Speakout Writing Extra Advanced Plus Unit 5

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ADVANCED PLUS UNIT 5 2 Underline examples of fronting in each paragraph

of the article.
a description
3 Using a thesaurus if necessary, make a list of
WRITING TIP adjective + noun combinations that might be used
To make descriptions more dynamic, try using the senses. to describe:
Descriptions of taste, sound, touch and smell allow the 1 clouds
reader to identify or connect with the subject. This also 2 a park in your area
increases interest in the description. 3 a café
4 summer
1 Read the article and answer the questions. 5 your favourite drink
1 Which senses does the writer include? 4 Personification is when authors use words that
2 Identify five examples of descriptive adjective + give human abilities to non-human subjects. For
noun combinations used by the writer in example: The tree branches crept closer to my
paragraphs 1–3. window. Tree branches cannot creep because they
3 How does the writing help you to visualise are unable to move like this themselves. Find and
the café? highlight two examples of personification in the
descriptive article.

5 Make a list of the senses you might use when

Permeating the afternoon air was a slight metallic smell of wet writing descriptions about:
earth, as the low-hanging, blue-black clouds expelled a current 1 food
of rain which, in its roar, commanded us to sketch in silence.
Sitting in an outdoor café just down the steps of an eleventh- 2 a park
century gate within the city walls, we were, seemingly, a 3 a zoo
world away from the feel of a capital city’s rush of traffic and 4 a cinema
pedestrian life. Made up of a collection of tables, the café
was sheltered by emerald green trees, yellow umbrellas and 5 a swimming pool
roofing made to withstand the sudden rainstorm and the
passing of time. 6 Write a description (220–280 words) of a place in
The early nineteenth-century buildings that surrounded the
your city that you think people might be interested
park further confused time, as the privacy of the park was in or excited about.
a wall shutting out reality and thrusting us into the magic
of Kiev, where minutes, hours and years blend together. In
this frozen time, we laughed for hours, silenced only when Plan your writing
nature demanded, and sketched, attempting to capture the • Choose a place that you know well and visualise it in
tantalising spirit of the café. The power of happiness and your mind.
creativity, of being in the flow, made us hope that the day
was endless.
• Use taste, sound, touch or smell to create an
atmosphere for the audience.
The delightfully bubbly and inviting fountain, which reminded
us of its presence by occasionally throwing water our way,
• Use fronting in at least two places.
became our muse as we filled journal pages with sketches. • Modify some of the nouns with carefully chosen
Between the fountain and the thick, green bushes and brown- adjectives.
black tree trunks surrounding us, we enjoyed a tranquil privacy,
the pink hue of a golden twilight the only reminder that time Check your writing
was not actually frozen. • Have you used one of the senses?
The magic of Kiev is in its hidden restaurants and parks, which • Have you used fronting in two or more places?
lure us into a world of alternate realities where art and nature • Have you included nouns modified by descriptive
hold sway. A trip to Kiev is a feast for the creative soul. adjectives?
• Have you proofread your description?

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