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Future Simple and Continuous Tenses

1. Replace the words in bold with will/won't or shall I/we, as in the

1. I've asked Paul to talk to the landlord, but he refuses to do it.
...I've asked Paul to talk to the landlord, but he won't do it....
2. Do you want me to make a reservation for you?
3. Can you call Barry for me, please?
4. Why don't we try this new dish?
5. Where do you want me to put these flowers?

2. Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the future simple.
1. A: I'm going to the gym tonight.
B: Well, while you ...are... (be) there, I.................................................(do) the
2. A: ....................................(you/call) me when you ……………...............(get)
B: Yes, of course.
3. A: As soon as John .............................(come) in, tell him to come to my
B: Certainly, sir.
4. A: I'm exhausted.
B: Me too. I wonder if David.......................................................(come) to
help tonight.
5. A: Are you going to visit Aunt Mabel this afternoon?
B: Yes, I.......................................(visit) her before
I ..........................................(do) the shopping.
6. A: Is George going to eat dinner with us?
B: No, by the time he....................................(get) home
it.......................................(be) very late.
7. A: When .................................(you/pay) the rent?
B: When I...........................(get) my pay cheque.
8. A: What are your plans for the future?
B: I want to go to university after I ...........................................(finish)
9. A: If you ....................................(pay) for dinner, I
.........................................(pay) for the theatre.
B: Okay, that's a good idea.
10. A: Can you give this message to Mike, please?
B: Well, I'll try, but I doubt if I ...................................................(see) him

3. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple, the present simple or
the present continuous.
1. A: I seeing... (see) Roger at seven o'clock tonight.
B: Really? I thought he was out of town.
2. A: .........................................................(you/do) anything on Friday
B: No, I'm free.
3. A: I .............................................(go) to the cinema. There's a new film on.
Do you want to come with me?
B: What time.................................(the film/start)?
4. A: Helen ...................................(have) a party the day after
B: As a matter of fact, I haven't been invited.
5. A: The new exhibition ................................(open) on April 3rd
and...............................(finish) on May 31st.
B: I know. I ...............................................................(go) on the first day.
6. A: Aunt Maggie.........................(come) to visit us tomorrow.
B: I know. What time........................(she/arrive)?
7. A: Excuse me, what time....................................... (the train/leave)?
B: At half past three, madam.
8. A: Michael Jackson..................................(give) a concert at the Olympic
Stadium next week.
B: I know. I .........................(want) to get a ticket.
9. A: I'm really thirsty.
B: I..............................(get) you a glass of water.
10. A: Are you looking forward to your party?
B: Yes. I hope everyone....................... (enjoy) it.
11. A: How old is your sister?
B: She.............................(be) twelve next month.
12 A: What are you doing tonight?
B: I .............................................(probably/watch) TV after dinner.

4. Complete the conversations. Put in will or be going to with the verbs.

Vicky: Have you got a ticket for the play?
Daniel: Yes, …I’m going to see...........(see) it on
Harriet: The alarm's going. It's making an awful
Mike: OK, …I’ll switch..........(switch) it off.
1 Daniel: Did you buy this book?
Matthew: No, Emma did. She.........................................................(read)
it on holiday.
2 Laura: Would you like tea or coffee?
Sarah: Oh, I.........................................................(have) coffee, please.
3 Trevor: I'm going to miss a good film on TV because I'll be out tonight.
Laura: I.........................................................(video) it for you, if you
4 Rachel: I'm just going out to get a paper.
Emma: What newspaper.........................................................(you /
5. What would you say? Use will or be going to.
You want to express your intention to look round the museum.
Your friend: Do you have any plans for this afternoon?
You: Yes, …I’m going look round the museum.......
1 You hate dogs. Dogs always attack you if they get the chance.
Your friend: That dog doesn't look very friendly.
You: It's coming towards
2 You predict the landing of aliens on the earth in the next ten years.
Your friend: All this talk about aliens is complete nonsense, isn't it?
You: Is it? I
think .............................................................................................................
3 You know that your friend's sister has decided to get married.
Your friend: Have you heard about my sister?
You: Well, I heard
that ......................................................................................................
4 You suddenly decide you want to invite llona for a meal.
Your friend: Did you know llona will be in town next weekend?
You: No, I

6. Complete the news report about the village of Brickfield. Use will or be
going to. Sometimes either is possible.
We have learned this week that the local council has plans for Westside
Park in Brickfield. The council
….is going to sell......(sell) the land to a builder, Forbes and Son. The plans
are all ready. ‘(1).......................................................(we / build) fifty houses,'
said Mr Forbes. 'In two years' time everything
(2)........................................................(be) finished. I'm sure people
(3)...................................................(like) the houses. Most of them
(4).......................................... (be) for young families. And we intend to take
care of the environment. (5)..................................................(we / not/ cut)
down all the trees, only a few of them.' But people living near the park are
angry. This is a terrible idea. We're all against it,' said Mrs Mary Brent.
'6)...................................................(we / have) a protest march on Saturday. I
expect everyone in Brickfield (7)...................................................(be) there.
We've reached our decision. (8)...................................................(we / stop) this

7. Fill in the future simple, the present simple or the present perfect.
A My car is being repaired and I don't know when it 1) ...will be... (be) ready. I
doubt whether I
2) ............................................ (be able to) collect it before the weekend. I
wonder if John 3) ......................(give)
me a lift to the party on Saturday. I'll ask him when he 4)......................
(come) home.
B I was calling to ask if you'd like to go out after we 1)................................
(finish) work tomorrow or if you
2)................................(want) to watch a video instead. Call me back as soon
as you 3)........................(get) in.
I'll wait until I 4) .................................(hear) from you.
C I will leave the hotel early in case there 1) .................. (be) a lot of traffic. I
don't know how long the journey
2)....................(take) or what time the plane 3) ......................................
(land), but I 4) .................................
(call) you as soon as I 5) ...............................................(arrive) at the
airport. Then, I will wait until you
6) ........................................(come) to collect me.
D Paula is drinking tea as she is waiting for Charles. She wonders if he
1) .............................(be) late as usual.
She will wait until the clock 2) .........................(strike) five and then she will
call him in case he

8. Mark and Sarah are continuing the conversation. Put in the verbs. Use
will or the Present Simple.
Sarah: If …you take.... (you /take) a train, …it'll be...... (jt/ be) much more
If (1).............................................(you / need) a car, you can hire one
(2).............................................(you / get) to Glasgow.
Mark: If (3).............................................(I / hire) a car,
(4).............................................(it/be) too complicated. I'd
rather take my own.
Sarah: It's too dangerous. You might fall asleep on the motorway.
Mark: I won't fall asleep. I can play loud music. Anyway,
(5).............................................(I / get) there much
quicker when (6).............................................(there / be) no traffic on
the road. As soon as
(7).............................................(I / arrive),
(8).............................................(I / ring) you, I promise.
Sarah: (9).............................................(I / be) worried until
(10)............................................. (I / hear) from you. But
don't ring before (11).............................................(I / be) awake in
the morning.
Mark: (12).............................................(I / lie) down for a couple of hours
Sarah: Good idea. (14).............................................(you / be) exhausted
tomorrow if
(15).............................................(you / not / get) some sleep this

9. Complete the conversation. Put in a pronoun and the Future

Continuous form of the verb.
Daniel: I'm going to go into business when I leave college. Five years from
…..I’ll be...... (I /run) a big company. I expect
(1)............................................(I / earn) lots of
Vicky: I don't know what (2).............................................(I / do). What
about you, Natasha? What
(3).............................................(you/do), do you think?
Natasha: I'm too lazy to do any work. I intend to marry someone very rich.
(4).............................................(I / give) dinner parties all the time.
We'll have a cook
(5).............................................(who / do) all the work, of course.
And you'll both get invitations. Vicky: You're joking, aren't you, Natasha? I
expect (6).............................................(you / play)
in an orchestra. That's what you really want to do, isn't it?

10. You want to ask a friend to do something for you or to let you do
something. Find out if it is convenient
for your friend. Use the verbs in brackets.
You want to have a look at your friend's magazine tonight, (read)
.....Will you be reading your magazine tonight?............
1 You want your friend to take your library book back today, (go to)
2 You want your friend to send your best wishes to Vicky soon, (write to)
3 You want to use your friend's calculator this afternoon, (use)
4 You want your friend to give a photo to Daniel tomorrow, (see)
5 You want your friend to give you a lift to the festival, (drive)
6 You want your friend to give a message to her sister soon, (phone)

11. Put the verbs in brackets into the future simple or the future
Kevin: Shall we go to the beach tomorrow?
Ruth: Well, I'm working in the morning, but I 1) ..I'II phone... (phone) you
when I finish.
Kevin: Shall we ask Ben and Linda to come with us?
Ruth: Yes. I 2)..............................(see) Linda at work in the morning, so I
3) .............................(ask) her then.
Kevin: If they want to come I 4) ................................... (pick) you up from
work and we can all go together.
Ruth: Great! Just think, we 5)..................................... (swim) in the sea this
time tomorrow! I can't wait!

12. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.
1. A: Are you looking forward to your holiday?
B: Oh, yes! This time next week I ...will/'ll be lying...(lie) on the beach.
2. A: We're having a party on Saturday.
B: Oh, good. I .........................................(make) a cake to bring along.
3. A: Have you finished that report yet?
B: Yes. I......................(give) it to you in a minute.
4. A: Why are you buying all those vegetables?
B: Because I...............................................(make) vegetable soup.
5. A: This writing is too small for me to read.
B: Give it to me and I ...................(read) it to you,
6. A: I.......................(stay) at Claire's house tonight,
B: Alright. I won't expect you home, then.
7. A: Would you like to join me for lunch today?
B: Yes, please. I...............................(meet) you at half past one.
8. A: .......................................(you/help) me with the shopping tomorrow?
B: Of course.
9. A: Are you excited about your trip?
B: Yes. This time tomorrow I...........................(sit) on the plane.
10. A: I can't hear the television very well.
B: I .......................................(turn up) the volume.

Future Perfect and Perfect Continuous

13. Paul wants to be an artist. He's reading about a famous artist called
Winston Plummer.
Winston Plummer was a great artist, who had a wonderful career. He won
lots of prizes before he was twenty. By the age of twenty-five he had had his
own exhibition. He was the subject of a TV documentary by the time he was
thirty. By the age of thirty-five he had become world-famous. He made millions
of pounds from his pictures before he was forty.
Paul is daydreaming about his own future career. What is he thinking?
I hope …..I’ll have won lots of prizes.......before I'm twenty.
1 own exhibition by
the age of twenty-five.
2 I wonder if............................................................................................... by
the time I'm thirty.
3 Maybe................................................................................................. by
the age of thirty-five.
4 I hope the age of forty.

14. How good is your maths? Can you work out the answers?
It's quarter to six. Melanie is putting something in the oven.
It needs to be in the oven for an hour and a half. When will it have
It will have cooked at quarter past seven.
1 It's seven o'clock in the evening, and Andrew is starting to write an essay.
He writes one page every
fifteen minutes. He plans to finish the essay at midnight. How many pages
will he have written?
He will have written.............................................pages.
2 It's Monday morning, and Sarah is travelling to work. It's twenty miles from
her home to the office.
How far will she have travelled to and from work by the time she gets home
on Friday?
4 Matthew is doing press-ups - one every two seconds. How many will he have
done after five minutes?
15. Put the verbs in brackets into the future perfect or the future perfect
1 By 3 o'clock, she ...will have been studying... (study) for six hours.
2 By the end of next month,
Sam ..................................................................................(finish) the project.
3 He ............................................................(not/start) painting the kitchen
before Tuesday.
4 By the time she arrives in Paris, she ...........................................................
(travel) for four hours.
5 I hope I ............................................................(buy) my own house by the
time I'm thirty-five.
6 By Saturday, Lisa.................................................................................(diet)
for two weeks.
7 Hopefully, they..............................................(learn) everything by the time
they sit the exam.
8 By 4 o'clock, I ...................................................(sit) in the hairdresser's for
three hours.
9 By Christmas, I..............................................(work) for this company for
eighteen months.
10 By next weekend, Brian .............................................................................
(move) house.
11 Hopefully, the builders .............................................(finish) building the
house by next month.
12 By Tuesday, Alan ..................................................................................
(sail) for twelve days.
13 By tomorrow morning, she...........................................................(sleep) for
twelve hours.

16. Put the verbs in brackets into the future continuous or the future
1. A: I can't come shopping on Saturday morning because I ...will/'ll be
working... (work).
B: That's a pity.
2. A: Don't phone me later than midnight
because .......................................................(sleep) then.
B: Shall I give you a call at about 10:30, then?
3. A: Come to my house at six o'clock.
B: .................................................(you/finish) your homework by then?
4. A: Have you made the preparations for the party?
B: Not yet, but I ..........................................(finish) them by this evening.
5. A: ..............................................................(you/go) to James' party on
Saturday night?
B: Yes.
A: Would you mind giving me a lift?
6. A: There's a meeting tomorrow at 4 o'clock.
B: I can't go if it is that late. I...........................................................(leave)
by then.
Future Tenses Review

17. Choose the correct answer.

1 'What are you thinking about?'
This time next week, I ...В... on the beach.'
A will have sunbathed
B will be sunbathing
C will have been sunbathing
2 'Have you finished decorating your house yet?' 'No, but Friday.'
A will be finishing
B will have been finishing
C will have finished
3 'Have you just moved here?'
'No. for two years next month.'
A will be living
B will have been living
C have lived
4 ' the supermarket today?'
'Yes. Do you want me to get you something?'
A Will you have gone
B Will you have been going
C Will you be going
5 'Can you give Steve a message for me?'
'Certainly I.............him at work later on today.'
A will be seeing
B will have seen
C will have been seeing
6 'You've been working hard all day.'
'Yes. At 3 o'clock, I............. for six hours.'
A will be studying
B will have been studying
C will have studied
7 'Sarah has gone to the cinema to see that film again
'I know. After this time, five times!'
A will have seen
B will have been seeing
C will be seeing
8 'John has an exam tomorrow, doesn't he?'
'Yes. In fact, at this time tomorrow, he..........the exam
A will have been sitting
B will be sitting
C has sat
9 'Are you typing another report?'
'Yes. By the time I finish this one, I.............twenty three reports today!'
A will have been typing
B will have typed
C will be typing
10 Those two people have been dancing all evening,
'Yes. By 11 o'clock, they.............for four hours.'
A will have been dancing
B will have danced
C will be dancing

18. Underline the correct tense.

1. Next Monday, Amanda 1) will have been starting/ is starting work. She 2)
is going to work/will work
for a large company in the city centre. By the end of next week, she 3) will be
finishing/will have finished
her training.
2. My parents have been married for almost thirty years. In fact, this time next
month, they 1) will be celebrating/will have been celebrating their 30th
wedding anniversary. They 2) will have been living/will be living in the same
house for twenty-five years by next Thursday, and, by the time my father is
sixty, he 3) will work/will have been working for the same company for forty

19. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.
Dear Victoria,
The holidays are coming and I've made lots of ] plans. This time next week,
I (1) ...’ll be buying... (buy) Christmas presents for my family and friends. I
(2) .......................... (get) everything in one day, so
that I can enjoy myself for the rest of the holidays. I'm staying at home with my
family on Christmas
Day, but two days later I (3).......................................(leave) for Austria. Becky
and I (4)..............................
..................(spend) a week there skiing. I'm sure we
(5).........................................(have) a wonderful time.
When I come back from Austria, I
a party, because it's my birthday on January 5th. I (7)......................................
(be) nineteen! I hope you
Well, I must go now. I'm going to help my mother with the housework. See
you soon!
Love, Penny.
20. Study the following situations, then make sentences using the correct
future tense, as in the example.
1 Your sister says that she is feeling cold. The window is open. You offer to
close it.
.../'// close the window.............................................
2 You have been invited to a party next weekend, but you can't go. You phone
your friend to tell him.
3 You get up in the morning and look out of the window. You see big black
clouds in the sky. You tell your brother about the weather.
5 Your friends want you to go away with them next weekend. You have
already planned to spend the weekend with your parents. Tell your friends.

21. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct future tense.
1 My grandmother is very old. She ...will be... (be) ninety next month.
2 I'm afraid I...........................................................................(fail) my exams
this year.
3 This time next week, they ....................................................................(lie)
on a sandy beach.
4 The team.......................................................................(leave) the office by
9 o'clock tomorrow.
5 By 10 o'clock, Sue ........................................................................... (drive)
for twelve hours.
6 Jenny..............................................................(see) Paul at work, so she can
give him the letter.
7 The film .............................................................................(start) by the
time they get to the cinema.
8 Tom expects he.....................................................................................(get)
a pay rise soon.
9 By 6 o'clock, the
secretary......................................................................................(type) for
three hours.
10 I hope I .....................................................................(buy) my own car by
the time I'm thirty.
11 By next week, they ................................................................................
(live) in this town for two years.
12 I .........................................................................(help) you carry your
13 Martin.......................................................................(do) the work by
Sunday evening.
14 Mother .....................................................(go) to the supermarket tonight.
She has already made her
shopping list.
15 The play .......................................................................(start) at 6 o'clock.

22. Underline the correct tense.

1. When we go to Paris, we will climb/will have climbed the Eiffel Tower.
2. James will have completed/will have been completing his studies by the end
of the year.
3. By the time I get home, I will have been walking/will walk for three hours.
4. Kim will be performing/will have been performing in the school concert next
5. We're too late to catch the bus. It will go/will have gone by now.
'6. We've run out of milk.' 'Really? I will buy/will have been buying some more
this afternoon'.
7. This time tomorrow, I will have been leaving/will be leaving for the airport.
8. Sam will work/will have been working here for two years on Monday.
9. I will collect/will have collected you from Peter's house on my way home.
10. Julia will have found/will be finding the note I left for her by now.

23. Put the verbs Into the correct future tense.

1 Laura and George ...are going.., (go) on holiday next week. They've already
bought the tickets.
2 Wash your hands. Dinner.........................................................(be) ready in
five minutes.
3 The baby keeps closing his eyes. He...............................................(fall)
asleep soon.
4 We ...........................................(not/go) to Penny's party tonight because
Jack is working.
5 We're very late. Mum .............................................. (return) home by now.
6 The football match......................................(begin) in a few minutes. We'd
better hurry up.
7 Jane will have to get up early when
she ..................................................................(start) her new job.
8 I............................................................................(meet) Nick at the airport
at 6 o'clock this evening.

24. Correct the mistakes.

1 This time tomorrow, John is lying on the beach.
2 Peter will help you when he will have finished his dinner.
3 Shall you do the shopping for me, please?
4 Sarah will finish decorating the Christmas tree by midnight.
5 Where do you spend your holidays this summer?
6 I was turning on the heating. It's cold in here.
7 The film has started at half past six.
8 Stop that noise or I'm going to take your toy away.
9 Moira can type these reports as soon as she will come back from her lunch
10 Perhaps the Jacksons have visited us tonight.
11 By the end of the year, Mrs Evans will be teaching for thirty years.
12 Jennifer will move to her new flat on Saturday. She has already arranged

25. Answer the following questions about yourself.

1 What are you doing at the weekend?
2 How long will you have been studying English by the end of this term?
3 How much money will you have saved by the summer?
4 What will you be doing this time next week?
5 What do you think life will be like in the future?
6 Where are you going next summer?
7 What will you have done by the end of today?
8 How many meals will you have eaten by the end of today?

26. Complete the live news report. Put in will and the simple, continuous
or perfect form of the verb.
The Quiz Marathon .......will begin......(begin) in five minutes.
(1)................................................(it / be) a big test for the World Quiz
Champion, Claude Jennings, (2).............................................. (who / answer)
questions from a group of quiz writers. Claude (3)..............................................
(answer) their questions for a very long time. In fact,
(4).......................................................(he / still / give) answers when the rest
of us are in bed tonight. Claude hopes that after 24 hours
(5)..............................................(he / reply) to about seventeen thousand
questions. No meal breaks are planned, so
(6)...........................................................(he / not / eat) anything. If all goes
well, his name
(7)...........................................(be) in the next Guinness Book of Records.
Claude has also got a number of sponsors, and by tomorrow
(8)......................................................(he / earn) at least £10,000 for charity.
(9)................................................(we / return) this afternoon for news of how
Claude is getting on. We think that by then (10)...........................................
(he / get) some way past the five thousandth question.

27. Complete the conversation. In each sentence choose the best form of
the verb to express the future. Usually more than one answer is possible.
Mark: Hello, Claire. Sarah tells me ……you’re going......(you / go) to New York.
Claire: Yes, (1).............................................(I / spend) a couple of days there
next week
(2).............................................(I / look) round the shops.
Mark: (3).............................................(that / be) exciting.
Claire: Exhausting, you mean. I think (4).............................................(I / be)
pretty tired when I get back.
Mark: (5).............................................(you / stay) with friends?
Claire: No, (6).............................................(I / stay) at a hotel near Central
Park. But (7)..............................................
(I / see) my friends. (8)............................................. (I / go) to their
apartment for a meal one evening. And
It isn't definite yet, but (9).............................................(we / see) a
Mark: And when (10).............................................(you / leave)?
Claire: My flight (11).............................................(be) on Tuesday morning.
Mark: OK, (12).............................................(I / see) you when you get back

28. Underline the correct tense.

A Next Saturday, Daisy 1) is flying/flies to Paris for a business meeting. Her
secretary has already booked the flight.
The plane 2) will leave/leaves at nine o'clock in the morning and one of her
business clients 3) will have met/will be
meeting her at the airport when the plane lands. She doesn't know how long
the meeting will last, but she 4) will
have returned/will have been returning home by Thursday evening.
B Florence 1) is going to become/will be becoming a doctor when she finishes
medical school. She thinks she
2)will probably work/will have probably worked in a hospital for most of her
career. This time next month, she 3) will
have revised/will be revising hard for her exams. By the time she gets her
degree she 4) will have been
studying/will have studied medicine for five years. Florence hopes she 5)
will have passed/will pass all the exams
with excellent grades.

29. Translate into English.

1. Мы поверим тебе, дорогой, только после того, как ты расскажешь
правду. 2. Они свяжутся с нами после того, как получат последние данные.
3. Я расскажу тебе все, пока кто-то другой не сделал этого. 4. Вы можете
сесть за стол, дети, только после того, как вымоете руки. И вы сможете
погулять только после того, как съедите кашу. 5. Мы встречаемся в шесть
часов у фонтана, на тот случай, если ты забыла. 6. Сообщи нам, как только
узнаешь результаты экзаменов. 7. Мама все поймет по твоему лицу, прежде
чем ты откроешь рот. 8. Они закончат ремонт, прежде чем
наступит зима. 9. Мы должны накрыть на стол, прежде чем придут гости.

30. Translate into English.

1. Прежде чем вы осознаете это, ваши дети уже вырастут. 2. Прежде чем
вы сядете за стол, друзья, позвольте мне показать вам дом. 3. Нам лучше
найти наши места, прежде чем начнется спектакль. 4. — Ей будет
двадцать три года, когда она закончит университет. — Сомневаюсь,
сможет ли она сделать это вовремя, если она выйдет замуж, и у нее
появится ребенок. 5. Можешь смотреть телевизор после того, как уберешь
свою комнату. 6. Когда увидишь Сашу, скажи ему, что он все еще должен
мне деньги. Скажи ему также, что я интересуюсь, когда же он мне их вер-
нет. 7. Как только детектив получит компрометирующие сведения, он
свяжется с вами, мистер Ричардсон. Но ему хотелось бы также знать,
получит ли он полную свободу в своих действиях. 8. Никто не может
предсказать, где и когда этот человек появится. Но как только он
появляется, все начинают работать с удвоенной энергией (twice as hard).

31. Translate into English.

1. В своей следующей лекции ученый будет говорить о сверхъестественных
явлениях в этой области. 2. Не волнуйся, Аня будет помогать нам
организовывать вечер. 3. — Не представляю, что будут говорить обо мне
люди после этого случая. — Будут сплетничать, а потом найдут новую тему
для разговоров. 4. Нас не будет в Москве в августе. Мы будем гостить у
родственников в Великом Новгороде. 5. — Интересно, как она будет
реагировать на эту новость: будет ли она смеяться или плакать, будет ли
она сердиться или же радоваться. — Поживем, увидим. 6. Хотела бы я
знать, чем будет заниматься мой брат, пока нас не будет дома. Боюсь, что
целыми днями он будет лежать на диване и смотреть боевики по
телевизору. 7. Не волнуйся, я не забуду тебя. Я буду думать о тебе день и
ночь. А ты будешь вспоминать меня? 8. Ирина не сможет присоединиться
к нам сегодня вечером. Она будет сидеть с соседскими детьми. 9. Ты весь
день будешь пользоваться компьютером? Он мне тоже нужен. 10. Ты не
будешь проходить мимо аптеки? Мне нужно лекарство. 11. Если ты
покинешь меня, все равно я буду надеяться, я буду хранить тебя (to hold) в
своем сердце.

32. Translate into English,

1. Я надеюсь, что напишу дипломную работу к концу учебного года. 2.
Решишь ли ты все свои проблемы до нашей следующей встречи? 3. К концу
года цены на бензин вновь вырастут. 4. У меня короткая стрижка, но к
лету волосы вырастут. 5. Садовник подстрижет кусты и деревья, расчистит
дорожки, сожжет опавшую листву до наступления зимы. 6. Не беспокойся,
платье сошьют к выпускному вечеру. 7. К тому времени, как ты
доберешься домой, пицца будет приготовлена. 8. Программист завершит
новую программу до назначенного срока. 9. Учительница обещает, что
проверит наши контрольные работы к следующему уроку.

33. Translate into English.

1. К первому сентября этого года я уже десять лет буду работать в этом
университете. 2. В июле будет год, как они женаты. 3. К тому времени, как
ты проснешься завтра утром, мы уже три часа будем лететь над Европой.
4. К маю будет пять лет, как он водит эту машину. 5. Они будут
экспериментировать в этой области уже много лет к концу тысячелетия. 6.
К тому времени, как приедет полиция, детектив уже два часа будет
изучать место происшествия.

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