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Infiniverse Vol. 1, No.

33 / March, 1993

Volume 1, Number 33 C A M P A I G N G A M E March, 1993 — $3.00

™ A look ahead at what’s coming up In August, WEG presents the long-

for Torg: awaited autobiography of the Gaunt
In April, Infiniverse Update: Volume Man, John Terra’s Interview With Evil
II explodes on the scene, with the lat- (see the next page for more info on
est news from the Possibility Wars. this).
CONTENTS Who is the new High Lord of Aysle,
and what are his/her plans for the
Then in October, get valuable tips
on how to gamemaster Torg (along
Light? What strange new force has with tons of other valuable info) in The
been brought into the war by Dr. Mo- High Lords’ Guide to the Possibility Wars,
Rumor Report bius? And just what HAS happened to by Steve Lorenz.
and News ....................... 2 the Eastern Living Land? This is the And for those of you who like your
place to find out! Torg with a dash of humor, don’t miss
Martial Arts Design ..... 3 In May — the Gaunt Man has re- the Paranoia/Torg short fiction anthol-
turned and it seems as if this cosm is ogy in October, as the Computer and
its Troubleshooters parody the Possi-
Dispatches ..................... 7 his for the taking. Only two deter-
bility Wars!
mined bands of Storm Knights have a
chance to stop him. But first they must Then in January, learn the secrets of
Your Letters ................. 11 challenge the might of the dreaded Dr. Mobius’ home cosm as we present
Carredon (come on, you didn’t really the Terra sourcebook. Just where did
Herald Messages ........ 12 think he was gone for good, did you?) weird science come from? What is the
It all takes place in No Quarter Given, truth about the mysterious isle of
an all new fiction/adventure featur- Khem? For all of you who have been
ing the winning entries from the Torg itching for some good, old-fashioned
Character Collection. pulp adventure, this is the world for

Contributors This Issue:

Tim Eldred, Greg Farshtey, Grant
Goleash, Reed Little, Brian Schomburg,
Valerie Valusek

Creative Staff:
Fred Jandt, Nikola Vrtis, Scott Palter
Sales Director:
Sue Hartung
Karen Bayly

®, TM & © 1993, 2001 D6Legend Inc.

All Rights Reserved.
West End Games and WEG are trademarks of
D6Legend Inc.
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

Rumor Report and News

irst Indication reports on Continuing Report: Issue #30 Worth over the July 4th weekend.
the newest batch of ru- 1. Akashans asking for Storm GenCon is, of course, in Milwaukee
mors to which you have Knights to go to the Star Sphere and once again in August.
responded. Continuing put down a Gudasko rebellion. Hold Thus far, the response for GenCon
Report updates the ru- off on those reservations — it’s False has been okay, although it is still early
mors as more responses come in. The (15). (and many people don’t know whether
Wrap Up gives you the tally after the 2. Rumors of a dreadful minotaur they’re going or not). But we desper-
rumor has reverberated throughout living in the labryrinth beneath the ately need GMs for Origins — so if you
the Infiniverse for about three months. palace at Knossos, possibly brought to or someone you know is planning to
The wrap-up will be the last report for life by the Nile axiom wash. It started head south for July, please let us know.
that rumor in Infiniverse. out False, but has flipped to True (17). GMs receive credit toward WEG
3. Storm Knight teams asked to in- merchandise in return for their ser-
vestigate changing conditions in the vices. We will provide the adventure.
Rumor Report Living Land. Well, gee, we guess so — If you are interested in helping out,
it’s True (19). send a letter to:
The results are given a true or false, 4. Kanawa Enterprises takes a se- West End Games
followed by a parenthetical number. vere hit by bad real estate investments Attention: Convention Organizer
That number represents the strength in the Eastern United States. A num- RR 3, Box 2345
of the truth or falsehood throughout ber of executives terminated to cut the Honesdale, PA 18431
the Infiniverse. For example, a state- budget of that faltering subsidiary.
ment which is False (15) is false unless True (15).
the gamemaster decides to test the A New Look
Penultimata: Issue #29
statement; on a roll of 15 or better, the Due to the lateness of some past West End novels are about to get a
statement is actually true. Roll again issues, we are extending the response brand new look!
on 10 and 20 when testing the truth or time for rumors from issues 29-31. The Beginning in August, with the re-
falsity of a reported rumor. Wrap-Up for issue 29 will appear in lease of John Terra’s Interview With
First Indication: Issue #31 next month’s Infiniverse. Evil, our novels will be going to trade
1. The Possibility Wars return to the 1. An eternity shard devoted to the paperback size. This should make our
theatre with the release of “Alone at Dark has been discovered in the Aysle books easier to find on the shelves,
Home 2: Lost in the Living Land.” The cosm. It is said to resemble a black- and it’s a step we’re very excited about
battle between Cauly Malkin and ened and corroded greatsword, en- here.
Baruk Kaah (actually a guy in a rubber crusted with skull-shaped gems, and For those of you who have been
suit) is said to be a hoot. Unfortu- in a dead heat. It’s still True (11). under your bed since the Gaunt Man
nately, it’s also said to be False (11). 2. Strange anti-virus running ram- returned, Interview With Evil is GM’s
2. A large of supply of Relictin-V pant in Machu Picchu, designed to kill autobiography. It takes the Gaunt Man
has been stolen from Los Angeles. It is virtually any microbe it encounters. from the time immediately prior to his
believed that it will be used in an Only Lorbaats are immune. Fell again, first encounter with the Nameless One
attempt to revive Kranod, former High all the way down to False (13). and his discovery of the Darkness
Lord of Tharkold, and it’s True (11). 3. Non-Denominational Organiza- Device to his conquest of Kantovia
3. Nile scientists exploring the Land tion of Santa Explorers seeking proof and subjugation of Dairgoa/Kurst.
Below have discovered Godon, the of the “jolly old elf’s” existence. Drops You’ll learn the secrets of the Dark-
original reptilian monster, in the caves slightly to True (15). ness Devices, meet Skutharka,
beneath Nippon. They’ve also discov- Uthorion and others for the first time,
ered that it’s True (11). Convention News and come along on the Gaunt Man’s
4. Vicious gang war has broken out first visit to Earth!
between the Black Diamonds and the West End Games is looking for It’s a fear-fraught journey no true
Vampyres in the streets of Los Ange- gamemasters to run Torg, Paranoia and Torg fan will want to miss!
les. True (11). Star Wars at Origins and GenCon. So look for Interview With Evil in
This year, Origins will be in Fort August (we should have copies at
GenCon), in our new trade paperback
format! (Want to see more Torg fic-
2 tion? Tell us! Tell your retailer!)
Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

Martial Arts Design

his optional rules system be finished. It might look like this:
based on the Torg mar-
Martial Arts Comments: Leopard Claw is a bru-
tial arts system was sub-
mitted by Infiniverse sub-
Creation: An tal style native to Core Earth and popu-
lar in the mountainous regions of
scriber Reed Little.
Note the “Martial Arts Discipline
Example China. It emphasizes aggressive at-
tacks and overpowering opponents.
Cost” table below. See the Nippon Tech Say that you wish to create a Chi- Practicioners tend to be very clannish.
sourcebook for more information on nese Tong, the Sons of the Leopard.
those disciplines. You decide that they will all know You now have a fully playable mar-
Leopard Claw Kung Fu. Since there is tial arts style with a personality all its
Martial arts are not merely fighting not an existing style template for Leop- own.
styles. They have an enormous body ard Claw, you must create it yourself.
of philosophy, and sometimes religion,
that goes along with the style. Select-
This is really not difficult.
First you must develop the focus of
Martial Arts
ing a martial art for a character should the style. Leopard Claw is a hard style Schools
color the character’s entire personal- emphasizing devastating attacks and
ity. In game terms, the philosophy of a overpowering the opponent’s defense. Though individual teaching styles
style is reflected in the maneuvers it You decide to make this a 25-point art differ, the substance of the teachings
teaches and the special requirements (meaning only 25 points worth of ma- of one school of a martial art is usually
to learn the art. neuvers may be acquired for it — see very similar to other schools of the
A new art must have eight disci- the “Martial Arts Discipline Cost” same art. For this reason, martial arts
plines: five minor (costing one through chart below). This means that the art should either be taken as listed or a
four points), two major (costing five should have two special requirements. new art created to match the
through seven points), and one mas- Since Leopard Claw artists must be gamemaster’s/player’s wishes. Very
ter discipline. The cost of the minor very tough, the requirements will be similar arts usually have similar names
and major disciplines should not ex- that the artist have a Strength of 10 or (Tiger and Lion for example).
ceed 30, with 24–26 being the average. greater and must know the willpower There is one major exception to this
The cost of the master discipline is skill. rule, however: ninjutsu. Ninja were
only used to figure its possibility cost Now you must decide on the disci- far more than assassins. They were
per use. plines of the art. You end up deciding spies, actors and saboteurs. Each ninja
All martial arts have special skill that the following disciplines best fit was trained in one or two operational
requirements or impose behavioral your chosen focus. Note that the cost specialties. To reflect this, this optional
restrictions on the practicioner. As a of the master discipline is not factored rules system provides ninjutsu with a
minimum, arts costing 20–23 points into the style total. training sequence, which may be filled
should have one special requirement, Minor Disciplines with disciplines of the gamemaster’s/
those between 24 and 26 would have Strike (2) player’s choice. This rule applies only
two, and 27 to 30, three. Especially Drop Kick (2) to Core Earth ninja — for Marketplace
rare or potent arts might have even Stone Fist (4) ninja, see below.
more requirements. Lightning Fist (3) Note that, according to the Torg
Each art should have a focus. Is the Spring Attack (3) rule system, ninja are allowed an addi-
art primarily offensive or defensive? If tional three attribute points and are
the art is offensive, does it use throws, Major Disciplines unable to spend Possibilities on reality
strikes or both? The art’s disciplines Hail of Blows (6) skill checks.
and skill requirements should be con- Spirit Shout (5) There is also a long list of skills
sistent with the art’s focus. The central Master Discipline which may be taken (with stealth) as
idea of the art is also defined through Thunder Kick the prerequisites for ninjutsu. The skills
the skills chosen as its special require- Requirements: STR 10+, willpower are classified as traditional (T) or mod-
ments. ern (M). There is no restriction on mix-
Now you have merely to write a ing the two. The skills chosen should
brief overview of the art, and you will

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

greatly help the gamemaster in deter- tion, the Sons of Darkness, which has vival (T), beast riding (T), climbing (T),
mining what type of family or clan a recently appeared in the realm of running (T), swimming (T), long jump-
character belongs to. A school empha- Nippon Tech and Core Earth. This ing (T), artist (actor) (T), scholar (secu-
sizing demolitions and heavy weap- body acts as a congress of ninja clans rity systems) (T)*
ons will be very different from one in and facilitates getting clients to the * See “New Skills.”
which disguise and acting are taught. proper type of ninja. The fee for their
A ninja character should automati- services can be quite high, but if you
cally come with an established group have the pull to contact them, you can Martial Arts
of gamemaster characters: his family. probably afford it.
The gamemaster and the player should Discipline Creation
work together to make the clan as
interesting as possible. This should
Ninjutsu All martial arts have eight disci-
include at least the name of the clan, plines, as noted above. Disciplines
Training Sequence: have a point value derived from the
the statistics of the Master, and statis- 1. Defensive Maneuver
tics on typical clan members. bonuses effects, and limitations of the
2. Special Attack maneuver. The cost of a maneuver is
Note that characters from Market- 3. Special Attack
place are all trained by corporate ninja the bonus granted (i.e., STR+4 dam-
4. Defensive Maneuver age would cost four), plus any special
Masters and do not have a clan (al- 5. Attack (General)
though the gamemaster should feel effects (see the “Special Effects Cost
6. Invisibility Chart”). A discipline may have more
free to create the character’s parent 7. Weapon or Movement Technique
company). There are only three pri- than one effect, but should only have
8. True Invisibility one limitation.
mary schools of ninjutsu in Market-
place, one sponsored by each of the Requirements: stealth plus two of Minor Disciplines: Minor disci-
megacorps in the Triad. The game- the following: plines have a cost between one and
master should create the three schools Acrobatics (T), fire combat (M), heavy four points. At this level, the bonus
for his campaign, and all corporate weapons (T,M), lockpicking (T), forgery should be only to combat actions (at-
ninja from Marketplace should choose (T), prestidigitation (T), disguise (T), lan- tack/defense) or directly combat-re-
the school at which they trained. guages (T), water vehicles (T), demoli- lated skills (i.e., maneuver).
There is rumored to be an organiza- tions (T,M), scholar (computers) (M), sur- Major Disciplines: Major disci-
plines have costs between five and

M artial Arts Discipline Cost (by category)

Possibility Possibility Possibility
Discipline Cost Cost Discipline Cost Cost Discipline Cost Cost
Heart Punch 2 — Hail of Blows 6 — Detect Lie 6 —
Stone Fist 4 — Whirling Attack 7 — Self-Instruction 5 —
Drop Kick 2 — Stunning Attack 2 — Flashback 5 —
Sacrifice Kick 1 — Death Touch 15 2 Weakness Probe 3 —
Strike 2 — Entangle 4 — Jump 5 —
Kick Disarm 2 — Throw 3 — Wind Running 10 1
Sweeping Kick 3 —
Iron Fist 6 — Long Life 15 — Weapons Master 5 —
Leaping Kick 3 — Poison Immunity 5 —
ATTACKS (SPECIAL) Block/Strike 4 — Dagger Dance 1 —
Feint 2 — Disarm 4 — Dragon Flight 3 —
Spring Attack 3 — Serpent’s Coils 3 — Healing 5 —
Spirit Shout 5 — Weapon Break 2 — Instant Up 3 —
Lightning Fist 3 — Crushing Block 3 —
Cyclone Attack 16 2 Missile Dodge 2 —
Power Shout — 1 Stop Thrust 2 — Invisibility 5 —
True Invisibility 15 2

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

seven points. At this level, bonuses tial arts value plus a bonus in fatigue. plines, Superior the master disciplines,
can be applied to non-combat maneu- Otherwise, as listed in sourcebook. and a Spectacular result allows the
vers, such as long jumping or healing. Drop Kick: Use gives the artist ini- scholar to know the special require-
Also, at this level the bonus can be tiative for the round, replacing his ments for the art and where the best
added to the limit of a movement value. normal action. Damage is calculated masters can be found. Modifiers
Master Disciplines: Cost 10 or more as listed. If the artist possesses the should be applied for especially rare
points. The cost of the discipline deter- instant up maneuver, he may use this arts, or arts from other realities than
mines its possibility cost to use. Disci- maneuver in consecutive rounds with- that of the scholar. Note: it is not nec-
plines costing 10–14 points cost one out penalty. essary to have the martial arts skill to
Possibility, 15–19 cost two Possibili- Entangle: Opponent is knocked have scholar (martial arts).
ties, and so on. A master discipline can down for two rounds. The artist is
be anything that can be rationalized as unskilled the following round due to Scholar (Security Systems)
relating to the martial art. the complexity of the maneuver.
Invisibility: While not truly invis- This person has studied modern
ible, the artist does get a +3 bonus to security devices, from padlocks to la-
Changes to Existing stealth. ser “eye” beams. A skill roll (versus
Maneuvers Ki Punch: Does STR+5 damage, use difficulty 8) can be made when the
fatigues the artist. scholar finds out about a system. This
The following are optional rules Spirit Shout: +3 to acting value. can consist of looking at blueprints,
changes for some of the maneuvers Causes spiritual damage of SPI+3. Use hearing the name of the system, or
listed in the Nippon Tech sourcebook. causes artist five shock points in fa- observing it firsthand. Modifiers
Death Touch: Costs 2 Possibilities tigue. should be applied (gamemaster’s dis-
to use. The artist must touch the target Stop Thrust: Does normal damage cretion) on security systems above or
on exposed skin (possibly requiring a and opponent is unskilled in the next below the scholar’s Tech axiom, magi-
vital blow if the target is in armor). Use round. cal or miraculous security systems,
causes the artist to take 20 minus mar- Thunder Kick: Costs 1 Possibility. and systems from realities other than
Gives the user initiative for the round, the scholar’s. The success levels of the
does STR+5 damage, and causes a roll are added to stealth rolls made
knockdown. against the system in question. This
S pecial Effects Cost True Invisibility: +5 to stealth, +10
to defensive values while invisibility
knowledge can be passed on to others
so that they can get the bonus as well.
Chart lasts. It lasts until someone beats the Note, disconnecting the security sys-
Effect Cost artist’s stealth total. tem requires science (electronics) or
Weapons Master: +3 with chosen other appropriate science skill.
Unskilled 2
Stymied 3
L imitations Cost
Fatigued 2 New Skills Chart
Setback 4
These are optional new skills that Limitation Cost
Initiative 3 may be used in conjunction with the
Up following round 4 martial arts design system above or on First Round of
their own. Combat Only -2
Knockdown 3 Cannot be used in
Normal Surprise 2 consecutive rounds
Multi-Action Perception Skills (and normally could) -1
(“Number Succeed” Use causes knockdown
difficulty plus) 2 Scholar (Martial Arts) to artist -1
Applies in Consecutive Artist confused
The person has studied the various
Rounds (and normally if action fails -1
martial arts of her cosm and has a
would not) 2 good idea of the abilities of various Artist stymied
Non-Combat Bonus 2 styles. A skill roll (versus difficulty 8) following round -2
Causes Non-Physical determines what the scholar knows Discipline requires
Damage 4 about the style in question. A Minimal vital blow -4
success allows the scholar to know
Area Attack where the style is from (geographi- Discipline requires
(+ radius in meters) 2 cally speaking) and its basic philoso- use of both hands -1
Increases Limit Value phy. Average success yields the minor Requires a skill roll and
(bonus +2) + non-combat 2 disciplines of the style in question. A normally would not -1
Good success gives the major disci-

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

Dispatches and Rumors

Dispatches Survival 15, test 13, willpower 18
Charm 11, persuasion 11, taunt 12
Charm (30), persuasion (30), taunt SPIRIT 9
14 Corruption 13, intimidation 13, re-
SPIRIT 8 ality (Aysle) 14
Intimidation 24, reality (Land Be- Possibilities: 12
The Land Below continues to be a low) 17 Arcane Knowledges: inanimate
subject of fascination for researchers, Possibilities: 25 forces 4, light 7
High Lords and Storm Knights alike. Natural Tools: claws, damage value Spells: lightning, rainbow bridge,
Recently, a Nippon team traveled to STR+3/33; fangs, damage value shield of light
Merretika via tunnels beneath the Liv- STR+4/34 Equipment: cyprium armor, value
ing Land and made a cursory exami- TOU+2/10
Critical Event: The Knights must
nation of the area, seeking natural re-
defeat Ras to learn just what it is he Thunder
sources to exploit. When they at-
tempted to move further into the guards (which will be revealed in the
personalized response from West
jungles, they were attacked by a bi- Dodge 11, melee weapons 11, un-
End). Doing so is a Good result (6 or
zarre creature. armed combat 11
Survivors of the massacre that fol- above); failing to do so is a Bad result
(3 or less).
lowed described the beast as well over Lifting 16
10 meters tall, with a humanoid body TOUGHNESS 15
and the head and neck of a great ser- 2 PERCEPTION 12
pent. It did not speak, but some had Alteration magic 15
the impression that it was acting as a A team of Ayslish sorcerers has bro- MIND 12
guardian for the region. ken away from the Dark and traveled Apportation magic 16, test 13
If the Storm Knights investigate this to the Nile, there to seek their fortunes CHARISMA 8
incident, they will find that none of the as the costumed criminals known as Persuasion 10, taunt 10
denizens of the Land Below have ever the Weather Warriors. Lightning, SPIRIT 7
seen or heard of this thing before, nor Thunder, Fire, Ice and Gale have struck Corruption 12, intimidation 13, re-
do they have any idea what it might be repeatedly in Libya, Tunisia and even ality (Aysle) 12
guarding. They do know of hunting as far north as Greece. They have thus Possibilties: 15
parties that have ventured into that far avoided known Mystery Man ar- Arcane Knowledges: water 4
area and disappeared. eas such as Cairo and Khartoum. Their Spells: Aeluin’s water valley, bath of
If the Knights investigate the site, attacks are incredibly swift and nor- death, fog
they will find no bodies, but plenty of mally only one team member uses his Equipment: solium armor, value
dried blood. They will also find the powers at any one time, so the rest will TOU+2/17; solium sword, damage
creature, who is not as unintelligent as not face so great a risk of disconnec- value STR+6/21
one might believe and intends to ful- tion.
fill his duty to protect … what? The Fire
Knights will only find out by defeat- Lightning DEXTERITY 10
ing him. DEXTERITY 12 Dodge 13, maneuver 14, stealth 15
Acrobatics 13, dodge 14, maneuver STRENGTH 9
The Guardian Ras 13, running 14, stealth 15, unarmed TOUGHNESS 10
Unarmed combat 17 STRENGTH 8 Alteration magic 14, find 13, trick
Lifting 35 PERCEPTION 11 MIND 12
TOUGHNESS 38 Alteration magic 15, find 12, trick Conjuration magic 16, test 14, will-
PERCEPTION 15 12 power 14
Find 17, tracking 18, trick 16 MIND 10 CHARISMA 10
MIND 11 Test 12, willpower 12 Charm 12, persuasion 16, taunt 16

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

SPIRIT 10 Aysle. Doing so is a Good result (6 or in Frankfurt and stop the assassins
Corruption 15, intimidation 14, re- better); failing to do so is a Bad result assigned to kill him. Doing so is a
ality (Aysle) 17 (3 or less). Good result (6 or more); failing to do
Possibilties: 20 so is a Bad result (3 or less).
Arcane Knowledges: fire 9 3
Spells: conjured fireball, Atlack’s in-
stant immolation, flickering fire shield An important Cyberpapal bishop 4
Equipment: infernas armor, value
has decided to defect, having come to
TOU+2/12 believe that a purge of the With Cyberpapal and Nile troops
Ice CyberChurch is planned by Malraux. battling in what was once Yugoslavia,
DEXTERITY 12 The bishop, assigned to Rome, will be there is tremendous suffering through-
Dodge 14, maneuver 14, unarmed traveling via express rail from that city out the country. The Storm Knights
combat 16 to Frankfurt in only a few days. are offered a job escorting a United
STRENGTH 14 The Storm Guild had assigned two Nations supply convoy into embattled
TOUGHNESS 14 Knights to meet Bishop Toulours on Sarajevo. Keep in mind that any
PERCEPTION 14 the train and see to his “disappear- Serbian resistance they encounter
Alteration magic 17, evidence analy- ance” in Frankfurt. Unfortunately, along the way will be armed with
sis 16, find 16, scholar (master crimi- Malraux has learned of the planned Cyberpapal weapons or backed up by
nal) 16, trick 17 defection and hired five assassins from Church Police.
MIND 10 another realm — which one is un- Once the food is delivered, the
Test 12 known — who will be disguised as Knights will learn of a nearby village
CHARISMA 7 Core Earthers and placed aboard to beset by bandits who have stolen vir-
Persuasion 13, taunt 16 train to kill Toulours. tually everything of value. The only
SPIRIT 9 Learning of this, the Storm Guild thing left behind (because it was well
Corruption 18, intimidation 19, re- hires the player characters to board hidden) was a statue of a dragon dat-
ality (Aysle) 16 the train in Rome, make contact with ing back well over 600 years, and
Possibilities: 17 Toulours and, if possible, the other streaked with red and blue. If the
Arcane Knowledges: water 5, inani- Knights, and to frustrate the efforts of Knights will agree to protect the town
mate forces 6, air 2 the assassins. from further raids, they can have the
Spells: ice bolt, frost bridge, frigid air This adventure can be run “as is,” statue as payment.
Equipment: aqueate armor, value either as an action-packed chase The bandits are outcasts from the
TOU+2/16 through the train, a mystery/suspense Cyberpapal and Nile forces — undis-
entertainment, or a combination of the ciplined scum, more interested in
Gale two. Remember that this is an express butchering and pillaging than victory
DEXTERITY 14 train and will not stop between the in battle — who are led by a rogue
Acrobatics 17, dodge 20, maneuver two cities. If you wish it to be delayed, techno-demon.
18, running 17, stealth 21 you will have to come up with a rea- Critical Event: The Storm Knights
STRENGTH 8 son for it. must save the village and obtain the
TOUGHNESS 9 There are a number of Torg prod- eternity shard. Doing so is a Good
PERCEPTION 11 ucts that can help you in staging this result (6 or better); failing to do so is a
Alteration magic 15, find 13, track- adventure. The Forever City contains a Bad result (3 or less).
ing 15, trick 17 map of the Orient Express, which can
MIND 11 double as the setting for this drama.
Apportation magic 14, test 15 The Torg Character Collection can pro-
CHARISMA 12 vide the Storm Knights assigned to Rumors
Taunt 16 the train, and some of the villains, if
SPIRIT 10 necessary.
Corruption 11, intimidation 12, re- This is also an excellent spot to make 1
ality (Aysle) 14 use of subplot cards. Perhaps one of
Possibilties: 14 the assassins is an old Nemesis of one of The Cyberpapacy, in one of its subtle
Arcane Knowledges: air 7 the player characters; perhaps a Ro- plots, has been making several invest-
Spells: wall of air, zephy of flight, arm mance is encountered on the train. ments in the American movie busi-
of air, fighting whirlwind There are countless other adventure ness. Their most recent purchase has
Equipment: cinlum armor, plots that can be spun off from the been a major TV/movie company.
TOU+2/11 Knights’ time on this express (assum- The individual in charge of the com-
ing, of course, they survive). pany, Archbishop de Vries, has taken
Critical Event: The Knights must
defeat the Weather Warriors and pre- Critical Event: The Knights must over the production of several shows.
vent the loot they’ve taken from being help Toulours to defect to Core Earth The archbishop has found that first-
fed back to the Army of the Dark is run syndication is a potent tool in the

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

hands of the Church, with the proper value, which means little to any but 5
amount of subliminal conversion mes- the English, they wouldn’t bring much
sages included. to their new owners. Unless they know Things are once again getting inter-
Currently, de Vries is involved in something we don’t … esting in Los Angeles. However, this
overhauling a popular science fiction —Jamie Lewandowski time it’s good news for Storm Knights
series. He has taken to steps to elimi- — the Posse has found religion!
nate all of the characters from the show, 3 In a recent battle against the forces
with the exception of several played of Tharkold, a Storm Knight team
by actions who have been Hereteri, daughter of Sesetek, was saved a Posse member from a painful
FaithChipped. The remaining crew defeat. One of the Storm Knights was
recently seduced to Good alignment.
have now become a futuristic repre- a cleric of the Sacellum faith. At the
Her father was not pleased with this,
sentation of the CyberChurch, explor- but is loath to take action against her. critical point of the battle, the priest
ing strange new worlds and convert- crucified the Alpha leading the attack
He himself has had doubts about Mo-
ing heretics 400 years in the future. and forced the demons to retreat. The
bius’ divine stature. However, he feels
The crew are all cybernetically en- that he can best serve his gods by surviving Posse members were very
hanced and their opponents are a impressed by this action and asked
remaining Overgovernor.
mysterious race, with its own the priest to stay with them. Seeing an
Hereteri has been organizing resis-
unsanctified cybernetics, that seek to tance forces in Libya. She has linked opportunity to spread the faith, the
assimilate all other beings into a psionic good father accepted and was soon
up with a number of Libyan resistance
“group mind.” Thus, the CyberChurch preaching to the gang members. What
fighters and local Mystery Men. This
can subtly preach against the Akashans small group has conducted a number was rather surprising was that the gang
and their mental powers. members started to listen and some of
of raids in Sesetek’s and the neighbor-
In this manner, de Vries hopes to them have even converted to the
ing Overgovernors’ territories.
bring new believers, fans of the show, Mobius and his Darkness Device Sacellum faith.
into the fold by convincing them of the If the cleric is able to convert a large
are currently unaware of the identity
rightness of the Cyberpapal catechism. number of the Posse members, this
of the mysterious rebel leader. If this
He currently operates out of the knowledge became common, Sesetek could create some very interesting
company’s relocated offices in Florida. problems for their enemies. First off,
would not long survive the High
— Steve Crow the strict teachings of the Sacellum
Lord’s wrath. Several Overgovernors,
would give the Posse the discipline
and organization that they have so far
The Crown Jewels of England have been stolen! lacked. Secondly, the religious power
gained from the Sacellum would be a
great advantage. Ward enemy could
now be used to counter the power of
2 hearing of Hereteri’s disappearance, the techno-demons. Blessed bullets
are beginning to make the connection coming from automatic weapons
and are looking for ways to confirm would extremely effective against the
The Crown Jewels of England have
their suspicions and blackmail Sesetek Tharkoldu, and blessing vow would
been stolen!
to their side. increase attributes without adding
The Tower of London. which has cyberware.
been refortified and is occasionally —Steve Crow
In any event, the Sacellum priest
used by Ardinay and members of the
4 now regards the Posse as his “flock”
English govermment or Royal family and will do everything in his power to
for important meetings, was easily
help them.
penetrated and the jewels snatched. Power-suited Nippon samurai have
— Sandy Addison
The phenomenal success of the ef- been reported seen in the Living Land,
fort, and the stealth necessary to pull it near what was once the city of Seattle.
off, points to any one of several sus- They are supposedly involved in an 6
pects: a traitor within the Home Guard; efficient elimination of all Jakatts in
Ayslish or Tharkoldu mages; Nippon the area. Resistance communities are An entire battalion of Nile soldiers
ninja; pulp-powered Nile villains — apparently being sought out by vanished while on maneuvers in Libya.
anyone could have accomplished this Kanawa employees, who are paying Found one week later wandering in
deed. much more than what the land is the desert, all had been driven mad by
But “whodunnit” is only one of the worth. shock. A few babbled incoherently
important questions. Aside from their By all appearances, Seattle, which about passing through a “doorway,”
monetary value, which isn’t great before the war was one of the biggest and seeing horrible sights.
enough to warrant such a dangerous trade ports with the Far East, is due for
undertaking, and their ceremonial its very own “Miracle of California.”
—Jamie Lewandowski

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

Your Letters
ome of our readers have very pages over the coming year. details on that story).
speculated that the 4. To be honest, that’s one of those 3. She’s not one most Core Earthers
“hero” whose death we things we keep meaning to do, and would regard as a reliable source. Be-
referred to (and which never seem to get around to. We had sides, the Tokyo Citybook has gone a
Mobius reacted to with been planning a novel that would have long way toward blowing 3327’s cover
such glee) might have been a certain detailed some of the further adven- in Japan already.
caped marvel of some renown. One tures of Bryce and crew, but the pro-
reader, Steve Crow, went on to sug- spective author went from freelancer 1. Do third-planting Orrorsh
gest that, were this true, it seems far- to staffer at another game company, gospog get shape change plus power
fetched, as the company with which and so is no longer available. Hope- points, or is its cost subtracted from
the character is most closely associ- fully, we’ll find an avenue in the fu- the points?
ated would have been destroyed when ture. 2. How about a Torg art book?
the Living Land invaded. Even if they Yes, Tolwyn is still embroiled in the — Ralph Dula,
relocated, “it is unlikely they would struggle to retake House Tancred and New Cumberland, PA
kill [him] off just to boost sales.” the rest of the cosm from the hands of
As to the former, while some of the the Dark. Unfortunately, with her 1. The cost is subtracted from the
better known creators were slain or gone, the Army of the Light’s fortunes listed power points.
transformed in the invasion, others have gone to hell in a handbasket, as 2. There are no plans for one at this
were out of town at a con and survived will be seen in upcoming months. time.
to start up again in Florida. As to the
latter, interesting point: what do the 1. Why can’t the High Lords knock Have you ever considered the
rest of you think? out the leadership of Core Earth by possibilties of what could be done
1. I thought occultech was a Mind attacking their offices with stormer with the Polynesian Cargo Cults, es-
skill. teams dropped by dimthread? pecially since they are now under
2. Can we have a more detailed 2. If Malgest is so weak (for a Dark- Orrorshan axioms?
way of using the UltraCAD skill? I ness Device), can 3327 and Daikoku — Dennis Matheson,
find the whole UltraCAD process do to it and Jezrael what the Gaunt Kennesaw, GA
sketchy. Man and Heketon did to Kurst and
3. I think the game is going great. Huitzilopochtli? Actually, Dennis, it’s a subject with
Please do something with the Living 3. Why doesn’t Jezrael reveal to which we are largely unfamiliar. If
Land, though. It’s … well, it’s boring. the Japanese people that 3327 is a you (or any of our other readers) have
4. Are we ever going to find out High Lord? knowledge about this that you’d like
what happened to Bryce, Mara, Rat —Greg Detwiler, to share, feel free to send it in. (We love
and Coyote and the rest of the main Williamsburg, PA learning new things.)
characters from the trilogy? Is Tolwyn
back from Aysle cosm yet? 1. Well, they can certainly try. But Recently, we reprinted a Torg Cam-
— Christopher Hudson, most likely the leaders of the “free paign Update which one of our players,
Newark, DE world” saw to their own protection Tom Reed, was gracious enough to
early on, so it might not be that easy (I send in for us. A few of our readers
1. No, according to Tharkold, have no doubt there are Storm Knights sent in questions about how the news-
occultech is a Spirit skill. on retainer to protect various world letter was prepared (and we had a few
2. If we get enough demand for leaders). of our own), for which Tom has pro-
info, Chris, we will see about getting a 2. Again, 3327 can try, if he’s willing vided answers. So take it away, Tom:
product scheduled for ’94. (It’s en- to risk losing. While Heketon had The newsletter is put together on
tirely possible.) Huitzilopochtli outmatched, the inva- my Macintosh Classic II, using regular
3. Watch for big changes in the Liv- sion of Kantovia and the defeat of its professional publishing software.
ing Land in Infiniverse Update: Volume High Lord were not as simple as one People with any computer system
II, due out in April. Also watch for the might like to think (see Interview With can put together similar newsletters. I
final (?) fate of Baruk Kaah in these Evil, by John Terra, in August for more did similar things when I had one of

Infiniverse Vol. 1, No. 33 / March, 1993

the obsolete Atari 8-bit computers.

Nowadays, if you own or have access
to an IBM or Macintosh computer,
Herald Messages
you have one advantage: you can take
your completed document to various “Hey, Malraux! Did you lose some- Kaah is dead, but Rec Pakken has dis-
thing? Like maybe 20 percent of your appeared. The realm seems to be chang-
copy centers and have your document realm?” ing. The Magic, Social and Tech axioms
printed out on laser printers. This pro- — Major Havoc, Daremo, Corey are rising. Large, wasp-like creatures have
vides better detail, clearer type, and it Jones, Kayla, Marcel and the been spotted near Philadelphia. Pyrians
copies beautifully. If you’re stuck us- rest of the Knights of the have also been spotted. Is Hadian Fel Ar a
ing a typewriter or a dot-matrix printer Valiant 13th. High Lord?
(just like I am at home), try to use a — Christopher Hudson,
fresh ribbon, for the darkest print pos- Archbishop de Vries has created a new Newark, DE
virtual reality program. It is based upon a
sible. pre-invasion British TV show. The area, “The fastest way to kill a dragon is to
You don’t even need a computer. known as “The Village,” is used to im- storm it — twice.”
With a little time, a copier that does prison Storm Knights without knowledge — D’Hubert and Walker
sharp, solid black copies and some that they are in virtual reality. The Order
rubber cement, people can copy pic- of the Shard are the first “guests.” Storm Knights working for Senator
tures from other sources and paste — Steve Crow, Gardner (anti-Spartan), together with In-
North Liberty, IA form agents, have ushered in a new era of
them into handmade newsletters and international cooperation by preventing
write the text out on typewriters. The Nile efforts to locate and destroy Core the liberation of the Red Knights’ terror-
best kind of art for copying and past- Earth hardpoints in Greece have been ist leader and stopping an American gun-
ing this way is “line art,” with black thwarted by Storm Knights working for runner and an Akashan Monitor from
and white lines. Copying photographs the Greek government. Nile agents bringing bioweapons and talismans to
and color pictures always provides known to be seeking eternity shards in Los Angeles. As a result, the Social axiom
that country are still at large, however. of the Lima, Peru courthouse/jail has
shaky results.
— Jim Ogle, been raised to 22. Legends have been
Since I can’t draw well, my Socorro, NM seeded in Lima (about the axiom shift)
newsletter’s artwork mostly comes and Los Angeles (about the death of a
from “clip art,” which has been cre- “Gee, I hope Talamous’ True Death techno-demon).
ated by various sources. The rights for goes something like, ‘Having head blown — Grant Davis,
publishing it professionally are, to be off with laser pistol.’ Guess that’s a little Austin, TX
honest, nebulous. A lot of the readily- overly optimistic, huh?”
— Daman Prizt “I didn’t want to see what gospog
available clip art consists of scanned from the Cartoon reality looked like, any-
images from anonymous sources. “We are poorly trained and lack faith.” way.”
There are “legitimate” sources of clip — Message often left behind by — Bluey
art that provide all legal release for Storm Knight Carlton Path
publications, but little of it is suitable after defeating Cyberpapal Famous last words:
for the kind of fantasy and science adversaries. “Five longboats full of Vikings?” Let’s
get ’em!”
fiction needed for gaming work. Also, — The Searchers
I’d be paying for publishing rights
which would see little practical use.
My viewpoint is that, as long as I am work to be published some day, and friends who are avidly reading the
not selling the newsletter or distribut- they will want their work to be re- newsletter like it was a soap opera.
ing it beyond my gaming club, I’m not spected. If so, they should respect the Perhaps these people may make the
injuring anyone’s rights. rights of others right now. daring jump into gaming some day.
Obviously, though, I did have the (Hopefully, that will answer a lot of Most importantly, it emphasizes the
Torg logo scanned, and I “modified” it people’s questions about the technical fact that their characters’ actions make
for clear appearance. As you see, on side of putting out a newsletter. Now a difference in the game world. For
the title line I gave full copyright and to the important part … the aesthet- example, one player character,
trademark attribution to WEG. I would ics.) stripped of his Ryuchi battle suit, found
advise anyone that, if they wish to use Putting out a campaign newsletter a way to defeat Nile Empire crocodiles
the logos of game systems — or even does several things. It reminds the with his wadded-up, stinky socks. This
the names of game systems — in any- players of what happened in the pre- incident became so important to their
thing they print and distribute, they vious week. It provides a permanent success in the adventure, it was com-
always include the copyright owner’s record of their statistics and new memorated on a certificate I handed
notice. This is more than protecting equipment. It lets me pass informa- them at the end of the school semester.
your rump from legal action — it’s tion to the players about the Torg uni- Anyway, thanks for your help …
paying proper homage to the people verse without having them refer to and I look forward to greater adven-
whose work you are using. Every the sourcebooks. It attracts players; tures and excitement from you.
gamer who writes will want his or her one of my players has non-gaming — Thomas E. Reed,
Orlando, FL


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