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The line graph illustrates the proportion of customers in 4 age group who went to the cinema once a

month or more from 1984 to 2003. Overall ,all the figures seem to increase graduately during the

Moving to detail , in 1984, there were almost 20% of teenager to go to the cinema which surpass
eight time than 35 and over. 12 years later, the teenager’s data met more notable fluctuation,the
scale went up 45% in 1996, then it decrease rapidly to 35% which was continue rose significantly by
15% as oppose to a straight rose to 5% of 35 and over. Finally both figures reach 10% and 50%

Finally, at the middle age(25- 35) and junior(7- 14). Both figures had a same values at 15% in period
from 1992 to 1996 after rose from 5% and 10% respectively. Subsequently, in 2000 while middle age
decreased to 19%, junior increased to 30%. In 2003, both data met at 32% and then the scale of
middle ages fell to 25% to compare with 35% of 7-14 ages

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