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Simple future with Will: Subject + will/won’t + Verb (base form) + C

- Prediction based in personal opinion or intuition.

o I think you will find this book interesting.
o We will have a great weekend.
- Spontaenous decision. Decided at the moment of speaking.
o Yes! I will marry you.
o We don’t have any suger. I’ll buy some then.
- Promises and decisions
o I will always love you.
o I will see you tomorrow.
- Offering help.
o I will help you with those bags.
- Actions in the future that cannot be influenced.

Future with Be Going To: Subject + verb to be + going to + Verb (base form) + C.

- Predicion based in evidence. The prediction is near to happen or seems sure to happen.
o My sister is going to have a baby.
o Look at the clouds. It’s going to rain.
o Slow down! We are going to have an accident.
- Decision planned in the past. Decided before the moment of speaking.
o I can’t see you this Friday. I am going to help my parents to move.
o We are going to get married next summer, but we don’t have an exact date yet.
- Intentions of the speaker.
o I am going to read a book this weekend.
o Are you going to watch the game with me tonight?

Future with Present Continuous: Subject + verb to be + Verb (with gerund) + C.

- Actions planned in the near future.

o We are graduating next December 15th.
o I am flying to New York tomorrow at 9 pm.
o You are having a coffee with me this afternoon.

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