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ABSTRACT Purwanto, Nanang. 2010.

Implementation Study of Defining Basic Competence in the Forms of Learning Implementation Plan (RPP) of Biology Class for Grade XI Viewed from Completion and Contents Presentation Under Standard of Process for Public High School in Tulungagung. Thesis, Department of Biology Education, State University of Malang. Supervisor: (I). Drs. Hadi Margono M.A, (II), Drs. Sri Rahayu Lestari, Si Key words: definition of basic competencies, learning implementation plan (RPP), the standard of process. Learning implementation plan (RPP) must consider the principles and steps of preparation that had been established in Permendiknas No. 41 of 2007 on Standard Process. From the observations made in April 2010 in the existing high schools of districts, the researchers found differences in the contents of components from several RPP collected. The differences are encouraging the researcher to conduct a research that aims to determine the suitability of RPP for grade XI made by biology teacher with Standard of Process for the complete and systematic learning plan. Of the 10 high schools of the district, the researcher managed to collect 34 RPP biology from four schools : SMAN 1 Gondang, SMAN 1 Kedungwaru, SMAN 1 Boyolangu and SMAN 1 Campurdarat. The commonality of biology RPP which are used, the researchers choose specifically 46 pieces of biology 13 RPP from SMAN 1 Kedungwaru and 33 RPP from SMAN 1 Gondang as samples. This research is limited to the analysis of documents and use 63 statement items by the reference of Standard Process as a research instruments. Characteristics and facts about the RPP are obtained by identifying the content of each component of the RPP and the results of the identification is in the form of scores / numbers. The data is then processed in the form of percentages and evaluated based on assessment criteria RPP. The results showed that (1) from 68.26% indicators which are concerned as fairly good indicators, 5.073% formulation of indicators aim to the achievement of skills and there is no formulation that aim to the achievement of affective domain, (2) from 66.43% formulation of learning objectives which are stated quite well, as 49.3% formulation of learning objectives that contain components of C (Condition), there is no formula that contains a component D (Degree) and aim to the achievement of affective domain, and only 4.5%, which is aimed to the acquisition of skill, (3) of 77.6% expressed good teaching materials, 50% teaching materials written in the form of points, (4) from 57.77% learning method is in the predicate good enough, 50% include the approach, teaching models and methods used in the model, the use of learning methods and only 4.41% which aim to the achievement of skills, (5) 53.4% of the learning procedures in both categories, 50% of activities containing the initial explanation of the competence that must be mastered, 1.04% closing activities contains the assessment of teachers' activities on the learning process and outcomes, there is no reflection on the activities of students, 3.13% of the closing activities contain a provision of feedback on learning processes

and outcomes, and 3.7 the closing activities contained planned follow up activities of learning outcomes, (6) of 94.14% source / instructional media in the category of very good, (7) from 51.86% aims to assessment techniques is quite good, 4.66% direct assessment techniques to the attainment of skills, 5, 88% apparent assessment procedures of initial activities, 33.98% show apparently the assessment procedure of closing activities, (8) 67.2% RPP made by high school Biology teachers in Tulungagung expressed in accordance with Standard Process. Based on these results and refer to Permendiknas No 41 year 2007 about Standard of Process, suggesting some aspects of assessment in RPP components that need improvement are: (a) the formulation of indicators does not aim to the achievement skills and affective domain, (b) formulation of learning objectives that does not contain component C (Condition), component D (Degree) and does not aim to the achievement of affective domain and skills, (c) teaching materials that are not written in the form of points, (d) learning method that does not include the approach, teaching models and methods used in the model, the use of learning methods and which are not aimed to the acquisition of skills, (e) on the procedure of learning, the initial activities that do not contain an explanation of the competence that must be mastered, closing activities which do not include teachers assessment on the learning processes and outcomes , which does not contain a reflection of students, which does not contain a closing activity which provides feedback on learning processes and outcomes, and which does not contain the closing activities which contain planned follow-up activities of learning outcomes, (f) assessment techniques that do not aim to the acquisitionof skills, unclear initial activity assessment procedures, and unclear procedures for the final assessment activities.

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