Assignment 6

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Assignment 6

(Chapters 11-12)

Active vocabulary:
1. to keep pace with
2. to gain acceptance
3. to disembark
4. to dissuade
5. to rock the boat
6. to talk smb out of
7. to spare one’s feelings
8. to work under tutelage
9. to suit oneself bring one’s doubts out into the open put up with
12.the pros and cons

Match your active expressions with their definitions:

1. to proceed at the same speed as smb/smth else
2. to tolerate or accept smth, even though you find it unpleasant or
3. advantages and disadvantages to consider carefully so to make a sensible
4. to pursue one's own intentions without reference to others
5. to dissuade from smth by talking
6. to leave a ship, airplane, or bus at the end of a journey

7. to cause a disturbance in the existing situation

8. to share one’s doubts publicly

9. to be taught or guided by more experienced specialists

Paraphrase the underlined expressions using your active vocabulary:

1. Once he'd tolerated her smoking: now she tolerates his religion.
2. They sat for hours debating the ups and downs of setting up their own firm.
3. You don’t want to hear me out! So you may act according to your own
4. In vain did we try to dissuade her to marry him. She would stand her ground.
5. I looked towards the plane. Six passengers had already got off.
6. Diplomats are expecting so much instability in a power struggle after his
death that they argue it's unwise to cause trouble in a situation now.
7. A greenhand as he was, he refused to work under his guidance.
8. He struggles to survive and be accepted by the other animals in his group.

Translate the following sentences using your active vocabulary:

1. Чтобы идти в ногу со временем, молодые специалисты должны много

заниматься самообразованием.
2. Сходя с корабля, он прикрывал глаза рукой, т.к. полуденное солнце
било прямо в глаза.
3. Молодым специалистам очень важно получить одобрение более
опытных и зрелых коллег.
4. Отговорите его от того, чтобы выносить этот вопрос на обсуждение,
это внесет разлад в коллектив.
5. Неужели он не понимает, что, создавая столько проблем, он не
добьется своей цели.
6. Необходимо отговорить его от этой поездки, только следует щадить
его чувства.
7. Вы даже не хотите меня выслушать. Ну что ж! Как Вам будет угодно!
8. Он набрался смелости и открыто высказал ему свои сомнения.
9. Хорошо подумав, взвесив все «за» и «против», он решил не выносить
этот вопрос на обсуждение, чтобы не вносить раздор.
10.Я знаю, что он бывает груб и не щадит твои чувства, но он уже
взрослый, и тебе придется с этим смириться.
11.Я думаю, что ему будет сложно получить одобрение в коллективе, т.к.
у него нет опыта.

Give Russian equivalents of the following medical terms:

1. osteogenic sarcoma
2. virulent tumor
3. the spinal anesthetic
4. scrub nurse
5. sensitization tests
6. an indirect Coombs
7. a saline solution
8. high protein

Questions on the assignment:

1. What do aviation and medicine have in common?

2. How come that it was O’Donnell to meet Dr. Coleman in the airport?
3. How did Coleman look in spite of a three-hour flight?
4. What events were connected with colors in Elisabeth Alexander’s life?
5. How did Elisabeth and John Alexander first meet?
6. Why did John have to settle for the shorter course of a medical technologist
instead of going to medical school?
7. What happened to their first baby?
8. What future would Vivian have if the diagnosis were confirmed?
9. What procedure did Vivian undergo? Where were the samples sent to?
10.Under whose tutelage did Lucy work in Montreal?
11.What issue cased the run-in between Bannister and Alexander?
12.How did Bannister’s behavior change when he spoke to Alexander and to
Dr. Coleman?

Expand on the following:

1. Certainly David Coleman would stand up to scrutiny himself.

2. Coleman nodded and smiled faintly. It was almost as if he had said. Let’s
not waste our talents on small talk, shall we?
3. O’Donnell was silent. Then, more slowly, he said, “Whenever we could,
we’ve tried to make our changes peaceably. Sometimes that hasn’t been
possible; I’m not one who believes in sacrificing a principle just to keep the
4. O’Donnell knew that Brown wanted Swayne’s quarter million dollars and,
indeed, the hospital needed it badly. And if that meant placating Joe Pearson
a little O’Donnell was prepared to go along—within reason.
5. If someone had told him a month ago that he could be this concerned about a
girl that to all intents and purposes he scarcely knew, he would have
adjudged the other person crazy.
6. The chances either way were fifty-fifty—odds even, the same chance you
got with the spin of a single coin.
7. “It’s been proven that some antibodies in the blood of pregnant women can’t
be detected either in a saline solution or high protein.”
8. The effect, Coleman thought, was somewhat like letting off firecrackers
under a hen.
9. With a tight, cool smile, “I expect to have a good deal more responsibility
here than just ordering fifteen dollars’ worth of rabbit serum,” he said.
10.Mentally he added a footnote to himself: You haven’t changed, my friend;
you haven’t changed at all.
11.Pathology was no exact science; there were no mathematical formulas by
which you could prove your answer right or wrong.
12.To David Coleman the absence of a cross file at Three Counties could be
described with only one word: criminal.

Grammar Time

Inversion (

Inversion in sentences with postpositives (adverbs), opening with:

In, away, out, down

The doors opened, and out ran several people.

Up went hundreds of toy balloons.
If the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun, the verb is placed after the
Are you ready? Off we go!
Out he ran. – He ran out.

Paraphrase the following sentences using inversion: (Karpukhina, p.55)

1. A red-faced stout woman rushed out.

2. The stone fell down with a crash.
3. The balloon flew off purple and extravagant.
4. The rain came down slashing and sluicing.
5. My aunt went out without waiting for my answer.
6. The children ran in.
7. The car went away like a whirlwind.
8. Enemies rushed down!

Translate the following sentences using inversion:

1. Вверх взлетели шапки мальчиков.
2. Прочь выбежали девочки.
3. Выйди вон!
4. Он вышел, медленно и задумчиво.
5. Услышав такую новость, он так и сел.
6. Выдохни! Кажется, мы сумели выкрутиться.
7. Она зашла во внутрь. Замок был сырой и мрачный.
8. И пошел он вдоль по дороге.
9. И он ушел, так и не поговорив со своим шефом.
10.Она пошла прочь. Так и не проронив ни слова.

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