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Digestive system :

1- The main function of the digestive system are :

a) Ingestion & digestion
b) Peristalsis and secretion
c) Absorption& elimination
d) All of the above
2- The movement of digestion product, water, vitamins and electrolytes across the GI tract
epithelium and in two underlined blood vessels is called :
a) Ingestion
b) Absorb
c) Digestion
d) Secretion

3- All of the following are organs of digestive system except :

a) Spleen
b) Liver
c) Tongue
d) Esophagus

4- Which selection include only accessory organs :

a) Salivary gland, thyroid, pancreas, liver
b) Stomach, duodenum, pancreas, gall bladder
c) Gall bladder, liver, pancreas, salivary gland
d) Liver, thyroid, gall bladder,spleen

5- Movements in the small intestine that churn the materials being digested and mix them with
intestinal secretion are :
a) Peristalsis
b) Pendular motality
c) Segmentation
d) Haustral

6- Which term describes the wave of muscular contraction that moves the material through GI
tract towards the anus :
a) Peristalsis
b) Pendular motality
c) Segmentation
d) Haustral

7- The three pairs of multicellular salivary gland that secretes into the oral cavity :
a) Alpha, beta,delta
b) Parotid,submandibular, sublingual
c) Palatine, lingual
d) Serous, mucus, mixed

8- What is the the mineralized matrix similar to bone but harder that form the mass of each tooth :
a) Enamel
b) Dentin
c) Semuntum
d) Pulp

9- Which messentry covers most of the abdominal organs extending inferiorly from the greater
curvature of the stomach :
a) Lesser omuntum
b) Greater omuntum
c) Messentry propper
d) Mesoncolon

10- What is the function of villi in small intestine :

a) Decreases the amount of surface
b) Facilitate enzyme retention
c) Increase surface area for absorption
d) To sweep pancreas across surface

11- From deep to superficial, what are the tunica of interpertonial portions of the GI tract :
a) Serosa, muscularis, submucosa,mucosa
b) Mucosa, submucosa,muscularis, serosa
c) Adventita, muscularis, submucosa, mucosa
d) Mucosa, submucosa, adventitia

12- In which of the following selections are the GI tract organs correctly matched with the type of
epithelium :
a) Oral cavity and esophagus, stratified cuboidal
b) Stomach and small intestine, stratified squamous
c) Secal, colon and rectum, simple columnar
d) All of the above

13- Within the mucus membrane of the GI tract, the layer of areolar connective tissue is called :
a) Mucosal lining
b) Lamina propria
c) Muscularis mucosa
d) Submucosa

14- The esophagus enter the abdominal cavity through the opening in the diaphragm :
a) Foramen
b) Thoracic canal
c) Cardiac orifice
d) Esophageal hiatus

15- Arrange the segments of colon in the sequence through the materials passes barrier to
defecation [ 1- segmoid / 2- transverse / 3- ascending / 4- descending ]
Ans. : 3-2-4-1

16- Which digestive organ mechanically and chemically transform a food bolus in two chyme :
a) Esophagus
b) Stomach
c) Small intestine
d) Large intestine

17- Which list proceeds from the superiorly to inferiorly end of the stomach :
a) Pylorus, fundus, cardia, body
b) Cardia, body,fundus, pylorus
c) Cardia, fundus,body,pylorus
d) Body,cardia,pylorus,fundus

18- The prominent fold of the mucosa that nearly disappears when the stomach expands :
a) Gastric bids
b) Rauge
c) Belka
d) Omanta

19- Production of bile os one function of :

a) Gall bladder
b) Liver
c) Pillary apparatus
d) Duodenum

20- From the superior end downward the three segment of the small intestine are :
a) Ilium, duodenum, jejunum
b) Jejunum, ilium,duodenum
c) Duodenum, jejunum, ilium
d) Duodenum, ilium, jejunum

21- Which sequence list the regions of large intestine from the end of the ilium to the anus :
a)secum,rectum,anal canal, colon
b) colon, rectum, anal canal, secum
c) secum, colon, rectum, anal canal
d) colon, secum, rectum, anal canal

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