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The purpose of this research is to determine and analyze the influence

of competency, job characteristics and job satisfaction on employee
performance at Hotel Saka Medan. This type of research is quantitative
research. The sampling technique is bySamplingThe saturation used in this
research were 55 employees who worked at Hotel Saka Medan. The method
used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis method. Based on
the t test (partial), the competency variable has a positive and significant
effect on employee performance, job characteristics have a negative and
significant effect on employee performance, and job satisfaction has a
positive and significant effect on employee performance at Hotel Saka
Medan. Based on the F test (simultaneous), the variables of competency, job
characteristics and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on
employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan. Markadjusted R Square
amounting to 0.912 indicates that competency, job characteristics and job
satisfaction account for 91.2% of employee performance variables while the
remaining 8.8% is explained by other variables or factors not included in this

Keywords : Competencies, Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and

Employee Performance


The purpose of this study is to find out and analyze the influence of
competency, job characteristics and job satisfaction on employee performance at
Medan Saka Hotel. This type of research is quantitative research. The sampling
technique was saturated sampling used in this study as many as 55 employees who
worked at the Saka Hotel Medan. The method used in this study is a multiple linear
regression analysis method. Based on the t test (partial), the competency variable
has a positive and significant effect on employee performance, job characteristics
have a negative and significant effect on employee performance, and job satisfaction
has a positive and significant effect on employee performance at the Saka Hotel
Medan. Based on the F test (simultaneous), the competency variable, Job
characteristics and job satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on employee
performance at the Medan Saka Hotel. The adjusted R Square value of 0.912 shows
that competency, job characteristics and job satisfaction to explain the variable
employee performance is 91.2% while the remaining 8.8% is explained by variables
or other factors not included in this study.

Keywords: Competence, Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and

Employee Performance


Praise and gratitude the author prays to the presence of God Almighty

because of his blessings and grace the author can complete the thesis entitled:

Analysis of Competencies, Job Characteristics, and Job Satisfaction on

Improving Employee Performance at Hotel Saka Medan". this thesis

is to fulfill one of the graduation requirements in obtaining a Bachelor's Degree

(S1) in the Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics & Business, Panca

Budi Development University, Medan.

During the research and preparation of this thesis research report, the

author did not escape obstacles. The author was able to overcome these

obstacles thanks to help, guidance and support from various parties. Therefore,

the author would like to express his deepest gratitude to:

1. Mr. Dr. H. Muhammad Isa Indrawan SE, MM, as Chancellor

Panca Budi Development University.

2. Mrs. Dr. Surya Nita, SH, M.Hum., as Dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences

Panca Budi Development University.

3. Mrs. Nurafrina Siregar, SE, M.Sc., as Head of the Study Program

Management, Faculty of Social Sciences, Panca Budi Development University.

4. Mr. Rizal Ahmad, SE, M.Sc., as Supervisor I who has

take the time to provide direction and guidance so

This thesis proposal can be completed well.

5. Mr. Abdi Setiawan, SE, M.Sc., as Supervisor II

has provided direction and guidance regarding writing requirements

thesis proposal so that this thesis proposal can be neatly arranged

and systematic.

6. All staff and employees of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Development University

Panca Budi Medan who always provides internal guidance

technical implementation of the preparation of this thesis.

7. Mr/Mrs Lecturer at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Panca Development University

Budi Medan who has provided knowledge and advice during his time on the bench


8. My beloved parents, and my entire beloved family always

provide prayers and support.

9. All parties who cannot be mentioned one by one have

helpful and encouraging.

The author is fully aware that in writing this thesis

Later you will face many problems and difficulties, which are caused

due to the limited knowledge and experience that the author has. Therefore,

The author really hopes for help and guidance from all parties.

Medan, January 2019


Rina Puspika



TITLE PAGE ................................................ ...................................... ENDORSEMENT i
PAGE.......... ................................................................ ............ APPROVAL ii
PAGE.................................. ................................... STATEMENT iii
PAGE............. ................................................................ ......... iv
ABSTRACT ........................................ ................................................................ ........... vi
ABSTRACT................................................................ ................................................................ . vii
FOREWORD................................................ .................................... LIST OF viii
CONTENTS............ .................................................. ..................................... LIST OF x
TABLES........... .................................................. .............................. LIST OF xii
FIGURES.................. .................................................. .................. xiv

A. Background............................................. ............ 1
B. Problem Identification and Boundary ............................................... 5
C. Problem Formulation ............................................. ............... 6
D. Research Objectives and Benefits ............................................... .. 6
E. Authenticity of Research ................................................ .................. 7


A. Theoretical Foundations .................................................. ........................ 9
1. Performance................................................ ................................ 9
a. Understanding Employee Performance ....................................... 9
b. Factor affecting
Employee performance ................................................ ........ 11
c. Employee Performance Characteristics................................................. 14
d. Employee Performance Indicators.......................................... 14
2. Competency ........................................... ........................ 16
a. Understanding Competency................................................ .. 16
b. Competency Characteristics................................................ 19
c. Factors Affecting Competency ...................... 21
d. Competency Indicators ................................................ .... 23
3. Job Characteristics ................................................ ....... 25
a. Understanding Job Characteristics ................................. 25
b. Use of Job Characteristics ................................ 27
c. Job Characteristics Indicators.................................. 27
4. Job Satisfaction ................................................ ................... 29
a. Understanding Job Satisfaction ........................................... 29

b. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction................. 31
c. Job Satisfaction Indicators.............................................. 33
B. Previous Research ................................................ ................ 35
C. Conceptual Framework ................................................ ............... 38
D. Hypothesis ................................................ ............................... 41


A. Research Approach ................................................ ............ 43
B. Place and Time of Research ................................................. .... 43
C. Operational Definition of Variables............................................. ... 44
D. Population and Sample ................................................ ................. 46
E. Data Collection Techniques.................................................. ........ 47
F. Data Analysis Techniques.................................................. ............... 48
A. Research Results ................................................ ........................ 54
1. Description of Research Objects.................................................. ... 54
a. A Brief History of Hotel Saka Medan .................................. 54
b. Vision and Mission of Hotel Saka Medan .................................. 55
2. Company Organizational Structure and Division of Duties.... 55
3. Description of Respondent Characteristics ................................... 62
4. Description of Research Variables ............................................ 63
5. Data Quality Test ......................................... .................. 83
a. Validity test ................................................ .................. 83
b. Reliability Test ................................................ .............. 85
6. Classical Assumption Test ................................................ ................ 86
a. Data Normality Test................................................ ........ 86
b. Multicollinearity Test ............................................... ..... 88
c. Heteroscedasticity Test ............................................... .... 90
7. Linear Regression Analysis ............................................... ........ 91
8. Hypothesis Testing.............................................. ........................ 92
a. F Test (Simultaneous) ............................................... .............. 92
b. t test (Partial) ............................................. .................... 93
9. Determination Test (R2) ............................................... ........ 95
B. Discussion of Research Results ............................................... .... 95


A. Conclusion ............................................... ............................ 101
B. Suggestions .................................................. ........................................ 102



Table 1.1 Educational level ................................................ ....................... Type of 4
Table 1.2 work ......................... ................................................................ .. Mapping 4
Table 2.1 Previous Research............................................ ......... Research 35
Table 3.1 schedule....................................... ................................... Operationalization of 44
Table 3.2 Variables............ ................................................................ Characteristics of 45
Table 4.1 Respondents Based on Gender .................. Characteristics of Respondents 62
Table 4.2 Based on Age ....................... ........... Characteristics of Respondents Based 62
Table 4.3 on Education ....................... Characteristics of Respondents Based on 63
Table 4.4 Years of Work....... ................ Respondent Answer 63
Table 4.5 Categories ................................ ........................Respondents' Assessment of 64
Table 4.6 Knowledge Indicators (X1.1.2).... Respondents' Assessment of 64
Table 4.7 Understanding Indicators (X1.3.4)..... Respondents' Assessment of Skills 65
Table 4.8 Indicators (X1.5.6) .. Respondents' Assessment of Education Indicators (X1.7. 66
Table 4.9 8) ...... 67
Table 4.10 Respondents' Assessment of Work Experience Indicators (X1.9.10
) ............................................... ................................................ 68
Table 4.11 Respondents' Assessment of Job Variation Indicators
(X2.1.2) ............................................... .......................................... 69
Table 4.12 Respondents' Assessment of Task Identity Indicators (X2.3.4)
Table 4.13 ....................................................................................................

Respondents' Assessment of Task Significance Indicators (X2.5.6 71

Table 4.14 ) ................................................ ........................................ Respondents' Assessment of 72
Table 4.15 Autonomy Indicators (X2.7.8) ....... Respondents' Assessment of Feedback

Indicators (X2.9.10) ................................................ ...................................... Respondents' 73

Table 4.16 assessment of the work indicators themselves (X3.1.2

) ............................................... ........................................ Respondents' Assessment of 74

Table 4.17 Colleague Indicators (X3.3.4)

.................................................................................................... 75
Table 4.18 Respondents' Assessment of Salary Indicators (X3.5.6)............... 76

Table 4.19 Respondents' Assessment of Promotion Opportunity Indicators
(X3.7.8) ............................................... ................................................ 77
Table 4.20 Respondents' Assessment of Supervision Indicators (X3.9.10) ..... 78
Table 4.21 Respondents' Assessment of Quality Indicators (Y1.2) .......... 79
Table 4.22 Assessment of Respondents on the Quantity Indicator (Y3.4) ........ 80
Table 4.23 Respondents' Assessment of Efficiency Indicators (Y5.6) .......... 81
Table 4.24 Respondents' Assessment of Work Discipline Indicators (Y7.8) 82
Table 4.25 Respondents' Assessment of Accuracy Indicators (Y9.10) ...... Validity 83
Table 4.26 Test Results ............................................ .............................. Reliability 84
Table 4.27 Test Results ................. ................................................................ 85
Table 4.28 ResultsOne-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test ............................... 88
Table 4.29 Multicollinearity Test Results .................................................. .......... Results 89
Table 4.30 of Multiple Linear Regression Analysis .................................... ... F Test 92
Table 4.31 Results (Simultaneous) ......................................... ...................... Results of t 93
Table 4.32 Test (Partial)................................... ................................................ Test results 94
Table 4.33 Determination (R2) ............................................... ........ 95


Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework ................................................ .................... Figure 41
4.1 Organizational Structure of Hotel Saka Medan.................................. ................ 57
Figure 4.2 Normality Histogram Curve ................................. ......................... Figure 4.3 87
Normality PP Plot Graph................... ........................................ Figure 4.4 Scatterplot 87
Graph ...... ................................................................ ................ 91



A. Background
In the current era of globalization, competition is getting tougher, where

every company tries to increase its productivity.

Facing the current flow of globalization, companies must have

good management to be ready and able to compete with companies

other. Companies must also make maximum use of resources

existing resources to survive in global competition. Although

There are various resources in the company, Human Resources

is the only competitive advantage of a company.

The success of a company is inseparable from the role of resources

the human. The potential of Human Resources (HR) must be managed

best possible to provideoutputoptimal. Manage

Human Resources is the most important thing on the agenda

company. A successful company is a capable company

in viewing Human Resources as assets that must be managed

according to needs, because Human Resources is one

factors of production owned by the company. therefore a

companies must think of ways that can be done to

develop employees in order to drive the progress of the company

and how to make these employees have high productivity



Basically, the company is a structured organization

it has the same goals and views. In the company,

consists of a group of individuals who work together to advance

company. The success of the company is largely determined by the quality of the people

people who work in it. Competition and changes in the business environment

resulting in rapidly fluctuating economic and business conditions.

This requires the company's ability to capture phenomena

the change, to analyze the impact of the change on

companies and prepare steps to face the competition

and changes in the business environment.

Basically every company wants excellence

different. Therefore, it is a very possible alternative to

Having a competitive advantage is through creativity and

generated. In this regard, many company leaders are

tries to link the search for competitive advantage with

competency system use. In general, the competency system

used by the company consists of knowledge (knowledge), Skills

(skills) and behavior (attitude), which are applied to resources

human resources in achieving the company's organizational goals.

(Judisseno, Rimsky, 2008:35).

Factors that influence employee performance are ability,

This ability factor is a variable of competence. According to

Moeheriono (2010:4) competence is a basic characteristic

someone who indicates how to think, behave and act as well


draw conclusions that a person can act on and defend

at a certain time period.

One of the factors that influences employee performance is

clarity of purpose, clarity of purpose is related to job characteristics

what employees do. According to Robbins and Judge (2013:268)

Job characteristics are an approach to designing jobs

which shows how jobs are described into five

core dimensions, namely skill diversity, task identity, task meaning,

autonomy and feedback.

One of the factors that influences employee performance is factors

Willingness, this willingness factor is indicated through job satisfaction. Hasibuan

(2013:202) states: "Job satisfaction is an emotional state

employees who are fun and love their jobs.”

Hotel Saka Medan is a three star hotel located on Jalan

Black Crow No. 14 Terrain. Hotel Saka Medan is often used as a place

events, training, seminars and meetings by utilizing services

the hotel as a place to hold activities.

Basic problems where employee competence can be seen

from educational background, employees of the Saka Medan hotel

relatively low due to the large number of employees who graduated from high school/vocational school

which is not in accordance with the hospitality major, and skills and knowledge

about hospitality.

Table 1.1 Level of Education of Hotel Saka Medan Employees

No Last education Amount

1 SMA/SMK 31
2 Diploma 15
3 S1 9

Total 55

For job characteristics seen from the variety of skills or

skills in doing the work itself, where lacking

employee skills in doing work with standards or

existing procedures, where the employee on duty does not carry out work

properly according to established procedures. employees who don't

according to job characteristics, resulting in services often not

in accordance with hotel service standards such as when cleaning hotel rooms.

Table 1.2 Types of Work for Hotel Saka Medan Employees

No Type of work Amount

1 FrontOffice 5
2 Housekeeping 11
3 laundry 5
4 F&B Service 9
5 F&B Products 8
6 Engineering 4
7 Back Office 10
8 security 3

Meanwhile, regarding employee job satisfaction, hotel employees feel

less satisfaction in doing work, due to lack of policy

compensation and lack of work equipment provided

hotel to support the implementation of work.


Based on the descriptions and explanations that have been put forward

previously, the author was interested in conducting research with the title

“Competency Analysis, Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction

Towards Increasing the Performance of Hotel Saka Medan Employees.

B. Problem Identification and Boundary

1. Identify the Problem

Based on the background of the problem stated above, then

The problem identification in this research is:

a. Employees have relatively low educational backgrounds and

not suitable for work at Hotel Saka Medan.

b. Employees do not have appropriate work experience

work at Hotel Saka Medan.

c. Employees do not carry out work in accordance with work procedures

at the Saka Hotel in Medan.

d. Employees in carrying out their work receive less feedback

back to Hotel Saka Medan.

e. Employees receiving salaries do not match their workload

Hotel Saka Medan.

f. Employees are dissatisfied with receiving remuneration orrewardson

Hotel Saka Medan.

2. Problem Boundary

Based on the identification of the problem above, the authors limit

the discussion of this research is only related to competence, characteristics

work, job satisfaction and employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan.


C. Problem Formulation

The formulation of the problem in this study is as follows:

1. Does competence partially affect employee performance

at Hotel Saka Medan?

2. Does the job characteristics partially influence the

employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan?

3. Does job satisfaction partially affect performance

employees at Hotel Saka Medan?

4. What are competence, job characteristics and job satisfaction

effect simultaneously on the performance of employees at Hotel Saka


D. Research Objectives and Research Benefits

1. Research Objectives

The objectives of this research are as follows:

a. To determine the effect of competence on employee performance

at the Saka Hotel in Medan.

b. To determine the effect of job characteristics on performance

employees at Hotel Saka Medan.

c. To determine the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance

at the Saka Hotel in Medan.

d. To determine the influence of competence, job characteristics, and

job satisfaction on employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan.

2. Research Benefits

The benefits of conducting this research are as follows:

a. Benefits for the University


The results of this study are practically expected to be useful as a

reference literature and provide information about competence,

job characteristics and job satisfaction on improving performance

Saka Hotel Medan employees.

b. Theoretical Benefits

It is hoped that the results of this research can provide input for thought

for companies in solving various problems, especially those

relating to competence, job characteristics, job satisfaction

and employee performance.

c. Practical Benefits

From the results of this research the author obtained many benefits, namely:

can add insight and knowledge about the author

competence, job characteristics, job satisfaction and performance


d. Benefits for further researchers

It is hoped that this writing can be used as reference material or

input for further researchers.

E. Authenticity of Research

This research is a replication of the research of Rienly Gijoh (2013)

Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Sam Ratulangi Manado, which

entitled "The Effect of Motivation, Competence and Work Culture on

Employee Job Satisfaction at the Sintesa Peninsula Hotel Manado”. Whereas

This study entitled "Competency Analysis, Job Characteristics, and

Job Satisfaction on Improving Employee Performance at Hotel Saka Medan ".


This research has a difference with previous research which lies

on :

1.Research variable:Previous studies used 3 independent variables

namely: Motivation, Competence, Work Culture, and 1 dependent variable, namely:

Job satisfaction. While in this study using 3 variables

free, namely: Competency, Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction, and 1

The dependent variable is: Employee Performance.

2.Number of Observations/Samples (n):previous study amounted to 44 people

while this study amounted to 55 people.

3.Research time:Previous research was conducted in 2013,

while this research was conducted in 2018.

4.Research sites:in previous studies conducted at the Sintesa Hotel

Peninsula Manado, while this research was conducted at the Saka Hotel



A. Theoretical Basis

1. Performance

a. Understanding Employee Performance

The success of an organization is influenced by performance,

for that every company will try to improve employee performance

in achieving the set goals of the organization. Understanding

Performance is a result of work produced by an employee

interpreted to achieve the expected goals. According to Mangkunegara

(2012:67), performance is the result of quality and work

the quantity achieved by an employee in executing

his duties are in accordance with the responsibilities given to him.

Performance terms of the wordjob performanceoractual performance

(work performance or actual achievements achieved by someone),

Job performance is generally influenced by abilities, skills,

experience and work seriousness of the workforce concerned.

Performance is optimal achievement in accordance with potential

that an employee has. According to Prawirosentono (2009:54)

An employee's performance will be good if the employee has expertise

high level, willingness to work, the presence of rewards or wages

worthy and have hope for the future.

Theoretically, there are variables that influence performance, namely:

individual variables consisting of ability, skill and background variables


private rear. Therefore employees need to be placed on

work that suits his skills.

Good performance is performance that follows procedures or

procedures in accordance with established standards. While performance

according to Bangun (2012:231), it is the result of the work achieved

someone based on the requirements of a job, a job

has certain requirements to be able to achieve it

goals which are also known as work standards, namely levels

it is expected that a particular job will be completed and

is a comparison of the goals or targets to be achieved.

Performance is a manifestation of the work carried out by

employees which is usually used as a basis for evaluating employees

employee. Performance is the result of work that can be achieved by someone

or group of people in a company according to responsibility

respective responsibilities in achieving company goals.

According to Wirawan (2012: 5) performance is the results of functions or

indicators of a person's or group's work/activity

in an organization which is influenced by various factors to

achieve organizational goals within a certain time period. Whereas

According to Hasibuan (2013: 134) suggests that performance is something

the work results achieved by someone in carrying out a task

assigned to him based on his skills, experience,

level of education, and seriousness and time.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded


What is meant by performance in this research is the result of a

work or activities produced by employees to achieve

company or organization's goals within a certain time period.

b. Factors that Influence Employee Performance

According to Sedarmayanti (2011), influencing factors

performance includes:

1. Capability and Expertise

Is an abilityskillspossessed by someone doing something

work. The more you have the ability and expertise, the more you can get it

complete the work correctly, according to what has been done

set. Employees who have the ability and expertise

better, it will provide better performance too.

2. Knowledge

What this means is knowledge about work. Someone who

having good knowledge of the job will provide

good work results.

3. Job Characteristics

It is a design that will make it easier to achieve

the goal, if a job has a good design, then

will make it easier to carry out the job properly

and right.

4. Leadership Style

It is a leader's style of attitude in dealing with or

rule over his subordinates.


5. Education

The level of education must always be developed through pathways

formal or informal education.

6. Work Environment

It is the atmosphere or conditions around the location where you work.

The work environment can be in the form of room, layout, facilities and infrastructure,

as well as working relationships between colleagues.

7. Work Discipline

Is an employee in carrying out his work activities

seriously. Work discipline in this case is time,

For example, always come to work on time.

8. Job Satisfaction

It is a feeling of joy or excitement or a feeling of liking someone

before and after doing a job. If employees feel

happy or excited or happy in work, then the results of the work

it will be fine too.

9. Leadership

It is the behavior of a leader in organizing, managing and

orders his subordinates to arrange the tasks given to him.

10. Competence

It is the ability that a person has to

carry out the work given to him well.

Competence allows someone to realize a task

relates to the work required to achieve a goal.


11. Organizational Culture

These are customs or norms that apply and

owned by an organization or company. This is the norm

regulates the principles that apply and are generally accepted and must be

complied with by a company or organization.

12. Work Motivation

It is an encouragement for someone to do work. If

employees have a strong drive from within themselves or

encouragement from outside himself, then employees will be compelled to

did a great job. In the end push from within

and from outside a person will produce good performance.

Apart from that, there are factors that influence employee performance

according to Pasolong (2010:186) are as follows:

1. Ability, namely ability in a field that is affected

by talent, intelligence (intelligence) is sufficient.

2. Willingness, namely interest and willingness to exert a level of effort

high for organizational goals.

3. Job Satisfaction, which reflects a person's feelings towards

work and everything encountered in the work environment.

4. Clarity of purpose, namely a clear objective for the work to be done

can be directed and run more effectively and efficiently.

5. Compensation System, which is the level of remuneration received

by employees for what they have done for the company or

as compensation for performance and benefits for him.


Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

that which are the factors that affect performance in

this study is competence, job characteristics, and satisfaction


c. Employee Performance Characteristics

Characteristics of people who have high performance by

Mangkunegara (2012:56) is as follows:

1. Have high personal responsibility.

2. Dare to take and bear the risks faced.

3. Have realistic goals.

4. Have a thorough work plan and strive to realize it

the goal.

5. Utilize concrete feedback in all work activities

what he did.

6. Look for opportunities to realize the plans that have been programmed.

d. Employee Performance Indicators

According to Wirawan (2012:80) you can measure performance

using the following indicators:

1. Quality of work results, namely the employee's ability to demonstrate quality

Work results are reviewed for accuracy and neatness.

2. Quantity of work output, namely the employee's ability to complete it

number of daily tasks.

3. Efficiency, namely completing employee work quickly and precisely.

4. Work discipline, namely the willingness of employees to comply with regulations


companies related to punctuality of entering/leaving work.

5. Accuracy, namely the employee's ability to carry out work

in accordance with procedures and what is ordered by superiors.

Anwar Prabu Mangkunegara (2012:75) Says that

performance indicators, namely:

1. Work Quality is how well an employee does what

that should be done.

2. Work Quantity is how long an employee works

of the work speed of each employee.

3. Task implementation is how far the employee is able to perform

work accurately or without errors.

4. Responsibility for work is awareness of obligations

to carry out work assigned by the company.

Meanwhile, according to Wibowo (2012:324), the performance indicators are:

1. Aim

A goal is a better condition that one wants to achieve

In the future, goals indicate the direction in which performance should take place

done. To achieve goals requires individual performance,

groups, and organizations.

2. Standard

Standards have an important meaning because they tell when something

goals can be completed. The standard answers the question of when

we know that we are successful or fail.

3. Feedback

It is input used to measure progress


performance, work standards, and goal attainment. With feedback

performance evaluation is carried out and the results can be obtained

performance improvements were made.

4. Tools or means

It is a supporting factor for achieving goals. No tools or

means, specific job tasks cannot be performed and goals cannot

resolved properly.

5. Opportunity

Workers need to get the opportunity to show achievement

it works. There are two factors that contribute to this

lack of opportunities for achievement, namely the availability of time and

ability to qualify.

Luthans (2008:339) argues that performance is not only

influenced by a number of efforts made by a person, however

also influenced by their abilities, such as: job knowledge,

expertise, as well as how a person perceives the role he or she carries.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

that which is an indicator for performance variables in this study

are quality, quantity, efficiency, work discipline and thoroughness.

2. Competence

a. Understanding Competency

The term Competency according to Webster's Dictionary began to appear

in 1596. This term is taken from another word "competere" Which

It means "to be suitable”. Then this substantially experienced


changes with the inclusion of various issues and discussions regarding

competency concepts from various literature. Competency is ability

and characteristics possessed by an employee in the form of

knowledge, skills and behavioral attitudes required in

execution of work, so that it can carry out its work effectively

professional, effective and efficient.

According to Hutapea and Thoha (2008:28) explain that

competence is “The ability to perform a task with

effective and efficient performance to achieve company goals.” There is

The three main components of competency formation are:

1. Knowledge(knowledge), information owned by an employee

to carry out their duties and responsibilities in accordance with

certain fields.

2. Ability(skills), something owned by the individual for

carry out work assigned to employees.

3. individual behavior(attitude), feelings of pleasure or displeasure

do not like

According to McClelland in Sedarmayanti (2011: 126) explains

that competence is "a fundamental characteristic that a person has

that have a direct effect on performance, or can be predictive

excellent performance. Employees who are placed in certain positions

must have the necessary competence to carry out

work effectively and efficiently. The employee placement process

incorrectly will result in less than optimal performance


(Naliebrata, 2008).

Based on the above understanding, it can be concluded that

competence is the ability to work by integrating

knowledge, skills, abilities, attitudes and personal values

based on experience in carrying out their duties in a professional manner,

effective and efficient.

According to Moeheriono (2010:4) competence is a

basic characteristics of a person that indicate a way of thinking,

behave, and act and draw conclusions that can be done

and maintained by someone for a certain period of time.

Based on this definition of competence, there are several meanings

contained therein are as follows:

1. Basic characteristics (underlyingcharacteristics) competence is

part of a person's deep and inherent personality

and has predictable behavior in various circumstances

job duties.

2. Causal relationship (causally related) competencies can be used to

predict someone's performance, meaning if they have competence

high, it will also have high performance.

3. Criteria (criteria referenced) which is used as a reference that competency

will actually predict someone can work with

well, it must be measurable and specific or standardized.

Competence refers to an individual's capacity to do work

various tasks in a job, where each competency is


human possessions are observed or seen from 4 sides, namely: Education,

skills, work experience, and knowledge. According to Sudarmanto

(2009:47) defines competency as knowledge, expertise,

ability, or individual personal characteristics that influence

directly job performance. Competence describes the basis

knowledge and performance standards required for success

finish a job.

According to Siagian (2009:8) competency can be interpreted as

actions or behavior that can be measured through knowledge, expertise

and abilities required to complete tasks and functions

at workplace. Meanwhile, according to Sutrisno (2011:202) Competence

derived from the wordcompetencewhich means skills, abilities, and

authority, while etymology, competence is defined as a dimension

behavior, expertise or superiority of an employee who has

skills, knowledge and good behavior.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

What is meant by competency in this research is

a set of knowledge, abilities, skills and behavior

good that a person must have to carry out a task or

his work at work.

b. Competency Characteristics

According to Moeheriono (2010:13) suggests that in

Each individual has several basic competency characteristics, namely

as follows :

1. Character (traits), which makes a person have an attitude and behavior

or how the person responds to something in a certain way,

such as self-confidence, self-control, fortitude or endurance.

2. Motive (motive), which is something that someone consistently wants

thoughts and desires that result in an action

or the basis from within the person concerned to do something


3. Default (self-concept), namely attitudes and values possessed


4. Knowledge (knowledge), namely information that a person has on

certain fields.

5. Skills or expertise (skills), namely the ability to

carry out certain tasks both physically and mentally.

Knowledge and skills competencies tend to be easier

to be developed through education and training for

employees who are considered to still lack competence, meanwhile

character competence, motives and self-concept are more hidden, so

quite difficult to develop (Moeheriono, 2010:14).

A person's competency can be influenced by several factors,

are as follows :

a. Innate talent (existing talent)

b. High work motivation

c. Attitudes, motives and perspectives

d. Knowledge possessed

e. Skills or expertise possessed

Based on the definition above, it can be concluded that

Competence is a characteristic that is inherent in a person

will be able to predict a job or situation.

c. Factors Affecting Competency

According to Micahel Zwell (2008:56) there are several factors

can affect a person's competence. Factors that

influencing these competencies include:

1. Beliefs and values

People's beliefs about themselves and other people will

greatly influences behavior. If people believe that they

not creative and innovative, they will not try to think about

a new or different way of doing things. For that every

People must think positively about themselves, as well as towards others

and shows the characteristics of someone who thinks ahead.

2. Skills

By improving skills, individuals will improve


3. Experience

Mastery of many competencies requires experience.

Among them experience in organizing people, communication

in front of a group, solving problems, etc. People who don't

never associated with large organizations and groups are not

may develop organizational intelligence to understand


dynamics of power and influence in the environment. People who

her job requires a little less strategic thinking

develop competence than those who have used

years of strategic thinking.

4. Personality Characteristics

Personality is not something that cannot change. Personality

a person can change all the time. People responded and

interact with forces and the surrounding environment. Even though you can

change, personality tends to change not easily. No

wise expect people to improve their competence by

change his personality.

5. Motivation

By encouraging appreciation of subordinates' work,

providing recognition and individual attention from superiors can

provide a positive influence on the motivation of a subordinate.

6. Emotional Issues

Emotional barriers can limit the mastery of competencies. Example,

afraid of making a mistake, being embarrassed, feeling disliked or

not being a part, tends to limit motivation and initiative.

7. Intellectual Ability

Competence depends on cognitive thinking such as, thinking

analytical, and conceptual thinking.

Meanwhile, according to Wibowo (2012:102). Competence is a

the ability to carry out or perform a job or


tasks based on skills and knowledge and supported

by the work attitudes required by the job. Therefore,

competency indicates the skill or knowledge that is characterized

by professionalism in a particular field as something

most importantly, as a superior in certain fields, the indicators are:

a. Knowledge (Knowledge)

1. Know and understand knowledge in their respective fields

2. Know the knowledge related to regulations,

new procedures and techniques within the company.

b. Skills (skills)

c. Attitude (attitude)

Based on the description above, it can be concluded that competence

is the knowledge, skills and attitudes possessed by each

individuals who enable employees to carry out tasks and

responsibility and improve the quality of professionalism within


d. Competency Indicator

Competency is skill(skills), ability(abilities), And

knowledge(knowledge)needed to do a task

specific, is also a set of behavior or actions of a person

which includes abilities, skills and knowledge.

Francoise (2005) in Kagaari and Munene (2008) states

There are four universal classifications of competency dimensions, namely:

1. Cognitive competence

Cognitive competency explains the level of knowledge

an employee. The individual's level of knowledge helps the worker

to obtain other competencies needed by workers.

2. Functional competence

Functional competency explains skill levels

an employee.

3. Social competence

Social competence explains how habits and

behavior of an employee.

4. Meta competence

Meta competencies relate to the ability to acquire

a competency through the individual's own knowledge.

According to Sutrisno (2011:204) competency indicators are as follows:

1. Knowledge, namely the level of knowledge an employee has regarding

the job and the skills or techniques used on the job.

2. Understanding, namely an employee in carrying out work

must have a good understanding of the characteristics and

working conditions effectively and efficiently.

3. Skills/expertise, namely the ability possessed by individuals

to carry out the tasks or work assigned to him.

4. Education, namely educational background concerning activities

in order to achieve goals.

5. Work experience, which is a basis for an employee to be able to work

self-placed, able to face challenges to the fullest


responsibility and produce individuals who are competent in

field, employees with work experience will find it easier to carry

out their work.

Competence possessed by employees will support performance

employees, the better the competency the employee has, the

employee performance will increase and employees who demonstrate

higher competency will get better results.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

that the indicators for the competency variables in this research

are knowledge, understanding, skills/expertise, education and

work experience.

3. Job Characteristics

a. Understanding Job Characteristics

Understanding work characteristics according to Ni Made Gunastri (2013:14)

are as follows: "It is the nature and duties that include

responsibilities, types of tasks, level of satisfaction obtained from the

work itself, rules and guidelines for carrying out tasks.

Agung Panudju (2010:6) defines job characteristics

as follows: "Shows how much decision making

made by the employee to his job, and how much

tasks that must be completed by employees.

Wijono (2008:7) mentions that there are five aspects of characteristics

jobs are:

1. Diversity of skills(Variety Skills),i.e. the degree to which a person


employees use a variety of skills / ways of carrying out tasks /

how the task is carried out or carried out and various

ability to do work. Jobs that have

This high diversity makes employees use several

skills and talents to complete the task.

2. Clarity of tasks(Task Identity),namely the level of completion

the results of the work as a whole can be seen and recognized

as a result of a person's performance in the completion of each stage of work

from start to finish.

3. Importance of the task(Tax Significance), namely the degree to which

work has a significant impact on other people's lives,

whether the person is a co-worker in a company

the same person or other people in the surrounding environment.

4. Autonomy(Autonomy), namely controlling the implementation of their duties themselves

based on the description and specifications of the work assigned

to her.

5. Feedback(Feed Back), namely the level at which feedback is provided

on every job helps improve employee performance and

the level of employee satisfaction within the company, employees need

know how well the achievements have been made.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

What is meant by job characteristics in this research is

implementation of employee duties which include, authority, responsibility,

types of tasks, rules and guidelines for the implementation of tasks and duties

must be done, which can improve employee performance

obtained from job characteristics.

b. Usefulness of Job Characteristics

Mangkunegara (2009:74) suggests the use of characteristics

Jobs in a company include:

1. Provide a description to all employees regarding the types

work and tasks - tasks that can streamline work

which must be done.

2. Make it easier for companies to providejob descriptionto all

employees so that they can choose employees who are truly suitable

with his skills

3. Motivate employee work and stimulate employees to work

compete positively in the work environment, because in

job characteristics there are targets that must be achieved


Based on the description above, it can be concluded that

the use of job characteristics is to give a description of the type

work to employees, providingjob descriptionand motivating

employees to compete positively in order to improve


c. Job Characteristics Indicator

According to Robbins and Judge (2013:268) Job characteristics

is an approach to designing work that shows

how the job is described in five core dimensions, namely:


1. diversity of skills
2. task identity
3. the meaning of the task

4. autonomy and

5. feedback.
Basically, each job has its own characteristics.

themselves in developing measures of job characteristics

as well as a reference for measuring job characteristics. great

Panudju (2010: 7) states that every job has five

characteristics, namely:

1. Skill Variation

That is skills/talents/methods/ways required For

completing the task.

2. Task Identity

Namely the activities carried out by employees in planning and

carrying out tasks, with indicators of the level of understanding of procedures

work and the level of work involvement in completing the work stage

from start to finish.

3. Significance of the Task

Namely the importance of the work performed by employees, with

indicators of the impact of work on other employees in one

department and other departments.

4. Autonomy

That is the level or condition of a job that provides policy

and some control over employees over related decisions

with work and is fundamental to


creates a sense of responsibility in employees

carry out work.

5. Feedback

Namely where employees get feedback from responses

regarding the results of employee work implementation, and information

obtained can give a good picture of the employee himself

to employees who show high performance and those who

low, with indicators of information about the success that has been

achieved and suitability of work implementation with the wishes of superiors.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

that which is an indicator for the variable job characteristics

in this research are skill variations, task identity,

task significance, autonomy and feedback.

4. Job Satisfaction

a. Understanding Job Satisfactiona

Organization is a place where people gather

who carry out activities in order to achieve goals,

an organization that is successful in achieving its goals is

organization that is able to meet the job satisfaction of its employees.

Job satisfaction is basically something that is

individual. Each individual has a different level of satisfaction

different, broadly speaking job satisfaction can be interpreted as something that

pleasing or displeasing employees in viewing

work (Sahlan, et al., 2015). According to Sutrisno (2014:73) satisfaction


work becomes a fairly important issue, because it is proven to be large

benefits for individuals, industry and society.

Employees who are satisfied with their jobs and

think of his job as something that would be fun

tend to have good performance. According to Handoko (2012:193)

express job satisfaction(job satisfaction)is an emotional state

which is pleasant or unpleasant with mana para

employees view their work. According to Hasibuan (2013:202)

Job satisfaction is a pleasant and emotional attitude of employees

loves his job.

In this research it can be concluded that job satisfaction

is a pleasant or unpleasant feeling

by employees, directly affect the emotional and behavior

behavior at work in the form of employee performance.

According to Robbins and Judge (2013: 117) job satisfaction(jobs

satisfaction)can be defined as a person's positive feelings

on the work obtained from the evaluation of its characteristics.

Someone with a high level of job satisfaction has

positive feelings about his job.

Job satisfaction is a person's point of view, either

positive or negative about their work

(Ardana, et al., 2012: 147).

According to Chaterina Melina and Intan Ratnawati (2013:180)

Job satisfaction has quite a big influence in the organization,


Companies need to make efforts to increase job satisfaction

employees, including by:

a. Establish compensation policies, career development, and promotions

based on the competencies and achievements achieved by employees.

b. Providing supportive facilities for employees so that they

can work well.

c. Fostering good communication and relationships between superiors and

employees and co-workers so as to create a working condition that is


Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

what is meant by job satisfaction in this study is

High job satisfaction will show a positive feeling or attitude

towards his work, and vice versa if he is not satisfied with his work

his job will show a negative attitude towards his work.

b. Factors Affecting Job Satisfaction

Many factors influence employee satisfaction. Factor-

the factor itself in its role of providing satisfaction to employees

depends on each employee's personality. According to Sutrisno (2014:77)

Factors that influence job satisfaction are:

1. Psychological factors, are factors related to

employee psychology, which includes interest, peace at work,

attitudes towards work, talents and work skills.

2. Social Factors, are factors related to interaction

social relations between employees and employees and superiors.


3. Physical factors, are factors related to physical condition

employees, such as employee health conditions, working time arrangements,

type of work, breaks, work equipment, age, and so on.

4. Financial Factors, are factors related to guarantees

and employee welfare, which includes the system and the amount of salary,

social security, various benefits, facilities provided,

promotions and so on.

According to Hasibuan (2013: 203) employee job satisfaction

influenced by the following factors:

1. Compensation

Represents income in the form of money, either directly or indirectly

indirect benefits received by employees as compensation for services

given to the company.

2. Appropriate placement according to expertise

Placement of employees must be in accordance with expertise and background

education. This suitability is intended so that employees are able to work

effectively and able to implement theories and

concepts that are owned in accordance with the field of science occupied.

3. The lightness of the work

The severity of the work charged by the company depends

on employees' perceptions of the job itself. Company

should view employees asassetsvaluable.

4. Atmosphere and work environment

A comfortable and conducive work environment can increase morale


employee work at work.

5. Equipment that supports the implementation of work

These are the facilities available in the company that can

help employees at work.

6. The leader's attitude in his leadership

Leader isleaderfor each subordinate, responsible

responsible and play an important role in achieving a goal.

Leaders must involve employees in making decisions

decisions so that employees have the opportunity to issue

opinions, thoughts and ideas for the success of the company.

Based on the opinion above, it can be concluded that satisfaction

work is one very important factor to earn

optimal work results, which someone who works expects

obtaining satisfaction from the place of work.

c. Job Satisfaction Indicators

Basically, job satisfaction is a matter of nature

individual. Each individual has a different level of satisfaction

in accordance with the value system that applies to him (Lu Chia-Ju, et

al. 2013).

Tsai and Huang (2011) stated that the indicators

Job satisfaction includes:

1. satisfaction with supervision

2. satisfaction with coworkers

3. Satisfaction with salary


4. satisfaction with the promotion

5. satisfaction with the work itself

According to Luthans (2008:142) there are five dimensions

job satisfaction, namely the job itself, salary, promotions, supervision,

work group, working conditions.

According to Robbins & Judge (2013:119) there are five

dimensions that can influence job satisfaction, namely:

a. The work itself, that is, the work of an employee in accordance with


b. Colleagues, namely colleagues who have technical skills and

easy to collaborate with or support socially.

c. Salary, namely the salary received in accordance with the workload and balanced

with other employees who work in the company.

d. Promotional opportunities, namely opportunities for advancement or development

career in the organization.

e. Supervision, namely the superior's ability to provide guidance

technical work, motivation and attitude.

Based on the opinions of the experts above, it can be concluded

that is an indicator for the internal job satisfaction variable

This research is the job itself, coworkers, salary, opportunities

promotion and supervision.


B. Previous Research

Table 2.1 Previous Research

No Title X variable Y variable Research result

1 Influence 1. Competence 1. Performance Regression F test results

Competence and 2. Intelligence Employee Linear competence and
Intelligence emotional Double intelligence
Emotional Against emotional
Employee Performance at positive effect
Si Doi Hotel and significant
(I Gusti Ngurah on performance
Karmandita, 2014). employee.
2 motivational Influence, 1. Motivation 1. Satisfaction Regression The calculation results
Competence, and 2. Competence Work Linear F test shows
Work Culture 3. Work Culture Employee Double that
Toward Satisfaction Fcount>Ftable
Employee Work (29.503>3.78) or
at the Synthesis Hotel Sig F 0.01 or
Peninsular Manado by 1%.
(Rienly Gijoh, 2013) It means in a way
motivation variables,
Work Culture
significant to
Satisfaction variable
Work. With
so the hypothesis
who mentioned
there is influence
motivation variables,
work culture,
towards satisfaction
3 Influence 1. Characteristics 1. Performance Regression significance results
Characteristics Work Employee Linear F of 0.000
Work, 2. Placement Double smaller than
Placement and 3. Style 0.05's
Leadership Style Leadership showing
Against Performance that relationship
Employee on between variables-
the regional Secretariat independent variable

Denpasar City influence


(Aditya Prabawa performance variables

Sudja, 2017) employees

significant and
regression model
deemed worthy.
4 Influence 1. Characteristics 1. Performance Regression Test result
Characteristics Work Linear simultaneously
Jobs and 2. Motivation Double with
Extrinsic Motivation extrinsic use
Against Performance F significant value
Employee on at the level - =
Service Office 0.05 of
City Licensing 0.000 (Fsig=
Kendari (Andi Fadel 0.000), ie
Muhammad, 2017). means F valuesig<
- =0.05. Overall
same characteristics
work and
on performance.
on this basis,
hence the hypothesis
in research
previously got
accepted because
the truth.
5 The Effect of Satisfaction 1. Satisfaction 1. Performance Analysis F test results
Work and Motivation Work Employee Regression is known
Work Against 2. Motivation Linear has an F grade
Employee performance Work Double calculate by
PT. Tonas Cement 5,142 and value
(Florida Dessy Putri, significance
2013). of 0.004,
because of value
F test significance
as big as
means that
that model

job satisfaction
and work motivation
on performance
accepted. This matter
can be interpreted
that satisfaction
work and motivation
work regularly
on performance
6. Influence 1.Leadership 1. Performance Analysis F test results =
Leadership, 2.Satisfaction Employee Regression 169,539 with
Job Satisfaction and Work Double sig. 0,000. Level
Work motivation 3. Work Motivation Its significance
Against Performance found to be smaller
Employee on (<)- = 0.05,
Tanjungmas TPKS so that
in Semarang received Ha4
(Agung Dwi that state
Waluyo, 2014). leadership,
job satisfaction
and work motivation
on performance
7 Influence Analysis 1. Competence 1. Performance Analysis From the results

Competence and 2. Motivation Employee Regression regression analysis

Motivation Against Linear multiple linear,
Employee performance Double noted that
PT. PLN (Persero) in simultaneously
Lampung (Nadia competence and
Karina, 2017) motivationally
on performance
PLN (Persero).
8 Influence Analysis 1. Satisfaction 1. Performance Analysis Research result
Job Satisfaction and Work Employee Regression this shows
Commitment 2. Commitment Linear that satisfaction
Organization Against Organization Double work and
Employee performance commitment
at City PDAM organization

Cirebon (Moch influential

Andre Pamungkas, positively and
2014) significant
on performance
job satisfaction
and commitment
valuable organization
that relationship
in the same direction as

hypothesis, with
another word satisfaction
work and
the organization will
employee performance
Water Area
Drinking (PDAM)
Cirebon City.
Coefficient value
big number
0.465, or
performance variables
influenced by
satisfaction variable
employees and
large organization
Source: Processed data (2018)

C. Conceptual Framework

According to Bangun (2012:231), performance is the result of work

achieved by a person based on job requirements. kindly

conceptual performance is the result of work achieved by someone in

a certain period of time based on predetermined work standards.

Performance is a manifestation of the work carried out by employees


usually used as a basis for evaluating employees. According to

Mathis and Jackson (2009:378) performance(performance)is what

done or not done by employees. Three main factors are

affecting performance are:

1) Individual ability to do work

2) the level of effort expended, and

3) Organizational support.

1. The Effect of Competence on Employee Performance

According to Webster's Dictionary, the term competency begins to appear

in 1596. Competence is the ability and characteristics that

owned by an employee in the form of knowledge, skills and

behavioral attitudes required in carrying out work, so

can carry out their work professionally, effectively and efficiently.

According to Moeheriono (2010:4) competence is a characteristic

the basics of a person that indicate a way of thinking, behaving, and

act and draw conclusions that can be done and

maintained by someone over a certain period of time.

2. The Influence of Job Characteristics on Employee Performance

According to Robbins and Judge (2013:268) job characteristics

is an approach to designing work that shows

how jobs are described into five core dimensions viz

skill diversity, task identity, task meaning, autonomy and

feedback. According to Ni Made Gunastri (2013:14) job characteristics

are the characteristics and tasks that include responsibilities, types of tasks,

the level of satisfaction obtained from the work itself, the rules and

task implementation guidelines.

3. The Effect of Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

According to Handoko (2012:193) job satisfaction(job satisfaction)

is a pleasant or unpleasant emotional state

the way employees view their work. According to

Hasibuan (2013:202) job satisfaction is the emotional attitude of employees

fun and loves his job. Job satisfaction

is a person's perspective, both positive

or being negative about their work (Ardana, et al., 2012: 147).

4. Influence of Competency, Job Characteristics, and Job Satisfaction

On Employee Performance

According to Hutapea and Thoha (2008:28) explain that

competence is “The ability to perform a task with

effective and efficient performance to achieve company goals. Factor

Competence is the ability possessed by a person to

carry out the work given to him well.

Competence allows someone to realize related tasks

with the work necessary to achieve the goal.

According to Agung Panudju (2010:6) job characteristics are

shows how much decision making is made by

employees to their jobs. Job characteristic factors are

a design that will make it easier to achieve the goal, if any

If the job is well designed, it will make things easier


carry out the work accurately and correctly.

According to Robbins and Judge (2013: 117) job satisfaction(jobs

satisfaction)is a person's positive feelings about work

obtained from an evaluation of its characteristics. Someone with

high levels of job satisfaction have positive feelings about

his job. The job satisfaction factor is a feeling of happiness or

joy or feeling of liking someone before and after doing something

a job. If employees feel happy or happy or like

in working, then the results of the work will be good too.

Based on the background of the problem, theoretical review and review

previous research, a research conceptual framework was formulated

as follows :

Figure 2.1 Conceptual Framework

Competence (X1)

Characteristics Employee performance

Occupation (X2) (Y)

Job Satisfaction (X3)


A hypothesis is a temporary answer to a problem formulation

(Sinulingga, 2016:114), which is still presumptive and what follows

the truth remains to be proven. then the hypothesis of this research is


as follows :

1. Competence partially influences employee performance

at the Saka Hotel in Medan.

2. Job characteristics partially influence performance

employees at Hotel Saka Medan.

3. Job satisfaction has a partial effect on employee performance

at the Saka Hotel in Medan.

4. Competence, job characteristics and job satisfaction have an influence

simultaneously on employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan.



A. Research Approach

The type of research used is quantitative research,

According to Sugiyono (2010:11) quantitative research is research

which aims to determine the influence between the independent variable X

on the dependent variable Y and how close the influence or relationship is

That. This research discusses competency analysis, job characteristics,

and job satisfaction towards improving the performance of Hotel Saka employees


B. Place and Time of Research

1. Research Location

This research was conducted at the Saka Hotel Medan, which is located on Jalan

Black Crow No.14 Sei Sikambing Medan Sunggal.

2. Research Time

The research period started from July 2018 until

December 2018. The detailed research schedule is as follows:


Table 3.1 Research Process Schedule

August September October November December January

No Information 2018 2018 2018 2018 2018 2019
1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4
Preparation &
2 Guidance
Table Meeting

C. Operational Definition of Variables

Operational definition is a definition given to

a variable by giving meaning, specifying activities, or

provides the operations needed to measure these variables.

The variables are: Competence (X1), Job Characteristics (X2), And

Job Satisfaction (X3), Employee Performance (Y). As for the operationalization of variables

in this research are as follows:


Table 3.2

Variable Operationalization

Variable Definition Indicator Description

Competence 1.Knowledge 1. Level of knowledge

derived from the word 2.Understanding an employee regarding
competenceWhich 3.Skills/ the job and the skills or
It means Skill techniques used on the
skill, 4.Education job.
abilities, and . Experience 2. An employee in
authority, Work carrying out the work
as for (Sutrisno, must have
etymology, 2011:204) good understanding.
competence 3. The ability possessed by
Competence interpreted as the individual to
(X 1) Likert
behavioral dimensions carry out tasks.
expertise or 4. Educational background
superiority involving activities to
somebody achieve goals.
that employee 5. Employees with
have work experience will
Skills, make it easier to carry
knowledge and out the job.
that behavior
Good. (Sutrisno,
Definition 1. Variety 1. Skill/talent/
Characteristics Skills methods/methods needed
work : 2. Identity to complete the task. 2.
"Show task Activities carried out by
How big 3. Significance employees in
taking task plan and
that decision 4. Autonomy carry out tasks, with indicators of
made by 5. Feedback the level of understanding of

employees to (Agung Panudju, work procedures.
his job, and 2010:7) 3. The importance of the work
Work Likert
how many performed by employees.
mandatory task 4. The level or circumstances
completed of a job provide discretion
by employees”. and control
(Agung Panudju, specific to employees. 5.
2010:6) Where are the employees
get feedback from
responses regarding the
results of employee work

Job satisfaction 1. The job 1. Occupation of a

a feeling Alone employees accordingly
positive 2. Coworkers interest.
someone up 3. Salary 2.Coworkers have
which job 4. Opportunity technical skills and easy
obtained from Promotion to collaborate or support
an evaluation 5. Supervision

to (Robbins and social.
characteristics. Judge, 2013:119) 3. The salary received is in
Work Likert
Someone with accordance with the workload.
satisfaction level 4. Opportunities for advancement
high work or career development within the
own organization.
positive feelings 5. Ability of superiors in
about providing guidance
his job. technical work, motivation
(Robbins and and attitude.
Judge, 2013: 117)
Performance is 1. Quality 1. The quality of work results is
function results 2. Quantity reviewed from accuracy and
or indicator- 3. Efficiency neatness.
an indicator 4. Work discipline 2. Employee abilities
work/activities 5. Accuracy in finishing
n someone or (Hero, a number of task results.
inner group 2012:80) 3. Completion of work
Performance an organization employees quickly and
Employee influenced precisely. Likert
(Y) by various 4. Employee willingness
factor for in complying with company
achieving goals regulations.
deep organization 5. Employee capabilities
period of time in implementing
certain. work in accordance with
(Hero, procedures and what is
2012:5) ordered by superiors.
Source: processed by the Author (2018)

D. Population and Sample

1. Population

According to Sugiyono (2010:61) population is a generalization area

which consists of objects or subjects that have the quality and

certain characteristics set by the researcher to be studied and

then conclusions are drawn.


The population in this study were employees of Hotel Saka Medan

which totaled 55 people.

2. Samples

A sample is a portion of the population taken as a sample

data source and can represent the entire population (Riduwan, 2013:48).

Sampling must be calculated correctly, so that it can

obtain a sample that truly represents a picture of the population

The real. In this study, researchers used techniques

saturated sample. According to Sugiyono (2010:62) a saturated sample is

where the entire population was sampled, namely 55 people.

E. Data Collection Techniques

The data collection techniques in this research are:

1. Interviews are data collection based on dialogue created

by researchers to find out something more in-depth with

how to ask questions and answers with parties who have the authority to

provide data-required data.

2. Documentation Studies, namely studying research journals, both from

books, magazines and internet sites to support this research.

3. Question (Questionnaire), namely data obtained by means

ask questions in writing to respondents. According to

Sugiyono (2010:199) "Questionnaires are a data collection technique

which is done by giving a set of questions or

written statement to the respondent to be answered”. In this case

the respondents were employees of Hotel Saka Medan.


F. Data Analysis Techniques

1. Data Quality Test

a. Validity test

Validity test was conducted to measure whether the questionnaire or

the distributed questionnaire is feasible to be used as a research instrument.

The questionnaire used to measure shows whether the data

obtained is valid data. This validity test was carried out

to 55 employees of Hotel Saka Medan.

Testing the validity and reliability in this study using

helpsoftwareSPSS. A data is said to be valid or invalid with

the criteria for testing the validity of the questionnaire are as follows:

1) If r count ≥ r table, then the statement is declared valid.

2) If r count ≤ r table, then the statement is declared invalid.

b. Reliability Test

Reliability test means that if the instrument is carried out several times

to measure the same object will produce the same data

so that the research instrument is considered correct. In

this study to determine whether the questionnaire is reliable or not

using alpha cronbach. The questionnaire is said to be reliable if alpha

cronbach above 0.6 and if unreliable if equal to or

below 0.6.

Questions that have been declared valid in the validity test will be

reliability is determined by the following criteria:

1) If r is positive or > from r then the questionreliable.

alpha table

2) If r negative or < of r then the question is notreliable

alpha table

2. Classic Assumption Test

a. Data Normality Test

The normality test aims to test what is in the model

regression between the independent variable and the dependent variable has a distribution

normal or not. To test the normality of the data can be known by

through :

a. Normal Curve Histogram

The normality of the data when viewed from this method can be determined based on

curve shape. Data is said to be normal if the shape of the curve has

The slope tends to be balanced, both on the left and right sides

right, and the curve is shaped like an almost perfect bell.

b. P-Plot test, normality test can be seen by paying attention

data spread (point) onPP Plot of Regression Standardized

Residualvia SPSS, where:

1) If the data spreads around the diagonal line and follows the direction of the line

diagonal, then the regression model meets the assumption of normality.

2) If the data spreads far from the diagonal line or does not follow the direction

diagonal line, then the regression model does not meet the assumptions


c. TestKolmogorof Smirnov(KS), performed to find out the data

normal or not, can be seen from the value of profitability. Data is

normal, if KS value is Asymp. Sig (2 Tailed) > 0.050.


b. Multicollinearity Test

TestMulticollinearityaims to test whether in the model

regression found a correlation between independent variables.Multicollinearity

occurs when there is a perfect or nearly perfect linear relationship

between some or all of the independent variables in the regression model.

A good regression model should not have any correlation between

independent variable.

According to Umar (2010:80) to test for existencemulticollinearity

can be done by analyzing the correlation between variables and

value calculationtoleranceas well asvariance inflation factor (VIF).

The test criteria are:

1) VIF > 1 then occursmulticollinearity

2) Tolerance < 0.1 then it doesn't happenmulticollinearity

c. Heteroscedasticity Test

Testheteroscedasticityaims to test whether in

In the regression model, inequality occursvariancefrom residual one

observation to another observation. If the variance of the residual is one

observation to another observation remains, then it is called

homoscedasticityand if different is calledheteroscedasticity. Model

good regression is thathomoscedasticityor not happening


According to Umar (2010: 82) to detect whether there is

heteroscedasticityThis is done by looking at the presence or absence of certain patterns

on the scatterplot graph between SRESID (residual) and ZPRED (prediction


dependent variable). The basis of the analysis can be seen:

1) If the points form a certain regular pattern

(waves, spreading then narrowing), then indicates

has occurredHeteroscedasticity.

2) If there is no clear pattern and the dots spread above and

below the number 0 on the Y axis, then it doesn't happenHeteroscedasticity.

3. Multiple Linear Regression Analysis

Multiple linear regression analysis is needed to find out

regression coefficients and their significance so they can be used

to answer the hypothesis. The general form of the linear regression equation

double is as follows:

Y = a + b1X1+ b2X2+ b3X3+ e

Where :
Y = Performance of

employee X1= Competence

X2= Characteristics of work X

3= Job Satisfaction a =
b = Regression coefficient

e = Error

4. Hypothesis Test

a. Simultaneous Significance Test (F Test)

This test is conducted to see whether all variables

The freedoms included in this model have a direct influence

together on the dependent variable. The form of the test is:

H0: b1;b2;b3= 0, meaning that simultaneously there is no positive influence


and the significance of the independent variable on the dependent variable.

Ha: b1;b2;b3≠ 0, meaning that simultaneously there is a positive influence and

significant of the independent variable to the dependent variable.

The decision making criteria are:

H0accepted if Fcount< Ftableat Sig F > α 5% (0.05)

Harejected if Fcount>Ftableat Sig F < α 5% (0.05)

b. t test (Partial)

This test was carried out to find out the extent of the influence

independent variable partially (individually) to the dependent variable. Form

the test is:

H0: b1= 0, meaning that partially there is a positive influence and

significant of the independent variable to the dependent variable.

Ha: b1≠ 0, meaning that partially there is no positive influence and

significant of the independent variable to the dependent variable.

The decision making criteria are:

H0accepted if tcount<ttableat Sig t > α 5% (0.05)

Harejected if tcount> ttableat Sig t < α 5% (0.05)

5. The coefficient of determination (R2)

Coefficient of Determination (R2) is used to see how much

the large contribution of the independent variable to the dependent variable. In other words

The determinant coefficient value is used to measure the size of the contribution

the variables studied X and Y as the dependent variable. The greater it is

The value of the coefficient of determination, the better the ability of variable X

explain the variable Y. If the determination (R2) is getting bigger (approaching


one), then it can be said that the influence of variable X is large

on variable Y. The coefficient of determination formula is D = R2x


This shows that the model used is getting stronger for

explains the influence of variable X on variable Y. Conversely, if

determination (R2) is getting smaller (approaching zero), then it can be said

that the influence of variable X on variable Y is getting smaller. This matter

shows that the model used is increasingly less powerful for

explain the effect of variable X on variable Y.



A. Research Results

1. Description of the Research Object

a. A Brief History of Hotel Saka Medan

In tourism there are several factors that are related and not

can be separated, one of which is the hotel industry, where hotels are

a type of accommodation that uses part or all of a building

to provide accommodation, food and beverage services and services

other supporting services for the public that are managed commercially.

PT.Saka Mitra Sejati which is included in the CV.Kurnia Group as one

of the domestic investment investors (PMDM) which was established

through Notary Deed number 2 Risma Rahmi Arifa SH. Saka Hotels

was founded in the city of Medan on 03 September 2010 and started

operational on 08 November 2012.

Saka Hotel Medan is one of the three star hotels available

in the city of Medan with the complete address at Jalan Gagak Hitam No.14

Sei Sikambing Village, Medan Sunggal District, Medan Sumatra

North. 061-8468468/8469393. Fax: 061-8464242, email: info@saka.com .

Since opening on 08 November 2012 Hotel Saka has become one

important place of activity in the city of Medan.

Hotel Saka has a total of 108 rooms consisting of 3 types, namely:

Superior, Deluxe and Grand Deluxe. Saka Hotel also provides some


facilities such as Restaurant, Lounge, Meeting Room, ATM BRI, and Room

24 Hour Service. The seriousness of Saka Hotel is seen from the 5 S principles,

namely: Smile, Greet, Greet, Polite and Polite and fast and responsive to

continuous quality and service.

b. Vision and Mission of Hotel Saka Medan

1) Vision of Hotel Saka Medan

The company's vision isThe Family and business,And

make a quality hotel, superior in service and also


2) Mission Hotel Saka Medan

a) Make Hotel Saka a destination for families who visit

Medan at an affordable price

b) Making Hotel Saka a destination for entrepreneurs

market function in Medan

c) Providing true satisfaction to visitors by

best service.

2. Company Organizational Structure and Division of Duties

The organizational structure is a very important part of the

a company. In general, every company has a structure

each organization is different from other companies,

depending on the goals of the organization, the resources it has and

organizational environment. But in essence the organizational structure

have the same principle, namely to achieve company goals.


The organizational structure of a company provides an overview of

know about the position, duties, authority and responsibilities as well

functions and work relationships between departments and departments

other existing company to be used as a reference in

division of tasks so as to carry out assigned work activities

planned can be carried out as well as possible.


Table 4.25 Respondents' Assessment of Accuracy Indicators (Y9.10)

Question Items
Employees do Employees are able to complete
job properly the work given by their superiors
quickly and thoroughly
Frequency % Frequency %
Very not
17 30.9% 4 7.3%
Don't agree 15 27.3% 8 14.5%
Disagree 10 18.2% 19 34.5%
Agree 9 16.4% 13 23.6%
Strongly agree 4 7.3% 11 20.0%
Total 55 100.0 55 100.0
Mean 2.42 3.35
Source: Primary data processed, 2018

The knowledge indicator (Table 4.25) is represented by 2 question

items as follows:
1. For employee items doing their work correctly, there are 17

respondents (30.9%) stated that they strongly disagree with a mean value of 2.42.

This answer illustrates that the employee is still not quite right

do any work that is not good enough.

2. For employee items, they are able to complete the work given

superiors quickly and thoroughly, as many as 19 respondents (34.5%) stated

disagree with the mean value of 3.35. This answer illustrates that

lack of thoroughness on the part of employees and employees as well

lack of seriousness in carrying out the assigned tasks

pretty good.

5. Data Quality Test

a. Validity test

The validity test is to determine the suitability of each list

questions (questionnaire) that have been given to respondents

A validity test is needed to measure whether something is valid or not


questionnaire. If each question has a value of > 0.30 then the question

declared valid (valid).

Table 4.26 Validity Test Results

Item-Total Statistics

Corrected Squared Cronbach's

Scale Mean if Scale Variance Item-Total Multiple Alpha if Item
Items Deleted if Item Deleted Correlation Correlation Deleted
X1.1.1 109.56 903,917 , 641 . , 949
X1.1.2 109.62 916,055 , 555 . , 950
X1.2.3 109.84 920,362 , 480 . , 951
X1.2.4 110.15 918,830 , 543 . , 950
X1.3.5 109.07 925,958 , 492 . , 950
X1.3.6 109.75 902,490 , 710 . , 949
X1.4.7 109.53 904,587 , 701 . , 949
X1.4.8 109.60 897,541 , 743 . , 949
X1.5.9 109.89 906,729 , 686 . , 949
X1.5.10 109,16 922,806 , 504 . ,950
X2.1.1 108.98 932,796 , 368 . , 951
X2.1.2 109.33 920,632 , 461 . , 951
X2.2.3 109.15 934,312 , 304 . , 952
X2.2.4 109.40 930,689 , 315 . , 952
X2.3.5 109.62 917,203 , 489 . , 950
X2.3.6 109.60 907,393 , 627 . , 950
X2.4.7 109.42 888,470 , 825 . , 948
X2.4.8 109.93 909,291 , 637 . , 950
X2.5.9 109.20 925,385 , 453 . , 951
X2.5.10 109.69 901,069 , 707 . , 949
X3.1.1 109.13 926,224 , 465 . , 951
X3.1.2 109.64 931,162 , 353 . , 951
X3.2.3 109.33 925,965 , 409 . , 951
X3.2.4 109.40 930,689 , 315 . , 952
X3.3.5 109.62 917,203 , 489 . , 950
X3.3.6 109.22 919,211 , 455 . , 951
X3.4.7 109.60 907,393 , 627 . , 950
X3.4.8 109.42 888,470 , 825 . , 948
X3.5.9 109.87 905,558 , 710 . , 949
X3.5.10 109.25 926,415 , 414 . , 951
Y.1.1 109.98 916,463 , 677 . , 949
Y.1.2 109.98 908,537 , 635 . , 950
Y.2.3 109.13 926,224 , 465 . , 951
Y.2.4 109.64 931,162 , 353 . , 951
Y.3.5 109.33 925,965 , 409 . , 951
Y.3.6 109.87 892,595 , 794 . , 948
Y.4.7 109.60 907,541 , 626 . , 950
Y.4.8 109.40 889,578 , 815 . , 948

Y.5.9 109.91 907,862 , 663 . , 949

Y.5.10 108.98 914,277 , 638 . , 950

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

Based on Table 4.26 above, the value of the SPSS output is known

validity is in the columnCorrected item-Total correlationWhich

means the value between the score for each item and the total score for the answer

respondents Validity test results from 40 (forty) questions on

competency variables, job characteristics, job satisfaction and performance

declared valid (legitimate) because the coefficient value exceeds 0.30.

b. Reliability Test

Reliability test (reliability test), precision or accuracy

indicated by the measurement instrument. Questionnaire items are said

reliable or reliable if someone's answer to the questionnaire is

consistent. In this research, to determine whether the questionnaire is reliable or

not by usingCronbach's Alpha. The questionnaire is said to be reliable

IfCronbach's Alpha>0.60 and for reliable if it is equal to or

below 0.60.

The reliability of the questionnaire questions that the author has asked

Respondents in this study will be seen in the tableReliability Statistics

which has been presented in the table below:

Table 4.27 Reliability Test Results

Reliability Statistics

Cronbach's Alpha Based on

Cronbach's Alpha Standardized Items N of Items

, 951 , 951 40

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results


Based on Table 4.27 above, there arecronbach's alphaas big as

0.951 > 0.60 so it can be concluded that the question has been

presented to respondents consisting of 40 questions, good

in the variables Competency (X1), Job Characteristics (X2), Satisfaction

Work (X3) and Employee Performance (Y) arereliableor acceptable

so it is said to be reliable.

6. Classic Assumption Test

a. Data Normality Test

The data normality test was carried out to see whether the mode

The regression of the dependent and independent variables has a distribution

normal or not. The normality test was carried out using graphic analysis

namely on NormalPP Plot of Regression Standardized Residual.

Does the data spread around the diagonal line and follow the direction

diagonal line, then the regression model meets the normality assumption.

The normality test in this research is as follows:


Figure 4.2 Normality Test Histogram

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

Based on Figure 4.2, the results of data normality testing

shows the image in the histogram above has a line

curved to form a bell shape. It can be concluded

The regression model meets the assumptions of the data normality test.

Figure 4.3 PP Plot Normality Test

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results


Based on Figure 4.3, it can be seen above that the distribution of

points on Competencies (X1), Job Characteristics (X2),

Job Satisfaction (X3) and Employee Performance Interest (Y) are spread

around the diagonal line which can be concluded that the data

presented can be said to be normal.

Table 4.28 ResultsOne-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test

Employee performance

N 55
Normal Parametersa,,b Mean 0000000
Std. Deviation 1.86064483
Most Extreme Absolute . 072
Differences Positive . 072

Negative - . 064

Kolmogorov-Smirnov Z . 533

asymp. Sig. (2-tailed) . 939

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

Based on Table 4.28 above, a regression model is

is said to meet the normality assumption that is if the residual value

Asymp.Sig (2-tailed)greater than 0.050. MarkKolmogorov-Smirnov Z

of 0.533 with 0.939 where this figure is above the level

significance 0.050 or 5%. Or valueAsymp.Sig (2-tailed)>0.050 ( 0.939

> 0.050 ), then the data in this study can be stated statistically

normally distributed and has met the requirements for use.

b. Multicollinearity Test

The multicollinearity test aims to test whether the model

regression found that there was a correlation between the independent variables. Regression model

What is good is if there is no correlation between the independent variables.


If there is frequent correlation, then these variables are not

orthogonal.Orthogonalis the independent variable whose value is the correlation between

other variables are zero. Tolerance measures independent variability

selected ones that are not explained by other variables. So value

tolerancea low one equals a high VIF value (because

VIF/tolerance). The test criteria are:

1) VIF > 1 then occursmulticollinearity

2) Tolerance < 0.1 then it doesn't happenmulticollinearity

Table 4.29 Multicollinearity Test Results

Model Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity

Coefficients Coefficients Statistics

B Std. Error Betas Tolerance VIF

1 (Constant) - 1,204 1,400

COMPETENCY (X1) , 577 , 098 , 574 , 170 5,892

CHARACTERISTICS - , 201 , 090 - , 191 , 223 4,489

JOB (X2)

JOB SATISFACTION (X3) , 654 , 119 , 576 , 147 6,787

a. Dependent Variable: EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE (Y)

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

Based on table 4.29 it can be seen above that the VIF

Competency variable (X1) is 5,892, Job Characteristics (X2)

is 4,489, Job Satisfaction (X3) is 6,787 and greater than 1

(one) and the Competency tolerance value (X1) is 0.170, Characteristic

Employment (X2) is 0.223, Job Satisfaction (X3) is 0.147 more

smaller than 10, it can be concluded that the regression model is free of interference


c. Heteroscedasticity Test

The heteroscedasticity test aims to test whether in

In the regression model, inequality occursvariancefrom residue one

other observations are constant, then it is called homoscedasticity and if

Differently, it is called heteroscedasticity because this data collects data

represents data of various sizes (small, medium, large).

According toRussiadi (2014: 157) the heteroscedasticity test is used for

see if there is any discrepancyvariancefrom residual one

observation to another observation.

According to Ghozali (2009:105) ifvariancefrom residual one

observation to other observations remains, then it is called homoscedasticity

and if different it is called heteroscedasticity.

Detect whether there are symptoms of heteroscedasticity

This is done by analyzing the distribution of existing points

on the scatterplot produced using the SPSS program

by making the following decisions:

1. If the existing beam diagrams form certain patterns that are

regular, then the regression experiences heteroscedasticity disturbance.

2. If the transmission diagram does not form a pattern or is random then

regression experienced heteroscedasticity.


Figure 4.4 Heteroscedasticity Test Results

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

Based on Figure 4.4, it can be seen above that the points are random or

does not form a clear pattern. This means no

heteroscedasticity occurs in the regression model, so this regression model

suitable for use in this research.

7. Multiple Linear Regression Equations

Regression analysis is an analysis technique data

in statistics that are often used to examine relationships

between several variables and predict a variable.


Table 4.30 Multiple Linear Regression Equations

Model Standardized
Unstandardized Coefficients Coefficients
B Std. Error Betas

1 (Constant) - 1,204 1,400

COMPETENCY (X1) , 577 , 098 , 574

CHARACTERISTICS - , 201 , 090 - , 191

JOB (X2)

JOB SATISFACTION (X3) , 654 , 119 , 576

a. Dependent Variable: EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE (Y)

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

Based on Table 4.31 shown above, the equation is obtained

the regression isY = -1.204 + 0.5771+ -0.2012+ 0.6543.

The interpretation of the multiple linear regression equation is:

1. If everything in the independent variables is considered zero, then

employee performance (Y) is -1,204 units.

2. If there is a decrease in competence by 1, then the employee's performance

(Y) will decrease by 0.577 units.

3. If there is a decrease in job characteristics by 1, then performance

employees (Y) will decrease by -0.201 units.

4. If there is a decrease in job satisfaction by 1, then performance

employees (Y) will decrease by 0.654 units.

8. Hypothesis Testing

a. Simultaneous Effect Test (F Test)

This test is carried out to determine whether competence,

Job characteristics and job satisfaction are simultaneously influential

positive and significant to employee performance at the testing level

hypothesis 5% (0.050) with the recommended hypothesis F test. This testing


carried out to determine whether competence, job characteristics

and job satisfaction simultaneously have a positive and significant effect

on employee performance at the level or level of hypothesis testing 5%

with the F hypothesis test used:

The hypothesis for simultaneous testing is:

Table 4.31 F Test (Simultaneously)

Model Sum of Squares Df MeanSquare F Sig.
Regression 3577,745 3 1192,582 187,784 , 000a
Residual 323,891 51 6,351

Total 3901,636 54

a. Predictors: (Constant), JOB SATISFACTION (X3), JOB CHARACTERISTICS (X2),

b. Dependent Variable: EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE (Y)
Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

Based on table 4.32 seen above, that the F test yields

F valuecountof 187,784 with a significant level of 0.000. BecauseFcount

187,784 > FtAbel2.79 and a significant probability is much less than

0.050, namely 0.000 <0.050, then the regression model can be said that

Competency, Job Characteristics and Job Satisfaction simultaneously

positive and significant effect on employee performance.

b. Partial Effect Test (t-test)

Partial test (t-test) is used to determine whether the variable

partially independent effect on the dependent variable. Test results

the influence of Competency variables, Job Characteristics and Satisfaction

Work on Employee Performance Hotel Saka Medan in the following table

This :

Table 4.32 (Partial) t-test results

Model Unstandardized Standardized
Coefficients Coefficients

B Std. Error Betas t Sig.

1 (Constant) - 1,204 1,400 - , 860 , 394

COMPETENCY (X1) , 577 , 098 , 574 5,861 , 000

CHARACTERISTICS - , 201 , 090 - , 191 - 2,231 , 030

JOB (X2)

JOB SATISFACTION , 654 , 119 , 576 5,477 , 000


a. Dependent Variable: EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE (Y)

Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

(1) Competency (X1)

Based on table 4.33 above it can be seen that the competency value of tcount

5,861 > ttable1,675 with a significance of 0.000 <0.050, meaning there is

a positive and significant influence of Competence on

Employee performance.

(2) Job Characteristics (X2)

Based on table 4.33 it can be seen that the value of Job Characteristics

tcount-2,231 > ttable1.675 with a significance of 0.030 <0.050, meaning

there is a negative and significant influence of Characteristics

Work on Employee Performance.

(3) Job Satisfaction (X3)

Based on table 4.33 it can be seen that the Job Satisfaction value of tcount5,477

> ttable1,675 with a significance of 0.000 <0.050, meaning there is

positive and significant influence of Job Satisfaction on

Employee performance.

9. The coefficient of determination (R2)

Determination test results (R2) can be seen from the coefficient value

determination in the following table:

Table 4.33 Determination Test Results (R2)

Summary modelsb

Adjusted R Std. Error of the
R R Square
Square Estimates

1 , 958a , 917 , 912 2,520

a. Predictors: (Constant),JOB SATISFACTION (X3), JOB CHARACTERISTICS (X2),

b. Dependent Variable: EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE (Y)
Source: SPSS version 18.00 processing results

(1) Based on table 4.34 it can be seen above that the magnitude of the valueadjusted R

squareof 0.912 or 91.2% provides an explanation that

This research variable is able to explain the performance variable

Employees (Y) of 91.2% while the rest is 8.8%

influenced by other factors outside of this study such as variables

Work Motivation, Organizational Culture and Work Discipline.

(2) The R value of 0.958 indicates that there is a close relationship between

Competence, Job Characteristics, and Job Satisfaction

Employee performance.

B. Discussion of Research Results

In this study, the discussion is carried out through a study to answer

The formulation of the problem proposed is based on the linear regression analysis method


1. The relationship between competence and employee performance at hotels

Saka Medan

The results of this study indicate that competence has an effect

on employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan. This can be seen from

multiple linear regression analysis via the t test (partial) which has a positive sign

with t valuecountof 5,861 with sig 0.000. Based on the results

above, it can be concluded that hypothesis 1 (one) in

This research is tested and acceptable. The positive direction indicates that

every time there is an increase in competence will cause an increase

employee performance simultaneously amounted to 0.577 units. In other words

when the competence at Hotel Saka Medan which consists of knowledge,

understanding, skills, education and work experience are enhanced

then employee performance will also increase. Support research

previously conducted by Rienly Gijoh (2013), based on

his research that competence has a positive and significant effect

on employee performance.

The results of this research are in accordance with the research objectives for

determine the influence of competence on the performance of employees at the Hotel

Saka Medan has been carried out and at the same time has completed/answered

The problems identified are problems that employees have

educational background is classified as low and not in accordance with

work on the Saka Medan hotel has been missed.

2. Relationship between Job Characteristics and Employee Performance

Hotel Saka Medan

The results of this study indicate that job characteristics

does not affect the performance of employees at Hotel Saka Medan. Matter

This can be seen from the multiple linear regression analysis through the t (partial) test

is negative and significant with the t valuecountof -2.231 with

sig 0.030. Based on these results, it can be concluded that

hypothesis 2 (two) in this study was not tested and was not accepted. Direction

negative indicates a lack of improvement in job characteristics on

Hotel Saka Medan is -0.201 units. The research results showed that

Job characteristics have a negative effect on employee performance.

job characteristics consisting of job variations, task identity,

task significance, autonomy, and feedback have a negative effect on

employee performance. Supports previous research conducted by

Widhy Setyowati (2013), based on his research that characteristics

work has a negative and significant effect on employee performance.

The results of this research are in accordance with the research objectives for

determine the influence of job characteristics on employee performance

at Hotel Saka Medan has been implemented and at the same time has

solve/answer the problems in the problem identification

i.e. the employee does not carry out the work in accordance with the procedure

work on the Saka Medan hotel has been missed. And for variables

This job characteristic has no effect on performance

employees, but that does not mean the company does not

pay attention to it. However, the company has to

attention to all things related to performance

employees, so that employee performance does not decrease and has no impact

on company goals.

3. The Relationship between Job Satisfaction and Employee Performance at Hotels

Saka Medan

The results of this study indicate that job satisfaction

effect on employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan. This matter

seen from the multiple linear regression analysis through the t (partial) test

has a positive sign with the t valuecountof 5,477 with a sig of 0.000.

Based on these results, it can be concluded that hypothesis 3

(three) in this study tested and acceptable. Positive direction

shows that any increase in job satisfaction will be

lead to an increase in employee performance simultaneously by

0.654 units. In other words, when job satisfaction consists of

the job itself, coworkers, salary, promotion opportunities, and supervision

If improved properly, employee performance will also increase.

Supports previous research conducted by Florida Dessy

(2013), shows that job satisfaction has a positive effect and

significant to employee performance.

The results of this research are in accordance with the research objectives for

determine the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance at

Hotel Saka Medan has accomplished And at a time has

solve/answer the problems in the problem identification

namely employees are dissatisfied in receiving remuneration orrewardson

Hotel Saka Medan has been answered.

4. Competency Relationship, Job Characteristics, and Job Satisfaction

On Increasing Employee Performance at Hotel Saka Medan


The results of this research show that competence,

Job characteristics and job satisfaction affect performance

employees at Hotel Saka Medan. This can be seen from the regression analysis

multiple linear through the F test which is positive with a value of fcount

of 187,784 with a sig of 0,000. Based on these results, it can be

It was concluded that hypothesis 4 (four) in this study was tested and

acceptable. The positive direction shows that there is an increase

competence, job characteristics and job satisfaction will cause

increasing employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan. In other words

when competencies consisting of knowledge, understanding,

skills, education, work experience, and job characteristics

consisting of job variety, task identity, task significance,

autonomy, feedback and continued with job satisfaction which consists

of the job itself, co-workers, salary, promotion opportunities, and

supervision, employee performance will increase.

The results of this research are in accordance with the research objectives for

determine the influence of competence, job characteristics, and satisfaction

work on employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan has been carried out

and at the same time has resolved/answered the existing problems

identification of the problem, namely employees have an educational background

classified as low and not in accordance with the job, employees do not

carry out work in accordance with work procedures, and employees

dissatisfied with receiving remuneration orrewardsat the Saka Hotel

Field has been answered. Based on the research that has been done

Previously it could be seen that the variables were competence and job satisfaction

positive and significant effect on employee performance, meanwhile

The job characteristics variable has a negative and significant effect

on employee performance.


A. Conclusion

Based on analysis of research results and discussion about Competency,

Job Characteristics, and Job Satisfaction on Employee Performance

at Hotel Saka Medan, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1. There is a positive and significant influence between competencies

on employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan. Tested and got

accepted based on the t valuecountcompetency variable (X1) is 5,861

and t valuetableof 1.675 then tcount> ttable(5,861 > 1,675) and value

Sig < 0.050 (0.000 < 0.050). The magnitude of the influence of competence (X1)

on employee performance (Y) of 0.577, which means every time there is

competency improvement (X1), it will improve performance

employees (Y) of 0.577 units and significant.

2. There is a negative and significant influence between the characteristics

work on employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan. No

tested and not accepted based on the t valuecountcharacteristic variables

work (X2) is -2.231 and the t valuetableof 1.675 then tcount>

ttable(-2.231 > 1.675) and Sig value < 0.050 (0.030 < 0.050). The size

influence of job characteristics (X2) on employee performance

(Y) is -0.201, which means a lack of improvement in characteristics

work (X2) on employee performance (Y) of -0.201.

3. There is a positive and significant influence on job satisfaction

on employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan. Tested and got


accepted based on the t valuecountjob satisfaction variable (X3) is

5,477 and t valuetableof 1.675 then tcount> ttable(5,477 > 1,675)

and Sig value < 0.050 (0.000 < 0.050). The magnitude of the influence of

job satisfaction (X3) on employee performance (Y) of 0.654,

which means every time there is an increase in job satisfaction (X3), will be

increase employee performance (Y) by 0.654 units and


4. There is a simultaneous positive and significant influence between

competence, job characteristics and job satisfaction towards

employee performance at Hotel Saka Medan. Tested and acceptable

based on F gradescountas much as 187,784 with a significant level

0.000, greater than the value of FtAbelwith a significant level of 95% (α =

0.050) is 2.77 = (187.784 > 2.77).

B. Suggestions

Based on the conclusions of the study results, then it is good for the benefit

practical as well as for the benefit of further studies, then it is submitted

suggestions as follows:

1. So that companies retain employees who have

knowledge because it will be able to help in improving

performance, and further suggested also to the company to

Pay attention to employees whose educational background is not

appropriate to the job and is classified as low. A must solution

carried out by Hotel Saka Medan, namely by increasing education

employees for example for employees with educational levels


SMA/SMK can immediately take D3 or S1 education so that

can help you carry out your work better,

This aims to improve better performance.

2. So that companies retain employees who have

skills in completing work well, and

Furthermore, it is also recommended that companies pay attention

employees who have not carried out their work in accordance with

Standard Operational Procedurewhich exists. With solutions provide

training and internships for employees so they can improve

employee performance.

3. So that the company always retains its employees

use work equipment properly at work, and

Furthermore, it is also recommended that companies pay attention

employees who are dissatisfied with giftsrewardsor recompense

carried out by the company. The solution must be done

Hotel Saka Medan means that companies pay more attention to satisfaction

employee work by giving an award to

employees or promotional opportunities in order to improve

employee performance.

4. Suggestions to future researchers to replicate this research

by using a larger population and research objects on

competency, job characteristics and job satisfaction section on

Hotel Saka Medan, using datalongitudinalortime series

to know at a time what the relationships and influences are like


hypothesized. Next researchers can illustrate

other variables that influence performance, for example, motivation

work, organizational culture, work discipline, and other variables

that affects performance.


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