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February 6, 2023

Mr. Noval Riyaldi Ryan

Director of Google Indonesia

Hero Street, no 3 Pontianak


With respect,

Dear Mr Noval Ryan, Dear CEO of PIXAR Lab,

Assalamualaiku Wr. Wb,

Good Morning,


Based on the information I received from Google Indonesia has a job opening as IT staff. In
connection with that, I would like to apply that position.

Here is my brief biography:

Name : Rahmadanu Rio

Gender : Male/ Female

Date of birth : Pontianak, January 24, 2005

Education : IT Bachelor

Phone number : 0777777777

Email :

Website :

Media Social/IG : @RioDAnuTampan

I can speak English, Korean, Jappanesse, German which are orally and verbally. I also
have the skill software such as phyton, html, java that I believe would assist in the work.

For your consideration, I have also attached multiples such as:

Curriculum vitae Copy of transcript Photocopy of bachelor, Lates 3×4 photography Id
government copy. I hope I can get the chance to follow the next test so I can talk about my
abilities and skills in person with you. Thank you for your attention.



Rahmadanu Rio

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