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Second year - Anatomy midterm 2017

Yasmeen AlJafar Mariam Alqattan Ibtesam Alsulaimani

Manar Al-Otaibi Mouna Elzein Mariam Alshammari

Ranim Al-Matar Aisha Albarazi Mariam Al Rakyan

Fajer AlSejari. Naba kalandar Jumana Alibrahim

Shahad Khaled Khawlah Fandi Ghadeer Aldeqbasi

Haya alotaibi Sarah Qabazard Monerah fahad

Najla alajmi Asmaa Khalid Dalal Almutairi

1. Lysosome is involved in
A) Cellular digestion ✔
B) Protein syntheses

2. Which of the following organelles are involved in steroids syntheses ?

A) Mitochondria
B) Golgi appartus
D) SER ✔

3. How many cells are formed after meiosis ?

A) 1
B) 2
C) 3
D) 4 ✔
E) 5

4. Skins & hair belong to?

A) Lymphatic system
B) Integumentary system
C) Immune system
D) Digestive system
E) Respiratory system

5. Which part of the neuron involved in the reception of nerves

impulse ?!
A) Axon
B) Cell body
E) Dendrites ✔
D) Myelin

6. Which of the following is not a neuroglia ?!

A) Oligodendrocytes
B) Microglia
C) Ependyma
D) Fibroblast
7. What type of bones is the patella?
A) Long
B) Short
C) Sesamoid ✔
D) Irregular

8. What type of bones is the vertabra?

A) Long
B) Short
C) Sesamoid
D) Irregular ✔

9. Which of the following cervical vertebra is considered atypical

A) C1 ✔
B) C3
C) C4
D) C5
E) C6

10. The largest, strongest, heaviest vertebra are

A) Lumbar ✔
B) Cervical
C) Thoracic

11. The number of bones on one hand include Carpal , metacarpal,

A) 14
B) 17
C) 30
D) 27 ✔
E) 31

12. The largest and longest and heaviest bone in human body
A) Humorous
B) Femur ✔
D) Unla
E) Radius

13. How many bones did adult human Skelton contain

A) 200
B) 206 ✔
C) 208
D) 210
E) 212

14. Which of the following is not part of axial skeltaon

A) Sternum
B) Ribs
C) Ulna ✔
D) Hyoid
E) Vertebrae

15. Which of the following does NOT have a nucleus

A) Neutrophils
B) Platelets ✔
C) Basophils
D) Lymphocytes
E) Esinophils

16. Which of the following is a monocle agranulocyte

A) Basophils
B) Neutrophils
C) Lymphocytes ✔
D) Megakaryocyte
E) Neutrophils

17. All of the following are not a part of the nucleolus except
A) Par tuberosa
B) Par fibrosa

18. All of the following exist in the cytoplasm except

A) Nucleus
B) Lysosomes
C) Golgi
E) Glycogen

19. Ipsilateral means

A) Same side
B) Opposite side

20. The bone that houses the hearing

A) Temporal
B) Zygomatic
C) Frontal

21. The biggest immovable bone of face

A) Frontal
B) Maxilla
C) Mandible

22. The movable bone of the head is

A) Frontal
B) Maxilla
C) Mandible

23. All are part of abdominal pelvic region except

A) Epigastric
B) Umbilical
C) Viscera
D) Pubis

24. Single layer of cells of varied in shapes and hight

A) Pseudostratified Columnar ✔

25. Several layers of cells , characterized by large, dome-shaped cells

at the free surface :
A) Transitional✔

26. Plamsma membrane is is made of

A) lipid
B) carbohydrate
C) protein
D) a , b , c ✔

27. Which one is part of the neucleulas :

A) pars fobrosa ✔

28. Which of the following is an emberyonic connective tissue?

A) Fibroblast
B) Mucous ✔

29. Which of the following is a smooth muscle contractant?

A) Histamine ✔
B) heparin

30. The knee joint is formed by the articulation of

A) Femur and tibia ✔
B) Femur and fibula
C) Tibia and fibula
D) Humerus and tibia
E) Humerus and fibula

31. What type of synovial joint is the knee joint?

A) Ball and socket
B) Pivot
C) Hinge ✔
D) Gliding
E) Condyloid

32.The whole muscle mass is further surrounded by a dense

collagenous sheath called ?
A) Endomysium
B) Perimysium
C) Epimysium ✔

33. What's inside the light band striation?

A) Z disc ✔
B) H disc
C) M disc

34. All the following skull bones are in Pairs EXCEPT?

A) Temporal
B) Parietal
C) Ethmoid✔
D) Maxillae

35. The study of a specific region of the body such as head or chest is a
subdivision of anatomy called?
A) Systemic anatomy
B) Regional anatomy ✔
C) Surface anatomy
D) Cytology

36. Structural changes followed by diseasei is a ?

A) Pathological anatomy ✔
B) Systemic anatomy
C) Cytology
D) Surface anatomy

37. The division of the head into anterior and posterior is called:
A) Frontal suture

38. The unequal left and right division is called:

A) parasagittal

39. which of the following is a single skull bone in adults skull

A) temporal
B) parietal
C) ethomaid
D) lacrminal

40. In which of sella trucia is locate

A) sephionad
B) maxila
C) zygometic
41. pectoral gridle is consist of :
A) humerus and scapula
B) scapula and clavicle
C) humerus and clavicle

42. acromion process is a part of :

A) scapula
B) tiba
C) flibula

43. The hip bone is formed by the union of :

A) illum & ischium
B) pubis & ischium
C) illum & pubis
D) illum & acetabulum
E) illum, ischium & pubis

43. each rib articulate by which of the following part of vertebral column :
A) cervical
B) Thoracic
C) lumbar
D) sacrum
E) coccyx

44. Which of the following is not the correct anatomical position

A) standing erect
B) hands and palms forwards
C) heels together
D) great toes adjacent
E) face and eyes forward

45. There are .. pairs of flouting ribs

A) 2

46. The rib number that consider a true rib

A) 7
B) 8
C) 9
D) 10

47. Which of organelles have DNA , 70s ribosome , lipid and protein?
A) Mitochondria ✔
B) Lysozyme
C) Nucleus

48. Which type of tissue responsible for repair?

A) Epithelial ✔
B) Connective
C) Nervous

49. study associated with any change in the body or any disease:
A) Embryology
B) Regional anatomy
C) Pathology ✔

50. Which of the following is *NOT* part of the abdominopelvic regions:

A) Epigasric
B) hypogasric
C) Viscular
D) Umbilical

51. All of these are muscle characteristics EXCEPT :

A) It's syncytial

52. Cells in the lucanae are:

A) osteocytes

53. The junction between a nerve cell and another cell

A) synapse ✔
B) Z disc
C) H zone
54. Which of the following is a mononucleo agranulucyte
A) basophils
B) nutrophils
C) lymphocytes
D) Megakaryocyte
E) nutrophils

55. which cranial bone houses the auditory ossicles

56. which bone articulates with the perpendicular plan of the ethmoid
bone to form septum

57. where is the pituitary gland located

58. Which of the following organelles replicate like bacteria

59. What is the facial bone that articulate with the perpendicular plate of
ethmoid to form nasal septum

60. Single layer of cells of varied in shapes and hight

A) Pseudostratified Columnar

61. Several layers of cells , characterized by large, dome-shaped cells

at the free surface
A) Transitional

62. Which one of the following cells produce myosin?

A) Schwann cells

63. in muscles, thin filaments are called?

A) Actin

64. Which organelle divide like mitochondria?

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