MGEA02-Achieve Due Dates (Fall 2023)

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MGEA02 – Introduction to Microeconomics: A Mathematical Approach

Achieve Due Dates Tentative Schedule:

Week Date(s) Topics – Chapter(s) Assignment (Due)

1 Sept 6/11 or Sept 5 The Production Possibilities Frontier – Chapter 1 (pgs. 7-22),
Chapter 2 (pgs. 27-34) & Appendix 2A (pages. 51-64).
2 Sept 13/18 Markets: Supply & Demand – Chapter 3 (pages. 67-96), Asn #1 – Sept 23
Appendix 3A (pages. 103-108) & Chapter 5 (pages. 137-160). Ch 2
or Sept 12
3 Sept 20/25 The Theory of Consumer Demand – Chapter 10 (pages. 295-
311) and Chapter 4 (pages. 109-131).
or Sept 19
4 Sept 27/Oct 2 Elasticity: What is it & how it is used – Chapter 6 (pages. 167- Asn #2 – Oct 8
196) and Chapter 7 (pages. 199-225). Also read SUPPLEMENT A Ch 3, 4, 5 & 10
or Sept 26
(available on the Canvas site) on excise taxes and elasticity.
5 Oct 4/16 or Oct 3 Production & Productivity – Chapter 11 (pages. 343-367).
Oct 7 - 13 Reading Week (No classes held @ UTSC)
6 Oct 18/23 or Oct 17 Costs of Production – Chapter 11 (pages. 343-367). Also, Asn #3 – Oct 22
Appendix 11A (pages. 373-375). Ch 6, 7 & 11
7 Oct 25/30 or Oct 24 Perfection Competition – Chapter 12 (pages. 377-399).
8 Nov 1/6 or Oct 31 Perfection Competition – Chapter 12 (pages. 377-399). Asn #4 – Nov 5
Ch 11 & 12
9 Nov 8/13 or Nov 7 Monopoly – Chapter 13 (pages. 405-436)
10 Nov 15/20 Oligopoly – Chapter 14 (pages. 443-463). Also read Supplement B: Asn #5 – Nov 19
“The Prisoners’ Dilemma and Applications to Duopoly” which you Ch 12 & 13
or Nov 14
can download from the Canvas site for this course.
11 Nov 22/27 Public Goods & Externalities – Chapter 16 (pages. 489-516) and
Chapter 17 (pages. 521-537)
or Nov 21
12 Nov 29/Dec4 International Trade – Chapter 2 (pages. 34-41) & Chapter 8 Asn #6 – Dec 4
(pages. 221257). Ch 14, 16 & 17
or Nov 28

Please note that:

1) ALL assignments are due on or before 11:45pm (Toronto time) the day they are due
2) The free period for Achieve accounts lasts until two weeks after you sign up. After this period a purchased
code will need to be entered to keep your account going.
3) In Achieve our course can be found using the “achieve Access & Purchase” link posted near the top of our course
page in Quercus.
4) Accessing Achieve via Willo labs integrated with Quercus:

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