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FEMALE HOROSCOPES Personality of a female when following signs become lagna; Aries-casily angered, harsh tongued, not much attached to relatives, ‘Taurus-truthful, pleasant manners, humble, beloved of husband, attached to relay Gemini-harsh tongue, lustful, lacks good qualities, manly, tins, Cancer-gentle, loves relatives who like her, blessed with comfort and children good character. " Leo-sharp, quarrelsome, helpful to others, well dressed, voracious eater, Virgo-humble, adept in fine arts, helps relatives, enjoys married life, Libra-sensuous, gives in easily to sexual advances, innocent, Scorpio-truthful, good qualities, devoted to husband, Sagittarius-manly, unfriendly, lacks conjugal bliss, Capricorn- truthful, chief in family, famous, enjoys good sex life, loves pilgrimages ox: hair, sons and character. ’ Aquarius- noble, clever, loves her husband, esteemed by relatives, Pisces- noble, clever, loves her husband, esteemed by relatives, religious, has lovely eyes and hair. (These are subject to modifications based upon planet(s) posited in or aspecting lagna) House (bhava) indications specifically in a female horoscope: 1%... personality, beauty, complexion, physique and general appearance of a female. 24. kurumbha, family life, their welfare, family happiness. 4"....sangam (sexual intercourse), chastity, domestic environments, family happines. 5h... garabhasthana, womb, pregnancy, conceptions, delivery, nature of delivery z= Ist conception, children’s fortunes, sex-enjoyments, flirtations, love affair, . marriage, husband’s fortunes nature & character, her sexual passions and desires, procreative power, sex-life, fidelity vis-a-vis life partner, sowmangalaya, husband's longevity, widowhood, marital bond, sexusl act, sex organ, married, happiness, sexual perversities, sowbhagya, puttarsthana, sons, way of behaviour with life partner, ed-comforts, sexual perversions and promiscuousness. Planets in lagna: Sun. Moon. . Moon Mercury. TM, Bh, short-tempered, tawny complexion, lean body, beautiful, slender body, quarrelsome, an skilled in music and arts, skilled in arguing, happy: £004 5° fond of happiness and ease, irritable, jealous, in lagna in Scorpio/Aries....dislikes husband. brown complexion, youthful looks, energetic bodys quick ins Mars Mercury. voluptuous, i Mercury. sofi and of fine qualities, learned, intellectual, lovin y a fenu skilled in art and beloved of husband, agreeable. gol upiter. Foyal majestic appearance with less sex appeals WN” Progeny (sons and grand sons), ocaNned WITT Met Female Horoscopes charming, attractive to op PASite SEX, Pood marr 17 m fiery temperament, aged looks, aS pies lite, gp menstrual troubles, > BIC views, {fi es riches, attractive, agreeable, a comforts, no ifics- repulsive manners, disagreeable Personality, planets in7. . os Marriage delayed, less liking for sex, even husband has hatred for sex, bodily s ailments, Separation from husbands fai-complexiond, ibn iba tempered husband. If in own sign/amsa..gentle in sexual Activities, stresses and tensions in married life. : pNeecha.. Libido may be absent, sterility may result. If aspected by inimical planets- separation, Yen. Moody but obedient to husband who will be gentle in sex life, fond of sex, husband lustful, tender hearted, Aspect of Venu is-love marriage; neecha Moon- bad for happy married life. Full of libido, husband irascible, extram: and loving husband who is gentle arital affairs if not having understanding but cruel in speech. If aspected by inimical.....widowhood or estrangement. Mercury. Husband learned but lacks libido but very considerate, lucky marriage, migraine attacks; Love and regard for husband who is noble but fails to understand wife, life generally Smooth, long lived and rich husband, best position in Taurus, Cancer and Libra, Constant strife if 7 is in a Saturnine sign. If aspected by Mars- couple enjoys sex life to maximum. Handsome fortunate and profligate husband, marriage on the spur or due & infatuation, sex main object of life, children neglected, pelvic pains, win diseases, husband is of artistic and poetic nature. Mar’s aspect-immoral aa y diseases; Jupiter’s aspect -healthy sex life; Mercury's aspect- sobering effec . ¢ has set ideas and Late but stable marriage, aged husband who lacks libido native has set ies an lower r; . lars aspect-bs in sex life and may marry ‘ justable, pessimistic, Mars aspect-bad is im sex life and may lower rank man, Selfi Satur ma e st ca sition, moody, that of Saturn; ma out of caste, may get scandalous post fish, greedy, difficult for friendship, ; "conventional marriage, inhibited sex habits, peevish, st + Husband handsome, aged and ease loving eparation from husband, widowhood. quarrelsome; lack of issues. U eaky, frank, ms tWo marriages, adulterous. es deve : ie 7 Void, Impotent husband. ™ Se AMeNGth in 7 give separation from husband. 2d mans houses: ( (regarding married life only) ag g marri¢t appy MAMTAEE ¢ will have a say, loves her husband, a happy a= 738% _ acannea wit Carfiscar Practical Vedic Astrology 188 20. Unconventional marriage even with relative, married life happy beset with g 3 Late marriage generally in known circles, a happy marriage unless aspecte by ‘ti 4 An arranged marriage, happy domestic life, | nig 5. A self chosen person, may be through professional circle, lesbian tendencies, 6%. Marriage possible outside community, loves husband but unhappy married ff 7. Love marriage, happy marriage, devoted. , 8. Late marriage on the spur or due to infatuation, happy married life, 9. A happy arranged marriage in known circle. 10®-A self chosen person, may be through profession, lesbian tendencies. 11™-Arranged marriage which is generally good. 12-Unconventional and unhappy marriage. 7% lord ooncha, swakshetra and in auspicious shadvargas makes a woman sowbhagyanai Planets in 8" house: SP Sun: Widowhood or severe arishta to her husband giving her grief. Moon: Little sorrows reflect in every aspect of her life, marital happiness, widowhood if Moon is weak, ever aggrieved, short tempered, ill dressed, hard-hearted and angry nature. Mars: Mangleek, fond of sex, irreligious, offensive, sorrowful conditions. Mercury: Unrighteous, grief stricken, unsympathetic, ungrateful, sickly, timid, quarrelsome, good and loving husband. Jupiter: Married life unpleasant, abortions, sickly, arishta for children. Venus: Miscarriage, want of comforts, ill-dressed, ill-behaved, short-tempered, averse to customary observances, likes to dupe others. Saturn: Widowhood (if aspected by Mars), thievish habits, cruel, unromantic and charmless married life, sickly husband, careless, sneaky, dishonest. Rahu: Vishkanya who violates tradition of her family, widowhood if weak i Moon conjoins Rahu, otherwise separation, a sex-maniac. ethu: Widowhood or separation from husband in dasha/blukti of Keth- Saturn-Mars: Suffers in married life and prone to female disea Benefics in 8 - sexually principled person. Malefics in 8" - lack of Principles in sexual conduct. Sat i ssiomale. turn Mars or Venus Saturn in mutual Navamsha makes one extremely passions Some Observations ing i ; Atmaara in 7 aspected by 9! lord gives a very happy and prospeto"s maria a cae benefics but functional malefies in 9! do not give good results ae aa Fares sive perverted taste in sex, want of comfarts. revo! barren OF Moon, if occupied by a benefic or own lord desttos’ "ir 7 lord in weet shkannye or widowhood, but these benefics will be helble eae in 6, 8 or 12" or neecha or is 5. Fem : neecha or is combust. a as an with lagna and Moon in odd signs aspected by 1 a aspected by be ote qualities and perverted intelligence. 1" ia enefics they have py : 6. Matec intucne Mey Mave good! husband ant chien shat “ navarn OF on navamsa of 8% Jord, a maletic sig® OF oecannea with Camocar Female Horoscopes jor of 8" aspected by 2 malefic gives separation from husband or Widowhood penefic influence on 8" can balance malefic influences, Fe of 9 in 10% gives well -known and prosperous issues, Sarum in lagna and Sun in 5" and Mars in 9" makes one a dreaded wife, 5 Ge benefic and one malefic in lagna and two maletics in 6! makes sna 9 Geaded wife. ; ae ip, Mas in in Taurus gives good husband and prosperous enjoyable marriage, Venus in signs 3, 4, 5, 6,9, 12 - native dies before 7,8, 10, I1- wife out - lives husband. Malefics in 7 or/and 8" house are counter balanced by Jupiter in 2", 4th house. 13, Yenus in 9" in a female chart without affliction provides luxurious life to her. 14, In female horoscope affliction of 7% and 8" house is off set aside by a strong 9" house/lord and she enjoys a happy married life. Jipiter or Venus in 12 gives the habit of frugality and savings, enjoyments of sex life in early years and pious in later years. Some combinations husband; Venus in signs 1,2, ', or gt For widowhood: Lords of 7" and 8" aspected by malefics. \ 2. Lords of 7, 8 in 12" and either 7 or 8! aspected by a malefic. 3, Tord as a malefic or in a malefic house while Mars Saturn is in 7 or 8%. 4. Lord of 7" with Saturn aspected by Mars while Moon Rahu is in 8%. 5. Rahu Mars Saturn in 7 or 8" house or Mars and Rahu in 2", 7" or 8 house. 6 — Rahu in 7 and 7" lord with Sun aspected by lord of 8". 1. Malefic planets in strength in 7", & Sun Saturn in 8% - widowhood or barrenness. . Malefic influence on 8" and 8" lord in a malefic navamsha. Severe malefics in 12" or 8'- widowhood or barrenness. (Benefic influence _— 8% or 12" respectively balances malefic influence). 1p Malefic in 8* identical with a malefic sign. Severe ntlefics unrelieved by benefic aspect in 7 house. rs "S affictions to the 7" house and its lord may lead to separation. "il dispost 1 Aispositions for married life: oo 1 by Mars. 3... Combinations mentioned above, 2. Rahu Saturn in 7" aspected by &a- Afflicted weak Jupiter. ion between powerful Saturn Venus, 6, Sinus Rah Mars in 3 successive houses in this order. oo 4, {vere affliction to Mars. Leo close to Sun in Varga 9, “AUS surrounded by Sun Moon in reference to 7" hous Afflicted oe Of 4 and 9 debilitated, .. 10, Mars in Jupiter's siz! "ihinizes lord in a dual sign or in 7" or 8! house give plural Seng blemish. (Pl.see page 292- role of upapada.) sof Sun, * aspected by Jupiter. saspected by Jupiter. HV inarriages. Jupiter aspect efi i se cepeet on 8" Fic in 2% or in gih, 2. Jupiter’s aspect on 8". ae paaeet ocannea wit Caihscar ™!; Jupiter aspects tory of gs Practical Vedic Astrology in 8" 3. Benefies in 2", malefics in 8". 4. it 7 5, Jupiter in 4. one ; 6. Jupiter's aspect on a malefic in 8" without malefic aspect on Jupiter 7" and 8" houses are best vacant. Inter-caste marriage: 1. Venus Rahu in 6 or 11". 2. Mars in gt 3. Rahu's sambandh with 7 and its lord. 4. Moon Mas in 6 poy Fare Venus in angles or together in 12%. 6. Jupiter in 7g tt i 5! provided 5" lord is notin 8%, hp Easy delivery: A benefic in ; Abort ringes/cesarean delivery: 2. Jupiter afflicted by Key th of 12 and afflicted. 4, Malefics in all 58,7 an4 3. 5. all 1%, 6, 7 and 8", 6. Moon in 5" in Taurus Leo Virgo Scorpio aspected by Mars. 7. Mars and Saturn or Rabu in 5. 8. Exchange of Lords of $a 9, Mars and Sun aspects 5. 10. Sun Rahu or Sun Kethy iss Maletics in or aspect 5" without connection of any benefic planet. 1. Affliction to 5" and 9" bhavas. 2. Saturn Mars in 7" aspected by malefics. 3. 7 house or navamsha occupied by 7" lord and should be owned by Sun, Mrs without any benefic aspect. 4, If Satu is rising in a rikta sandhi and Venus is in the 7% house, the wife willte t= Rikta sandhis are the 4" quarter of ashlesha, the 4" quarter of Revati andthe = moola. Husband’s profession - is judged from lord of 4" and planets in 4. ; Direction from which he hails - is indicated by the rashi calculated by adding longi" and 7" lord; or rashi of planet in 7". Influence of planets on 7 or its lord decides ® direction one marries. ed Venus-S.E; Mars-South; Rahu-S.W; Saturn-West; Moon-N.W; Meru Nature of husband is judged from the planet tenanting 7, lord of 7% and house 07° Jord in navamsha of: Sun-indifferent to sex; Moon- lustful; Mars: insite Mercury-leared; Jupiter- Versa Saturn-age Rahu/Kethu - Modern ideas ant philoso Lord 2 OM and Jupiter in 6%, 8% or 12" ~ husband is short lived ifn Kerstin rich and long, lived; if conjunct with Mere ats and Saturn-a big land lord, and. if conjunct with a 16 aah fw! ! A ocannea WIT! Camacar Female Horoscopes teristics & predictions based on birth data; rat ; I i birth of a female on a particular Week day coincigi i ly Hee mental make-up as under:~ ” sensing hee Cae Saturday or a Sunday, the 3" 4" ang 7 194 210 tithis gives oy, tithis point to barre aren rate " NESS, Unless Bo0d yous are ‘(Ona Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and iday, the 9", the 12", the 13%, b that the woman is loyal to husband, brin 0 en a ; 5 him Ick, gives ge 5" tithi indicate ‘Nand has excetlen «ality. vitality. «. Ona Tuesday, the 2", 10, of J" tithi points toa mind divorced of progres © character is rendered bad. Various sorrows follow. 4. Onany week-day, 1%, the 2", the 5%, the 6th currents are not positive. The sth extremely mercenary and selfish. 00d childre sive dynamism, The or the 14% Mth tithi is generally we: tithi is excellent for “ak and the thought. Money and comfort S but the woman is Vishkanyas A vishkanya violates traditions of her family. When a female is born under following combinations she is known as Vishkanya (a widow and a barren woman), Sunday- Bharani nak. nak, tithi Monday-Chitra Saturday- Aslesha - Dweetiya Tuesday-U.Shadha “* Sunday- Satabhisha - Dwadasi Wednesday- Dhanishta “ Tuesday- Visakha - Saprami. Thursday-Jyestha Friday-PShadha « Saturday-Revati, « Ether a benefic in 7 or lord of 7 in 7 cancels vishkanya dosha. nakshatras and their effects: Lagna or Moon in the constellation of: Moola (esp. on Sunday)... baneful for father-in-Jaw Ashlesha vee Baneful for mother: Vishekha (4% pada) is baneful for younger brother of husband Dian lagna and Moon in Poorvashadh affects father Moon Karaka lagna and Moon in pushya affects mother or lagna in Constellation and pada as under: —— wat 44y birth... bad for a , gandanta means-Ist pada ef ane La Mak! Dvide>ad for mother, moot and lust pu of aes pestis Rea sah rt akshatra into 15 parts of 54° each and see where 1. Fath? OF €¥il to the following: peeeetet Sra zhhama ws 3 Se c ow 8. Paternal uncle; on 148i 15. Maternal grant (nak. means nakshatra) 7 <"3.4a™ a scannea win Camacar 192 Practical Vedic Astrology Gandamoola Effects Constellation | 1% pada 2" pada | 3" pada 4 pada Moola evil to father | evilto mother | Loss of wealth | not bad brave, calm, religious, healthy, lear- | wealthy, vituns, helpful. lovable. ned, sweet. generous Ashlesha not bad oss of wealth | evil to mother | evil to father Ashwini evil to father | comforts gain from ingly lite frien Makha evil to parents | evil to father | comforts gain of money Jyeshtha evil to elder evil to younger | evil to mother self loss brother. brother. Jyeshtha- evil to eldest | evil to elder evil to father | self loss Tuesday brother brother. Revati kingly life loss of property| loss of wealth | many toubls Likewise if Moon is in Jyeshtha, divide it in 10 parts of 80' each: evil for: 1. maternal grand mother; 2. mother’s father; 3, Mother's brother; 4.Mother; 5. Own; 6. Dynasty; 7. family of native: 8. elder brother; 9. father-in-law; 10. whole. Moon in 1* pada of U.phalguni, 2” or 3" of pushya, 3" of Chitra, Bharani, 3 of Hasta; and 4" of Revati is bad. Views from Dharamsindhu: Birth (of a boy or girl) in — 1. 1 pada of Moola nakshatra, 2. 2" pada of Moola nakshatra. 3. 3" pada of Moola nakshatra 4, 4" pada of Moola nakshatra 1 or 2™ of .evil for father. | for mother. for wealth. -shubha, vil for father-in-law: 6. cevil for mother-in-lw. ay 7. vil for eler brser MH 8. vil for younger brother of ee antl? ; tions) Important: Jupiter in an angle or tine removes many doshas (altlictio® credit and honour to husband and fami Venus in a female chart without affliction gives luxurious life 10 het Parents-in-law: a. Planet Venus and 10!" house in D/] and D/9 represent nN b. Planet Sun and 3" house in D/L and D/9 represent father! other in-la yt 1 yer ink: (Please see page 278 also) a oC Yea With CaMocal

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