Array Lesson

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Boston College Pre-Practicum Lesson Plan Template

Name: ____Sarah Grozier___________________________ Date: _____10/26___________

School: __________________________ Grade: _____3__________

Starting and Ending Time: _12:40___ to _1:30___


MA Curriculum Frameworks incorporating the Common Core Standards: With regard to how this lesson
fits into the “big picture” of the students’ long-term learning, which MA framework does the lesson most
clearly address? Select 2 to 3 focal standards that will be key to your instruction and assessment.

3.OA.A1: represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division

3.OA.A5: apply properties of operations to multiply

Instructional Objective:
By the end of the lesson,students will be able to identity multiplication facts and their products using
arrays and use that information to look for patterns and relationships.

Students will be assessed using the assessment checklist throughout the lesson. The categories for
assessment include looking for patterns and relationships.
Academic Language Objective: Refer to WIDA and Three Tiers of Vocabulary Beck, Kucan, and McKeown
(2002) as cited by Thaashida L. Hutton in Three Tiers of Vocabulary and Education.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to explain what arrays are and how they relate to the
concepts of multiplication, multiples, products, and multiplication facts. They will demonstrate this by
using the terms correctly when answering questions or solving problems.

Assessment: Students will be assessed on their ability to explain their answers using the correct

Content: What are the specific details of the lesson’s content knowledge?
The content involved in the lesson includes multiplication, what are arrays, discovery of square numbers
and prime numbers through array formations, and strategies of using arrays to find the product of a
multiplication exercise.


In this section, provide specific directions, explanations, rationales, questions, potential
vignettes/scenarios, strategies/methods, as well as step-by-step details that could allow someone else to
effectively teach the lesson and meet the lesson objectives.
Opening (10 minutes): How will you introduce the instructional objective to the students, “activate”
learners, pre-teach/ preview vocabulary, and prepare them to engage with the lesson content?

Set expectations, introduce Ida as my teacher who will be observing me, not the students, so that her
presence is not a distraction from the lesson.

Review: what is an array? Items grouped into equal rows to form rectangles. What do you remember
about arrays?
Give each student a paper with a multiplication fact at the top. Instruct them to draw the array that
corresponds with the equation. Introduce the vocabulary.

Today we are going to identify multiplication facts and their products using arrays. You will look for
patterns and relationships as we go.

During Lesson (_30_ minutes): How will you direct, guide, and/or facilitate the learning process to
support the students in working toward meeting the instructional objectives?

Once each student has at least one array, place them in the middle of the table so that everyone can see
them. Ask: what do you notice as you look at the arrays that each person made for their number? Are
there any patterns you notice?

Introduce array cards: what are they, what do students think they might be used for?
Array cards are cards that show items grouped into equal rows to form rectangles
Discuss how we see factors/dimensions in array cards: When we look at an array card, how do we know
what multiplication fact it is showing?
How might array cards be used to find the product, or answer, to a multiplication problem?
What strategies do we have/know to solve multiplication problems?
Using the array that you already drew for the multiplication equation on your paper, how might you find
the product?

Let’s practice! Everyone find the product for the equation on your paper.

Given an array, write an equation that corresponds.

Closing (_10_ minutes): How will you bring closure to the lesson and, by doing so, review and determine
what students have learned?

Practice multiplication problems that are shown on array cards with emphasis on factors and multiples
and how arrays can show us the product. Review terms that were discussed: square numbers, prime
numbers, arrays, and array cards.

challenge problem; Draw the array for 6x7.

Ask students what they learned about multiplication facts and what patterns they saw.
As you think about supporting all learners, think about the Principles of Universal Design for Learning
(UDL) and utilize resources at the following links:

UDL at a glance:

Lesson planning:

Learner Factors: What will you do to ensure success from all students? Especially consider the needs of
students on Individual Education Plans (IEP), English language learners (at a variety of English language
levels), and students who may need an extended challenge. Highlight all that apply.

Grouping Factors Content Materials Student Response

Adjust grouping format Give additional Write homework list Alternate response
examples format (verbal/written)
Seat students Graphic organizers
strategically near one Provide alternate Give daily progress
another, you or the reading or the same Use Braille or large report
focus of instruction text at varying reading print
levels Extend time
Pair students Use manipulatives
Provide on-level Use assistive devices
Give verbal cues to Use interpreter
emphasize main ideas Give students copy of
directions Give more breaks
Increase number of
review activities Allow use of computer
Hand out copies of

Re-read directions

Use page markers

Specific Examples: P1s choose 2 levels of support to explain in detail the differentiation, P2s, P3s and
Grad P1s choose 3 levels of support to explain in detail the differentiation.

Support #1: Adjust grouping format: This is a small group of students who need additional support in

Support #2: Increase the number of review activities: With this small group, the lesson will begin with a
review of what they know about multiplication and arrays.

Support #3: Use manipulatives: The Investigations curriculum involves making array cards. Students will
use the array cards as manipulatives to work with when practicing multiplication strategies. They will
also have access to tiles so they can physically construct arrays.
Classroom Management: If teaching a small group or whole class, how will you use classroom routines,
reinforce appropriate behavior, and/or handle behavioral issues? Give one example.

I will use language that I have seen my supervising practitioner use. For example “you do you” when
students are overly concerned with what other students are doing. Behavior will be addressed at the
lowest possible disruption.

Technology: How did you incorporate technology into the lesson?

Technology will not be used in this lesson. Students will have physical manipulatives and will use
discussion to display their knowledge and learning. They will be provided with paper that students can
work on so they can draw each array that they are working with and tiles so they can physically make the

Materials: What are the materials that you will need to organize, prepare, and/or try-out before teaching
the lesson?

I will be using array cards provided by my supervising practicioner. The investigations curriculum suggests
that students make their own array cards, which I think would be useful, but due to the time we have, it
will be most beneficial to use pre-made cards..
Provide either paper or white boards that students can work on if they want to draw each array that they
are working with.
Students will also have access to tiles that they can build the arrays physically with.

Follow-up: How will you and/or your Supervising Practitioner reinforce the learning at a later time so that
the students continue to work toward the lesson’s overarching goal (i.e., the MA Curriculum Framework
incorporating the Common Core State Standards)?

The students will be continuing to develop their understanding of multiplication and division throughout
the year. This will provide a review of arrays and introduce them as a strategy for students to use when
tackling multiplication.

Updated: Date (2023)
Cass/Malley/Hagen (2015)

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