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1. How do the students in the picture greet each other?

a. Good morning b. Good evening c. Good afternoon d. Good night

The following dialog is for questions number 2 and 3.
Nindya : Good afternoon, Fara. How are you?
Fara : Good afternoon, Nindya. I’m fine. Thank you. And you?
Nindya : Not bad. Thank you.
2. The expression used in the dialog above is ….
a. farewell b. gratitude c. greeting d. apology
3. From the dialog above we know that ….
a. Fara is sick b. Nindya is not healthy c. Nindya is sick d. Nindya and Fara are healthy
The following dialog is for questions no. 4 and 5
Fajar : Let’s stop the game and go home now.
Damar : OK. Bye, Fajar. See you tomorrow.
Fajar : (4) …. Don’t forget to invite Budi to join us tomorrow.
Damar : Sure, I will invite (5) … soon.
4. a. See you b. Good morning c. Tomorrow d. Good evening
5. a. us b. you c. me d. him
The following picture is for question no. 6.
Hello, what is your hobby? .

6. a. I liveinCilacap city b. I like swimming . c. I am a goodstudent. d. I like fried rice.

The following dialog is for questions no. 7 to 9.
Aurel : Oh, look at the pen on the floor! Is it yours? Nisa : Yes, it is. It’s from my sister.
Aurel : Wow, it’s very nice! Here is your pen, Nisa. Nisa : Thanks a lot, Aurel.
Aurel : You’re welcome.
7. What is the topic of the dialog above?
a. Nisa’s sister. b. Aurel’s pen. c. Aurel’s sister. d. Nisa’s pen.

8. What does Aurel see on the floor? It is a ….

a. pen b. person c. sister d. welcome
9. “Here is your pen, Nisa.” The underlined word refers to ….
a. Nisa b. Nisa’s c. Aurel d. Aurel’s
The following dialog is for question no. 10.
Aisyah : … for breaking your sharpener.
Liza : No problem, Aisyah. I will buy a new one tomorrow.
Aisyah : Really?
Liza : Yeah.
10. What is the suitable expression to complete the dialog?
a. I’m grateful b. I’m sorry c. Thank you d. I’m happy
The following dialog is for questions no. 11 and 12.
Dewa : Hi, Bima!.
Bima : Hi, Dewa!
Dewa : Let me introduce my sister. (11) … name is Dewi.
Bima : Nice to meet you, Dewi.
Dewi : (12) ….
11. a. My b. His c. Your d. Her
12. a. I’m fine. Thank you. c. Yes, it’s nice. b. Nice to meet you, too. d. Have a nice day.
The following dialog is for questions no. 13 to15.
Miko : Hi, my name is Miko.
Dani : Hi, I’m Dani. Nice to meet you.
Miko : Nice to meet you, too. What is your hobby?
Dani : I like playing football. How about you?
Miko : I like swimming. Do you live with your family?
Dani : Yes, I do. I live with my parents, my sister, and my brother. And you? Miko : I live with my
parents. I’m the only child. You’re so lucky to have a sister and a brother, Dani.
Dani : You’re right. All of them are very kind to me.
13. How many people are there in Dani’s family?
a. Three b. Five c. Four d. Six
14. Who does not have any siblings according to the dialog?
a. Miko b. Dani’s sister c. Dani d. Miko’s brother
15. “All of them are very kind to me.” The underlined word means ….
a. nice b. cruel c. ugly d. bossy

16. Look at the picture. It is ….

a. a quarter to nine b. a quarter past nine c. a quarter to ten d. a quarter past ten
17. Jenny : Excuse me. …?
Ria : It is seven o’clock.
The suitable expression to complete the dialog above is ….
a. What is the clock b. What time is it c. What time it is d. What clock is it
18. We celebrate our Independence Day on the … every year.
The correct word to complete the dialog is ….
a. twenty first of April b. fifth of October c. second of May d. seventeenth of August
19. We must join a flag ceremony activity every ….
a. Sunday b. Friday c. Monday d. Saturday
The following dialog is for questions no. 20 to 22.
Okta : Hi, Rina. Will you come to my 12th birthday party?
Rina : When is the party held?
Okta : It’s on Friday, the thirteenth of December.
Rina : What time is the party? Is it at nine in the morning?
Okta : No, it’s at three in the afternoon.
Rina : Alright. See you at your birthday party.
Okta : Thank you, Rina. See you.
20. What does the dialog tell us about? It tells us about the ... of Okta’s birthday party.
a. place b. time c. venue d. year
21. When will Okta celebrate her birthday? She will celebrate her birthday on….
a. Saturday, December 12th c. Friday, December 12th
b. Friday, December 13th d. Saturday, December 13th
22. From the dialog above we know that ….
a. Rina will come to Okta’s birthday party b. Rina will not come to Okta’s birthday party
c. Okta will come to Rina’s birthday party d. Okta will not come to Rina’s birthday party
The following picture is for questions no.23 to 24.
Dessy : Where is the dog?
Naila : (23) … is under the table.
Dessy : Oh, my God. What does the dog do?
Naila : It (24) … there every day.
23. a. I b. You c. It d. We
24. a. runs b. walks c. eats d. sleeps
The following dialog is for questions no. 25 to 28.
Yeni : I’m going to put this letter in the postbox in front of the school. Will you go with me? Puji :
Oh, don’t you know? The postbox was removed a few days ago. Yeni : Are you sure?
Puji : You can go to the post office. It’s also close to our school.
Yeni : Is it the one beside the local library?
Puji : Right. The post office is next to the local library.
Yeni : Oh, it’s not far from here. Thank you, Puji. Let’s go there.
Puji : You’re welcome. Let’s go.
25. Where is the local library? It is ….
a. next to the postbox c. next to the post office
b. close to the postbox d. in front of the post office
26. Why is Yeni going to go to the post office? Because she wants to ….
a. send her letter b. remove the letter c. remove the postbox d. put the local library
27. From the dialog above we know that ….
a. Yeni puts the letter in the postbox c. Yeni goes to the post office alone
b. Puji puts the letter in the postbox d. Puji and Yeni go to the post office together
28. “Is it the one beside the local library?” The underlined word refers to ….
a. post office b. school c. postbox d. letter
The following picture is for question no. 29.
29. Kirei : Look, I have some apples. Let’s eat them all.
Alvaro : Wow, great. How … apples do you have?
Kirei : I have five apples.
The suitable word to complete the dialog above is ….
a. much b. long c. many
d. far
The following dialog is for question
no. 30.
30. Mother : Please take some rice for
me, Rania.
Rania : Yes, Mom. Where is it, Mom?
Mother : It’s ... the magic com.
Rania : Okay, Mom. Wait for me.
The suitable word to complete the dialog above is ….
a. in b. at c. on d. under
The following dialog is for questions 31 – 33.
Nirma : Hi, Ndari. This is my sister. Her name is Nisma.
Ndari : Hi, Nirma and Nisma. Nice to meet you. Are you twins?
Nisma : Hi, Ndari, nice to meet you, too.
Ndari : Wow, amazing. Both of you look alike. Do you have the same hobbies, too?
Nirma : No, we don’t. I like swimming, but she likes dancing. How about you?
Ndari : Me? I like cycling and hiking.
Nisma : That’s great.
31. The dialog above gives us description about introducing ….
a. ourselves b. Nisma’s sister c. Nirma’s sister d. Ndari’s sister
32. What is Nisma’s hobby? Her hobby is ….
a. swimming b. cycling c. dancing d. hiking
33. What can we conclude after reading the dialog?
a. Nirma and Nisma have similar faces. c. Nirma and Ndari have the same hobbies.
b. Nirma and Nisma have the same hobbies. d. Nisma and Ndari have similar faces.
The following dialog is for questions no. 34 to 35.
Dian is a new student of SMP Harapan Bangsa Cilacap.
Dian : Excuse me, my name is Dian. What is your name?
Deni : My name is Deni. Where are you from?
Dian : I’m from Jakarta.
Deni : Where do you live?
Dian : I live on Sudirman street, Cilacap.
34. What expression can we find in the dialog?
a. Introducing others. B. Introducing ourselves. c. Apologizing others. d. Apologizing ourselves.
35. From the text we know that ....
a. Deni is a new student. b. Dian is from Jakarta c. Deni lives in Jakarta. d. Dian lives in Jakarta
36. Arrange these words below into a good sentence!
parents - three - my - sons - have - handsome
1 2 3 4 5 6
a. 3-4-5-1-6-2 c. 3-1-5-4-2-6 b. 3-4-6-1-5-2 d. 3-1-5-2-6-4
37. Arrange these jumbled expressions into a good dialog!
(1) Siti : I have a headache.
(2) Teacher : How are you, Siti?
(3) Siti : I think so, too, Mom. Thank you.
(4) Siti : I’m not feeling well, Mom.
(5) Teacher : How are you feeling?
(6) Teacher : I think you need to rest.
The right arrangement is ….
a. 5-4-1-2-3-6 c. 2-4-5-3-6-1 b. 2-4-5-1-6-3 d. 5-4-3-2-1-6
40. Dayu : What day is today?
Udin : Today is Friday.
Dayu : So, tomorrow is ….
The suitable word to complete the dialog above is ….
a. Sunday c. Saturday
b. Tuesday d. Thursday
41. Amir : When do we celebrate National Education Day?
Ma’ruf : It’s on the second of May.
Amir : That’s right. And when do we celebrate Kartini Day?
Ma’ruf : It’s on the ... of April.
The suitable word to complete the dialog above is ….
a. thirty c. thirty first b. twenty third d. twenty first
42. Look at the picture. What time is it? It’s ….
a. ten to nine
b. nine to ten
c. ten past nine d. nine past ten

43. There are … in the classroom.

a. a table c. three table b. a tables d. three tables
44. There is … on the classroom wall.
a. a clock b. three clock c. a clocks d. three clocks
45. Rara : Good evening, Fafa.
Fafa : …, Rara. How are you?
Rara : I’m fine. Thank you.
What is the suitable expression to complete the dialog above?
a. Good morning b. Good evening c. Good afternoon d. Good night
46. Read the following text and answer the questions.
I will tell you about my school. There are many rooms in my school. There are twenty four
classrooms and ten toilets. There is a teacher’s room, a science laboratory, a language laboratory, a
computer laboratory, and a mosque. There is a large yard in the middle of my school area. My
school is green and shady because there are many trees in front of the yard. I love it.
a. Why is the writer’s school green and shady?
b. “I love it.” The underlined word refers to ….
47. Read the following text and answer the questions.
There is a computer in the living room of my house. Everybody in the house uses it. Father uses it
for his work. My sister and I use it to do our assignments. My mother uses the computer to help her
activity in preparing her teaching materials.
a. Where is the computer?
b. What for do the writer and his/her sister use the computer?
48. Read the following dialog and fill in the blanks correctly with a suitable article and a possessive
Rina : Hi, Woro. Let me introduce my aunt to you. Her name is Ida.
Woro : Okay. What does she do?
Rina : She is (a) … dancer. She can perform various traditional dances.
Woro : Wow, fantastic. Where is (b) … house?
Rina : She lives in Jalan Bali, Cilacap.
Woro : Hello, Miss Ida. How do you do?
Miss Ida : Hi, Woro. How do you do.
49. Arrange these jumbled expressions into a good dialog!
(1) Teacher : Have a seat please.
(2) Udin : I woke up late, Mom.
(3) Udin : Excuse, me. I’m sorry for coming late, Mom.
(4) Teacher : Okay, good.
(5) Udin : Thank you Mom. I will not do it again.
(6) Teacher : All right. But, why do you come late?
50. Write at least 3 (three) sentences to describe this picture.

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