Moderator Welcomed

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Scheduling list

1. Greetings
2. Introducing the speakers or presentation presenters
3. Introduce the material to be presented
4. Start the event
5. Question and answer session
6. Conclusion

Good morning everyone, welcome to today's presentation of debating panel

discussion . I'm , , , , , , , , , and I'll be the moderator.

Before we begin, I would like to introduce you the presenters or

Panelis. Our presenters Panelis for today are from group A talking about should coal
mining be stopped or continue, this panelis pro about coal mining should be
continued. Ladies and gentlemen let me introduce you all the panelis from
differences points of view, let call Mrs.Nomi from economic perspective ( come on to
the stage ( shake hand with moderator and let her sit down) give applause for her,
the second speaker is excellency Mrs Glory from Social Perspective (come on to the
stage ( shake hand with moderator and let her sit down) give applause for her) let
call excellency panelis Mr Louis from education perspective ( come on to the stage
( shake hand with moderator and let him sit down) give applause for him)

Ladies and gentlemen, are you ready to see the spectacular discussion? Without
wasting much time it is better to call team B contrast team under theme coal mining
should be stopped. Let us call the excellency panelis Mrs. Okta from economic
perspective ( come on to the stage ( shake hand with moderator and let her sit
down) give applause for her, the second speaker is excellency Mrs Caroline from
Social Perspective (come on to the stage ( shake hand with moderator and let her sit
down) give applause for her) let call excellency panelis Mrs.Martina from education
perspective ( come on to the stage ( shake hand with moderator and let him sit
down) give applause for him)
Today they'll present about coal mining should be continued or stopped . let Team A
first from team Pros for each pints of view

Without further time, I'd like to welcome our presenters to start the presentation.

(Presentasi , presentation )1. excellency Mr Matthew is your time to convey your

points of view,2 and 3

Today they'll present about coal mining should be continued . let Team b first from
team cons for each pints of view

Without further time, I'd like to welcome our presenters to start the presentation.

(Presentasi , presentation )1. excellency Mr Yonatan is your time to convey your

points of view,2 and 3

Alright, now we'll move to question and answer session. If you want to ask question,
please raise your hand and say your name.

(Sesi tanya-jawab) question and answer session

Finally, now we have reached the end of this presentation.

I would like to say thank you to all the presenters for the great presentation and to
the audiences for their active participation.

Thank you for your attantion, and have great day.

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