Taraythang Site Visit

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Points Discussed during the Tareythang site visit



a. The slab and beam level underneath The HQ informed us to put the beam below the DBM layer 1. The beam running in the direction of the
the road and to not cast the slab beneath the road. Moreover, the L gate and falling along the road will be
drain and Kerb base is hitting the beam and if we lower the provided at level 300mm below the finished
beam, we need another beam for the cadet entry slab which road level. However, in order to keep the
is 150mm high from road finishing. function of the beam intact, the depth of the
beam could be reduced.
The Design Team revisited the issue at the site. There is
possibility of maintaining the same levels as provided in the The concerned structural engineer was
master plan and the detail drawing by lowering the level of discussed on Monday (22.05.2023) and he
beam to accommodate L-Drain and road finish. gave go ahead with the plinth beam level of
300 mm below the road finish level. (With
It was discussed if we need to cast slab or in its place have this intervention there will only 150 mm
beams and fill it up. between the footing top and beam bottom)
In order to avoid this issue in other sites, the
foundation depth could be increased. The
concerns related to this were shared with
decision on this should be expedited and
shared with the sites at the earliest)
2. The site should continue construction of
RRM wall below the plinth beam.
3. As suggested by the concerned structural,
the slab will not be cast.

b. The road way gate opening As the road has a 2 % slope and the site is concerned that we The 2% slope of the road over the width of a
might face opening issue due to the level difference between gate will not have impactful height
the gate and the road finish. difference between the bottom of the gate
and the top of road finish. Therefore, the
gate opening and levels will be maintained
as per the design.

2. Barrack

a. Staircase landing beam The landing beam for the staircase from the third-floor attic The solution requiring the combination of
is still not clear. landing beam with the main beam was
The discussion was held both at the office and site. Since finalized. The team visited the site and
there were many possible solutions, the team continued the explained about it to the workers at site. The
discussion on Sunday and verified at the site. site should follow the latest revised
architectural drawing of staircase.

b. RCC/PCC band How many RCC/PCC band needs to be provided in the brick
wall? 1. Provide 1 RCC lintel band in the walls
Related to it, it was discussed if we should construct the without openings.
entire cavity wall with RCC band or keep the cavity intact and 2. Where there is opening, provide two
construct RCC band in internal and external wall number: One at the sill level and the other at
independently. the lintel level.
There is pros (avoid shuttering required for individual wall) 3. Regarding the RCC band (full or
and cons (the cavity wall not be continuous at the location independently), it will be discussed and
where there will be RCC band). The Design Team will discuss shared with the sites soon.
and suggest the best.
c. Weep holes How many weep holes in top and bottom of every band as The Design Team will revisit and get back to
the bands will break the cavity? the site with an appropriate solution.
It was informed that the drawings for this have been issued
already. However, upon discussion it was found that 25 dia
hole at an interval of 600 mm center to center might pose
issue related to aesthetics. Further the 25 dia hole would be
too big to prevent birds (upper floors) and rats (in the
ground floor) from nesting. It was discussed that in order to
avoid such problem we should either reduce the size of the
hole or do away with it.

d. Shuttering for RCC band at Sill in the The site proposed to use PVC sheets and bricks as the They can use the PVC sheet (which are more
450 thick cavity wall. shuttering for casting sill band? Otherwise, there is no way to of waste from the previous works) as shutter
cast RCC band in the 450 thk wall with 200 mm cavity. So, to cast the RCC band at the sill.
they proposed to use PVC which would remain inside after

e. Stainless Steel ties The length of stainless wall ties (300 mm) is shorter than it Reduce the cavity gap by placing brick in the
should be for the 450 mm cavity wall. T form so that it provides adequate
anchorage length for the SS Ties. The Design
Team will reconfirm and get back on

f. RCC Post For the RCC post we cannot install rebars directly on the yes, we can provide L-rod for props laying
column(250mm) and the post is 350mm. Is it okay to insert directly on slab
after slab rebars?

g. Cavity wall Should the band in cavity be continuous throughout? Yes, it has to be throughout

h. DPC in the cavity wall DPC required for window and door sill/jamb of cavity wall Yes, DPC is required for window sill and door
and window jamn in cavity wall. Therefore,
the site should provide it.
I W2 and W4 The plastering will cover part of the window frames next to Mr. Fritz is working on it. The solution will be
jam. Is it acceptable? provided soon.
(Otherwise also covering 12 mm of frames
on either should be acceptable)

3 Auditorium

a. The mismatch in drawing The site reported that column sizes in architectural and The column layout plan shared on 3 rd
structural drawing do not align when they are March 2023 should be followed. The
superimposed. Column C2, C8A, C9, C13, C14 and C 18 have
It was explained that the differences will be harmonized been realigned to simplify the grid-line and
in the revised drawings. As instructed earlier, for laying the column layout.
out the columns they should follow the architectural
layout drawings shared with the sites.

4. Cadet Mess and Kitchen

a. Soffit ceiling in the loading bay lean to Because of the truss layout, there is difficulty in carrying The Design Team study the possible options
roof out soffit ceiling. through 3 D images and suggest an
During the site visit, it was observed that soffit ceiling appropriate solution.
could be done around the truss maintaining the truss

b. Opening of 3600 mm (1800mm + Opening of 3600 mm (1800mm + 1800mm) in the roof To be conveyed to the MEP Team, HQ
1800mm) in the roof for HVAC for HVAC

c. Too many HVAC exhaust opening from There are too many exhausts in eave opening and some To be conveyed to the MEP Team, HQ
eave are facing the street. The site expressed concern over the
aesthetic exhaust facing the road.

d. False Ceiling in the toilet The MEP exhaust is not symmetrical on the grid ceiling. The Design Team will review in consultation
The site was concerned if it would look nice. They with the MEP Team and get back.
suggested to go for plain ceiling.
e. Acoustic in the hall Even when there were no windows and roof fixed, there The Design Team will reconfirm if the
was echo in the hall. The check at this point confirmed interior design has adequate acoustic
that the hall should ensure that acoustic aspect of the treatment.
hall is taken care as the situation would be much worse
once windows, doors and roof are fixed.

5. Deputy Commandant Residence

a. The soffit ceiling in balcony Because of the truss layout, there is difficulty in carrying The Design Team study the options through
out soffit ceiling. 3 D images and then suggest an appropriate
During the site visit, it was observed that soffit ceiling solution.
could be done in two ways: either cover the trusses or
keep the lowest truss exposed.

6. LD shed

a. The level difference between the LD shed 6, 7, 8, and 9 have a level difference from the The intervention by the site has better
ground and road level road with the road level being high ranging from 50cm to performance in drainage. They were
100cm. There was issue of water ponding around these encouraged for such interventions hereafter
LD sheds. also.
From the site visit it was found that the raising of plinth
height was appropriate given the site condition.


a. The architrave on the main door The architrave covers the pem and dung of the main They site will fix architrave and create
door. zimchung out of half buried pem.
(The site was also shown how to make it at
The site was explained that the initial door detail issued site)
for implementation did not have architrave. However
covering pem and dung was explained as not a serious
problem as traditionally there are practices of doors
without pem and dung combined into traditional
features known as Zimchung.

b. Filling up the gap between door and There is gap between frame and wall in the doors and The site has been informed that Mr. Fritz is
window frame and wall. windows. They asked if there is any proposal to fill this working on it.

c. Door Details There are two doors that site has asked for drawing and The Design Team will provide the details.
details: Door to the attic and duct

8 Kote

There has been change in the drawing in the latest The Design Team will work out a solution to
a. The position of door to the armory drawing the door to armory (side ones) was shifted. salvage the situation at site and share with
However, the site has already constructed lintel and the site.
cornices as per the previous drawing. To redo as per the
new drawing would be very difficult it will entail
dismantling lintel and walls.

On the hindsight, there is opportunity to tone down the

level difference between doors and window height which
at the moment is very prominent. Also given that the
entire corridor area will have different color, the details
of cornice will not show prominently.

b. The architrave for door Since there is no space on one side of the door, The size of architrave will be adjusted as
architrave need to be cut to fit in the space available. proposed.
The site also assured that cutting the architrave is not
difficult and it should not compromise on the quality.
Yekalon also has been doing the same.
c. Corridor Ceiling The site is not sure about how to carry out the corridor The Design Team will do the necessary and
ceiling. share with the site.
The site was informed that some of the sites have
already done it. The Design Team will find out how other
site done and share the ideas.

9. USS (BPC)

USS (BPC) The USS structures are quite building-like and also their The concerns to be sorted out after engaging
location overlaps with the other services. The structures the concerned stakeholders. The site will be
can look unpleasant due to their size. intimated about the outcome of discussion
with the stakeholders.
It was explained that the USS structures were laid out in
alignment with the buildings nearby so that they become
part of the overall building layout. Also, to ensure that
proper screening is done particularly for those visible
from important points, USS structures are located at
least 6 m away from the road edge.


a. Skirting The skirting for NCO 2 BHK, NCO 3BHK, and OFFICER The Design Team will follow up.
QUARTER in the resource plan is the PVC shadow bead
with 100 mm dash board. However, it's not given in the
drawings. We need confirmation as we are doing internal

If shadow bead is to be installed, it is high time that the

site should be supplied with it. Otherwise, it will add to
the delays.

The Design Team has been concerned about the product

and also their installation. Anyway, since it is there in the
RP, it will be followed up.

b. D3 door height The kitchen and utility D3 door height is just 10mm The site to try to keep within the allowable
below the false ceiling. Therefore, not much tolerance as levels.
we might have a floor level difference of more than

The site condition is such that there is actually nothing

that could be done from the design point of view.
Therefore, the only way forward is to exercise all ways
possible to ensure that extra levels are avoided. Even if
the door top and ceiling level overlap, endeavour should
be to the minimum.

11. MPH

a. There is level difference between the The ground level of MPH towards the boulevard is 1.5m The Design Team will revisit the cross-
ground level and boulevard. lower than the boulevard footpath. There is no clarity in section and also provide clarity on the access
the master plan showing how to access the main to the MPH from the main entry.
entrance from the footpath.
The site was informed that the level difference was kept
intentionally in keeping with the overall level of
institutional precinct. If the level of MPH was raised to
match the boulevard level, the consequent level of other
buildings will be higher which would entail treatment of
plinth height and provision of stairs.

12. Squad post

The team inspected the site. The work has started. To be taken up with the PMC for further
Foundation for 40 of them has been cast and the rods directives.
been readied for rest of the structures.
There was discussion covering the following:
1. Overall level to be higher considering future issues
2. If it is necessary to have common toilet in the vicinity
3. Should there be water point provided?
4. Cadets under roof and instructor in the open air.
5. Is the stone cladding required in the seating?
6. If all the structures will need roof. Instead, if roof is
provided only for 50%.
All the above will contribute to reducing the cost.

13. Classroom

a. Skirting As per the RP it is 100mm base board with PVC shadow The Design Team will get back
bead, but with recent floor setting plan, it granite
homogeneous with floor. Need clear cut direction further
course of action.

b. False ceiling height. Actual height of false ceiling is 790 mm from sofit of the To be conveyed to the MEP Team.
slab. with the installation of HVAC ducts and fittings its
coming almost to 900mm along the corridors. The Clear
room height will get compromised.
The design team clarified that the height had to be
reduced based on the MEP proposals. However, all
agreed that the height of ceiling is already looking low.

c. Finishing for expansion gap. The site shared that it is about time that the material for The Design Team will expedite its sourcing
expansion joint is sourced and procured so that overall and procurement.
finishing could be done together. They inquired what
type of covering is being looked at. The site should create the expansion joint
The site was informed that the head quarter is exploring kind of cutout for symmetrical look.
product that is best suitable for our buildings. In term of
materials, it would be PVC or Metal cover which should
be able to fit in the expansion joint like tongue and grove
kind of system.
The site was also informed that an expansion joint kind
of impression or design should be maintained on the
right side of the lobby in the ground and first floor. They
were explained that the reason for additional wall to
match the two columns with expansion joint on the left
was to maintain a symmetry. They will have to create
expansion joint kind of cutting between the wall and

d. Railings for stairs and side opening. No specifications are provided for railings along the stairs The Design Team will decide on factory
of entrance and fire exit. Site is ready for providing the made or fabricated at site or mix of both
railings. with the directives from the PMC and share
The site was informed about the discussion that started with the sites.
on whether to go for factory made stair product for high
quality finish or fabricate at site. Given the time and
high-quality finishes expected for the project, all agreed
that factory made staircase would uphold the required
quality of the staircase.

e. Anti bird perch Most of the building are ready for installation of anti-bird The Design Team will follow up.
perch. The site site request for it.
The design team shared that the one bought at Khotokha
was quite tall making it prominently visible. Since they
appear like dry grasses, their visibility prominently is

14. Chain-link Fencing

a. The ground level and design The site requested for a chain-link design with heights of The site to provide spot levels
wall and ground level.
The site was informed that the people at site should be The Design Team will provide a guideline
best to carry out site specific design. The site team concerned architect will provide the levels
shared that leaving with site leaves too many rooms for for wall and ground. While design would
interpretation. provide a comprehensive guidance, certain
The design team will help. To enable the design to start level judgement based on the site condition
the design, the site should provide spot levels along the will have to be made by the engineer who
chain-link fence plan issued to the site. would be executing the construction.

15. DFG

1. Door frames not fixed firmly. They are shaky. It needs

a. Hostel Block Since the structures are not yet take over,
the site will ask the contractor for necessary
2. The window shutters have been fixed with steel-
coloured screws against black coloured frame. Besides
the contrast, the screws have been driven randomly.
3. If there is opportunity to put the window net inside as
it is not presenting the required aesthetics.
4. Glass louver and frame: The edge of glasses and
frames are very sharp. Since these windows are located
close to users, they could cause serious accidents.
5. Gap between the window frames and wall: Almost all
the widows have gap as big as 3 to 4 mm between them
and walls surrounding them. If not corrected, they will
have serious impact on the quality of environment within
the room.
6. Metal finish at the wall corners: The screws as done
randomly and their color stands out obtrusively against
the black backdrop.
7. The corrugated finish above the man door: The finish
as of now will require painting dark or properly.
Otherwise, it give poor impression of the much better
finish within.

b. Trainers' Block: 1. The toilet has a ledge that has come about due to Tiles to be laid after fixing of wire mesh in
different thickness of the wall and it was found to be between puff panel and tiles & to replace
purposeful. It could serve as a place for keeping the white screws with black coloured screw.
If similar design is planned in other toilet, the site was
advised to give a slight slope to the ledge for efficient
2. The windows have the same problems as highlighted
above. The net and screws used should be redone to
improve on the overall finish.

c. Common Toilet: 1. The India type WC will have the same level and the tile Sharp edges need to be properly molded to
finish. Because of the wet floor there is risk of slipping form beveled edge to avoid risks of
into the WC. The design and the site team discussed if accidents.
there is possibility to maintain a level difference of 3 to 4
mm between the WC and floor finish so that the risk of The site will make sure that the tiles
slipping could be reduced. Given the progress of work supplied have anti-skid properties.
the site reported that it would be difficult to maintain the
level difference. They also said due to the absence of To ensure that the WC edges do not add to
floor trap, keeping the level difference would also impact the risk of injury, there should not be any
the drainage. However, as the tiles are not skid, it should sharp edge along the rim of the WC.
negate the problem related to slipperiness.
2. Ledge wall in the shower room: The ledge wall has Overall: The site was advised to ensure that
sharp edge. In order to avoid accidents, the site was there is no sharp-edged finishes in the
advised to chamfer the edged and make it roundish. The building and surrounding.
workers shared the concerns that the tile would show
the color that is beneath which is different from how the
tiles look. Having considered the safety aspect, the site
was advised not to worry about the color. Indeed, a
different colour that would define that edge of the ledge
wall will look good and intentional.

16. Boulevard

a. Material for Ceremonial Path 1. The site has started constructing the boulevard. So The Design Team will get back.
that they could keep up with progress of the work, the
site has asked for finish material for it.
b. Intersection between Ceremonial Path The level for ceremonial path should be consistent. The Design Team will provide the road inter-
and the two roads on the either side of Whatever design intervention has to be made; it should section design.
it: be done on the road by way of small ramps. The Design
Team will do the design and share with the sites.

17. BoQ and Revised Drawings

The site shared that the drawings are being revised but The Design Team will inform the Infra about
the same thing is not happening in the BoQ. it

For some buildings, they have started the construction

but they are yet to receive BoQ

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