Policy Recommendation

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Policy Recommendation For Mending the International Education Gap

A. Problem
In the past two years, the COVID-19 pandemic has forced schools across the world to pivot to
an online model of learning, resulting in a disconnect between students who were stuck online and
students who were able to continue in-person education. This led to imbalances in learning
experiences and unfair advantage for more privileged students. Moreover, online learning is often less
effective than in-person learning. This has also led to students achieving lower grades and not
accurately reflecting a student’s true learning ability. Another critical factor is the socio-economic
state of different countries and how this impacts their students’ access to online education. The
education gap is extremely important to solve, as it is detrimental to students’ mental health and
motivation towards learning. Being online deprives students of most of their social interactions in
everyday life, which could impact them negatively. Furthermore, this educational divide furthers the
divide that will be present in the workforce later on and makes it harder for underprivileged students
to succeed in finding jobs.

B. Recommended Changes
There are several reasons why a just and inclusive education is desirable. To grow as a
person and actively engage in society is a fundamental human right.
a. Increase Security Around the School
i. This recommendation is becoming increasingly important in recent
years, with all the conflicts arising as a result of the pandemic.
Providing proper security allows students to better focus on their
learning and will allow them to gather information at a quicker rate.
However, security should not be enforced in a way that creates a
fearful atmosphere.
ii. The solution is to hire more safety officers to protect the students, but
instead of having them all concentrated in one place, they should be
spread across the school. Thus it will allow for a quicker response to
any threats while also making the school seem almost free of security.
Furthermore, the officers should attempt to make connections with the
student body to better improve the atmosphere.
C. Resources
a. Online learning has been a challenging hurdle for many communities to
overcome, but it does provide some distinct advantages. One of which is the
plethora of resources that are now easily accessible on a global scale. All of
these resources are free of cost to use.
● Khan Academy
○ A great website that offers videos on thousands of topics that
allow students to learn at their own pace.
● Code.org
○ Code.org allows students to further their knowledge on the
subject of computer science with fun, interactive activities.
● HowStuffWorks
○ HowStuffWorks is a great source of scientific articles for
students to read.
● National Geographic Kids
○ National Geographic Kids allows children to learn about
animals through videos, science experiments, and many

D. Discord Server
a. Students across the world would benefit from being able to communicate and
work together with others. This discord server will provide a medium for
students to discuss schoolwork and share notes in order to assist students in
their pursuit to learn.
b. https://discord.gg/TwYAaxQeTq

E. Social Media
a. This instagram page will spread information across the globe through the
internet promoting many educational resources and tips. It will hopefully
inspire students to take an interest in their studies while also providing many
resources for them to use.

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