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Estimation Techniques

The value at the unsampled location is estimated by

X *  u0    i X  ui 
i 1

X *  u0   the value at theunsampled location

X  ui   the value at the neighboring location
i  the weight assigned to the neighboring value
Preliminary Considerations

a. Defining a search neighborhood

b. Conducting a cross-validation exercise

Search Neighborhood

1. Defines the neighboring sample points used in estimating

value at the unsample location.
2. All Kriging procedures use a linear estimation to the
neighboring values.
3. To obtain the weight λi, Kriging algorithms involve
inverting matrix.
The following factors must be considered

a. Number of samples
b. Size of search neigborhood
c. Shape of neighborhood
Cross Validation
  * 
eui   xui   x ui 

Spread of errors is uniform Too large of search Mixing of two regions of

neighborhood stationary
Linear kriging procedures
1. Simple Kriging

 n

X uo   o   i X ui 

i 1

We use the MVUE (Minimum Variance Unbiased estimation) to calculate λi

  

E X * uo   X uo   0 This is unbiased condition

 
o   i EX ui   EX uo 
i 1

 n

o  m1   i 
 i 1 
Minimum variance

 2 X uo   X * uo 
 
Is minimized

  jC ui , u j   C ui , uo  for i  1,..., n,

   
So that
j 1

     
 C u , u   C u , u 
1 n  1   C u 1 , uo  
 
1 1
    
       
       
C un , u1   C un , un   n  C un , uo 

or C c
  n
 
With the variance ˆ  C uo , uo    iC ui , uo 
i 1
1. Numerical Example 4.1

2. Field Example 4.1. Simple Kriging Cross Validation

3. Field Example 4.2 – Simple Kriging To Generate Gross Thickness

Ringkasan Kuliah 12 Nov 2013
 Mahasiswa diharapkan memahami:
1. Metoda estimasi harga pada satu koordinat.
2. Estimasi tak bias
3. Metoda interpolasi linier, invers distance, dan inverse
distance square
4. cross validation
6. Simple Kriging

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