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Update for the Alliance About the Omegans if They Are Not Busy by Lucus Louize

Recently I have found out the two current main undercover “Confederation” operatives I
have been talking with are actually likely undercover Omegans. Similar to brother Bob
when the undercover Omegan pretended to be a “Korendian” operative in the article from
the Spurious Contacts Files titled ‘Policy Decisions (Spurious)’ Dec 7, 1963 from the
excellent TerraKor Files site, who gave brother Bob disinformation, in my case the
undercover Omegans pretending to be undercover “Confederation” operatives did many
things that seemed wrong including things like making promises then breaking them (as
usual) or blame my chronic disease on my politics (which is very similar to UnEc).
Obviously the real Confederation operatives would not do any of these things. The
undercover Omegan operatives posing as undercover “Confederation” operatives also did
the good cop/bad cop scenario with me as usual in order to try to manipulate me like a
parasite trying to manipulate its host.

In my humble opinion I personally think the best scenario is that I make it into the real
Confederation worlds in the next life with my personality and memory intact so I can
promote the Mathew 23:23 system and friendship between the Sector Command and
Project Terra, however I am unsure if the real Confederation currently has any interest in
me or the systems I have made considering the main people I was talking too who I
believed to be undercover Confederation operatives ended up being likely undercover
Omegans. Since I like making systems, maybe if they are interested, perhaps I can be
useful to the Alliance. If the real Confederation is uninterested in having me join them in
the next life with my memory and personality intact, maybe if the Alliance are interested,
perhaps I could maybe join the Alliance in the next life with memory and personality
intact so I can make systems for them that may help out in small ways against the
Omegans if the Alliance are interested. It would be a humbling honor for me to serve in
that capacity if there is any value in it for the Alliance. Whatever my future holds I will
do my best in whatever is most pragmatic in service to God and the Alliance and real

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