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1/12/2020 7speaking document

Serbia: los habitantes de un pueblo recuperan agua de una nueva central hidroeléctrica

Villagers in Rakita in southeastern Serbia have removed pipes

installed to serve a new hydroelectric power plant on a nearby river.
The local people, who were helped by environmental activists,
fear the installation would devastate fish stocks in the Rakitska river,
cause wells to dry up, and deprive livestock of water.
Around 100 small hydropower plants have been constructed in Serbia,
according to the Environment Ministry.
The state power company offers strong incentives
and commits to buying electricity generated by the plants
at a price 50 percent higher than the market rate.
"People are leaving the village.
If there is no river, there is nothing left for them."
"There are people living nearby, they have cattle, they have gardens,
the river means a lot to them."
"And then, some investors came and snatched the river from them.
They had no right to do that."
Supporters of the hydropower plants
argue the environmental impact is well-known,
but point to the far greater damage caused by coal-powered generation.
They say Serbia has to make a choice.
Euronews August 2020


OBSERVACIÓN : las traducciones son contextuales y pertenecen al documento que estudia.

hydroelectric power plant
commits to
market rate

southeastern : del sudeste

pipes : conductos

hydroelectric power plant : central hidroeléctrica

stocks : reservas

hydropower : hidroeléctricas

incentives : incentivos

commits to : se compromete a

market rate : precio de mercado

cattle : ganado

snatched : robaron

coal-powered : a carbón

1/12/2020 7speaking document


It rains every day !

Afirmativa Negativa Interrogativa

I, you, we, they I, we you they Do
+ ra�z del verbo + do not (don't) + I, we, you, they
o + ra�z del verbo + sujeto
He, she it o + ra�z del verbo+ ?
+ ra�z del verbo He, she, it o
+- s (o -es) + does not (doesn't) Does
+ ra�z del verbo + he, she, it
+ sujeto
+ ra�z del verbo + ?
I read a lot. They do not (don't) read a lot. He Do you read a lot ?
John reads a lot. does not (doesn't) read a lot. Does she read a lot ?

El presente simple se utiliza para describir una...

Acci�n que se repite de manera habitual :

I take the train every morning. We don't work on Saturdays.

I take the train every


Acci�n que se produce de manera rutinaria durante mucho tiempo :

John drinks coffee. Le gusta el caf� y es lo que bebe habitualmente.

John drinks coffee.

Verdades universales (por ejemplo, una verdad cient�fica) :

Water boils at 100� C.

Water boils at 100� C. 2/3
1/12/2020 7speaking document 3/3

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