GECMAT Module 5

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Course Outcomes Topics Time Outcomes-Based Teaching- Assessment Expected Learning Outcomes
Allotment Learning Outcomes
Teaching- Instructional Type Tool /
Learning Materials Instrument
Asynchronous Modular / Digital
CO 2 Use different types of Elective A Week 2 Group or large Virtual Written Activity / Activity sheets  Apply geometric concepts
reasoning to justify statements (9 hours) class sharing of presentation work Exercise especially isometries in
and arguments made about Module 5: ideas using (Group/ Sets Quiz results describing and creating
mathematics and mathematical Geometric (October PowerPoint Pair/ designs
concepts. Designs 4-8, Lectures / Class slides Individual Quiz Problem set  Contribute to the
2021) discussions Activity) results enrichment of the Filipino
CO 8 Affirm honesty and Lesson 1: Multimedia Problem culture and arts using
integrity in the application of Recognizing and Problem solving Set concepts in geometry
mathematics to various human Analyzing Video Formative
endeavors. Geometric Assignment
Shapes, and

Lesson 2:
Patterns and
Designs, Arts and

Section 3: Mathematics as a Tool (Part 2)

Module 5: Geometric Designs

More than the practical value, the aesthetic appeal of a geometrical figure can stimulate interest and motivation which leads students to subconsciously embrace
mathematical investigations. As a result, they do not only engage themselves into the mathematical explorations but also a chance to understand society’s history and culture as
well as social systems. Geometric designs abound in nature and environment, either in 2- or 3-dimensional (or even higher dimensional) forms. They appear naturally, like the
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT
College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

colorful imprints in the wings of butterflies or the near-perfect conical shape of Mt. Mayon, or occur as man’s handiwork, like the intricate designs in Islamic textiles or the
pyramids of the ancient Egyptians.
This module focuses on the mathematical concepts involved in the design of what appear as obvious art forms like paintings, sculptures and tilings and textile imprints.
Lesson 1 deals with recognizing and analyzing geometric shapes, and transformations. Lesson 2 discusses patterns and diagrams, designs, arts and culture.

Learning Outcomes: At the end of the lesson, the students are expected to:
1. apply geometric concepts especially isometries in describing and creating designs
2. contribute to the enrichment of the Filipino culture and arts using concepts in geometry

Lesson 1: Recognizing and Analyzing Geometric shapes and Transformations

Engage: Let’s Try This!

Tell whether the dotted line on each shape represents a line of symmetry. Write yes or no and give your reason.

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Explore: Discover This!

A. Draw a line of symmetry on each shape.

B. Draw the second half of each symmetrical shape.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Explain: Clarify Your Lesson!

Mathematicians instinctively search for geometrical and numerical patterns and for symmetry. The discovery of patterns and symmetries enable us to understand some
practical problems and as geometry evolves people begin to clearly understand and control the world around us. For centuries, humans are fascinated in the nature of symmetry.
From the time of the Greeks to the present generation we tend to side with symmetry in everything from planning our house layout to the way we dress. Nature displays an infinite
number of geometrical shapes from a small atom to the greatest of the spiral across the galaxies. Patterns abound a nature, and geometry paves the way for us to understand it more
as we experience it. Perhaps there is no subject has intrigued the human race through centuries as much as geometry and see the wonder in nature, arts, design, and in other aspects
of human experience.

In geometry, we don’t only study figures but we also dwell on the movement of figures. Moving each point of a geometrical figure according to set of rules we can create a
new geometric figure. The movement establishes a correspondence between the set of points in the original figure and the set of points of the new figure which we called image. If
we can pair each point of a figure with exactly one point of its image on a Euclidean plane and vice versa, then the correspondence is called transformation.

According to Jennifer Beddoe, (2003) in geometry, transformation refers to the movement of objects in the coordinate plane. Geometric transformations involve taking a
preimage and transforming it in some way to produce an image. There are two different categories of transformations, the rigid and non-rigid transformations.

1. The rigid transformations (isometry), which does not change the shape or size of the preimage.
2. The non-rigid transformations, which will change the size but not the shape of the preimage.

The four types of transformations in the plane are rotation, translation, reflection, and dilation. Rotation turns a figure about a certain point in the plane. Colloquially, the
geometric transformations are the geometric operation/s that creates a new figure from one previously given. This new figure is called the homologous of the original one. We can
classify the above-mentioned transformations under two big groups.

1. Direct (Translation): If the double preserves the orientation of the original.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

2. Inverse (Reflection): If the homologous has the opposite sense.

3. Isometric (Rotation): The homologous preserves the distances and the angles. This group, is also called movements in the plane.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

4. Isomorphic (Dilation): The homologous preserves the form and the angles. Therefore, proportionality exists between the sides of the homologous and the original.

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

There are four transformations but only three of them are isometries. These isometric transformations are reflection, rotation, and translation. The characteristic of an
isometry is that the original figure and the resulting figure after a transformation are congruent. Dilation is a result of stretching or shrinking of an object. Hence, the new figure is
no longer congruent to the original one. This makes dilation not an isometry.
Isometries are also formed from transformations consisting of any combinations of the three operations. A combined translation and reflection are called glide reflection.
Examples of isometries

Examples of glide reflection

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Elaborate: Challenge Yourself!

Put a check mark inside the box if the given figure has a translation, reflection, rotation or dilation and explain why.
Translation Reflection Rotation Dilation

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Translation Reflection Rotation Dilation

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Evaluate: Gauge Your Learning!

Apply the transformations using the given motif.

1. Rotation Reflection Translation Glide reflection

Rotation Reflection Translation Glide reflection

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Lesson 2: Patterns and Diagrams, Designs, Arts and Culture

The role of symmetry in nature and in the world is best conveyed by the 20th century German mathematician Herman Weyl when he said “symmetry, as wide or as narrow
as you may define its meaning, is one idea by which man through ages has tried to comprehend and create order, beauty and perfection. Understanding symmetry should provide
an opportunity for mathematical thinking that is distinct, but never detached, from the concept of numbers. Other than an improved aesthetic appreciation of things seen in the
environment, knowledge on symmetry enhances broader understanding of the systems that govern human existence.

Engage: Let’s Try This!

Watch the following video clip, “God’s Fingertip: The Fibonacci Sequence, Golden Ratio and The Fractal Nature of Reality” (
v=4VrcO6JaMrM), and answer the following questions.

1. What are the three things that I significantly learned from the video clip?
2. What are the three things that still unclear to me?
3. Complete the statement: I used to thin that …
4. What are the three questions that I want to ask about the video clips.

Explore: Discover This!

Watch the following video clip, “How Sacred Geometry is embedded in Your DNA - Secrets of Geometric Art” (, and
answer the following questions.

1. What are the three things that I significantly learned from the video clip?
2. What are the three things that still unclear to me?
3. Complete the statement: I used to thin that …
4. What are the three questions that I want to ask about the video clips.

Explain: Clarify Your Lesson!

A. Symmetry
Some objects do not affect its appearance when rotated around a line such objects are called symmetric objects. An object is said to be symmetric if it can be divided into
two or more identical parts that can be arranged in an organized fashion. In other words, symmetry is an exact configuration of an image around an axis of symmetry. There are
three types of geometrical symmetry namely, reflection, rotational, and translational.
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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

1. Reflectional symmetry (mirror symmetry) is a symmetry un which half of the image of an object is exactly same as the other half. It is either left portion of an image which
is the reflection of the right image or the upper portion of an object is the reflection of lower portion of the object. The illustration below is the reflectional symmetry as
shown below.

Vertical Horizontal Diagonal

The following are some examples of reflection symmetry.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

2. Rotational symmetry is a symmetry in which the image is rotated to a certain degree about at axis and does not affect the shape of the image. The illustration below is the
reflectional symmetry as shown below.

The following are some examples of rotational symmetry.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

3. Translational symmetry is a symmetry in which a particular pattern or design is shifted from one place to another, meaning the same exact image is found on another
location, even the orientation of the image is the same. Some of the translational symmetries are shown below.

The following are examples of translational symmetry.

The following are examples of symmetry in arts and architecture.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

B. Rosette Pattern

Rosette pattern is a pattern consist of taking a motif or element and rotating and/or reflecting that element. The fact that they can only have these two forms of this rigid motion is called
Leonardo’s theorem. The theorem was named after Leonardo Da Vinci who formulated it, he needed to make sure cathedrals remained symmetrical when additions were added to the chapels.
There are two types of rosette pattern: cyclic and dihedral. A cyclic rosette patterns are rosette patterns which do not contain reflection symmetry, while dihedral rosette patterns are rosette
patterns which have reflection symmetry.
The table below gives examples of figures with all cyclic and dihedral symmetry groups for n=1 ,2 , 3 , 4 , 5.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

The figure below shows samples of rosette pattern in designs.

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Rosette patterns can also be seen in nature.

C. Frieze Pattern
In mathematics, frieze pattern is a design or pattern on a two-dimensional surface that is repetitive (or translational symmetry) in one direction. It can be imagined that the
frieze pattern goes infinitely in both directions or wrap around. Mathematician John Conway created names to relate to footsteps for each of the frieze groups. The only
possibilities are 180 ° rotations, reflections with vertical axes, a reflection with horizontal axis, and a glide reflection with horizontal axis. He named it according to
symmetries such as hop, step, jump, slide, spinning hop, spinning jump, and spinning sidle.

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Types of Frieze Patterns

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

D. Wallpaper Pattern
Wallpaper pattern is a mathematical classification of a two-dimensional repetitive pattern which covers a plane and can be mapped based on the symmetries on the pattern
in more than one direction. The multiple directions force the pattern to cover the entire infinite plane., while a finite portion of a wallpaper pattern is enough to establish the
translational symmetry which is used to cover the entire plane. Wallpaper patterns can be categorized based from their symmetries. The difference may place similar patterns in
different groups, while patterns that are very different in style, color, scale or orientation may belong to the same group.
Below are the 17 pattern types shown in the standard international notations for symmetry operations (rotations, reflections and glide reflections).

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Below are some of the wallpaper patterns used in different countries.

Cloth, Tahiti Ornamental painting in Nineveh, Assyria Painted, Porcelain in China Wall design in Egypt

Filipino weaving also elicits wallpaper patterns: the Yakan tribe’s designs are inspired by the natural landscape of Basilan. Their fabrics are characterized by geometric
patterns and vivid hues, and are made from “pineapple and abaca fibers dyed with herbal extracts”.

Yakan Tribe Design

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Deigns, Arts, and Culture

Archimedes and other ancient mathematicians investigated properties of regular polygons and combinations of regular polygons that tessellated the plane. The word
“tessellation” comes from the word “tessera” which meaning “a square tablet” and it has been borrowed from the Greek word “tessares” meaning “four”. The square tablets were
used to make ancient Roman mosaics.

Roman and Sumerian Mosaics

Moorish Arts

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Mosaics in Alhambra Palace in Granada, Spain

A. Tessellation or Tiling
A tessellation (or tiling) is an arrangement of congruent figures that cover a plane without any gaps or overlaps. Maurits Cornelis Escher is known as the “Father of Tessellation”. He
created tessellations on woodworks and made 137 tessellations in his lifetime. Some of the works of M. C. Escher are shown below.

Horsemen Bulldog Eight Heads Smaller and Smaller

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Gravitation Snakes Heaven and Hell Circle Limit III

There are some different types of tessellations such as regular, semi-regular, demi-regular, and others. A regular tessellation is a tessellation made up of congruent regular polygons being
regular means the sides of the polygon are all the same length and congruent means that the polygons we put together are all the same size and shape. A regular polygon is a polygon which is
equiangular (all angles are congruent) and equilateral (all sides have the same length). To tessellate, a two-dimensional (Euclidean plane) plane, it must tile a floor (that goes on forever) with no
overlapping or gaps. The tiles must be regular polygons (all the same) and each vertex must look the same. There are three (3) different regular tessellations of regular polygons. The figures below
show some examples of regular tessellation and how they are named according to the number of sides of the polygon used to tessellate a plane.

Triangular Tiling: 3 ∙3 ∙ 3 ∙3 ∙ 3 ∙3 or 36
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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Square Tiling: 4 ∙ 4 ∙ 4 ∙ 4 or 4 4

Hexagonal Tiling: 6 ∙ 6 ∙6 or 63

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

A semi-regular tessellation (or Archimedean tessellation) is an edge-to-edge tessellation where two or more different polygons are around each vertex having the same pattern of
polygons. There are eight (8) different semi-regular tessellations of regular polygons namely: trihexagonal, elongated triangular, snub square, small rhombitrihexagonal, truncated square, great
rhombitrihexagonal, snub hexagonal, and truncated hexagonal. The figure below shows some examples of semi-regular tessellation.

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Trihexagonal Snub Square Great Rhombitrihexagonal

A demi-regular tessellation is an edge-to-edge tessellation, wherein the arrangement at each vertex in a tessellation of regular polygon is not the same. There are twenty (20) different two-
uniform tessellations or regular polygons. The figure below shows some examples of semi-regular tessellation.

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

B. Creating Tessellation Design

We can create a tessellation through a group of techniques called transformation. These techniques are used to take shape and match it exactly to another. The types of transformation
which we had discusses in Lesson 1 are translation, rotation, reflection, dilation, and glide reflection. To create a tessellation by transformation, first find a midpoint of side; second is to make a
new edge for half of the side; third is to rotate the new edge of the other half of the side; and fourth is to repeat with the other sides; and lastly is to use figure to make tessellation. The table below
shows how to create tessellation.

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

C. Aperiodic Tiling
Aperiodic tiling is a tiling made from the basic elements or tiles that can cover an arbitrary large surface without ever exactly repeating itself. It was discovered by a British mathematician
Roger Penrose. Some of the Penrose works are shown below.

D. Tessellation Around Us
Tessellation can be seen in the arts, chessboard, restrooms, walls, floors, and others. Common shapes can be arranged in unusual ways, sometimes an unusual shape will
tessellate and sometimes two or more different shapes will tessellate.

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

Each and every culture in the world evaluates art and how it relates aesthetically to their surroundings and/or beliefs. Aesthetic understanding of an artwork is the
combination of the ability to see, interpret, and evaluate it. Therefore, one person might have a different viewpoint of an artwork than someone from another culture
Furthermore, Greeks were believed to be the supreme culture. However, William M. Ivins, Jr. studied the art of the Greeks and also their geometry. In his book, "Art and
Geometry: A Study in Spatial Intuitions,". According to Ivins, the Greeks were "tactile minded," meaning that they created works of art that were perceived through the sense of
touch. The Greeks "tactile" world view is visible in their art by the lack of motion, emotional and spiritual qualities.

Moreover, artists of the Renaissance period were the first to be successful in perspective. In 1636, a man named Girard Desargues introduced his "perspective ladder." This
was used by artists as a tool for bringing perspective to their work.

While in the Philippines, tradition has continuously the source of inspiration for contemporary designers and artists. In the ethnic tradition of textile, a re-connection to a
people’s heritage, life ways, and belief systems is found through the motifs and patterns present on the surface of the cloth.
Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT
College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

According to Jericho Paul S. Santos (2018), Islam as a religion has long been established since the early A.D. 600s. Along with its emergence around the world, it also
paved way for the development of its own unique style of art. Islamic art place emphasis on creating an art form that is built on the beauty and respect for the teachings of Islam.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Furthermore, Clothing reflects the style and colors of their ethnic background. A design related to Islam that is used in the Philippines is
the batik cloth design. It contains abstract themes with geometric and floral design. However, human and animal depiction is a rare motif in
The art of tattooing was once an integral part of tribal culture in the Philippines. Unfortunately, by the 1700s, the practice had all but fallen by the wayside due to the
influence of invaders such as the Spanish Conquistadors. Now, true Filipino tribal tattoos (called batik in the Philippines) are a rarity, and a Filipino tattoo artist will only ink these
designs on clients of Filipino heritage. Many modern Filipinos frown on tattooing in general.
In addition, Filipino tribal tattoos often draw inspiration from nature. Traditionally, an artist tattooed scenes and symbols highlighting aspects of the area where they
themselves grew up. For example, if an artist grew up near a mountain range with a river running through it, symbols depicting mountains and rivers would likely feature in their
Furthermore, Filipino tribal tattoos offered men protection, represented a tribe member’s bravery in battle, or signified their tribe status. As with many forms of indigenous
tattooing, repetitive, meticulous patterns were commonplace, as opposed to the elaborate, photo-realistic images often seen in modern Western tattooing.
Lastly, these patterns included circles, diamonds, as well as rudimentary shapes of dogs, men and eagles. Armbands were popular choices as far as placement, as were full
chest pieces. All parts of the body except hands and feet were considered prime real estate for ink.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Carlos Hilado Memorial State College Module GECMAT

College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Elaborate: Challenge Yourself!

A. Create a pattern of the three broad categories of symmetries.

1. Rosette Patterns

2. Frieze Patterns

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Module 5: Geometric Designs

3. Wallpaper Patterns

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

B. Identify the symmetry group for the given frieze patterns.

C. Create your own tessellation design and discuss the steps in making a particular design.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

Evaluate: Gauge Your Learning!

A. Given the accompanying figure, illustrate the different type of frieze pattern.

1. Hop

2. Jump

3. Step

4. Sidle

5. Spinning hop

6. Spinning jump

7. Spinning sidle

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

B. Describe all the symmetries of each of the following patterns.

1. 2. 3.

4. 5. 6.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01
Module 5: Geometric Designs

C. Match the pattern from column A with patterns from column B such that they have the same symmetry.

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College of Arts and Sciences, Mathematics Department Revision 01

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