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Recipes and Instructions Vita-Mix 3600, 3600+ and 4000 SUM ler Cmte ihe Loading the Vita-Mix The maximum normal load for the Vita-Mix is a half full container - with the motor tuned off. This allows room for expansion during process- ing. To make larger recipes without turning the machine off (and not exceed maximum oral capacity, is possible by dispensing excess liquid through the spigot and ada'ng more inoreciants through the action-dome, See-thru, two-piece Action- Dome. Ad ingredients wile machine fs running 72 ounce stainless steel container. Stainless steel hammermilt blades. Vita-Mix pressurized spigot. Dispense beverages, soups, and icecream. Automatic breaker switch. Accidental overload automatically ssuts machine of Motor base. Speed control knob. Impact lever. Forward-On (UP), Of Reverse-On (DOWN) switch, Vita-Mix Introduction ‘We thank you forthe purchase of your new Vita-Mix, and assure you ‘nat Vita-Mix is the fastest, mst fficint and versatile appliance on the market. ntact, Vita-Mix performs certain food preparation tasks ‘hat no appliance or combination of appliances on the market can do. It is the only appliance thal grinds grain info flour and kneads dough in the same container. To make whole wheat bread without a Vita-Mix, requires the purchase of two appliances ~ a grain grinder and a bread maker, witha combined purchase cost cf over twiae as ‘much as your Vila-Mix. Vita-Mix is the only “total juicer” on the ‘market, All other juices, regardless of the brand name, are juice eetraciors. They fragment food by separating the pulp irom the juice and throw the pulp away. (The pulp generally ha more auirtional value then the extracted juice.) Vita-Mix actully cooks without a hating element. Rarely ae cheese sauoes, ondues, puddings and ciner easy-to-burn recipes. made fiom soratch inthe kitchen, Doacause mast homemakers don't want fo stand over a hol stove si fing he ingredients 0 pee sorting or umping, Yur Wie Mi will cook these delicious resipes with no possibly of lumping, scorching or curing, white you are fee todo ether things. Speed, Efficiency and Exclusive Functions One thing the Vita-Mix does exclusively is tranze ioe cream in less, than 60 seconds. if you have ever awned the old-fashioned electric, ive cream Ireezer, you know if takes atleast a half an hour to freeze ice creany; consequently t only gels used 3 or 4 times a year. With, yout Vita-Mix cookbook. you will not nly learn totreeze ice cram in 60 seconds, butaiso make cereal and flour from whole wheal, mix and knead bread dough, make “total juice," cook soup, crush ioe, ‘cubes, shred cheese, giind meal, powder sugat, make colestav, chop nuls, make peanut butter, puree baby food and sel gelatin in five minutes — all done without one single attachment. You never, have to disassemble or reassembe the container. not wash it by hand ~ it cleans iself. These food processes just mentioned can easly be done in a total of 30 minutes. Done in any other combina tion of appliances i would consume about 3 hours of your fine. Of ‘course you would have to own nearly a dozen appliances —a ola cost of hundreds of dollars more than your Vita-Mix. Only Vita-Mix is guaranteed for five years, and most importantly, no appliance is as fast and efficient as Vita-Mix. Ask yourself, do you \wanl to spend more time inte kichen or less ime? How many 00d preparation tasks don" get dane because they take too much time {they're too messy, or somebody doesn’ lke the hassie of clean-up? Do you want your kitchen complicated with attachments, ime con- summing food processes and cleen-up, of would you preler Vita-Mix speed and efficiency in your Kitchen? Greater Diet Control _ Certainly you are becoming more and more aware that processed, refined food robs the body of health and vigor. Unfortunately, most pope are al the mercy of commercial food processors. Vita-Mix ‘owners are nat, Now you can control your nutritional and caloric intake, A Vita-Mix enables you to reduce refined sugar sonsumgtion, stop the chemical feast, contro salt intake, include natural fiber YoU diet, cut the excessive fal, oils and ctiolesterol. Now you will ‘oxperience the health benefits from such diet control and the dolar savings attributed to good health Action- Dome Lid First, lets quickly feview the mectanios and operation of the Vita-Mix. The action= dome lid consists of ‘wo parts made from durable, see-thru polycarbonate. which is dishwasher sate The center funnel piece fits in the pout Spout openings, with the flanged end on top. The lid design reaps al the ingre ents inside. the con- fainer but permits you toadd things white the Vita-Mix is. tunning The fact that it clamps on, and has an opening, permits the use of hot liquids. The steam and expanding air escape through the hove in ‘he top. You wil notice that wth the fit clamped in place, you have a pour spout, Nate: Periodically remove the rubber seal in the action-dome and wash tin soapy water. This will extend the use life of the seal. Be sure to always inset the seal in the action-dome before clamping the lid on the container. Tamper The T-shaped tamper permits you to force the ingredients dawn aroun the blades while the Vita-Mix is cunning, It is used when puree'ng fruits and veg- efeble, oF making peanut butter (or ‘whenever the rocipe calls for i). Use it only if the fully assembled lis is securely clamped in place. The crass piace prevents the tamper from hitting the biades. (See diagram 2) _ Vita-Mix Blades The Vita-Mix blades are made of very diraole, surgical stainless steel, They are fat hernmer mil blades, 90 never sharpen them and never disassemble them. Diagram 1 Action-Domne and Tamper iagram 2— Tarps in conisioer ____ Vita-Mix is Self-Cleaning ‘An important feature about the Vita-Mix is that it is self-cleaning, Many appliances are inconvenient to use because they have to be assembled and disassermbied fr cleaning, Never disassembled for, cleaning. Never disassemble yout Vita-Mix. The Vita-Mix always cleans ise, even if you have made sticky bread dough or peanut butte: Fill the container with hot water, but be careful not to excead maximum normal load. Clamp action-dome in place. ‘Add one drop of liquid soap, and turn the Vita-Mix on at HIGH speed. Lett in about ane minut. i you reverse the blades ‘wo of three times while running, the resuting again will assure you ofa thorough cleaning. After you tum the machine of rinse ou ‘he sagp suds, and set the container inthe dain ack Pressurized Spigot The speed of the Vita-Mix blades acts ike pump pro- pellets which pressurize the This means. thal with the machine running ‘you can dispense ice cream (See diagram 3), soup and [uice through the spigot Simply lift (or press) the spigot lever and cispense Ingredients into a come, lass or bow. Litting the spigot fever up dispenses most ingreafents in te least amount of ime. Pushing ine spigot lever down when it is pointed toward the container wil diminish the flow of the ingredients, Diagram 8 ~Oispaning fee Crea To clean the spigot, fi the contain- er half full of warm dish water Clamp the action-dome in place. Hold a glass underneath the spigot and while the Vita-Mix is. running, ‘open it up. This force-tushes the spig- cl and will assure you of @ clean clear spigot the next time you want to dispense juioe or ice cream. Ifthe spigot does become clogged, it disassembles for easy cleaning, Unscrew the ring to which the lever is-allached. This will make it possible to remove tre ciog. (See dia- iam 4) Don't unscrew the spigot from the container. Another easy method for unelagging the spigot is ta open the spigot and blow through the opening, thas forcing the obstruction U Diagram 4 ~ Spigot Assembly back into the container. Speed Control ‘As you foe the tran of the Vita-Mix you wil notice a black knob on the extreme right side. (See diagram 5) This knob is *he speed contral, whish has tires speed seltings. Behind the knab is label that desig- nates LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH, The extere left setting LOW. Turn the. knab one ‘lick’ to the right and you have selecied MEDIUM speed. “Click” once more to the right and the speed set tings is HIGH Diagram 8 Speed Contos Note: Same Vita-Mix machines have a speed control knob with four switch positions, but there are only three speeds ~ LOW, MEDIUM, and HIGH. Both ofthe hwo switch positions to he extreme tight select HIGH spead, The spaed control can be acjusted while the macnine i running Each Vita-Mix recipe will indicate which speed seting you should ‘use for optimum resulis, Some recipes require more than ane food process technique. Wren that is the case, the instructions wil ini- cale whether or no a different speed selting is used Impact Lever AAs you face the front of the Vita-Mix, you will noice a red lever on the leit side of the motor base. (See giagram 6) The impact-lever Positions are printed on the label. The red lever i the swifch which urns the Vita-Mix ON in the FORWARD direction — when pushed to the UP position. In the position, the switch is OFF. When the ever is pressed to the DOWN position, the Vita-Mix turns ON in the REVERSE direction. The impact lever in the DOWN position is ‘spring-loaded, and automatically springs to the OFF position just as soon as you release the lever. UP-FORWARD OFF DOWN-REVERSE Diagram 6 ~Inpact Lever Jo tun the Vita-Mix ON, lift the red lever UP. To tum the Vite-Mix OFF, push the lever to the center or OFF position, How to Reverse the Vita-Mix Blades Occasionally you will be instructed to reverse the Vita-Mix biades, ‘The purpose is to achieve a different food processing technique. When the machine is running in FORWARD, the blades and the ingredients are rotating inthe sare direction. When you press the red impact lever to the DOWN-REVERSE position, te food contin- ues forwaid: the Blades rotate instantly inthe opposite direction and collide head-on withthe food. The patented blade- reversal technol ogy creat impacts in the Vita-Mix many times greater than can be ‘teated in appliances having motors which rotate in only ane direc- tion. Blade reversal i the major reason the Vita-Mix isso versal Instant Blade-Reversal Accomplished Without Gears Some people are reluctant to reverse the Vita-Mix. They fear they might daniage the gears. After all, how many of us would throw the Car transmission in reverse if we were traveling down the highway at 60 MPH? Relax. There are no gears in the Vita-Mix, Reversing the red impact fever reverses the polarity ofthe motor, and the power of electricity causes the rotor and blades to travel instantly in the opposite direction i's hiliant engineering It you are watching closely, you will notice a flash at the hoftom of the Vita-Mix motor base each time you reverse the ‘machine on HIGH, Dor be alarmed. This is mormal operation, and the flash fs a function of the blade reversal, Automatic Breaker Switch How ong can you process food in the Vita-Mix? Non-stop, if food preparation calls for i, The motor has a fan for sell-contoling purposes, and i the event you accidentally overload the Vita-Mix, is equipped wit a safety device which witl prevent you ‘rom ‘damaging the motor. The safely devise is a breaker switch which automatically turns the machine off in the event of overload. The breaker can be reset by pushing the white bution located on the back side ofthe moto: base. (See diagram?) I the breaker switch “kicks ‘out, itis an indication of overload. To prevent overload from reoccurring, reduce the amount of ingredients in the container. Diagram 7 Braker Switch and Elec Cora All Vita-Mix repairs should be performed by an Authorized Vita-Mix Service Representative. The Vita-Mix Service Department phone number is (216) 235-4840 Seating the Container on the Vita-Mix The Vita-Mix power base has four rubber feet to grip the countertop. Place the power base on a clean dry counter form max- imum stability Place the container on top of the power base — being vety careful to align the coupling on the container bottom with the Ave shat on the motor base. Its easier to seat the container before adding ingredients. Never place the container on the motor base or never remove the container from the motor base unt the drive shaft is fully stopped. In other words, never remove or place the container on the base while the drive shaft is moving. Adapting Recipes The work of @ good recipe is to be able to adant the spices, calorie Content, or fizvor to suit your personal tastes and dietary needs. We feel the flavorings, spies, and sweelenes listed in our recipes, will satisfy most people. However, we'd be the fist to recognize that ‘ecipes can be modified to produce another flavor equally 3s, delicious a5 the original. So tee fee to adjust certain seasonings. Use atiicial sweeteners instead of suger to cut calories. Make iow sodium recipes by using salt subsites. Conver ice creams to low valovie frozen desserts by using low-fat yogurt in place of cream, There may be fruits and vegetables grown in your area that ae not mentioned in a recipe. They might be great “optional ingredients” and lend more variety to your diet. Give them a try. We ‘eel the recipes are outstanding and hope you gel a chance to try them al Happy Vita-Mixing Vita Mix Performs Over 12 Separate Food CSS OM MUSOU em MITC ach chapler heading has an introductory or beginning recipe with easy-to-follow, step-by slep instructions. The required technique for that particular recipe will be taught in the chapter heading, For easy refeerce we have Surimarizad the four food processing tectiniques you will be using throughout the cookbook. Technique #1 (10 ouree, juice, treeze, cook, grind, cowder and whip.) ‘This isa very simple technique and the most frequently used. Al three sp2ed settings willbe used with this technique. Various rocioes call {or ctferent speeds, and the cookbook will indicate when to use LOW, MEDIUM, or HIGH. Lift the red impact lever UP to the ON position. This causes the blades to rotate in a clockwise dtection. This is by far the most frequently used technique thrcughul the book. Technique #2 (0 chop nuts and vegetables.) This technique causes the blades to oscil (reverse back znd fart). ts performed on LOW speed. It requires a series of rapid blade Teversal unl the foods completely processed The bate esl are done manually, Grasp fr pat ee betwen your thumb and index finger. Lift the red lever UP to ON position for less than 1 second, then press is all the way past OFF - DOWN to REVERSE for less than one second. Repeat UP for fess than one second, etc. Restated, mave the red impact lever UP-DOWN, UP-DOWN. The corresponding action ofthe blades wile FORWARD-REVERSE, FORWARD-REVERSE. Nole: (This is nol an UUP-OFF, UP-OFF action. That would just cause the blades to pulste in tha same direction and nothing would get chopped.) The blades must everse wth each UP-DOWN action of he ever in order to produce a chopping action. Whien performing this technique, do not exceed 8 to 10 seconds of continuous food processing a any one ime. Technique #3 (to grind meat, shred cheese, make tresh bread crumbs, crush large quantities of ice tor slurpies or snov cones, and to make cole slaw and hash browns) This technique is performed withthe speed contol knob sel cn HIGH It requires an UP-DOWN (FORWARD-REVERSE) action identical 10 technique £2— with one exception. You must pause two seconds between each blade reversal. Lift the red impact lever UP to ON position for two seconds, then press it all the way DOWN to REVERSE for two seconds. Repeat, UP for two seconds, elc. Restated, the blades wil go FORWARD fort seconds — REVERSE fortwo seconds.) FORWARD for two seconds. With his technique, the blades should only be reversed 2 fo 3 times in succession Technique #4 (1p-ReLeAse technique to knead bread and for gentle mixing and whipping.) This technique is perfored on HIGH for kneading bread. On LOW speed itis used for gantle mixing and whipping. Remember, the red impact ‘ever is spring-loaded in te DOWN position. AS soon as iti released, the lever automaticaly returns to the OFF position. We call this technique in the recipe book the TAP-REVERSE technique, Using the bottom of your fist, tap the red fever DOWN ~ and immediately release it. Perform the tapping in rapid succession, TAP-RELEASE, TAP-RELEASE, TAP-RELEASE, etc. Another way of describing this technique, is DOWN-OFF, never reach full velociy: therefore the lechnique causes the blades to pulsate in the reverse direction, CAUTION: Do not hold the ever down, Immediately rlease it each time you tap it. Holding the lever down produces the wrong results. ey Mele Cy There are tuo methods of chopping nuts and vegetables in the Vita- Mix. The frst method is “dry chopping” which is used for carrots, olives, nuts, coconut and dehydrated fruits. The second ‘method is “wet chopping.” It is unbelievably fast for making cole slaw and hash drown potatoes, of for recucing the numper of food processes in certain recipes. For example: If you were using a con: ventional mixer to make a cake that called for chopped nuts, you would have to mix the cake and chop the nuts separately, then add Ue two together. Ina Vita-Mix, the can can be mixed and the nuts ‘chopped al the sare time The Dry Chop Method Propare carrots by suiting ito t-inch lengths. Cut chocolate or coconut into inch squares. The dry chop method limits the quan- {ty of ingredients that can be chopped at one ima to about two cups (ireasurament before chopping). Place ingredients in the Vita- Mix container. Clamp action-dome in place. Turn black ‘speed control knob to LOW. Grasp the red impact lever hetween your thumb and index finger. Lift the red lever UP to ON position for less than one second ~ then press it all the way past OFF ~ DOWN to REVERSE for less than one second. Repeal UP for less than one second, etc. Restated, ‘apidly move the red impact lever UP-DOWN, UP-DOWN. The cor- responding action ofthe blades wil be FORWARD-REVERSE, FOR- WARD-REVERSE. Note: This is nat an UP-OFF, UP-OFF action. That would just cause the blades to pulsate in the same direction and nothing would get chopped The blades must reverse with each UP-DOWN action of the lever, in order to produce a chopping action. When performing this technique, do nat exceed 8 to 10 saoands of contin- ous blade versal at any one time How Long to Perform the Chopping Process Foods very i texture and size, so there iso set time to perfor corain processes. To know when to quit chopping, observe the Consistency of the chopped foods through the action-domre. When, You ate satisfied that everything is thoroughly chopped, cease the chopping technique and empty ingredients from the container. Often 2 oF 3 chunks remain unchopped A Word About Chopping Nuts Once nuts have been chopped, they tend not to circulate. if addi- tional chopping is required to make a fine nut sprinkle, stop every ‘couple of seconds and scrape down the sides, then continue the chopping technique (Introduetary Recipe) 3 t0 4 carrots, cut into 1-inch length 1/2 cop chopped pecans or walnuts 12 cup raisins 1/2 to 3/4 cup vanitia yogurt Place carrots in Vita-Mix container, Clamp action-dome in place Tain black speed conitolkriob to LOW. Lit the red lever UP to ON position fora split second, DOWN te REVERSE for a split second, UP to ON position for a split second, ete. Stop and check the prod Ust, Continue chopping action if necessary. (Often 2 or 3 carrot paces will not be completely chopped.) Remove carcos to a bow ‘Add chopped pecans. raisins and vanilla yogurt. Stir well. Best when Served immediatly W Makes 4 to § servings. eM um eC It you want iots of cole slaw or a couple of pounds of tresh-rmade hash browns in a instant, youll love the following technique Cabbage and potatoes are chopped with liquid. Chunks ofthe vogetables ate placed in the Vita-Mix container. Then enough water is added to cornpletely cover the vegetable chunks. A FORWARD- REVERSE chopping technique is used, pausing at one second intervals. This process takes only 2 to 3 seconds. ((niroductory Recipe) 6-inch head of cabbage Water to cover 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1/2 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon pepper 1/2 can (16 02.) pineapple tidbits, drained ‘V/2 cup chopped pecans (optional) Cut cabbage into two-inch chunks. (Gee phota 1) Dense heads give the Dost resutis. Add enoug chucks of cabbage to fl the container to the level ofthe fop handle screw on the inside of the container. Add enough water lo completely cover the cabbage chunks. (See photo 2) Ciamp action-dome in place. Tum black’ speed contol knob to HIGH, You will reverse the blades. three times. To do so, ifthe red impact lever UP to On position — pause one second, then push itll the way pest OFF to the DOWN position ~ pause ‘one second, then UP for one last second, stop and check your prod- Uct. (Repeat, press the red lever UP DOWN-UP at one-second intervals.) é Drain wel, Transtor chopped gee eg Cabbage to a large bowl. Ina sepa- | fale bowl corrbine mayonnaise, sour cream, sali and pepper. Stir into | cabbage. Add pineapple tidbits and | pecans. | Css 8 to 10 servings. How to Know When to Turn the Vita-Mix Off to Avoid Over-Processing ‘A half gallon of coleslaw or hash browns requires only @ couple of, blade reversal, and vill be completely chapped in about 2 to 3 sec- Conds, See photo 3) Do not over process. You wil be tempted to un the Vita-Mix longer ~ just for good measure, Keep in mind that the blades can travel 400 revolutions in one second. There are four blades, so the ingredients inte container reoeive 1600 “chops in cone sacond! Closaly watch the chunk of cabbage or potata floating {o the top of the water. When it disappears, you wil know that itis, being circulated toward the blades. Stop a hal sacond after the cab bage chunk on top disappears, wrinceniuccn amen Soa ne (introductory Rezipe) 5 medium potatoes cut into 1 1/2 inch chunks Water, enough to cover Place chunks of potatoes in Vita-Mix to the iavel ofthe top handle strew on he inside ofthe container. Add enough cold water to com: pletely cover potato chunks. Turn black speed contra kna® to HIGH "You will reverse the Vite-Min blades al one second intervals. To do 0, poss the red lever UP to ON position — pause one second, then press tne lever all tne way DOWN past OFF to REVERSE position — Pause one second, press the red lever UP to ON position, ete. Stop halla second after the potato chunk on top disappears, Drain well (s9¢ Hints). Once you have collected all te hash browas in a strainer, rinse. well under cold running water. This will wash away the excass starch (otherwise when you cook them they will be very sticky). Cook like any other hash brown ~ in an oiled oF builered skillet on MEDIUM-HIGH heat until golden brown, Notes It you ae a hash brown fan, you" fove tham freshly made. The tech nique and process for making fresh hash trowns are identical to making cole slaw with liquid. No need to peel the fresh potatogs, but ‘to soru them thoroughly. Hints Potato water is great for breads and soups. APPLESAUCE COOKED APPLESAUCE 6 apples _peeled and cored, or with peel Water to cover 2 tsp. lemon juice concentrate ( 1Tosp. fresh) cup sugar to taste tsp. cinnamon, if desired Cook apples in water and lemon juice until tender but not mushy. Drain well Place apples in the container. Secure lid. Select MEDIUM speed for chunky and tap release until desired consistency. For a pureed consistency, run the machine ‘on HIGH speed for 1 minute. Use tamper if necessary. Makes 2% cups. RAW APPLESAUCE 4 apples _peeled and cored, or with peel %oup pineapple juice or 2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1 tsp. ‘fruit fresh (optional) Sugar to taste tsp. cinnamon, if desired Place apples in container with remaining ingredients. Secure lid. Select MEDIUM speed for chunky and tap release until desired consistency. For a pureed consistency, run the machine on HIGH speed for 1 minute. Use tamper if necessary. Makes 2 cups. Bread Recipes WHOLE WHEAT BREAD 2 cups whole kernel wheat 1 thsp. molasses 1 tsp, salt ¥% cup honey 1 cup (cool) water ¥%-cup milk powder 1 large egg 1 thsp. active dry yeast (or 1 package) 2 tbsp. margarine Place wheat and salt in Vita-Mix container. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position and grind for 3% minutes, stopping once to knock what and kernels out of spigot (tap container edge on a cutting board) after 45 seconds. Stop machine and add remaining ingredients in the order listed above. Replace action dome lid. To mix wet and dry ingredients, press red impact lever to ON position to ON for 1 second, DOWN to REVERSE for 1 second, then UP again for 1 second. Stop machine and remove lid To knead the dough, two steps are required. Step 1: dip a rubber spatula in flour and use it to jab the dough a few times to compress it into the blades. Step 2: TAP- RELEASE red impact lever 5 to 7 times. Repeat this two-step kneading cycle 8 or more times. The dough will form the shape of a ball on top of the blades, Quick Method: Remove dough to a greased 8 4 by 4 ¥ inch bread pan. Smooth and shape with a wet spatula. Allow to rise until the edges of the dough come to the top of the bread pan (about 20 to 30 minutes). Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. Better Bread Quality Method: Once kneading cycle is complete, cover Vita-Mix container and allow dough to rise until double in size. TAP-RELEASE to knead it down. Allow dough to rise a second time. Again, TAP-RELEASE to knead it down. Remove dough to a floured board, shape the dough into a rectangle. Roll up tightly, beginning at narrow end, Pinch length of roll to seal. Press ends and gently tuck beneath. Place loaf seam side down in greased 8 ¥ by 4 ¥ inch bread pan and let rise until nearly double. Bake at 350 degrees for 35 to 40 minutes. HEARTY MULTI-GRAIN BREAD 2% tsp. (or 1 package active dry yeast 1% cups warm water 1 cup whole wheat flour 1% cups unbleached flour %4 cup rye flour 1% tbsp, wheat germ 1% tsp. sunflower seed meal 1 %tsp. corn meal 1% tsp. millet 1 % tsp. barley flour Yh tsp. flax meal ‘Atsp. sesame seeds 1% tsp, wheat bran 1 tbsp. catmeal flour 1 tbsp. fructose 1 tbsp. light olive oil Ina small bowl, soften yeast in warm water. Place first 13 ingredients in Vita-Mix container. Clamp action dome in place. Turn black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON until blended, about 10 seconds. Remove lid and add yeast mixture, fructose and olive oil. Replace lid. To mix wet and dry ingredients press red impact lever to ON position for 1 second, down to REVERSE for 1 second, then UP again for 1 second. Stop machine and remove lid. To knead dough, two steps are required: Step 1: Dip a rubber spatula in water and use it to jab the dough a few times to compress it Into the blades. Step 2: TAP-RELEASE red impact lever 5 to 7 tines. Repeat this two-step kneading cycle 8 ‘or more times. The dough will form the shape of a ball on top of the blades. To remove dough from the Vita-Mix container TAP-RELEASE red lever 6 times-then quickly tum the container upside down over a greased bread pan. The ball of dough will fall into the pan, A.small amount of dough will be trapped undemeath the blades. Work a wet spatula underneath the blades to remove any remaining dough and add it to the dough in the pan. Again, using a wet spatula (to prevent the dough from sticking), shape the dough by ‘compressing it evenly into the pan, so all four sides of the dough are the same height on the sides of the bread pan. Allow the bread dough to rise until the edges of the dough come to the top of the bread pan (about 15 to 20 minutes). The dough should nearly double in size. Bake for 35 minutes at 375 degrees. Carrot Juice Plus 1 cups carrots, cut in 1” pieces | cup water 1 cup ice cubes 2 tsp. fresh lemon juice or 1 tsp. Real-emon Juice (optional) Rapid Method Place all ingredients in the container in the order listed. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON and allow machine to run for I % to 2 minutes, until smooth, Serve immediately. Makes 1% cups. Slower Method With Steps To Learn By 1. Place carrots in container. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position and allow to machine to run for 1% to 2 minutes, until smooth, Use tamper to work carrots into blades. What you are learning: The resulting juice is really a very thick puree. Itis not drinkable at this stage. The reason some carrot chunks remain is because this, ‘quantity is barely enough to process. Your Vita-Mix is more efficient with larger volumes. 2, Add water and ice; replace lid. Tum Vita-Mix on for | additional minute. If necessary stop and scrape down sides of container with a spatula, then continue. What you are learning: The water and ice cool the drink down and thin it to a drinkable consistency. At this point, the juice seems somewhat dull and uninteresting. 3. Add lemon juice. (If you prefer a more traditional tasting carrot juice, leave the lemon juice out). Turn Vita-Mix on just long enough to mix, about I or 2 seconds. What you are learning: Most people agree the lemon juice improves the flavor. Some even think it makes the drink sweeter. 4, Serve immediately. What you are learning: As a result of vsing fresh produce, total juice should be consumed soon after it is made, To eliminate bittemess, peel or scrape carrots before making juice. 5. Makes 2 cups. Orange Juice Plus 2 medium oranges (navel), including white part of peel, quartered % tsp. pure vanilla extract (optional) 1 Tsp. fructose or other sweetener, to taste (ostional) 44 cup water % cup ice cubes Rapid Method Place all ingredients in the container in the order listed. Clamp action dome lid in place, ‘Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position and allow machine to run for 1 14 to 2 minutes, until smooth, Serve immediately. Makes 2 % cups. Slower Method With Steps To Learn By 1 Place 2 oranges in Vita-Mix container. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position and allow machine to run for 1 % to 2 minutes, until smooth, What you are learning: The resulting juice is really more of a puree. Although you could drink the juice at this point, most people would agree that it is too thick, Add vanilla, sweetener, % cup of water and ice. Replace the lid and process for 30, seconds. What you are learning: The vanilla and sweetener are added to enhance the flavor of the juice. If you prefer a more traditional tasting orange juice, omit these items. ‘The water and ice cool the drink down and thin it to a better consistency. Although this is a concentrate, total juice recipes require much less water than frozen commercial varieties. All of our recipes indicate how much ice and water are required, Use them as a guide, Serve immediately. What you are learning: As a result of using fresh produce, total juice should be consumed soon after it is made. Just as you would not take a bite out of an apple or banana and expect it to stay fresh in the refrigerator without changing color and flavor, total juice also changes color and flavor over time. In contrast, total juice ‘made from canned or cooked foods will hold longer under refrigeration. Makes 2 % cups. Instructions for Place all ingredients into the Vita-Mix container in the order listed. Clamp action dome lid in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position, Allow Vita-Mix to run for 39 to 90 seconds. Open up spigot and dispense into glasses, INSTANT BREAKFAST 1 cup plain yogurt 1 cup strawberries 2 tablespoons honey % cup ice Makes 1 serving. TOMATO YOGURT 2 cups chilled tomato juice % cup plain yogurt % teaspoon salt (optional) 6 to 8 drops Tabasco sauce Makes 2 servings. LION'S MILK 1 cup yogurt 2 tablespoons protein powder 1 to 3 tablespoons honey 2 bananas % cups cold orange juice 1 tablespoon brewer's yeast (optional) Makes 2 servings. BLUEBERRY BREAKFAST 2 tablespoons protein powder % cup cold milk ¥% cup fresh or frozen blueberries 1 tablespoon honey dash nutmeg Makes 1 serving. HIT-THE SPOT 2 tablespoons protein powder ¥% cup instant nonfat dry milk 1% cups cold fruit juice 1 orange or banana (optional) Makes 2 servings. TOMATO INSTANT BREAKFAST 2 tablespoons protein powder 2 cups tomato juice ¥% teaspoon salt (optional) ¥ teaspoon Worcestershire sauce Dash Tabasco sauce (optional) Serve immediately. Makes 2 servings. STRAWBERRY BREAKFAST 1 cup fresh or frozen strawberries cup milk ¥ cup plain yogurt 2 tablespoons orange juice concentrate 1 tablespoon honey 1 cup ive cubes Makes 1 serving. ENERGY BREAKFAST 1 banana 2!3 cup chilled pineapple juice 4 cup yogurt 2 tablespoon brewer's yeast 5ice cubes Makes 2 servings. Kick-A-Poo Juice By the gallon from: 3 carrots 2 oranges 6 stalks celery 4 whole fresh pineapple 1 bunch parsley % lemon 1 whole cucumber 1 ripe banana 3 cloves garlic 1 apple 1 handful spinach Plus whatever happens to be fresh and ripe 1 handful wheat grass, Enough ice to cool properly and to guarantee chopped the right consistency for drinking 1 red beet (root and all) 1 handful Romain lettuce NOTHING THROWN AWAY...UP TO 4 TIMES THE VITAMINS. FOR EXTRA FLAVOR YOU CAN ADD APPLE CIDER, PINEAPPLE JUICE, ETC... WHAT A DRINK, ONLY VITA-MIX CAN MAKE IT, "WOW"tl! Ata certain point you will find that even the large 2% qt. Container will be half full, so open the spigot and while the Vita-Mix is running, drain some of the juice into a pitcher or a gallon water jug for freezing or later use. It is important to taste test the juice before you serve it. You may wish to add a little honey or cider or some other natural ingredient you have that you feel micht add to the consistency, flavor and nutritional value of the juice. | always end up with about a gallon of extra juice besides the ¥4 gallon in the container. This we store in the refrigerator in a gallon jug or freeze. That's my "Joy Juice Jug” and we drink it with meals or whenever we need a real nutritional pick up. There's only one “Kick-A-Poo Joy Juice” and only one machine | know of in the world that can make it, and it will do it in seconds. It's fun to make and fun to drink. For a tastier drink, re-Vita-Mix for a second before serving, or shake well in the jug. You will undoubtedly have new variations fram your own home, garden or farm. We would appreciate hearing comments concerning your ideas. For instance, in Hawaii, persons might add papaya, quava, and other tropical fruits that would greatly add to the zest, value and flavor of this juice “Have a good supply of ice cubes available and add these to the juice in large enough quantities to keep the Juice cold and palatable and also to keep the consistency of the juice just right. (Never let it become thicker than a juice). PEANUT OR CASHEW BUTTER 4 cups roasted peanuts or cashews Place nuts in container. Secure lid by locking under the tabs. Move speed control lever to HIGH. Lift black lever to ON position and allow machine to run until ingredients are mixed to desired consistency. Hints: Insert tamper through the lid opening to compress the nuts into the blades. Variations: Almond Butter-Substitute roasted almonds. Add % cup oil if necessary. Refrigerate and pour off excess oil the next day. TOMAYO SAUCE Ye cup mayonnaise (regular style or non-fat) 1 large tomato, peeled, seeded and quartered 1 tbsp. Dijon style mustard % small onion Ye tsp. dried crushed basil Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed contro! knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position for 20 to 30 seconds. Serve over steamed vegetables or fresh tomato wedges. Also makes a delicious salad dressing or vegetable dip. Variation: Add broken bits of crispy bacon. Makes 1 % cups. GARDEN FRESH SALSA 3 fresh tomatoes, quartered and cored 1 medium onion, quartered 4-07. can chopped mild green chilies 1 tbsp. vinegar ¥tsp. salt (optional) Ya tsp. black pepper Yetsp. sugar Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. TAP-RELEASE red impact lever until chunky. Makes 2 cups. FRESH TOMATO RELISH (PICANTE) 2 large fresh tomatoes, quartered and cored Y¥emedium onion, cut in half 2 tbsp. Dijon style mustard Ytsp. salt (optional) 1 tbsp. water Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container. Clamp action dome in place. Tur black speed control knob to LOW. Lift red impact lever to ON position for 15 to 20 seconds, until chunky. Serve alone, as a dip or salsa, or over cold pasta. Makes about 2 cups. TOTAL JUICE SPINACH COCKTAIL 1 cup pineapple juice, chilled 1 cup fresh spinach leaves 2 fresh peppermint leaves soup ice Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container in the order listed. Clamp action dome in place. ‘Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever UP to ON position for 1 minute, until smooth. Serve immediately. Makes 2 cups. CELERY COCKTAIL 1 cup apple or pineapple juice, chilled 1/2 cup celery with leaves 1 tablespoon lemon juice 1 cup ice Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container in the order listed. Clamp action dome in place. Turn black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever UP to ON position for 4 minute, until smooth. Serve immediately. Makes 2 cups. FRUIT AND VEGETABLE POWERHOUSE 1 cup canned pineapple, with juice, chilled 1 large lettuce leaf % medium apple 1 large spinach leaf % small banana 1 Thsp. raisins 1 Tbsp. walnuts 1 smail parsley sprig % cup carrots, cut in 1 inch pieces 4 cup ice 11/3 cup celery, cut in 1 inch pieces Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container in the order listed. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever UP to ON position for 1% minutes, until smooth. Serve immediately. Makes 1% cups. Note: Fresh pineapple can be used, but it will create a thicker drink. If desired, thin with pineapple juice. CREAMY CUCUMBER COOLER ¥% cup plain or vanilla yogurt, or lowfat sour cream ¥% medium cucumber (1 cup), cut into 1” cubes 4 Tbsp. fresh onion Yeup ice Salt and pepper to taste If desired, peel cucumber. Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container in the order listed. Clamp action dome in place. Turn black speed control knob fo HIGH. Lift red impact lever UP to ON position for 1 % minutes, until smooth. Garnish with cucumber stick and a dash of dilweed. Serve immediately. Makes 1 ¥% cups. Note: Good as a cold soup with cucumber chunks and/or boiled cubed potatoes added. HEARTY VEGETABLE DRINK 4 cup boiling water 1 Tbsp. green bell pepper % cup sweet peas 1 Tbsp. fresh onion % cup lima beans 1 tsp. lemon juice % cup celery Salt (to taste) 4 cup carrots, cut in 1 inch pieces %'o %4 Vegetable bouillon cube (optional) % tsp. Worcestershire sauce (optional) Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container in order listed. Clamp action dome in place. Turn black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever UP to ON position for 1 ute, until small chunks or vegetables remain. If desired, you may run the Vita-Mix longer to make it hotter and smoother. Makes 2 cups. TOMATO COCKTAIL 1 cup fresh or canned lomaloes (wijuice) _% Vegetable bouillon cube (optional) % Thsp. lemon juice % cup boiling water, or % cup ice (to serve cold) Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container in order listed. Clamp action dome lid in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever UP to ON position for 1 minutes, until smooth. (fresh tomatoes make it thicker due to skin and pulp.) Serve immediately; good hot or cold. Makes 1 % cups. SOUPS BROCCOLI CHEESE SOUP 1 cup hot milk (regular or skim 118 to % cup low-fal cheddar cheese 1 cup broccoli, raw (or cauliflower) can be steamed) % small onion (1 heaping tablespoon) 1 Tbsp. all-purpose flour 1 chicken bouillon cube (optional) 1 Thsp. butter or margarine (optional) Place ingredients in container in order listed. Clamp action dome lid in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to UP to ON position for 2 minutes, until smooth. Serve immediately. Makes 2 cups. CREAMY ASPARAGUS SOUP 1 cup hot milk 1 cup hot water 4T all-purpose flour % tsp salt 18 tsp pepper 2 chicken bouillon cubes 1 tsp ground mace (optional) 2T butter 1small onion 1% cups canned or steamed asparagus 1 tsp lemon juice Place milk, water, flour, salt, pepper, bouillon and mace in the container. Clam action- dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever UP to ON Position and cook 5-7 minutes, or until thick and creamy. Meanwhile, sauté onion in butter until tender. Add steamed asparagus and lemon juice. ‘Stop machine and remove action-dome. Add sautéed vegetables to creamed mixture. Replace action-dome, Tum black speed control knob to LOW. Tap-release red lever to mix ingredients. TOMATO RECIPES TOMATO ICE CREAM 2.cups ripe tomatoes, quartered % to % cup sugar, or other sweetener tsp. pure vanilla extract ‘A.cup dry powdered milk % cup dry non-dairy creamer 2 cups frozen half and half cubes (1 tray) 2.40 3 cups ice cubes (1 to 1 ¥ trays) Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container in the order listed. Clamp action dome in place. Tum Black speed control knob to HIGH. Reverse blades 2 to 3 times, then lift red impact lever to ON position. If necessary, use tamper to nudge ingredients into bades while Vita-Mix is running. In about 30 seconds, open up the spigot and test the “stiffness” of the ice cream. Ifit wil stand up in a cup like soft serve ice cram, itis frozen and should be dispersed immediately. Makes about 5 cups. Hit has not reached soft serve stage (has the consistency of a milk shake), quickly add one more cup of frozen cubes. Wait for 5 seconds, tur speed to LOW and dispense through the spigot. Vegetarian: Omit dry powdered milk and non-dairy creamer. Replace half and half cubes and ico with 2 to 2 % trays (4 fo 5 cups) frozen vanilla soy beverage cubes. Proceed as outlined above. TOMATO JUICE Fresh Tomato Juice: Quarter clean tomatoes and remove stem and core. Place tomatoes in Vita- Mix container. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position for 30 seconds, using the tamper to stir. Chill and serve. Makes 1 % cups. Traditional Tomato Juice: Follow the above instructions. Pour tomato juice into a saucepan and simmer over medium heat for 5 to 10 minutes. Salto taste. Chill and serve. Makes 1 % cups. Canned Tomato Juice: Step 1. Fill Vita-Mix container with 6 to 8 cups clean tomato quarters. ‘Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position for about 30 seconds, using tamper to stir. Step 2. In a large saucepan, bring juice to a boil. Salt to taste. Add 4 teaspoons lemon juice per quart of tomato juice. Freeze or can. To can, pour into hot, scalded jars, leaving ‘4 inch headspace for pints and % inch for quarts. Seal and process pints 35 minutes and quarts 35 minutes in a boiling-water bath. SNAPPY TOMATO JUICE 4 ripe tomatoes, quartered and cored (2 cups) %A-sweet green bell pepper % small onion 1 clove garlic % fresh hot chili pepper, seeded Salt to taste Place ingredients in Vita-Mix container. Clamp action dome in place. Tum black speed control knob to HIGH. Lift red impact lever to ON position for 2 mnutes. Chill and serve. Variation: For a cooked version, simmer 5 to 10 minutes over medium-low heat. Chill and serve, Makes 3 cups

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