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Do-Select Platform

Do-Select is an online assessment platform that is widely adopted by major companies for
hiring assessments. It provides an effective tool for evaluating candidates' skills and
aptitudes in various domains.
As a part of our course, we have incorporated Do-Select into our Midterm and Final Exams
to help familiarise students with this assessment tool.

Introduction Video : The 2 video tutorials below will guide you through the user interface
of Do-Select and demonstrate how to attempt a test using the platform.
★ Do-Select Introduction 1

★ Do-Select Introduction 2

Sample Test Link - Test Link

● Password - sample

● This link is intended to provide you with a brief introduction to the user interface of the
Do-Select Platform. However, please be aware that this sample test is not designed to
prepare you for the actual content of the exam.

● Kindly note that each Email ID can be used for the sample test only once. If you have
already utilised the link before(like during midterm 2 sample test) then you will need to
use a different Email ID for accessing the sample test.

General Instructions

System Requirement
To enjoy the best experience on our platform, please ensure that
1. The operating system on your computer is one of the 3 mentioned below :
Windows 7 and above
Linux distributions or
Mac OS X 10.6 and above

2. You are opening the assessment in the latest versions of one of the browsers
mentioned below.
Chrome /Chromium
Mozilla Firefox
Microsoft Edge
Apple Safari

3. You have disabled all the browser extensions and enabled Add-Ons

4. You open the assessment incognito mode

Do’s & Don'ts
Points to be noted before taking a proctored assessment
1. Fullscreen will be enabled. Stay on the screen until you submit and end the

2. You may not copy/paste solutions during the assessment.

3. Tab activity be monitored Do not move out of the tab (or) switch windows

4. Webcam capture is enabled for this assessment. Your activities may be monitored to
prevent fraud

5. Use of any external gadgets and/or presence of another human may be flagged as
displaying suspicious behaviour

Important Points
Points to keep in mind during the exam
1. Please take the time to thoroughly read all the instructions and questions before
proceeding with your task.

2. Exam Hygiene : Your output is case-sensitive, so it is essential to ensure that your

results precisely match the provided expected output, following the exact order

UPPER / lower Case

The solution and the output table should contain the alphabets in the same case
(capital or small) as specified/shown in the question. Eg Writing "Not Borrowed"
as "Not borrowed" could lead to the rejection of the whole query.

Numerical Value
Any numerical value in the solution or the output table should be in the same
format as shown in the question. Eg. If the expected output table has "0" and
your output contains "0.000" then the answer will be rejected.

OrderBy Statement
Not using the OrderBy condition as mentioned in the question or getting the
wrong row or column order in the output table will result in rejection of the

Mis-Spelled Word
Small mistakes like wrong spelling of any word in the solution or the output table
will reject the solution.

Minor Discrepancies
Small mistakes like extra space, bracket, semicolon will reject the wrong syntax
and hence rejection of the solution.
3. In some instances where the internet bandwidth is low, queries may not execute
properly, and as a result, you may be unable to submit your query. In such cases, it is
recommended that you reload the page by using the keyboard shortcut CTRL+R
(Windows) or Command (⌘)-R (Mac OS), since the screen cannot be minimised to
reload by clicking the URL in proctored mode.

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