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Rayshawn Ellis INSY 3270 10-9-2011 Trouble with the Terrorist Watch List Database 1.

There are numerous of concepts available in this chapter that are relevant to the terriorist tracking article such as ensuring data quality. The book talks about what would happen if a customers telephone number or account balance was incorrect, how this would impact the database and how it creates serious operational problems for a business. Well, in the article we had incidents were good citizens were placed on the watch list for no reason only because of the fact that you may have shared the same first an last name of a criminal an could be stopped by the police because of an inaccurate account of who a person really is. In addition, the chapter talks about how we can improve business intelligence an in the article they were coming up with new improvements such as more accurate information on a person like a birthdates or city-state etc. 2. The consolidated terror watch list was created to stop terrorists from entering into the united states and to also track US citizens with passports traveling in an out of the US. Also, it was created after the 9-11 attacks n help prevent future terrorists incidents. 3. Some of the weakness include false positives which means your name could be Ted Kennedy an a terrorist could have the same name an you could then

be arrested because your name was on the list however it was an inaccuracies because your not the Ted they were looking for. Also a weakness some people being listed multiple times under different sellings of their names. Another weakness on the organizations behalf is there lack of ability to quickly remove innocent people from the list out of 22,00 requests recorded about 2,00 each month is resolved thats only 54 percent. 4. I would hire a team of workers that verify a look over the reports to check for inaccuracies. I would also get more in depth into that persons personal information like several address to where he lives or date of birth a social security numbers. I would also implement a faster processing of the referrals for innocent people. For example, I might offer applications for innocent people to turn in for faster processing. 5. No, because I feel a person looses that right when the involve themselves in criminal activity or dont follow proper procedures for crossing over into the United States. I believe that this is for the best interest of the country. Also, majority of the list are accurate listings and these people need to be detained anyway a they are potential threats to our lives as well.

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