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The very best gift in the world is children. They were the foundation of life and
the future of ourselves. Planting a life inside a womb and carrying it for months was not
an easy thing to do, yet it was the most rewarding of all. Seeing them grow and have their
own abilities to thrive was a parent’s responsibility to make them a good people ever
born. Most parent will say having a child was a blessing you won’t regret to have and it
was the completeness of the word family.

But there people who have a different view about having a child or they have a
reason why they don’t make plans to have a child. Digging to the reason, having no child
have a lot of factorsto consider. For an empowered woman, a child is a biggest
commitment of all. Balancing things can be difficult when a child is in the picturte. It is
more than taking care of a husband and managing work duties. Motherhood can’t be
easily taken as if it was an easy thing to do. It is a vocation like any other. It should be
freely chosen, not imposed upon woman (Sezín Koehler 2014)

Such factors were the main reason why there are growing people who repudiate a
life expecting to be born. Looking to the main cause of abortion in our todays society, the
top reason is to postpone or stop childbearing due to lacking of preparations or unable to
accept conception due to previous child bearing. The second reason is the socioeconomic
concerns which covers financial capacity. The third reason and the most known to the
younger women as young as the teenagers is the reason of not intending to conceive.
(Bankole, Singh, Haas, Guttmacher Institute 1998).

Most of the cases of abortion were very young mothers who take it as a resolve.
Their curiosity and aggressiveness resulted of conception of an innocent life who would
be terminated soon due to no parties would take responsibility for its existence. Such act
increases per year even though family planning is implemented as well as promotion of
contraceptive pills. But not all abortion were done because of unintended pregnancy.
Hospitals perform abortion on serious cases like miscarriage and other medical cases.

Contrary to what people tells about abortion, It has benefits medically for those in
need and the society had an upbringing regarding the matter about abortion. Inexperience
prople who did the procedure leads to death and societal blaming and shaming. Early
pregnancy weren’t even excepmted upon hearing the topic.

At some point the removal of the possible child before it reach a fetal age would
lead to more opportunity to proceed living without worrying having children. In the
current inflation. One would think twice before conceiving and delivering a child in the
world. Although there are small percentage the regrets it later on. Thus, regretting a
choice and regretting its outcome can be separated (McCarthy 2023 edited)

Since abortion has a good side and bad side anyone can easily tell why it could be
a possible result. Compare to child abandonement, abortion can be a justifiable solution
but thinking deeply in the matter. How can someone take a life just because of shallow
reasons. Turning to it could give beneficial outcome but comparing to a pet or a plant. A
small heart beart is a life formed in the most magnificent way. Though it may explained
by Science, the process and the feeling it would give won’t be denied.

Living in a religious country, abortion is prohibited unless it was aboout medical

case and only one can be saved. Conception is not always blessed to a person and
throwing it away without heavier reason was a greater sin. Cutting a heartbeat is far more
sinister than committing adultery.

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