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NIM. 202032103





A. Background

Education is an important tool in creating quality Human Resources (HR). Quality human
resources can be formed when implementing education as the main key to the development of
science and technology. Education is a communication process which contains the
transformation of knowledge, values and skills, inside and outside of school that lasts a lifetime
(life long process), from generation to generation. Education has been going on since humans
existed, the education in question is what is done by adults/parents in teaching their children
how to live everyday, the prevailing traditions, skills that have been mastered by their parents
so that in the future children can live well without a predicament. The educational process
takes place naturally and continuously even though it is in a simple form (Arifin, 2020).

Education is not only obtained in the family environment, education can be obtained from the
social environment of the community or from school. The definition of education in the school
environment has a broader meaning than teaching. Teaching is more focused on the process of
transforming knowledge that is affective. Education is a two-way communication process which
is not only a process of transforming knowledge but also a process of internalizing character
values. The character of each student is different and must be mastered by a teacher if the
teaching-learning process in the classroom is to be successful. It is the teacher's job to
understand each student's character and each student has a different way of understanding
and mastering the material delivered by the teacher (Suharyadi, 2007).

In the English Local Content Curriculum (2006) it is stated that the purpose of learning English is
for students to have the following abilities: (1) Developing competence to communicate in
limited spoken form to accompany action (language accompanying action) in the school context
and (2) Have awareness of the nature and importance of English to increase the nation's
competitiveness in a global society. This means that elementary school graduates who have
studied English as a local content subject are expected to have basic oral English skills which are
expected to develop well when they enter higher education levels in the future. In addition,
they are also expected to have a high awareness of the importance of mastering English in
mastering science and technology. The urge to master English must be demonstrated by
continuous efforts to learn English and practice it in real, everyday life (Ika, 2007).

English learning for grade 3 of SDN 4 Bulungcangkring lasts for one lesson. In one meeting, the
teacher teaches speaking skills in several English text formats and does not include exercises
given to students. Teachers need more time to teach reading skills. The Minimum
Completeness Criteria (KKM) determined by schools for learning English is 61. A total of 51.52%
of the total number of students have fulfilled the KKM and as much as 48.48% of the total
number of students have not met the KKM.

Based on the results of the researcher's observations, it is also known that the teacher's lack of
ability to maximize learning media in conveying material can affect students' mastery of
speaking skills. Such learning will have an impact on students' mastery of word pronunciation.
Therefore, mastery of speaking English at SDN 4 Bulungcangkring needs to be improved by
using instructional media that attract students' interest in learning English. So that media that
can help students in carrying out learning English is needed, so one of the alternative media
that can be used is flash card media.

Flash card media is expected to help students master words in English pronunciation and assist
teachers in giving good pronunciation in English material to SD/MI students. Each student will
receive a flash card so that students are expected to learn how to speak English independently.
In learning using flash card media is a learning process that uses effective learning cards
containing images, text, or other symbols on cards, so that it is expected to be able to stimulate
students' thoughts and interests in improving the ability to pronounce words in learning
English. Media Flash cards It is hoped that it can help students master words in English
pronunciation and assist teachers in giving good pronunciation in English material to SD/MI
students. Each student will receive a flash card so that students are expected to learn how to
speak English independently. In learning using flash card media is a learning process that uses
effective learning cards containing images, text, or other symbols on the card, so that it is
expected to be able to stimulate students' thoughts and interests in improving the ability to
pronounce words in learning English.

Based on the description above, it is necessary to conduct research on improving English skills
through flash cards for grade 3 students at SDN 4 Bulungcangkring. Flash cards are expected to
help students in the process of speaking English skills.

B. Problem Formulation
Based on the description of the problem above, the problem can be formulated:

1. How to use flash card media in class 3 SDN 4 Bulungcangkring Kec. Jekulo Kudus in the
academic year of 2022/2023?

2. Is the use of flash card media able to improve English speaking skills in grade 3 SDN 4
Bulungcangkring Kec. Jekulo Kudus in the academic year of 2022/2023?
C. Research Objectives

Based on the problem formulation above, this study aims to:

1. To find out the use of flash card media in class 3 SDN 4 Bulungcangkring Kec. Jekulo Kudus
Regency 2022/2023 Academic Year

2. To find out whether the use of flash card media can improve English speaking skills in grade
3 SDN Putat 02 Kec. Madiun District Geger 2019/2020 Academic Year.

E. Research Benefits Contributions

1. For students
a. Students are expected to be more interested and more active in improving their English
speaking skills through flash card media.
b. Students get an interesting learning experience through colored flash card media and are
different from learning English skills before because they use games that utilize flash card
media during the learning process.

c.. For elementary school students, the results of this study are expected to increase motivation
to learn English.

2. For teachers

a. Teachers can take advantage of the use of flash card media in improving English speaking

b. Teachers can increase the effectiveness of learning in improving speaking through flash card

c. For English teachers in elementary schools, the results of this study are expected to assist
teachers in improving students' English speaking skills

3. For schools

a. Schools can use flash card media to support learning.

b. Schools can improve the quality of learning so as to produce quality learning.
c. For policy makers related to learning English in elementary schools, it is hoped that the
results of this research can be used as input.


A. Previous Research

Research that has been conducted that discusses the use of flash card media is Ika Dyah
Kurniawati's thesis (2017) from Semarang State University, entitled Development of Flash Card
Media in Science Learning Material How Plants Adapt to Their Environment Class V SD Gundi
Grobogan. In this study, it was explained that natural science is a subject that emphasizes
providing direct experience to develop competencies in order to explore and understand the
natural surroundings. Based on the results of problem identification it was found that the
teacher had not used innovative learning media in learning science.

The formulation of the problem in this research is how to develop flash card media in learning
science about how plants adapt to their environment in class 3 SD Negeri Gundi Grobogan. The
purpose of this study was to develop flashcard media in learning science about how plants
adapt to their environment in class V SD Gundi Grobogan.

This type of research is Research and Development (R&D) research. The subject of this research
is class V SD Gundi Grobogan. Data collection techniques used are interviews, observation,
tests, questionnaires, and documentation.

Data analysis in this study consisted of an analysis of the feasibility of the media which was
known based on assessments by material experts and media experts, while the analysis of the
effectiveness of the media was known through t-tests and average improvement tests.

The results showed that flash card media was appropriate for use based on the material
expert's assessment of 87.5 including very feasible criteria and the media expert's assessment
of 77.5 including feasible criteria.

The conclusions of this study based on this analysis are: (1) there is a significant difference in
the ability to write complex procedures between students who learn to write complex
procedures using flash card media and students who learn to write complex procedures using
conventional media, (2) the similarities are the same using flash card media in conveying their

B. Theoretical Basis

1. Learning English
English is one of the most widely studied and used international languages in
communicating between nations. This is in accordance with the role of English as a global
language as stated by Crystal (2003: 3) that English acts as a global or world language because
English is studied and used as a means of communication in various countries both as a first
language, a second language, and as a language. foreign. In Indonesia, English is the first foreign
language that is studied as a compulsory subject from junior high school to university.

Learning English is a local content subject in elementary school and can start in the fourth grade
of elementary school. The education community has responded very positively to this policy,
even in large private elementary schools, learning English has started since grade one. The
position of English as a local content subject in elementary schools has strengthened with the
issuance of Law Number 20 of 2003 concerning National Education article 37 paragraph 1 which
requires local content in the primary and secondary education curriculum.

2. English Speaking Skills

Speaking in general can be interpreted as conveying one's intentions (ideas, thoughts,
feelings) to others using spoken language so that these intentions can be understood by others.
The meaning in particular has been put forward by many experts. Speaking is the ability to
pronounce articulation sounds or words to express, express and convey thoughts, ideas and
feelings. English speaking skill is a person's skill to convey his desires and thoughts to anyone

Speaking skills are essentially the skills of reproducing the flow of the articulation sound system
to convey wishes, feelings, needs and desires to others. In this case, the completeness of one's
speech is a natural requirement that makes it possible to produce a wide variety of articulation

3. Improving English Speaking Skills Using Flash Card Media

Flash Card is a kind of reminder card or card that is shown at a glance to students.
According to Alamsyah Said and Andi "flash cards are lesson cards". The cards are equipped
with words. According to khuliullah flash cards or cards (al-bithoqoh) cards are usually made of
hard or thick paper, and inside each front and back there are words, phrases, sentences or
expressions. For ordinary card sizes to be adjusted to the teacher's wishes, the most important
thing is that the writing on the card must be visible to students who are on the back. Flash cards
are learning media in the form of written cards measuring 25 x 30 cm. Cards are made using
hands or photos, or using existing cards or photos pasted on flash card sheets. The card on the
flash card is a series of messages presented with a description of each card listed on the back.
Flash cards usually contain words or combinations thereof and can be used for vocabulary in
language lessons in general and foreign languages in particular. By using flash card media, it is
easier for students to remember cards and words, so that vocabulary can increase and improve.

C. Thinking Framework
Third grade English learning places more emphasis on speaking skills which are still new to
students. Media can assist teachers in conveying reading material needed in learning. Media
helps students understand and talk about reading material. The media that is seen to be used
by the teacher in conveying material and students can understand the material presented by
the teacher is flash card media. The flash card media presented contains the material object
cards being taught, the object names of the cards in English, how to pronounce the card objects
in English and the names of the card objects in Indonesian. The flash card media is expected to
help students read and speak the vocabulary material taught by the teacher and the flash card
media used in learning English for grade 3 SD/MI is expected to improve the mastery of English
speaking skills. Requirements for research by the teacher:

1) There must be visible efforts to improve the professional quality of teachers.

2) It must be about efforts to improve the quality of students, so the subject must be students.
3) Must be done alone, not ask for help from others.

D. Hypothesis

The hypothesis in this study is "If flashcard media is used, the English speaking skills of grade 3
students at SD N 4 Bulungcangkring in the 2022/2023 academic year will increase.


A. Place and Time of Research

This classroom action research was conducted at SDN 4 Bulungcangkring, Jekulo District, Kudus
Regency for the 2022/2023 academic year for third grade students who were carried out in
learning activities. With research in learning English. Meanwhile, the research time is described
in the research schedule as follows:

june July August

1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4

Observation X X

Pre-Cycle X X

Cycle 1 X X X X

Cycle 2 X X X X
B. Research Subject

In this study, the research recipient subjects were 30 of grade 3 students at SDN 4
Bulungcangkring for the 2022/2023 academic year.

C. Research Procedures
Classroom Action Research is carried out through a cyclical assessment process which
consists of four stages, namely 1. Planning 2. Action or action 3. Observation 4. Reflecting.
Overall the four stages are spiral. To resolve a problem, it may take more than one cycle. Which
cycles are interrelated and sustainable. The second cycle is carried out if there are still things
that are less successful in the first cycle. The logic of the four stages is as follows:

Figure 3.1 Classroom Action Research Flow

Before carrying out CAR-based learning, first make initial observations to find problems, identify
problems, find problem boundaries, define problems by finding factors that are suspected as
the main causes of problems, formulate problem solving ideas by formulating hypotheses as
solving, determining the selection of action hypotheses for problem solving, formulating the
title of CAR-based learning activity planning. After planning CAR-based learning activities is
formulated, the steps are as follows:

1. Planning
At this stage, the activities that must be carried out are:
a. Make a lesson plan.
b. Prepare facilities from supporting facilities needed in class.
c. Prepare instruments to record and analyze data regarding the process and results of actions.

2. Implementation
At this stage, you must carry out the actions that have been formulated in the learning
implementation plan (RPP) in actual situations, which include initial activities, core activities,
and closing activities.

In this action or action, because what is being studied is about the ability to speak English
vocabulary, the data collection technique used is through an oral test to grade 3 students at
SDN 4 Bulungcangkring. An oral test is a test in which the tester (in this case the researcher)
asks questions or questions orally, and the testee (student under study) gives the answers
orally as well.

In terms of preparation and how to ask oral tests can be divided into two, namely:

a. Free oral test. The free oral test means that the researcher gives questions to the participants
under study (students) without using guidelines prepared in writing.
b. Guided oral test. The guided oral test means that the researcher uses written guidelines
about what will be asked of the participants under study (students). In this study, the authors
tend to use guided oral tests.

3. Observation
At this stage what must be done are:
a. Observing the activeness of students in participating in learning.
b. Observing the ability of students in drawing conclusions about the material that has been

4. Reflection

Reflection is an activity to restate what has happened. At this stage what must be done is to
record the results of observations, evaluate the results of observations, analyze learning
outcomes, record weaknesses to be used as material to improve the next cycle.

On this occasion the researcher used a type of guided oral test. The guided oral test means that
the researcher uses written guidelines about what will be asked of the participants under study
(students). Through this oral test, the researcher provides an oral test assessment, evaluates
the oral test results, and analyzes them to determine the results of this study. Through this oral
test, researchers will find out whether there is flash card media to improve students' English
speaking skills in grade 3 of SDN 4 Bulungcangkring, Jekulo sub-district, Kudus district, for the
2022-2023 academic year.
D. Technique of Collecting Data
1. The Quantitative Data

In collecting the data, the writer tested the students by giving the students vocabulary test. The
number of the test is 20 multiple choices.

2. The Qualitative Data

1. Observations: is a technique for collecting data about researcher and students’ activities in
teaching and learning process. Then observation sheet is given based on reality in the
classroom, the type of observation which is used in this research is direct observation.

2. Interview: used to get data about implementation of Classroom Action Research (CAR) to the

3. Questionnaire: it conducted both before and after implementing Classroom Action Research

4. Test: is used for getting data research result and students activities in teachinglearning. There
are two tests used in this research as follows:
a. Pre-test is done before implementing the Classroom Action Research (CAR).
b. Post-test is implemented after implementing the Classroom Action Research (CAR).

E. Technique of Analysis Data

This study applied the quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data was used to
analyze the score of students while the qualitative data was used to describe the situation
during on the tesching process. By applying this data, it was assumed to get the satisfying result
of the improving vocabulary through flashcard media, qualitative data was analyzed from the
instrument. The quantitative data was analyzed to see the improving of students vocabulary.

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