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Research Paper

Efficacy and safety of propranolol for treatment of

temporomandibular disorder pain: a randomized,
placebo-controlled clinical trial
Inna E. Tchivilevaa,b,*, Holly Hadgraftc, Pei Feng Lima,d, Massimiliano Di Giosiaa,d, Margarete Ribeiro-Dasilvae,
John H. Campbellf, Janet Willisc, Robert Jamesc, Marcus Herman-Giddensc, Roger B. Fillingime, Richard Ohrbachg,
Samuel J. Arbes Jrc, Gary D. Sladea,h

Propranolol is a nonselective beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
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parallel-group, phase 2b trial enrolled participants aged 18 to 65 years with temporomandibular disorder myalgia to evaluate efficacy
and safety of propranolol compared with placebo in reducing facial pain. Participants were randomized 1:1 to either extended-release
propranolol hydrochloride (60 mg, BID) or placebo. The primary endpoint was change in facial pain index (FPI 5 facial pain intensity
multiplied by facial pain duration, divided by 100). Efficacy was analyzed as a mean change in FPI from randomization to week 9 and as
the proportion of participants with $30% or $50% reductions in FPI at week 9. Regression models tested for treatment-group
differences adjusting for study site, sex, race, and FPI at randomization. Of 299 participants screened, 200 were randomized; 199 had
at least one postrandomization FPI measurement and were included in intention-to-treat analysis. At week 9, model-adjusted
reductions in mean FPI did not differ significantly between treatment groups (21.8, 95% CL: 26.2, 2.6; P 5 0.41). However, the
proportion with a $30% reduction in FPI was significantly greater for propranolol (69.0%) than placebo (52.6%), and the associated
number-needed-to-treat was 6.1 (P 5 0.03). Propranolol was likewise efficacious for a $50% reduction in FPI (number-needed-to-
treat 5 6.1, P 5 0.03). Adverse event rates were similar between treatment groups, except for more frequent fatigue, dizziness, and
sleep disorder in the propranolol group. Propranolol was not different from placebo in reducing mean FPI but was efficacious in
achieving $30% and $50% FPI reductions after 9 weeks of treatment among temporomandibular disorder participants.
Keywords: Temporomandibular joint disorder, Orofacial pain, Beta-blocker, Analgesia, Chronic pain, Migraine, SOPPRANO,
TMD, Myofascial pain

1. Introduction temporomandibular joints. In 2002, symptoms affected 6.3%

Painful temporomandibular disorder (TMD) is a common of females and 2.8% of males in the U.S. adult population,35
musculoskeletal condition most often caused by myalgia and prevalence has not changed appreciably.46,58 Chronic
of masticatory muscles and/or arthralgia of the TMD is associated with substantial disability and suffering, and
it diminishes quality of life.13 Jaw pain is the most common
Sponsorships or competing interests that may be relevant to content are disclosed
symptom that compels patients to seek treatment. One study
at the end of this article. reported an average TMD pain intensity rating of 4.3 on an 11-
Center for Pain Research and Innovation, Adams School of Dentistry, University of point scale, similar to the averages reported for chest pain and
North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, b Division of Oral and back pain.75 In addition to facial pain, patients with TMD
Craniofacial Health Sciences, Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina at frequently report various comorbid idiopathic pain conditions
Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, c Rho Inc, Durham, NC, United States, such as headache, low back pain, and fibromyalgia.8,58
Division of Diagnostic Sciences, Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina
at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States, e Department of Community Dentistry &
The current pharmacological approaches to treat painful TMD
Behavioral Science, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States, Departments of comprise nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), corti-
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and, g Oral Diagnostic Sciences, University at Buffalo, costeroids, benzodiazepines, sedative hypnotics, muscle relax-
State University of New York, Buffalo, NY, United States, h Division of Pediatric and ants, opioids, antidepressants, and anticonvulsants.31,32,43
Population Health, Adams School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill,
However, the 2010 Cochrane review of pharmacological
Chapel Hill, NC, United States
interventions for TMD concluded that there is insufficient
*Corresponding author. Address: Center for Pain Research and Innovation, Adams
School of Dentistry, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, CB #7455, Chapel
evidence to support the effectiveness of the reported drugs and
Hill, NC 27599, United States. Tel.: 11 919 537 3291; fax: 11 919 966 5339. E-mail it emphasized a need for high-quality randomized controlled trials
address: (I.E. Tchivileva). for this condition.49
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations appear Temporomandibular disorder–associated pain has a significant
in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions of this article on sympathetic component supported by the ample sympathetic
the journal’s Web site ( innervation of the TMJ.38,78 In rodent models of TMD, the
PAIN 161 (2020) 1755–1767 depletion of norepinephrine or the blockade of b-adrenergic
© 2020 International Association for the Study of Pain receptor reduced carrageenan-induced TMJ hyperalgesia61 and formalin-induced TMJ nociception.25 A recent report found that

August 2020
· Volume 161
· Number 8 1755

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
I.E. Tchivileva et al. 161 (2020) 1755–1767 PAIN®

the analgesic effect of a nonselective b-adrenergic receptor protocol in March 2016 to complement the existing pain intensity
antagonist propranolol in the carrageenan-induced TMJ hyper- criterion with a modification that assessed frequency of painful
algesia in female rats was associated with reduction in joint days.
inflammation.80 In addition, intramuscular injection of propranolol As rescue medication, participants were allowed to take over-
in rats also reduced carrageenan-induced pain of the gastroc- the-counter (OTC) NSAIDs, acetaminophen or aspirin, episodi-
nemius muscle.41 Although these studies used animal models of cally, where the episodic use was defined as no more than 3
inflammatory pain, it should be noted that subclinical muscle consecutive days and no more than 18 total days of NSAIDs from
inflammation in humans is one of the plausible causes for chronic baseline to treatment week 9. Concomitant use of prescription
TMD myalgia.44 pain medications was allowed only if the medication was taken
In humans, injection of propranolol into the masseter muscle of daily for at least 30 days before a baseline phase and continued to
healthy volunteers decreased pain induced by local administra- be taken daily during the trial. Orofacial appliances for facial pain
tion of serotonin,20 but not of hypertonic saline.3 Human studies could be used during the trial if their use was initiated at least 30
exploring adrenergic blockade for treatment of TMD-related pain days before a screening visit and maintained for the duration of
are scarce: one study demonstrated pain relief after a single-dose the trial.
injection of propranolol41 and our pilot study found a decrease in Exclusion criteria were congestive heart failure, a clinically
pain rating after 1-week treatment with propranolol.70 Currently, significant abnormal 12-lead electrocardiogram, sinus bradycar-
extended-release propranolol is indicated for treatment of dia, uncontrolled hypertension or hypotension, bronchial asthma,
hypertension, angina pectoris due to coronary atherosclerosis, nonallergic bronchospasm, renal failure or dialysis, diabetes
migraine, and hypertrophic subaortic stenosis.36 mellitus, hyperthyroidism, fibromyalgia, or uncontrolled seizures;
To further investigate propranolol as a novel drug for used opioids, b-blockers, or medications that could interact with
management of TMD-associated pain, we conducted a phase propranolol; had facial trauma or orofacial surgery within 6 weeks
2b randomized controlled trial (SOPPRANO: Study of Orofacial before a screening visit; had major psychiatric disorders requiring
Pain and PropRANOlol). The primary objective of the trial was to hospitalization within the last 6 months before a screening visit;
evaluate efficacy of propranolol compared to placebo in reducing had treatment for drug or alcohol abuse within the last year; or
a composite index of facial pain intensity and duration after 9 were pregnant or nursing. The detailed list of inclusion/exclusion
weeks of treatment among participants with TMD. Secondary criteria is provided in the Supplementary Materials (available at
objectives were to assess participant safety and to evaluate
efficacy using secondary endpoints measuring other aspects of
facial pain, physical and emotional functioning, and participant
2.3. Trial design and intervention
ratings of improvement.
This multisite, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled,
parallel-group, phase 2b trial consisted of a telephone or visit
2. Methods prescreening (conducted up to 28 days before a screening visit),
2.1. Trial oversight a baseline period (1-3 weeks), a treatment period (10 weeks
including a 1-week titration, an 8-week maintenance period, and
The trial protocol was approved by the institutional review boards a 1-week taper), and a follow-up period (1 week). A diagram of the
at each trial site. Written informed consent was obtained from trial is presented in Figure 1. After signing informed consent at the
each participant before any study assessments or procedures screening visit, participants were evaluated for eligibility during
were conducted. Twice a year, the trial was reviewed by the a subsequent baseline period. Eligible participants were ran-
independent Data Safety Monitoring Board, and 100% of critical domized to receive propranolol hydrochloride extended release
trial data were externally monitored. 60 mg twice daily (BID) or placebo. In both treatment arms, the
study drug was titrated starting with one capsule per day (QD) in
the evening and increasing after one week to 2 capsules per day
2.2. Trial participants and inclusion/exclusion criteria
(in the morning and in the evening). After reaching the target dose,
Participants were recruited from communities at 3 sites in the participants stayed on this dose for 8 weeks and then were
United States: the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill tapered down to one capsule per day (in the evening) for 1 week
(UNC), Chapel Hill, North Carolina; the University of Florida (UF), before terminating the use of the study drug. Dose adjustment
Gainesville, Florida; and the University at Buffalo (UB), Buffalo, and drug discontinuation were allowed in case of adverse events
New York. The recruitment continued from August 2015 to (AEs). For protocol-specified evaluations, participants completed
January 2018, and the follow-up of the last participant was 6 scheduled visits: screening, randomization (propranolol 60 mg
finished in April 2018. The UB site started enrollment in January QD), week 1 (propranolol 60 mg BID), week 5 (propranolol 60 mg
2017. Eligible participants were women and men aged 18 to 65 BID), week 9 (propranolol 60 mg QD), and week 11 (follow-up).
years who had TMD myalgia (with or without arthralgia) when
assessed at the baseline visit by study examiners who used the
2.4. Randomization and masking
Diagnostic Criteria for Temporomandibular Disorders (DC/
TMD).64 Details of the DC/TMD examination are described Randomization was initiated by study coordinators through an
below. Participants also had to report having experienced facial electronic web response system. The randomization list was
pain for at least 3 months, and had at least 10 days with facial pain generated centrally by randomization staff at the Data Co-
in the 30 days before the examination. Another inclusion criterion ordinating Center (DCC; Rho Inc, Durham, NC), who remained
was based on facial pain intensity reported on a “0” to “100” independent from other DCC staff throughout the trial. The
numerical rating scale in a daily symptom diary (DSD). Specifi- randomization sequence was created with Proc Plan in SAS
cally, during the week before randomization, participants had to statistical software (SAS v9.2, SAS Institute Inc, Cary, NC) and
report a pain rating of $30 on at least 3 days, or their weekly was stratified by study site with a 1:1 allocation using fixed
average rating was $30. The former criterion was added to the permutated blocks of 4. The DCC sent randomization

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
August 2020
· Volume 161
· Number 8 1757

Figure 1. Trial design.

assignment directly to site pharmacies that prepared bottles with intensity was rated on a standard numerical rating scale from 0 5
investigational product for participants. “no pain” to 100 5 “worst pain imaginable,” whereas the daily
An independent pharmacy (Triangle Compounding Pharmacy, facial pain duration was measured as percentage of waking day
Cary, NC) provided 60-mg extended release propranolol over- when participant had pain. The weekly mean FPI was calculated if
encapsulated in a blue, oblong capsule and matching placebo. The a participant completed at least 4 of the 7 daily reports of pain
placebo was matched to the study drug for color, size, and weight, intensity and duration per week; otherwise, it was considered
and contained microcrystalline cellulose. The matched drug and missing. The component scores of pain intensity and pain
placebo were shipped to site pharmacies for distribution to study duration were analyzed as secondary endpoints. To prevent
coordinators. Site staff, investigators, participants, monitors, and potential spillover of headache pain into ratings of facial pain,
a statistician analyzing a primary endpoint were blinded to the separate DSD items asked about intensity and duration of
allocation. The blinding was tested by asking participants to report tension-type and migraine headache. All targeted types of pain
their perceived group allocation at weeks 5 and 9 of treatment. for the DSD were anchored through explicit instructions to each
participant. For example, facial pain was described to partic-
ipants as “pain in your jaws, temples, ears, or in front of your ears.”
2.5. Trial endpoints and procedures
We followed recommendations of the Initiative on Methods,
2.5.2. Temporomandibular disorder examination
Measurement, and Pain Assessment in Clinical Trials (IMMPACT)16 examination and pain-related secondary endpoints
by measuring 6 core domains: (1) pain, (2) physical functioning, (3)
emotional functioning, (4) participant ratings of improvement, (5) Chronic TMD myalgia and arthralgia were classified according to
symptoms and AEs, and (6) participant disposition. As further the DC/TMD specifications.64 To summarize: examiners
recommended by IMMPACT,18 we conducted thermal and assessed masticatory muscles and the TMJ, noting any sites at
mechanical quantitative sensory testing. The endpoints were which pain was elicited either by palpation or upon jaw maneuver
collected at baseline and weeks 5 and 9 of treatment, if not (jaw opening or lateral excursion). When pain was elicited,
otherwise specified. examiners asked participants to report if the pain was familiar to
any facial pain symptoms experienced in the preceding 30 days.
At the end of the examination, participants were asked if jaw
2.5.1. Primary endpoint function during the previous 30 days had altered (made better or
As specified a priori in the study protocol, the primary endpoint made worse) any of the familiar evoked pain from the
was change in a weekly mean facial pain index (FPI) after 9 weeks examination. Temporomandibular disorder myalgia and arthral-
of treatment. The pain index was selected as the primary gia were classified separately, when there were: (1) evoked,
endpoint based on findings from the pilot study,70 where the familiar pain in either the temporalis or masseter muscles
composite index was sufficient in capturing changes seen (myalgia) or in the TM joints (arthralgia), and (2) a positive history
separately using endpoints of pain intensity and pain duration, of the evoked familiar pain having been modified by jaw function.
each of which represents an important component of the pain An examiner calibration session conducted before the enrollment
experience. The weekly mean FPI was computed as the demonstrated excellent interexaminer agreement (kappa for
arithmetic mean of a daily FPI calculated during the week before pairwise comparisons ranged from 0.82 to 1.00).
randomization and for the week before each study visit. The daily In addition to TMD classification, 3 examination findings are
FPI was computed as daily facial pain intensity multiplied by daily presented in this article as secondary endpoints: pain-free,
facial pain duration and divided by 100. The daily facial pain maximum unassisted, and maximum assisted jaw openings.

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
I.E. Tchivileva et al. 161 (2020) 1755–1767 PAIN®

Temporomandibular disorder–related disability and interfer- of stress to produce an overall perceived stress rating.10 The
ence in functioning were assessed using the Graded Chronic Coping Strategies Questionnaire Revised (CSQ-R)62 was used at
Pain Scale (GCPS).75 The GCPS grade is derived from several screening to measure the frequency with which participants
variables: (1) the characteristic pain intensity computed as the engaged in specific coping activities when experiencing pain,
mean, multiplied by 10, of the 3 pain items; (2) the pain using a 7-point numerical scale ranging from 0 5 “never do that”
interference score, computed as the mean, multiplied by 10, of to 6 5 “always do that”. The data for the catastrophizing subscale
3 pain interference items; and (3) pain disability days. Based on are presented.
these 3 variables, participants were classified into 6 chronic pain
grades: 0 5 no pain, I 5 low pain intensity and low pain-related
disability, IIa 5 high pain intensity and low pain-related disability, 2.5.5. Participant ratings of improvement
IIb 5 high pain intensity and high activity interference, III 5 Participants’ ratings of global improvement were evaluated after 5
moderate pain-related disability, and IV 5 severe pain-related and 9 weeks by asking “Since beginning treatment at this study,
disability. For analyses, the GCPS endpoint was dichotomized how would you describe the change (if any) in activity limitations,
into a low-grade category including grades from 0 to IIa and symptoms, emotions, and overall quality of life related to your
a high-grade category including grades from IIb to IV. painful condition?” Response options were from the 7-point
Limitations of jaw function were assessed with the Jaw Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC) scale33 (1 5 “no
Functional Limitation Scale (JFLS),51,52 a validated questionnaire change or worse,” 2 5 “almost the same,” 3 5 “a little better,” 4 5
that measures limitations on 3 subscales: mastication (6 items), “somewhat better,” 5 5 “moderately better,” 6 5 “better, and
vertical jaw mobility (4 items), and verbal and emotional a definite improvement,”, and 7 5 “a great deal better”). For
expression (8 items). Each item is rated on an 11-point scale analyses, this endpoint was dichotomized by combining scores
from 0 5 “no limitation” to 10 5 “severe limitation.” The subscales from 1 to 4 in one category of “No improvement” and scores from
are computed as a mean response for all items in the subscale, 5 to 7 in another category of “Moderate or greater improvement.”
whereas the total score is the mean of all 18 items.
2.5.6. Safety, concomitant medication coding, and
2.5.3. Physical functioning compliance
Short Form-12 Health Survey version 2 (SF-12 v2)76 was used to Safety endpoints were collected at each visit and included
assess overall physical functioning. The SF-12 v2 is a briefer adverse events (AEs), vital signs (systolic and diastolic blood
measure of health-related quality of life derived by using 12 items pressure and heart rate), and concomitant/rescue medication
from the original Short Form 36 instrument. This questionnaire use. The AEs were surveyed through a semistructured review of
produces 2 scores: a mental health composite score and organ systems. In addition, 8 AEs, commonly associated with the
a physical health composite score. use of propranolol, were systematically assessed through
Sleep was assessed with Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index.7 This a structured questionnaire. These AEs included dizziness,
19-item instrument assesses sleep quality during the previous unusual fatigue, nausea, diarrhea, constipation, hands numb or
month across several domains: subjective sleep quality, sleep tingling, sleep problems, and depression. The Common Termi-
latency, sleep duration, habitual sleep efficiency, sleep distur- nology Criteria for Adverse Events version 4.0 were used for
bances, use of sleep medication, and daytime dysfunction. grading of AEs, and the Medical Dictionary for Regulatory
As propranolol is used for migraine prophylaxis, participant Activities (MedDRA) version 18.0 was used for coding of AEs.
migraine status was assessed using a structured headache At screening, a 12-lead electrocardiogram was reviewed by
interview,71 based on the International Classification of Headache site cardiologists for exclusion of clinically significant cardiovas-
Disorders, third edition beta version (ICHD-3 beta).30 In addition, cular abnormality. Vital signs were measured with the Accutorr
to evaluate headache-related disability, we used the Headache Plus (Datascope Corp, Montvale, NJ) and computed at each visit
Impact Test (HIT-6) that consists of 6 items: pain, social as a mean of 3 measurements taken at 2-minute intervals after
functioning, role functioning, vitality, cognitive functioning, and a participant rested in a seated position for 10 minutes.
psychological distress.39 The participant answered each ques- At each visit, participants reported their use of all medications,
tion using responses ranging from “never” to “always.” These including the study drug. Nonstudy medications were coded
responses were summed to produce a total HIT-6 score, with using the World Health Organization Drug Dictionary (WHODrug)
higher scores indicating a greater degree of headache-related version 2015.01. Study drug compliance was primarily assessed
burden. through counts of the returned capsules at each visit and through
Alcohol consumption was assessed at screening using the participant daily entries of drug usage in the DSDs as a backup.
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT)63 and was
monitored throughout the duration of the trial. Smoking habits
2.5.7. Quantitative sensory testing
were evaluated at screening and at the end of the trial through
a questionnaire, based on National Health and Nutrition Heat pain threshold and tolerance were assessed on the ventral
Examination Survey (NHANES) smoking-related items. forearm using commercially available thermal stimulators (Path-
way or TSA-II; Medoc, Ramat Yishai, Israel) accessorized with
a 16 3 16-mm thermode. Heat pain threshold was defined as the
2.5.4. Emotional functioning
temperature at which the participant first perceived heat pain,
The SF-12 v2 mental health composite score76 was used to whereas heat pain tolerance was defined as the temperature at
assess overall emotional functioning. The Hospital Anxiety and which the participant could no longer tolerate the pain. The
Depression Scale evaluated anxiety and depression.82 Symptom temperature increased from a baseline of 32˚C with a 0.5˚C/
Checklist 90-Revised (SCL-90R) somatization subscale second rate of rise until the participant responded by pressing the
assessed a degree of somatic symptoms experienced by button. The cutoff temperature for both measurements was 50˚C.
participants.40 The Perceived Stress Scale evaluated 14 sources Average thermal threshold and tolerance were calculated from 4

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
August 2020
· Volume 161
· Number 8 1759

assessments conducted with a 5-second interstimulus interval at treatment interaction. Participants were included as a random
different sites of the ventral forearm. For all heat tests, participants effect in the model, which used an unstructured variance–
were first given practice runs on a site distant from subsequent covariance pattern, and the denominator degrees of freedom for
testing to verify the participant’s understanding of the procedure. any sample imbalances were adjusted using Kenward Roger
Pressure pain thresholds were assessed bilaterally over method. An LSMESTIMATE statement calculated the adjusted
temporalis, masseter, and trapezius muscles, TMJs, and mean, standard error, and 95% confidence limits (95% CLs) for
lateral epicondyles with a pressure algometer (FDX-10; the difference between treatment groups at week 9, and the
Wagner Instruments, Riverside, CT). The PPTs were defined t statistic was calculated for inferences.
as the amount of pressure at which the participant first Additional analysis of the FPI dichotomized the endpoint using
perceived the stimulus to be painful. One pretrial assessment established definitions of a clinically meaningful pain reduc-
was performed at each site, followed by additional assess- tion,17,22 namely, a reduction in the mean FPI of $30% or $50%
ments until 2 measures differing by less than 0.2 kg were relative to the participant’s mean FPI at randomization. Each
obtained, or 5 assessments were administered. In either case, binary endpoint was modeled with a log-binomial model that
the mean of the 2 closest values was recorded as the threshold used the generalized estimating equations (GEE) approach in
estimate. Pressure stimuli were delivered at an approximate SAS’s GENMOD procedure. This is analogous to the mixed
rate of 1 kg/second. The cutoff pressure for all body sites was model used for the continuous variable, except that GEE fits
5 kg. The values from the right and left sides were averaged to a marginal model to longitudinal data, and hence regression
obtain a single PPT value per anatomical site. parameters are population averages of the treatment effect. For
the GEE model, participants were the repeated effect, and
covariates were the same terms as used in mixed models,
2.6. Statistical analysis including a visit 3 treatment interaction. The identity link for the
The main goal of the statistical analysis was to estimate change in binomial distribution was specified, meaning that parameter
study endpoints and evaluate efficacy of propranolol by testing estimates represent the adjusted net difference in probability of
a priori hypotheses concerning treatment group differences. responding. Estimates, standard errors, and 95% CLs were
Descriptive statistics for safety measures were also generated. calculated and the F-statistic was used to calculate P-value. The
Statistical analysis was performed using SAS v9.4 (SAS Institute Inc). number needed to treat (NNT) was also calculated as the inverse
of each parameter estimate and its 95% CLs. For comparison
with other studies, odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CLs were also
2.6.1. Intention-to-treat, per-protocol, and safety samples calculated by specifying the logit distribution for the binary
The primary and secondary analyses applied the intention-to-treat distribution for the same GEE model. Consistent with the a priori
(ITT) principle by analyzing all available data from all randomized statistical analysis plan, no critical threshold was nominated for P-
participants according to their treatment allocation. Specifically, the values, and no adjustment was made for multiple statistical tests.
ITT sample comprised data from all postrandomization visits Secondary endpoints were modeled according to their scale of
through week 9, in which there was a valid measurement of the measurement: either mixed model for repeated measures for
primary endpoint, namely, the FPI. By necessity, the ITT sample continuous variables (eg, pain intensity) or GEE models for binary
excluded any postrandomization visits in which there was no valid variables (eg, PGIC and all other dichotomized response
value for the primary endpoint. Because mixed models do not analyses).
require imputation for missing data, individuals with some missing
endpoints were retained in the analyses.
2.6.3. Safety evaluation
Primary efficacy analysis was repeated in the per-protocol
sample, defined as the subset of the ITT sample after excluding: For the safety analysis, AEs were aggregated across visits and the
(1) assessments from any visits made at or after a major protocol data were analyzed per participant. The proportion of participants
deviation, and (2) participants whose compliance with study with each category of AE was calculated, and P-values for
medication was less than 60% over all study visits. treatment group differences were computed using exact tests for
The safety analysis used data from all randomized participants binary logistic regression in SAS’s LOGISTIC procedure.
who received at least one dose of study medication, and the
treatment group was based on the study drug used, regardless of 2.6.4. Sample size justification
the allocated treatment.
The target sample size of 200 randomized participants was
selected after calculating that it would provide 90% power to
2.6.2. Evaluation of efficacy hypotheses detect a 27% difference between treatment groups in the primary
The null hypothesis for the primary test of efficacy was that the endpoint (ie, mean reduction in FPI of 8.1 in the propranolol group
mean change in the FPI at week 9 did not differ between vs 2.7 in the placebo group), assuming standard deviation of
treatment groups. Because there was only one test, the threshold 11.9. Those estimates were deemed to be clinically meaningful
to judge statistical significance was set at P , 0.05 using a 2- and credible, based on results from our pilot study that used
tailed test. It was evaluated with a mixed model for repeated a randomized cross-over design to test efficacy of propranolol vs
measures using the MIXED procedure in SAS. The dependent placebo.70
variable was the change in the mean FPI, and independent
variables were fixed effects for study site (2 dummy variables to
account for the 3 study sites), sex (binary variable), race 3. Results
(dichotomized as White or non-White), the mean FPI at
3.1. Study participants
randomization (a continuous covariate), visit (the 2 dummy
variables to account for the repeated visits at weeks 1, 5, and A total of 200 participants were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to the
9), allocated treatment group (binary variable), and a visit 3 propranolol (n 5 100) and placebo (n 5 100) treatment groups

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
I.E. Tchivileva et al. 161 (2020) 1755–1767 PAIN®

(Fig. 2). Overall, 174 participants (87%) completed the study, with intensity of 47.6 (on the 0-100 scale) and a mean weekly facial
equal percentage of completers in each group (87%). Main pain duration of 58.3% of waking day. On average, the
reasons for the trial discontinuation were withdrawal of consent participants reported 24 days with facial pain in the last 30
(n 5 14) and loss to follow-up (n 5 6). One participant did not days and 41.7% of them had TMD GCPS grades from IIb to IV,
provide any postbaseline data and was excluded from the ITT signifying high pain intensity and moderate/severe disability.
population. The per-protocol sample comprised 143 participants Based on an established definition of jaw opening lesser than
(71.5%). The most frequent protocol deviations leading to 40 mm as limited,64 the participants’ mean pain-free jaw
participant exclusion from the per-protocol analyses were: (1) opening was restricted (29.8 mm), whereas no limitation was
use of OTC analgesics that exceeded the protocol definition of found in their mean maximum unassisted or assisted opening
episodic use (n 5 15 and n 5 21 in the propranolol and placebo (44.2 and 48.2 mm, respectively), indicating no structural TMJ
groups, respectively); (2) noncompliance with the study drug limitation for opening in most cases. By contrast, the reported
(n 5 11 and n 5 10 in the propranolol and placebo groups, mean limitation in jaw function measured by the JFLS was 2.6
respectively); and (3) inability to reach maintenance dose (n 5 9 (on the 0-10 scale), which is typical for a chronic painful TMD
and n 5 5 in the propranolol and placebo groups, respectively). sample.53
The safety sample comprised all 200 randomized participants At baseline, 104 participants (52.3%) met criteria for definite
who received at least one dose of the study drug. or probable migraine and reported a mean HIT-6 score of 54.8,
The participant baseline demographic and clinical character- consistent with substantial headache-related disability. The
istics in the ITT sample were similar among treatment groups mean baseline values for physical/emotional functioning and
(Table 1; and Table S1 in the Supplementary Materials, available vital signs were within normal limits. For TMD treatment,
at Most participants were orofacial appliances were used at night by 17.1% of
middle-age, white females. The mean time since onset of the participants and NSAIDs by 7.5%. In addition, 12.6% of
TMD pain was 11 years, and almost all participants suffered participants used NSAIDs for other pain conditions. A sub-
from both myalgia and arthralgia (93.0%). The mean weekly FPI stantial proportion of participants were taking antidepressant
was 30.6 (on the 0-100 scale) with a mean weekly facial pain medications (20.1%).

Figure 2. Flow diagram of participants in the trial.

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
August 2020
· Volume 161
· Number 8 1761

Table 1 point used, we present a cumulative distribution function curve

Baseline demographic and clinical characteristics of and NNTs across the entire range of the response, as was
participants (ITT population).* recommended by Farrar and colleagues.23,24 As shown in Figure
S1A in the Supplementary Materials, available at http://links.lww.
Characteristics Placebo Propranolol
(n 5 99) (n 5 100) com/PAIN/A988, the proportion of responders for FPI is
consistently higher in the propranolol group compared with
Age, y 34.2 (13.29) 33.9 (12.19)
placebo across all cutoffs, and the area under the curve (AUC) for
Sex, female 78 (78.8%) 77 (77.0%) propranolol is 18.3% greater than for placebo over a therapeu-
Race tically important range of response, such as 20% to 70%.
White 71 (71.7%) 79 (79.0%) The effect of propranolol on the mean weekly pain intensity
Black 18 (18.2%) 12 (12.0%) (difference vs placebo: 23.5%; 95% CL: 28.6, 1.7) and the mean
Asian 6 (6.1%) 5 (5.0%) weekly pain duration (difference vs placebo: 21.4%; 95% CL:
Other 4 (4.0%) 4 (4.0%) 27.6, 4.9) was not significant (Table 2). The correlation between
Study site pain intensity and pain duration was moderate to large, with Pearson
University of North Carolina 45 (45.5%) 45 (45.0%) correlation coefficients ranging from 0.49 at baseline to 0.71 at week
University of Florida 30 (30.3%) 31 (31.0%) 9. For the purpose of comparison with other studies that have used
University at Buffalo 24 (24.2%) 24 (24.0%) pain intensity as a primary endpoint, we also present results from
BMI, kg/m2 29.5 (11.00) 29.1 (14.40) a responder analysis and a cumulative distribution function curve
using the pain intensity endpoint (Table S2 and Fig. S1B in the
Facial pain
Time since onset, years 10.5 (9.43) 11.3 (9.85)
Supplementary Materials, available at
TMD myalgia and arthralgia 92 (92.9%) 93 (93.0%) A988). For a given threshold within a given treatment group, the pain
Weekly pain index, 0-100 scale 31.2 (18.94) 30.0 (19.96) intensity endpoint yielded a lower percentage of responders than the
Weekly pain intensity, 0-100 scale 47.4 (15.58) 47.9 (15.23) pain index. However, differences between treatment groups (ie, the
Weekly pain duration, 0-100 scale 60.1 (24.61) 56.6 (26.57) measures of treatment efficacy in a randomized clinical trial) were
Painful days in the last 30 d, n 24.0 (6.64) 23.7 (7.21) fairly consistent for the 2 endpoints, as were treatment-group
Pain-free jaw opening, mm 29.6 (11.58) 30.0 (10.79) differences in the AUCs. Across the clinically important threshold
Maximum unassisted jaw opening, mm 44.5 (10.08) 43.9 (8.44) range from 20% to 70%, the 17.7% treatment-group difference in
GCPS grade, IIb-IV 41 (41.4%) 42 (42.0%) AUC values for pain intensity was comparable with the 18.3%
Physical functioning difference for pain index. Compared with pain index, pain intensity
Migraine 53 (53.5%) 51 (51.0%) displayed a greater degree of variation in threshold-specific NNTs.
HIT-6, 36-78 scale 55.2 (8.70) 54.4 (9.10) The NNT of 20.1 at the 50% threshold seemed to be an outlier,
AUDIT, 0-40 scale 2.3 (1.73) 2.5 (2.08) primarily due to a threshold-specific spike in the proportion of
Current smokers 18 (18.2%) 14 (14.0%)
placebo responders.
Emotional functioning The analysis of the dichotomized PGIC at week 9 showed that
HADS anxiety, 0-21 scale 7.5 (4.59) 6.9 (4.19) a greater proportion of participants reported a moderate or
HADS depression. 0-21 scale 3.3 (3.14) 3.7 (3.54) greater global improvement in the propranolol group compared
Concomitant therapy with placebo (43.4% vs 27.7%; OR 5 2.0, 95% CL: 1.1, 3.7) with
Oral appliances 19 (19.2%) 15 (15.0%) a NNT 5 6.4 (95% CL: 3.3, 68.1) (Table 2 and Fig. 3D). The
TMD-specific NSAIDs 6 (6.1%) 9 (9.0%) percentages of patients endorsing any of 7 response options in
Non-TMD specific NSAIDs 12 (12.1%) 13 (13.0%) each treatment group are presented in Table S3 in the
Antidepressants 17 (17.2%) 23 (23.0%) Supplementary Materials, available at
Benzodiazepines 4 (4.0%) 9 (9.0%)
PAIN/A988. The PGIC ratings at week 9 were significantly greater
Muscle relaxants 2 (2.0%) 3 (3.0%)
in the propranolol group (difference vs placebo: 0.82%, 95% CL:
* Data are means (SD) or numbers (%).
AUDIT, Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test; BMI, body mass index; GCPS, Graded Chronic Pain Scale;
0.28, 1.37, P 5 0.003), indicating a nearly 1-point improvement
HADS, Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale; HIT-6, Headache Impact Test-6; ITT, intention to treat; on the 7-point PGIC ordinal scale.
NSAIDs, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs; TMD, temporomandibular disorder. The results of the analyses for other secondary endpoints at
week 9 are shown in Table 2 and Table S2 in the Supplementary
Materials, available at Among
3.2. Efficacy
other facial pain-related secondary endpoints, there was a signif-
The reduction in a mean weekly FPI was slightly greater in the icant improvement in pain-free jaw opening (difference vs placebo:
propranolol group compared with the placebo group at week 9, 3.2 mm; 95% CL: 1.0, 5.4), although no significant difference in
although the difference was marginal and not statistically maximum unassisted or assisted jaw openings or in a JFLS score
significant (difference vs placebo: 21.8%, 95% CL: 26.2, 2.6) emerged. Among endpoints associated with physical or emotional
(Table 2 and Fig. 3A). The primary endpoint in the per-protocol functioning, headache-related disability as measured by the HIT-6
sample also did not differ between treatment groups (difference questionnaire was the only endpoint with a significant reduction
vs placebo: 20.5%; 95% CL: 25.1, 4.1). However, the $30% after propranolol treatment (mean group difference vs placebo:
responder rate for the propranolol group at week 9 was greater 21.9; 95% CL: 23.7, 20.2). Among quantitative sensory testing
compared with placebo (69.0% vs 52.6%; OR 5 2.1, 95% CL: endpoints, a significant difference was observed only for the heat
1.1, 3.9) with an NNT 5 6.1 (95% CL: 3.2, 55.3) (Table 2 and Fig. threshold (difference vs placebo: 0.7; 95% CL: 0.0, 1.5).
3B). Likewise, the $50% responder rate at week 9 was greater in
the propranolol group than in the placebo group (55.5% vs
3.3. Adverse events, compliance, and masking
39.2%; OR 5 2.0, 95% CL: 1.1, 3.7) with an NNT 5 6.1 (95% CL:
3.2, 69.7) (Table 2 and Fig. 3C). Because the responder rate and At least one adverse event was reported for 86% participants
NNTs can vary substantially depending on the response cutoff receiving propranolol and 75% of those receiving placebo

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
I.E. Tchivileva et al. 161 (2020) 1755–1767 PAIN®

Table 2
Summary of primary and secondary endpoints (ITT population).
Endpoints Placebo (n 5 99) Propranolol (n 5 100) P
Primary endpoint
Mean weekly pain index, baseline to week 9
Change from baseline, mean (95% CL)* 212.1 (215.5, 28.7) 213.9 (217.4, 210.5)
Difference vs placebo, mean (95% CL) 21.8 (26.2, 2.6) 0.414
$30% reduction in mean weekly pain index, baseline to week 9
Subjects achieving response, % (95% CL)† 52.6 (41.4, 63.8) 69.0 (57.8, 80.2)
Odds ratio (95% CL)‡ 2.1 (1.1, 3.9) 0.028
Number needed to treat (95% CL)† 6.1 (3.2, 55.3) 0.028
$50% reduction in mean weekly pain index, baseline to week 9
Subjects achieving response, % (95% CL)† 39.2 (28.5, 49.8) 55.5 (43.9, 67.1)
Odds ratio (95% CL)‡ 2.0 (1.1, 3.7) 0.032
Number needed to treat (95% CL)† 6.1 (3.2, 69.7) 0.031
Secondary endpoints
Mean weekly pain intensity, baseline to week 9
Change from baseline, mean (95% CL)* 213.6 (217.6, 29.7) 217.1 (221.1, 213.1)
Difference vs placebo, mean (95% CL) 23.5 (28.6, 1.7) 0.187
Mean weekly pain duration, baseline to week 9
Change from baseline, mean (95% CL)* 216.6 (221.3, 211.8) 217.9 (222.8, 213.0)
Difference vs placebo, mean (95% CL) 21.4 (27.6, 4.9) 0.665
PGIC score dichotomized, baseline to week 9
Subjects achieving response, % (95% CL)† 27.7 (16.8, 38.6) 43.4 (31.5, 55.3)
Odds ratio (95% CL)‡ 2.0 (1.1, 3.7) 0.032
Number needed to treat (95% CL)† 6.4 (3.3, 68.1) 0.031
Pain-free jaw opening, baseline to week 9
Change from baseline, mean (95% CL), mm* 2.3 (0.6, 4.1) 5.5 (3.7, 7.4)
Difference vs placebo, mean (95% CL), mm 3.2 (1.0, 5.4) 0.005
Maximum unassisted jaw opening, baseline to week 9
Change from baseline, mean (95% CL), mm* 0.3 (21.0, 1.7) 0.8 (20.6, 2.2)
Difference vs placebo, mean (95% CL), mm 0.4 (21.2, 2.1) 0.584
HIT-6 score, baseline to week 9
Change from baseline, mean (95% CL)* 23.1 (24.6, 21.7) 25.1 (26.6, 23.6)
Difference vs placebo, mean (95% CL) 21.9 (23.7, 20.2) 0.034
* Estimates from a mixed-model repeated-measures (MMRM) analysis adjusted for treatment, visit, treatment-by-visit interaction, study site, sex, and race as fixed effects, with a baseline value of the endpoint as a covariate
and unstructured covariance matrix. Participant was a random effect. No adjustment for multiple comparisons was made.
† Estimates from generalized estimating equations for log-binomial models adjusted for treatment, visit, treatment-by-visit interaction, study site, sex, and race as fixed effects, with a baseline value of the endpoint as
a covariate.
‡ Estimates from generalized estimating equations for logistic models adjusted for treatment, visit, treatment-by-visit interaction, study site, sex, and race as fixed effects, with a baseline value of the endpoint as a covariate.
95% CL, 95% confidence limits; HIT-6, Headache Impact Test-6; ITT, intention to treat; PGIC, Patient Global Impression of Change.

(Table 3). Serious AEs (SAEs), severe AEs, and AEs leading to (OTC analgesics) was taken by 24% of participants receiving
discontinuation were infrequent. SAEs occurred in 1% of propranolol and 19% of those receiving placebo. Only 8% of
participants given placebo and in 4% of those given propranolol, participants exceeded the protocol definition of episodic use of
including 1% of participants in the propranolol group who rescue medication in each group. During the treatment period,
reported an SAE before the treatment period (Table S4 in the the mean number of days with the rescue medication per
Supplemental Materials, available at participant was low: 3.7 days (5.6% of the treatment days) and
PAIN/A988). Each specific SAE occurred in no more than one 1.1 day (1.9% of the treatment days) in the propranolol and
participant. One death due to metastatic breast cancer placebo groups, respectively.
occurred in the propranolol group. Except for the events in At week 9, 168 (84.4%) participants provided information
a participant with fatal breast cancer, all SAEs were resolved by about their perceived treatment allocation: 48 (55.8%) and 54
the end of the trial. (65.9%) participants in the placebo and propranolol groups,
Most of the treatment-emergent AEs were mild to moderate in respectively, correctly identified their treatment. The participant
severity and had similar incidence in both groups, with the agreement in guessing their allocation was poor (kappa 5 0.22,
exception of fatigue, dizziness, and sleep disorder, which were 95% CL: 0.07, 0.36), indicating successful participant masking.
more frequent in the propranolol group (Table 3). As expected,
propranolol reduced the values of vital signs, but the absolute
4. Discussion
reductions were small (Table S2,
A988) and well tolerated. Among participants with painful TMD, there was no significant
Participant compliance with the study drug was very good: only treatment group difference in the primary endpoint of FPI after 9
11% of participants receiving propranolol and 10% of those weeks of treatment. Yet, when the same endpoint was
receiving placebo took , 60% of the study drug, specified in the dichotomized, proportions of responders were greater in the
study protocol as noncompliance. On average, participants in the propranolol group than the placebo group across the entire
propranolol group used 88% of the study drug, whereas clinically important range of 20% - 70% response. Cumulative
participants in the placebo group used 89%. Rescue medication response curves for the more traditional endpoint, pain intensity,

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
August 2020
· Volume 161
· Number 8 1763

Figure 3. Regression-model estimates of 4 endpoints: (A) mean pain index; (B) percentage of participants with at least 30% reduction in pain index; (C) percentage
of participants with at least 50% reduction in pain index; (D) percentage of participants reporting overall improvement in their pain condition. The pain index
represents the product of pain intensity (0-100 numerical rating scale) multiplied by pain duration (0%-100% of day), divided by 100. It was recorded using daily
symptom diaries completed before study visits at baseline (week 0) and up to 3 follow-up visits occurring 1, 5, and 9 weeks after initiating treatment with either
propranolol 60 mg, BID ( ) or placebo (s). Percentage reductions in pain index were calculated relative to baseline and dichotomized to signify the percentage of
participants with $30% reduction and $50% reduction. Global impression of change was reported on a 7-point scale at visits 3 and 4, and dichotomized to signify
the percentage of participants with either “moderate,” “definite,” or “a great deal” of improvement. Adjusted means were estimated using mixed model for
repeated measures with covariates baseline pain index, study visit, treatment group, visit 3 treatment group interaction, study site, sex, and race/ethnicity.
Adjusted percentages and their 95% confidence limits were estimated with a log-binomial regression model using the generalized estimating equation method
allowing for repeated visits by study participants. Covariates were as described for the mixed model. For all models, treatment-group difference in means or
percentage at week 9 was computed with custom estimates of predicted population margins based on parameters in the model. Differences in percentages were
used to compute a number-needed-to-treat (NNT) and its 95% confidence limits. P-values tested the null hypothesis that the means or percentages at week 9 are
equivalent in the 2 treatment groups.

yielded a similar treatment group difference favoring propranolol, PAIN/A988). In both treatment groups, a critical mass of responses
although in the propranolol group there was a higher probability of was concentrated around thresholds of 30% and 50% reductions.
response for the FPI than for pain intensity. For example, among However, noticeably more participants in the placebo group
participants receiving propranolol, 59% had a $50% reduction in compared to the propranolol group fell short of these thresholds. In
FPI but only 36% reported a $50% reduction in pain intensity. contrast to the usual situation where responder analysis is
The difference between these endpoints is important to un- associated with less statistical power, the distribution led to more
derstand for interpretation of the trial results. In addition, the statistical power for the responder analysis.66 FDA and IMMPACT
proportion of participants who reported a moderate or greater guidelines encourage responder analysis because it estimates
global improvement in their TMD was also greater for propranolol. a clinically meaningful change in the endpoint at the individual level,
Hence, the overall findings are consistent with a clinically which is not the case for analysis of group means.17,47
meaningful benefit of propranolol in reducing facial pain. Like- A summary statistic for evaluating the difference between
wise, nominally significant results (ie, P , 0.05) were obtained in groups and comparing it between studies is the NNT.11 The
secondary analyses comparing the treatment groups with observed NNT values for standard 30%/50% thresholds of FPI,
respect to pain-free jaw opening, headache-related disability, 30% threshold of pain intensity, and PGIC were approximately 6,
and sensitivity to heat stimulation. implying that 6 patients need to be treated with propranolol in
The apparent paradox in treatment effect estimates of pain index order for one of them to benefit because of the drug. Because the
(or intensity) analyzed as a continuous variable (ie, analysis of NNT is calculated relative to the control group, it relates
a mean change) vs a dichotomized variable (ie, responder analysis) specifically to improvement because of the drug and not because
stems from a group difference in distributions of a change (Fig. S2 of other reasons, such as placebo response or spontaneous
in the Supplementary Materials, available at remission. Regrettably, NNTs have not been widely reported for

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
I.E. Tchivileva et al. 161 (2020) 1755–1767 PAIN®

Table 3
Adverse events in the safety population.*
Adverse events No. (%) of participants
Placebo (n 5 100) Propranolol (n 5 100) P†
All events
Adverse events 75 (75.0%) 86 (86.0%)
Treatment-emergent adverse events‡ 70 (70.0%) 84 (84.0%)
Serious adverse events 1 (1.0%) 4 (4.0%)
Adverse events leading to study discontinuation 0 (0.0%) 1 (1.0%)
Severe treatment-emergent adverse events 4 (4.0%) 6 (6.0%)
Death 0 (0.0%) 1 (1.0%)
Treatment-emergent adverse events by type§
Gastrointestinal disorders
Diarrhea‖ 16 (16.0%) 18 (18.0%) 0.851
Nausea‖ 6 (6.0%) 14 (14.0%) 0.097
Constipation‖ 9 (9.0%) 10 (10.0%) 1.000
General disorders
Fatigue‖ 16 (16.0%) 29 (29.0%) 0.041
Infections and infestations
Nasopharyngitis 10 (10.0%) 12 (12.0%) 0.822
Upper respiratory tract infection 4 (4.0%) 7 (7.0%) 0.537
Nervous system disorders
Dizziness‖ 6 (6.0%) 21 (21.0%) 0.003
Paraesthesia‖ 9 (9.0%) 5 (5.0%) 0.407
Hypoesthesia‖ 5 (5.0%) 4 (4.0%) 1.000
Headache 1 (1.0%) 5 (5.0%) 0.212
Psychiatric disorders
Insomnia‖ 10 (10.0%) 13 (13.0%) 0.658
Depression‖ 9 (9.0%) 7 (7.0%) 0.795
Sleep disorder‖ 0 (0.0%) 6 (6.0%) 0.029
Musculoskeletal and connective tissue disorders
Back pain 5 (5.0%) 2 (2.0%) 0.445
Ear and labyrinth disorders
Vertigo 7 (7.0%) 5 (5.0%) 0.767
* The safety population included all participants who were randomized and received at least 1 dose of the study drug. If a participant had multiple types of adverse events, he/she was counted once for each type. If a participant
had multiple events of the same type, he/she was counted once for that type.
† P values were computed using exact logistic regression with adverse event incidence as the dependent variable and treatment group as the independent variable.
‡ Treatment-emergent adverse events were defined as adverse events occurring during a treatment period and included adverse events considered to be related as well as those not considered to be related to the study treatment.
§ Data are presented for treatment-emergent adverse events reported by $5% of participants in any treatment group and coded by System Organ Class and Preferred Term from the MedDRA v18.0.
‖ Expected adverse events systematically surveyed through the symptom questionnaire.

studies of TMD pharmacotherapy: the Cochrane review sum- attributed to this study’s active surveillance of harms, which yields
marized efficacy only in terms of average pain reductions.49 more AEs than passive surveillance.4,34
However, in clinical trials of patients with another muscle pain Propranolol is a nonselective b-adrenergic receptor antagonist
disorder, fibromyalgia, the average NNT for a $30% pain with similar affinity for b1- and b2-adrenoreceptors and lower
reduction was 10 for serotonin–norepinephrine reuptake inhib- affinity for b3-adrenoreceptors.2 It is used for treatment of
itors (SNRIs) duloxetine and milnacipran, 7.2 for pregabalin, and hypertension, ischemic heart disease, arrhythmias, migraine,
4.9 for tricyclic antidepressants, whereas the NNTs for a $50% and anxiety.1,36 Analgesic effect of propranolol in musculoskel-
reduction were even higher.14,29,77 The average NNT for etal pain is plausible, given evidence for an enhanced adrenergic
a moderate benefit in the PGIC ranged from 5 for SNRIs to 11 tone in chronic pain states. For example, increased levels of
for pregabalin.14,77 Therefore, the NNT estimates in this study epinephrine and norepinephrine are found in patients with TMD
represent a clinically important outcome. and fibromyalgia,21,72 and sympathetic dominance (parasympa-
One downside of an NNT is its reliance on specific thresholds of thetic suppression) is reported in patients with TMD, fibromyalgia,
a continuous measure and sensitivity to arbitrary deviations at and arthritis.45,56,73 Stimulation of the cervical sympathetic nerve
these thresholds. As seen in the cumulative response curves for leads to development of tension in jaw muscles in animal models,
pain intensity, the 50% threshold yielded a higher NNT than other also implicating sympathetic input in development of TMD
NNTs across nearby thresholds of 40% to 60% because of the myalgia.54 Therefore, b-adrenergic blockade could exert an
threshold-specific surge in the number of placebo responders. To analgesic effect by attenuating this adrenergic dysregulation.
monitor for such aberrations, it is important to review NNTs across Indeed, in various animal models, propranolol produced anti-
an entire range of clinically relevant thresholds. nociception, although different studies identified various b-adre-
As with previous trials of propranolol, the most common AEs noreceptor subtypes responsible for the effect.25,37,50,61
were diarrhea, fatigue, dizziness, and insomnia.67 Most were mild Potential mechanisms may include a direct action on peripheral
to moderate in severity and their rates were similar between nociceptors9,37,61 and interactions with immune19,28,68,69,80,81
treatment groups, except for fatigue, dizziness, and sleep and cardiovascular systems.3,6,41,57
disorder, which were more frequent in the propranolol group. Because propranolol crosses the blood–brain barrier, it can
The higher rates of AEs, compared with previous trials,42 can be influence pain processing centrally. In migraine animal models,

Copyright © 2020 by the International Association for the Study of Pain. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
August 2020
· Volume 161
· Number 8 1765

propranolol inhibits trigeminal nociception through antagonism of In conclusion, among patients with chronic painful TMD,
b1-adrenergic receptors on thalamocortical neurons65 and propranolol had a statistically nonsignificant effect, compared
blocks chronic sensitization of descending pain pathways from with placebo, on mean change in FPI but propranolol was
higher brain regions to the trigeminocervical complex.5 efficacious in achieving $30% and $50% FPI reductions and in
Propranolol can also alter affective modulation of pain by improving participants’ ratings of global change after 9 weeks of
reducing anxiety.59,60 In rodents, b-adrenergic blockade pre- treatment. The drug was safe and well tolerated. These results
vents anxiety-like behavior and reduces negative affective provide sufficient evidence to justify further investigation of
components of pain.15,79 In humans, propranolol is used to treat propranolol for TMD management.
anxiety,36,48,55 and anxiety is associated with increased odds of
TMD.26 Although baseline levels of anxiety in this study were quite
low, there was a trend toward greater reduction in anxiety for the Conflict of interest statement
propranolol group compared with the placebo group (P 5 0.111). The authors have no conflicts of interest to declare.
To the best of our knowledge, only 3 studies have assessed
propranolol’s effect in patients with TMD. Consistent with our
findings, Light et al.41 noted lower ratings of TMD pain after Acknowledgements
intravenous administration of a single low dose of propranolol,
compared with placebo. In our pilot trial70 with a cross-over design, The authors thank the SOPPRANO research staff and patients
we found a significant reduction in FPI after one week of oral who participated in the trial. The authors also thank cardiologists
administration of 40 mg of propranolol, although the magnitude of Drs. Alan Hinderliter (UNC at Chapel Hill), David Sheps (University
effect was modest. In a placebo-controlled trial with a factorial of Florida), and Thomas Cimato (University at Buffalo) for
design, Gonçalves et al.27 used 90 mg of short-acting propranolol monitoring participants’ safety. Funding for this study was
with and without an oral appliance for 3-month treatment of provided by the National Institutes of Health (NIH)/National
migraine patients with concomitant TMD. It is difficult to compare Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research (NIDCR) R34-
our primary result with the analyses of TMD endpoints from that trial DE022088 and U01-DE024169 grants. The trial is registered at
because Gonçalves et al.27 focused on migraine-related endpoints, number NCT02437383. Full details of the trial
and their exploratory TMD-related endpoints did not include weekly protocol are available at
TMD pain ratings. The TMD endpoints, comparable to our trial,
were PPTs and maximum unassisted opening, for which neither
trial found significant group differences. Appendix A. Supplemental digital content
The strengths of the study are: (1) use of validated DC/TMD Supplemental digital content associated with this article can be
examination for selecting participants with TMD myalgia and found online at
arthralgia and for monitoring diagnostic status; (2) use of daily
diaries for facial pain assessment; (3) relatively low dropout rate; Article history:
(4) thorough assessments of rescue and concomitant medica- Received 7 August 2019
tions; (5) active surveillance of harms; and (6) participants’ Received in revised form 23 March 2020
excellent compliance with the daily diaries and study drug. Accepted 24 March 2020
This study has several limitations. First, this phase 2b trial was Available online 27 March 2020
not powered for assessments of all secondary endpoints. To
better characterize our patient population and understand
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I.E. Tchivileva et al. 161 (2020) 1755–1767 PAIN®

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