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Anchor of Hope Baptist Christian School

Semi-Final Examination
General Chemistry
Name: _________________________________________Grade Level/Section :____________
Teacher’s Name :_________________________________Score:___________
Test I. Identification
Direction: Identify if the following ion is monoatomic or polyatomic ion. Write M for monoatomic ion and P
polyatomic ion.
_____1. Na+
_____2. MnO4-
_____3. NO2-
_____4. ClO-
_____5. Mg2+
_____6. Fe3+
_____8. CrO4-
_____9. Ca2+
_____10. K+
Test II. Answer as directed
Direction: Do the crisscross rule in the following ions.
1. Ca^2+ PO4^3-
2. Zn2+ SO4^2-
3. Mg2+ F-
4. K+ CrO4^2-
5. Cu2+ O2-
Direction: Write the chemical formula of the following compounds.
1. Sodium Bromide
2. Potassium Chromate
3. Calcium Oxalate
4. Ferric Chloride
5. Nickel (III) Carbonate
6. Chromium (III) Sulfate
7. Nitric Acid
8. Iodic Acid
9. Hydrochloric Acid
10. Silver Chlorite

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