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FluidModeler 2019.

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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with futher PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.
Release: 01 Local InTouch

Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler.

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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

Table of contents

Objectives of the document. .......................................................................................................................... 3

Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler. ................................................................................................ 3
Checking the quality of conformity between the FluidModeler and PVTi model. ............................................ 4
Exporting PVT tables for a hydrodynamic model. .......................................................................................... 8
What to do, if... ............................................................................................................................................ 10

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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

Objectives of the document.

At the end of 2019, a new software product FluidModeler was released - this is a PVT package that
provides advanced capabilities for the analysis of reservoir fluids. The entire workflow is presented in a
modern and user-friendly interface. Simultaneous work with several PVT samples is possible within a single
project. In addition to all the necessary standard set for working with PVT data (recombination, modeling
experiments, setting the equation of state, etc.), FluidModeler implements:
 the ability to store alternative component models in one project, so you can compare different models
in terms of efficiency, without moving from project to project;
 combining samples with different component model;
 interactive and simple setting of regression parameters for tuning to fact. Detailed report on setup;
 new mixing pressure estimation algorithm (MCMP) - Ahmadi & Jones (2002), more stable and
unambiguous than the separate Condensing drive / Vaporizing drive algorithm for combining
(lumping) components;
 data export in ECLIPSE format (black oil and compositional), PIPESIM (gfa file) and much more.

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Another important feature of the FluidModeler is that you can easily track the entire history of fluid
changes in the model and, if necessary, return to them at any stage of the transformation.
The document describes detailed instructions for converting PVT models from the PVTi software
product into the new FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for the hydrodynamic model.

Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler.

The task of switching to a new software product is often not very trivial and requires considerable
time and knowledge to fully convert models. In the case of the transition from PVTi to FluidModeler,
everything is much simpler, since they have a single format for input and output data, but there are certain
nuances that must be taken into account.
First of all, it is important to save your model in PVTi in a concise format, as shown in Figure 1. When
saving, select File -> Save (concise).

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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

Figure 1: Project saving in PVTi

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The next step is to go to FluidModeler and open the saved project with File -> Open -> Browse.
Notice the entries in the Message log. Some of the experiments may not be fully loaded or require
recalculation in FluidModeler (see Figure 2).

Figure 2: Message log in FluidModeler

Checking the quality of conformity between the FluidModeler and PVTi model.
Since the project was uploaded in a compressed format, then for complete confidence that the
simulation results are not lost, it is necessary to reconcile all experiments, calculate and check the identity of
the results for both packages. In order to run an experiment for calculation, you need to select it and click on
Experiment stage data -> Run. Perhaps, in some experiments (for example, CVD, SEPS, etc.), it will be

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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

necessary to fill in empty fields, for example, temperature (see Figure 3). In PVTi, the observed data table
can be found by right-clicking on an experiment and choosing Edit from the drop-down menu.

Figure 3: Run on the calculation of experiments

After the calculation, you can also view the composition of the fluid by double-clicking on the fluid (in
our case, this is ZI), check the compliance with the phase envelope of the fluid and check the graphs for the

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configured experiments. To do this, you need to select a fluid, click on Plot -> Phase, or select an experiment
and click Plot -> Experiment plot (see Figure 4) or select from the context menu by right-clicking on the

Figure 4: Location of buttons for viewing charts and plots

It is important to check all the results obtained in FluidModeler with the PVTi results:
 to view the composition of the fluid in PVTi, right-click on the fluid ZI and select Edit Mole Fractions
from the context menu;
 to view the phase envelope - select Phase plot from the same context menu;
 and in order to compare graphs for experiments, you need to right-click on an experiment in PVTi
and select Plot from the context menu.
For example, compare the results from the CVD experiment (see Figure 5). We see that the results
are absolutely identical.
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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

Figure 5: Comparison of plots for CVD experiment (Z-factor) in PVTi and FluidModeler

PVTi FluidModeler

Let's compare the composition of the ZI fluid in both PVT packages (see Figure 6).

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Figure 6: Comparison of fluid composition in PVTi and FluidModeler

PVTi FluidModeler

It will also be useful to check the calculation results in tabular form. To view a report on an experiment
in PVTi, right-click on it and select Report from the drop-down menu. And in FluidModeler, just select an
experiment from the experiments folder and click on Experiment compositions, which is located on the toolbar
in the Windows process group. For example, compare the calculation results of the SEPS experiment (see
Figure 7).

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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

Figure 7: Comparison of experimental results in PVTi and FluidModeler in tabular form


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Note that only regression results are supported, settings and variables are not carried over.
After a detailed analysis and comparison of the results, you can start exporting tables for the

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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

Exporting PVT tables for a hydrodynamic model.

To export PVT tables for the simulator, select the configured model. In the Fluids group, click the
Export fluid drop-down list and select the Export fluid to Black oil table command to export the tables for the
Black oil model (see Figure 8). You can also upload data for compositional and thermodynamic models.

Figure 8: Table export

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Next, you need to enter additional data for exporting tables (see Figures 9, 10) and fill in the following
1. Format of keywords for exporting into tables;
2. Units of measurement of the exported data;
3. Type of fluid;
4. Data from experiments or enter the pressure range manually (on the Black oil export tab of the
main working window);
5. Temperature;
6. Select an experiment on the separator, enter data manually (on the Black oil export tab of the
main working window) or use standard conditions;
7. Click Perform calculation-> Export to save the table file on your computer or Accept to save the
data in the FluidModeler project.

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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

Figure 9: Filling the pressure range manually

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Figure 10: Settings for exporting tables



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Converting a PVTi project to a FluidModeler with further PVT tables exporting for a hydrodynamic model.

What to do, if...

This section will reflect user questions that arise while working with FluidModeler.

Problem 1: How to open a PVTi project in FluidModeler? The message log contains the following entries:
"File cannot read file fragment standard conditions: t, p (units above) stcond….". The error window is shown
in Figure 11.

Figure 11: Error message

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Solution: There may be several reasons, but first of all make sure that your PVTi project is saved in a concise
format. Also check that the dot is set on your system as the Decimal Symbol in regional settings.

Problem 2: I cannot export PVT tables for the simulator, although everything is loaded into FluidModeler, all
experiments are calculated and configured.
Solution: Verify that the correct fluid is selected when configuring additional data for export (Figure 10,
parameter 3).

Problem 3: While working in FluidModeler, the program does not allow opening any windows or settings.
What is the problem?
Solution: Check that you have gone through all the steps suggested by the software package (window on
the right) and clicked Accept. Until all changes are accepted, that is, the Accept button is not pressed, the
program will not allow you to edit other parameters.

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