coupling strengths gn depend on the parity √ of is shown for a thin film with d = 5 µm (d/L = 0.01%) in
the cavity modes, i.e., the odd-mode coupling scales as d Fig. 2(b). At the resonant photon frequency ωc,3 = 9.84 GHz,
a coupling strength of g3 = 57.77 MHz is extracted from
dωM (ωM + ωH ) φ∗2 j−1
g22 j−1 = cos2 , (12a) the anti-crossing, where g3 is much larger than both κc,3 =
2(L − d) 2 1.44 MHz and κ s,3 = 3.04 MHz, which implies strong cou-
pling for a quasi 1D model assuming homogeneous cross-
while for even modes higher order corrections have to be in-
ing section. However, when d = 1 mm (d/L = 2.17%) in
Fig. 2(c), an additional anti-crossing resonance at ωc,4 =
dωM (ωM + ωH ) φ∗2 j 11.27 GHz is observed with coupling strength g4 = 0.43 GHz.
g22 j = cos2 (12b) The main resonance for ωc,3 = 10.03 GHz has a coupling
2(L − d) 2
  2 strength g3 = 0.83 GHz, corresponding to a cooperativity
φ∗2 j dηq2 j tan φ∗2 j /2 C = g23 /(κc κ s ) = 15072 at loss rates κc,3 = 34.71 MHz and
× 1 − dηq2 j tan + ,
2 6 κ s,3 = 3.10 MHz, thereby approaching the USC regime of
gn & 0.1ωc,n . The coupling can also go into the magnetically-
where φ∗n is the phase at resonance frequency ωc,n . Both odd induced transparency and Purcell effect regimes [17] by tun-
and even modes can be tuned by the total number of spins ing the parameters (not shown here).

The coupling strengths increase with d as shown in Fig. appreciable when the magnetic film thickness is compara-
2(d), where the red circles and blue squares are extracted from ble with the exchange length, λex ≃ 17 nm for YIG, but
numerical results for the full model calculations Eq. (9), and they play a significant role in the spectra of much thicker
the solid lines are the analytical Eqs. (12a) and (12b) without samples. For high quality magnetization dynamics corre-
any fitting parameter. In the paramagnetic limit, the full model sponding to a Gilbert damping α = 10−5 , the strong cou-
converges to Eq. (1) when kd ≪ 1. The formula for gn begins pling of the odd spin wave modes becomes evident from

to deviate when kd ≃ 1, where film thickness d ≃ c/( ηω) = the transmission spectrum for d = 1 µm ≫ λex . In Fig.
1.3 mm for ω/2π = 10 GHz as shown in Fig. 2(d). Finite 3(a), anti-crossings occurs at ωSWR with odd p that are
temperature can significantly reduce the spin polarization of marked by red dashed lines at the SWR magnetic fields
paramagnets, while ferromagnets are much more robust. (p)
µ0 Hres ≃ −ωM − 2JωM (pπ/d)2 + ω2M + 4ω2c,3 /(2γ). The
satellite anti-crossings are absent in the TC model.
B. Ferromagnet (J > 0)
In Fig. 3(b), for d = 5 µm, the anti-crossing resonances of
the lower spin wave modes condensate to the FMR splitting
Now we consider finite exchange coupling, i.e., J > 0.
area. The coupling strengths decrease with increasing mode
Equation (7) has then 3 solutions for a given frequency and
number as shown in Fig. 3(c). The magnon-photon coupling
ψ3 (x) is modified as
for the main p = 1 mode is proportional to the total √magneti-
X  zation, the coupling strength for spin waves g(p) ∝ d/p for
ψ3 (x) = b1, j eik j x + b2, j e−ik j x . (13) pinned surface magnetizations, as shown in Fig. 3(d). For
j=1 very thick films, i.e., d > 2 µm, the spin wave modes start to
overlap and are difficult to distinguish. This collapse heralds
the transition to the paramagnetic macrospin model in spite
9.91 (a) d=1μm 9.91 (b) d=5μm
|S|2 of the surface pinning.
√ The lowest spin-wave mode is always
Frequency ω/2π [GHz]


9.88 9.88 0.8

dominant with d-scaling that is not affected by the transi-
ωc,3 9.85 ωc,3
tion, as shown in the inset of Fig. 3(d).
9.85 0.6

9.82 9.82 0.4 C. Spin pumping

9.79 9.79
res H(3)
res H(1)
res H(1)
Spin pumping detected by the ISHE is a useful electrical
9.76 9.76 0 technique to study magnetization dynamics [24]. Let us con-
0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29 0.25 0.26 0.27 0.28 0.29
Magne c field μ0H [T] Magne c field μ0H [T] sider an ultrathin Pt film attached to the edge of the YIG
40 (c) 40 (d) 160  slab as in Fig. 1(a). We assume free boundary conditions
d[μm] 120 

 1.6 80

at the edges y = 0. The magnetization dynamics at the in-
g(p)/2π [MHz]

30  30 40

1 2 3 4 5 6 7  terface then injects a spin current into the Pt film that gener-
  sp
20  0.5 20  ates a Hall voltage VISHE = DISHE js over the Pt wire, with
  p=3
   DISHE ≡ (2e/~)θξ(d/σdy) tanh(dy /2ξ). We illustrate strong
10  10   
  
         p=5 coupling in the VISHE spectrum here for the paramagnetic (un-
d=10μm  
 

    
0 0
1 3 5 7 9 0.5 0.7 0.9 1.1 1.3 pinned macrospin) limit J = 0. The pumped spin current can
Mode number p d [μm1/2] be written
# Z L+d
~g↑↓ v2 iv∗
" !
sp r ω 2
js = 2
Im u − ∗
dx|ψ3 (x)|2 . (14)
FIG. 3. (a,b) : Transmission for d = 1 µm and d = 5 µm; (c,d): 4πdMs 1+u 1+u L−d
Mode-dependent coupling strengths. In the calculations we used cav- We assume that the Pt wire has the width dy = 10 nm with
ity opacity ℓ/L = 2, Gilbert damping α = 10−5 , and ferromagnetic
exchange constant J = 3 × 10−16 m2 [8].
conductivity σ = 107 (m · Ω)−1 , spin mixing conductance
g↑↓ 19 −2
r = 10 m , spin Hall angle θ = 0.11 and spin diffusion
length ξ = 1.5 nm [36]. The spin back-flow contributes a mi-
The magnetization dynamics now becomes sensitive to the
nor correction that we disregard since ξ ≪ dy . The rf magnetic
surface boundary conditions. Kittel [33] has shown that
amplitude is chosen as µ0 h0 = 10 µT. The microwave power
pinning of the magnetization at the surface is required for
absorption is defined as the integration of the Poynting vector
SWR (the absorption of spatially homogeneous microwaves
enclosed by a section of the volume of the sample reads,
by higher order spin waves), and the symmetrically pinned
! Z L+d
boundaries merely render odd modes observable. Here µ0 dy dz ω v2 2

we adopt boundary conditions m((L ± d) /2) = 0, which Pabs = Im u − dx|ψ3 (x)|2 . (15)
2 1 + u L−d 2
can be justified by sufficiently strong surface anisotropies
(p) sp
[34, 35]. The standing spin wave frequencies are ωSWR = By substituting u and v, we find that js /Pabs ∝ ωM (ωM +
(ωH + 2JωM (pπ/d)2)(ωM + ωH + 2JωM (pπ/d)2) where p ∈ ωH )/α[ω2 + (ωM + ωH )2 ] is almost a constant near the reso-
N0 . We consider in the following magnetic film thicknesses nance, which proves that the spin pumping is a reliable mea-
in the range 0.1 ∼ 5 µm. Naively, exchange effects are sure of the microwave absorption. VISHE as a function of rf

9.91 d=5μm 1.0 26103006), FOM (Stichting voor Fundamenteel Onderzoek

Frequency ω/2π [GHz] 0.8
der Materie), the ICC-IMR, EU-FET InSpin 612759, and
9.88 DFG Priority Programme 1538 “Spin-Caloric Transport” (BA

VISHE /(25nV)
9.85 0.6 2954/1, GO 944/4) and the collaborative research center
ωc,3 SFB631 (C3).
9.82 0.4

9.79 0.2

9.76 Hres,3 0
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