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A report conducted on March 16, 2020 revealed a total of One hundred seventy

thousand COVID-19 cases other world.

In which
1. china: - Confirmed: Eighty thousand eight hundred sixty-six. Deaths:
Three thousand two hundred thirteen.

2. Italy: confirmed: - Twenty-four thousand seven hundred forty-seven.

Deaths: One thousand eight hundred nine.

3. Iran: confirmed: - Thirteen thousand nine hundred seventy-eight. Deaths: -

Seven hundred twenty-four.

4. Spain: confirmed: - Eight thousand seven hundred. Deaths: - Two hundred


5. Sourth Korea: confirmed: - Eight thousand two hundred thirty-six. Deaths: -


it is woth nothing that covic 19 has no cure but we have some solutions that help
us counteract the disease among these are hand washing, mask wearing, social
distancing, vaccination

In conclusion
COVID-19 revolutionized the other world. in this process, we faced challenges,
obstacles, and many things to learn. Personally, I hope to never experience
something like this again.

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