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Reflection on different body languages

Reflect on your experiences with different body languages depending on peoples gender, ethnic origin,
and cultural background 1000 words

My takeaway points for this webinar is to be open on our views or how we judge
people/their actions because having stereotypes can limit possibilities and
harmony among people. We should acknowledge the psychological impact
because our negative judgements and discrimination can destroy one's self
esteem and life. Change must begin within ourselves. We must show show love
and care because by working together, we can achieve growth and success.

Masculine and feminine are not the same as male and female
They are latinized words that are used for men like and women like so for example, a man can
be called feminine and a woman can be called masculine
In anthro, since 1930s, there has been studies of variety of role divisions b/w the genders in diff
societies and very important role he has been played by the young female American anthrop
Margaret mead its interesting that from the sixth dimension this is the only one where it matters
whether the info comes from women or from men in the other imensions whther you collect your
data from women or frommen you get the same position of the dimensions and
The definition masculinity is a society in which emotional gender roles are distinct, Im not talking about
social gender roles because they have a lot to do with the wealth of the country but im talking about the
emotional role what you should feel being born as a boy or being born as a girl and the boy should be
assertive and tough and focused on material success and the wimen should be focused on the quLITY OF
LIFE I call a society feminine if this role separation is not there or it is weaker at least so that especialy
men are also supposed at times to be modest and tender and focused on the quality of life. Now im
opposing feminie societies to masculine societiesmost societies are somewhere in between . in feminine
societies, people try to balance family and work, in masculine societies, work clearly prevails overvte
family and work is an acceptable excuse to neglects the family and family of course is not an acceptable
excuse to neglect your work, within the family, in masculine society, the father should deal with facts and
mother should deal with feelings and if children are hurt they should go to mama
In the family societies, both father and mother should deal with facts and feelings so you may go to mama
for facts or you may go to papa if youre hurt masculine socities admire the strong feminine soc are
jealous of high flyers
In masculine people disdain the weak in felony societies they have sympathy for the weak in in
Inmasculinesoc girls cry but boys not cry and fight but girls shoulf not fight
In feminie societies both boys and girs may cry but neiuther should fight
In religion you have diff religiou or diff favors of religions in the masculine soc it focuses n god, god the
father the powerful god in feminine soc religion focuses on the fellow human being and finally it is also
related to sexual relationship and you could say that in fmeinie soc, sex is a way for couple to relate , in
masculine sex is a way of performaing so that man is subject a woman is object
How do we measure the position of masculinity and feminity in all dimension for our society
Father and mother are role models
Stable as the other dimensions

Notes: Masculinity and feminine are not the same as male and female because masculinity can be use for
men like person and feminine is used for women like person
MASCULINITY SCORE SURVEY: 14 countries out of 46 countries, masculinity prevails. There are
poor and wealthy masculine countries and there are poor and wealthy feminine countries. This shows that
there is no relationship between wealth of a country on masculinity and feminine.
- disdain weak
- girls cry and boys should not cry, girls should not fight and boys should fight
- they are more functional illiterate than in feminine society
- Work and Family: Work prevails from family
work is an excuse to neglect family
family can be an excuse to neglect work.
salary is clearly important than leisure
Men deals facts while women deals feelings. : If you are hurt go to mama
- Poverty: Poverty is cause by laziness
more people living in poverty level than in feminine society
spent lesser part of budget on poor countries
- Religion: Focuses on Gog/ God Father
- Sex: Way of performing and men is a subject while women is an object
- Marketing: Food shoppers are mostly women even when it comes to advertising
- Social Media: For fact gathering
FEMININE SOCIETY - jealous of high flyers
- Both boys and girls may cry but neither should fight
- have sympathy for the weak
- Work and Family: Balance family and work
Deals feeling and facts: go to papa and mama
At least as in pleasure and is at least important as salary
Tend to have longer vacation than masculine society
- Poverty: Poverty tends to be blamed on bad luck
spends more budget to poor countries
- Religion: Focuses on fellow human being
- Sex: a way for a couple to relate
- Marketing: Both mean and women shop for food
- Social Media: Rapport building for developing relationship with other users
His conclusion: due to lack of evidence, he concluded that feminine and masculinity at societal level as
stable as the other dimensions.

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