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Lovely Ann N.

Justiniani NCM102 RLE

BSN 2A C.I: Mrs. Ester Sy


1. The nurse is aware that Isolettes are used for preterm infants to maintain body temperature at a constant level, because that heat- regulation mechanism of preterm babies is one of the least developed functions. This is related to the fact that these babies: a. Have a smaller surface area than full term newborns b. Perspire a great deal, thus losing heat almost constantly c. Lack subcutaneous fat, which would furnish some insulation

d. Have a limited ability to produce antibodies against infections

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: C. Much of a full term infants birth weight is gained during the last month of pregnancy and most of this final spurt is subcutaneous fat, which serves as insulation the preterm infant has not had the time to grow in the uterus and has little of this insulating layer. Wrong Answers: A. There is a relatively larger surface area per body weight B. There is an extremely limited shivering and sweating response in the preterm infant D. This is unrelated to the maintenance of body temperature

2. The large amount of progesterone secreted during the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle is responsible for : a. the onset of ovulation b. the regulation of menstruation c. the incidence of capillary fragility d. sustaining the thick endometrium of the uterus

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: D. The function of progesterone is to relax the uterus and maintain a succulent endometrium to foster implantation of the fertilized ovum. Wrong Answers: A. Ovulation is stimulated by increases in the levels of luteinizing hormone and estrogen

B. Menstruation is controlled by regulating factors from the hypothalamus and pituitary gland; these hormones stimulate the production of ovarian follicles, ovulation, estrogen, and progesterone by the ovarian cells. C. Capillary fragility is often associated with deficiency of Vitamin C; progesterone is not responsible

3. A 15-year old client complains of persistent dysmenorrhea. The nurse should encourage her to : a. maintain daily activities

b. Have a gynecologic exam c. Eat a nutritious diet containing iron d. Practice relaxation of abdominal muscles

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: B. Persistent pain of any kind is usually a symptom, and the client should seek medical attention. Wrong Answers: A. Although diversion is a method to alter pain perception, the presence of pain requires investigation of possible causes. C. Although a nutritious diet is beneficial, iron does not prevent the pain of dysmenorrhea. D. Voluntary relaxation of the abdominal muscles does not cause cessation of uterine contractions.

4. After an anterior- posterior colporrhahy in a client past menopause the nurse should teach the client how to prevent: a. Pregnancy b. Constipation c. Incontinence d. Rectovaginal fistulas

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: B. Following this type of surgery, pain is associated with bearing down; to prevent constipation the client should be instructed to increase fluid, fiber, and activity. Wrong Answers: A. The client is past childbearing age. C. The anterior colporrhaphy is expected to reduce incontinence. D. the colporrhaphy involves only the vaginal wall, the rectum should not be involve.

5. The most therapeutic position for a client with pelvic inflammatory disease would be the : a. Sims position b. Fowlers position c. Lithotomy position d. Supine position with knees flexed

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: B. The Fowlers position facilitates localization of the infection by pooling pelvic drainage. Wrong Answers: A. This position does not make use of gravity to promote drainage of exudate C. This position does not make use of gravity to promote pelvic drainage. D. Same as answer C.

Lovely Ann N. Justiniani NCM102 RLE

BSN 2A C.I: Mrs. Ester Sy

NCLEX QUESTIONS 1. The nurse must continuously monitor a preterm infants temperature and provide appropriate nursing care because the preterm infant: a. has an ability to breakdown glycogen to glucose b. has a limited ability to use shivering to produce heat c. has a limited supply of brown fat available to provide heat d. has an underdeveloped pituitary system to control internal heat

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: C. Neonates are unable to shiver; they use the breakdown of brown fat to supply body heat; the preterm baby has a limited supply of brown fat available for this breakdown Wrong Answers: A. The breakdown of glycogen into glucose does not supply body Heat B. Newborns are unable to use shivering to supply body heat D. The pituitary gland does not supply body heat 2. When meeting a preterm infants hydration needs, the nurse should know that urinary function in the preterm baby: a. is the same as in a full-term newborn b. results in the loss of large amounts of urine c. leads to urine with an elevated specific gravity d. adequately maintains an acid-base and electrolyte balance

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: B. The preterm infant has a reduced glomerular filtration rate and reduced ability to concentrate urine or conserve water Wrong Answers: A. This is untrue; all systems of the preterm baby are less developed than in the full-term infant C. the opposite occurs; urine is very dilute D. The fluid and electrolyte balance of preterm infants is easily Upset

3. The nurse must continuously monitor preterm infants for the most common preterm complication of: a. hemorrhage b. brain damage c. aspiration of mucus d. respiratory distress

Answers and Rationales:

Correct Answer: D. Immaturity of the respiratory tract in preterm infants can be evidenced by a lack of functional alveoli, smaller lumina with increased possibility of collapse of the respiratory passages, weakness of respiratory musculature and insufficient calcification of the bony thorax leading to respiratory distress Wrong Answers: A. This is not a common occurrence at the time of birth unless trauma has occurred B. This is not a primary concern unless severe hypoxia occurred during labor; it is difficult to diagnose at this time C. This may be a problem, but generally the air passageway is well suctioned at birth

4. When caring for preterm infants with respiratory distress, the nurse should keep: a. them prone to prevent aspiration b. them in high-humidity environment c. their caloric intake low to decrease metabolic rate d. their oxygen concentration low to prevent eye damage

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: B. The moisture provided by the humidity liquidifies the tenacious secretions, making gas exchange possible. Wrong Answers: A. They should be side-lying rather than prone; the prone position is associated with apnea and SIDS. C. Actually the caloric intake will be increased; the amount, number and type of feedings will be related to the metabolic rate D. This is not a routine action; oxygen concentration will depend on the babies blood gases

5. The newly delivered newborn of a diabetic mother will be screened for hypoglycemia by the nurses: a. scheduling a fasting blood sugar b. drawing blood for serum glucose c. beginning a glucose tolerance test d. doing a heel stick using a glucose- oxidase trip

Answers and Rationales: Correct Answer: D. Glucose oxidase strips are used by nurses to screen infants for hypoglycemia Wrong Answers: A. Fasting blood sugar levels are not routinely used to screen newborns for hypoglycemia; fasting may reduce glucose levels further B. This test is not used to screen for hypoglycemia C. This test is not used as a screening tool

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