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Name:_________________________ Grade Level/Section:_______________

Teacher: Leslie Loren B. Silagon Score:________

I. Multiple Choice.
Direction: Encircle the letter that corresponds to the correct answer.

1. The first person to establish a geocentric universe in which fixed, spherical Earth is at the center
surrounded by concentric celestial spheres of planets and stars.
a. Anaxagoras
b. Aristarchus
c. Aristotle
d. Ptolemy
2. The Belgian priest to whom the big bang theory is attributed
a. Edwin Hubble
b. Albert Einstein
c. George Lemaitre
d. Nicolaus Copernicus
3. The habitable zone is also referred to as the ________.
a. Gaeia
b. Theia
c. Solar Nebula
d. Goldilocks Condition
4. Edwin Hubble discovered that the universe is expanding from his observation of _______.
a. Photons
b. Redshifts
c. Gravitational pull
d. Conservation of momentum
5. Which of the following is not a gas giant?
a. Jupiter
b. Mercury
c. Pluto
d. Saturn
6. Which Greek Philosopher believed in a primordial universe?
a. Anaxagoras
b. Aristarchus
c. Aristotle
d. Ptolemy
7. It is a representation of an idea or an object.
a. Theory
b. Law
c. Model
d. Map
8. It refers to the solid Earth.
a. Biosphere
b. Geosphere
c. Hydrosphere
d. Atmosphere
9. It is the mixture of gases that surround the planet such as nitrogen, oxygen, argon, carbon dioxide,
and water vapor.
a. Biosphere
b. Geosphere
c. Hydrosphere
d. Atmosphere
10. It is the main source of heat.
a. Sun
b. Star
c. Earth
d. Meteor

II. Identification.
Direction: Identify what is asked in the following sentences. (2 points each)
_______1. It describes that the universe starts from an infinitely tiny, infinitely dense point or singularity.
_______2. It describes that the universe expanded but did not change density; matter was inserted into the
universe as it expanded in order to maintain a constant density.
_______3. This theory sees our universe as just one of many “bubbles”.
_______4. This theory describe that the universe is expanding rapidly.
_______5. This theory followed the general theory of relativity equations of the universe with positive
_______6. It is an imaginary line about which a body rotates.
_______7. It is the earth’s motion that resulted day and night.
_______8. It is the earth’s motion that resulted another year.
_______9. It refers to the change in weather condition.
_______10. It refers to the totality of the Earth’s water.

III. Enumeration.
Direction: Enumerate what is asked in each item.
a. Theories on the Origin of the Solar System

b. Name the 8 planet in the solar system

IV. Labelling
Direction: Complete the Carbon Cycle process through filling in the diagram.

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