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Explanation about basic principles in math.

Addition is a basic mathematical operation that combines two or more numbers to

give a total or sum. It is denoted by the symbol "+" and is commonly used to find
the total quantity when objects or values are combined. In simple terms, addition is
the act of putting two or more numbers together to calculate their total. For
example, when you add 2 and 3, the result is 5: 2 + 3 = 5.

Subtraction is another basic mathematical operation that involves finding the

difference between two numbers. It is denoted by the symbol "-" and is used to
determine how much one number is smaller than another. For example, when you
subtract 3 from 7, the result is 4: 7 - 3 = 4.

Multiplication is a mathematical operation that involves repeated addition or

combining equal groups of numbers to find the total. It is denoted by the symbol
"x" or "•" and is used to determine the product of two or more numbers. For
example, when you multiply 3 by 4, the result is 12: 3 x 4 = 12.

Division is a mathematical operation that involves sharing or distributing a

quantity equally between a given number of groups. It is denoted by the symbol
"÷" or "/". Division helps us determine how many times one number can be
divided by another number. For example, when you divide 12 by 3, the result is 4:
12 ÷ 3 = 4.

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