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Perspective August 12, 2021

Confronting Our Next National Health Disaster

— Long-Haul Covid
Steven Phillips, M.D., M.P.H., and Michelle A. Williams, Sc.D.​​

ow that more than half of U.S. adults have care system, in light of the com-
Confronting Our Next National Health Disaster

been vaccinated against SARS-CoV-2, mask- plex and ambiguous clinical pre-
sentation and “natural history”
ing and distancing mandates have been re- of long Covid. There is currently
laxed, and Covid-19 cases and deaths are on the de- no clearly delineated consensus
definition for the condition; in-
cline, there is a palpable sense trol and Prevention (CDC) esti- deed, it is easier to describe what
that life can return to normal. mates that more than 114 mil- it is not than what it is.
Though most Americans may be lion Americans had been infected Long Covid is not a condition
able to do so, restoration of nor- with Covid-19 through March for which there are currently ac-
mality does not apply to the 10% 2021. Factoring in new infections cepted objective diagnostic tests
to 30% of those who are still ex- in unvaccinated people, we can or biomarkers. It is not blood
periencing debilitating symptoms conservatively expect more than clots, myocarditis, multisystem in-
months after being infected with 15 million cases of long Covid flammatory disease, pneumonia,
Covid-19.1 Unfortunately, current resulting from this pandemic. or any number of well-character-
numbers and trends indicate that And though data are still emerg- ized conditions caused by Covid-19.
“long-haul Covid” (or “long Covid”) ing, the average age of patients Rather, according to the CDC,
is our next public health disaster with long Covid is about 40, long Covid is “a range of symp-
in the making. which means that the majority toms that can last weeks or
What form will this disaster are in their prime working years. months . . . [that] can happen to
take, and what can we do about Given these demographics, long anyone who has had Covid-19.”
it? To understand the landscape, Covid is likely to cast a long The symptoms may affect a num-
we can start by charting the shadow on our health care sys- ber of organ systems, occur in
scale and scope of the problem tem and economic recovery. diverse patterns, and frequently
and then apply the lessons of past The cohort of patients with get worse after physical or men-
failures in approaching postinfec- long Covid will face a difficult and tal activity.
tion chronic disease syndromes. tortuous experience with our mul- No one knows what the time
The Centers for Disease Con- tispecialty, organ-focused health course of long Covid will be or

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PERS PE C T IV E Confronting Our Next National Health Disaster

what proportion of patients will into two familiar polarized camps. The majority will be women;
recover or have long-term symp- One camp believes that long many will have chronic, incapaci-
toms. It is a frustratingly perplex- Covid is a new pathophysiological tating conditions and will bounce
ing condition. syndrome that merits its own around the health care system for
The pathophysiology is also un- thorough investigation. The other years. The media will continue to
known, though there are hypoth- believes it is likely to have a non- report extensively on the travails
eses involving persistent live virus, physiological origin. Some com- and heroics of the long-haul
autoimmune or inflammatory se- mentators have characterized it phenomenon that lacks apparent
quelae, or dysautonomia, all of as a mental illness, and those remedy or end.
which have some “biological plau- embracing this psychogenic par- There is, therefore, an urgent
sibility.”2 Intriguing links between adigm are reluctant to endorse a need for coordinated national
long Covid and postural ortho- substantial societal focus on re- health policy action and response,
static tachycardia syndrome (POTS) search or to follow traditional which we believe should be built
have also been made. But con- organ-specific clinical pathways on five essential pillars. The first
ventional evidence connecting pos- to addressing patients’ concerns. is primary prevention. As many as
sible causes to outcomes is cur- All of which augurs poorly for 35% of eligible Americans may
rently lacking. many people with long Covid. If ultimately choose not to be vac-
To understand why long Covid the past is any guide, they will cinated against Covid-19. Vaccine
represents a looming catastrophe, be disbelieved, marginalized, and education campaigns should em-
we need look no further than the shunned by many members of the phasize the avoidable scourge of
historical antecedents: similar medical community. Such a re- long Covid and target high-risk,
postinfection syndromes. Expe- sponse will leave patients feeling hesitant populations with cultur-
rience with conditions such as misunderstood, aggrieved, and dis- ally attuned messaging.
myalgic encephalomyelitis/chronic satisfied. Because of a lack of sup- Second, we need to continue
fatigue syndrome (ME/CFS), fibro- port from the medical commu- to build out a formidable, well-
myalgia, post-treatment Lyme dis- nity, patients with long Covid funded domestic and interna-
ease syndrome, chronic Epstein– and activists have already formed tional research agenda to identify
Barr virus, and even the online support groups. One such causes, mechanisms, and ultimate-
19th-century diagnosis of neuras- organization, the Body Politic ly means for prevention and treat-
thenia could foreshadow the suf- Covid-19 Support Group, has at- ment of long Covid. This effort is
fering of patients with long Covid tracted more than 25,000 members. already under way. In February,
in the months and years after in- Some of the disregard can be the National Institutes of Health
fection. attributed to the fact that long (NIH) launched a $1.15 billion,
The health care community, Covid has disproportionately af- multiyear research initiative, in-
the media, and most people with fected women. Our medical sys- cluding a prospective cohort of
long Covid have treated this syn- tem has a long history of mini- patients with long Covid who
drome as an unexpected new mizing women’s symptoms and will be followed to study the tra-
phenomenon. But given the long dismissing or misdiagnosing their jectory of their symptoms and
arc and enigmatic history of conditions as psychological. long-term effects. The World
“new” postinfection syndromes, Women of color with long Covid, Health Organization (WHO) is
the emergence of long Covid in particular, have been disbe- working to harmonize global re-
should not be surprising. lieved and denied tests that their search efforts, including the de-
Equally unsurprising has been White counterparts have received.3,4 velopment of standard terminol-
the medical community’s ambiv- What needs to be done to help ogy and case definitions.5 Many
alence about recognizing long these patients and competently countries and research institu-
Covid as a legitimate disease or address this surge? Unless we tions have identified long Covid
syndrome. Extrapolating from the proactively develop a health care as a priority and launched ambi-
experience with other postinfec- framework and strategy based on tious clinical and epidemiologic
tion syndromes, the varied ele- unified, patient-centric, supportive studies.
ments of the biomedical and principles, we will leave millions Third, there are valuable les-
media ecosystems are coalescing of patients in the turbulent breach. sons to apply from extensive pri-

578 n engl j med 385;7 August 12, 2021

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PE R S PE C T IV E Confronting Our Next National Health Disaster

or experience with postinfection long Covid clinics. This integra- From the COVID Collaborative, Washing-
ton, DC (S.P.); and the Harvard T.H. Chan
syndromes. The relationship of tive patient care model should School of Public Health, Boston (M.A.W.).
long Covid to ME/CFS has been continue to be expanded.
This article was published on June 30, 2021,
brought into focus by the CDC, Fifth, the ultimate success of at
the NIH, the WHO, and Anthony the research-and-development and
1. Logue JK, Franko NM, McCulloch DJ,
Fauci, the chief medical advisor clinical management agendas in et al. Sequelae in adults at 6 months after
to President Joe Biden and direc- ameliorating the impending catas- COVID-19 infection. JAMA Netw Open 2021;​
tor of the National Institute of trophe is critically dependent on 4(2):​e210830.
2. Altmann DM, Boyton RJ. Confronting
Allergy and Infectious Diseases. health care providers’ believing the pathophysiology of long Covid. The BMJ
Going forward, research may yield and providing supportive care to Opinion. December 9, 2020 (https://blogs​
complementary insights into the their patients. These beleaguered .­bmj​.­com/​­bmj/​­2020/​­12/​­09/​­confronting​-­t he​
causation and clinical manage- patients deserve to be afforded 3. Cooney E. Researchers fear people of
ment of both conditions. The CDC legitimacy, clinical scrutiny, and color may be disproportionately affected by
An audio interview has developed guide- empathy. long Covid. Stat. May 10, 2021 (https://www​
.­statnews​.­com/​­2021/​­05/​­10/​­w ith​-­long​-­covid​
with Dr. Phillips lines and resources Addressing this postinfection -­h istory​-­m ay​-­be​-­repeating​-­itself​-­a mong​
is available at on the clinical man- condition effectively is bound to -­people​-­of​-­color/​­).
agement of ME/CFS that may also be an extended and complex en- 4. Ducharme J. Black women are fighting
to be recognized as long COVID patients.
be applicable to patients with long deavor for the health care system Time. April 12, 2021 (https://time​ .­
Covid. and society as well as for affect- ­5954132/​­black​-­women​-­long​-­covid/​­).
Fourth, to respond holistically ed patients themselves. But taken 5. Expanding our understanding of post
COVID-19 condition. 1st webinar. World
to the complex clinical needs of together, these five interrelated Health Organization, February 9, 2021.
these patients, more than 30 U.S. efforts may go a long way toward (https://www​.­who​.­i nt/​­docs/​­default​-­source/​
hospitals and health systems — mitigating the mounting human ­coronaviruse/​­agenda_expanding​-­our​
-­u nderstanding​-­of​-­post​-­covid​-­19​-­condition​
including some of the most pres- toll of long Covid. -­agenda​-­f inal​.­pdf).
tigious centers in the country — Disclosure forms provided by the authors DOI: 10.1056/NEJMp2109285
have already opened multispecialty are available at Copyright © 2021 Massachusetts Medical Society.
Confronting Our Next National Health Disaster

Criminalization of Gender-Affirming Care

Criminalization of Gender-Affirming Care — Interfering with

Essential Treatment for Transgender Children and Adolescents
Simona Martin, B.S., Elizabeth S. Sandberg, M.D., and Daniel E. Shumer, M.D., M.P.H.​​

O n April 6, 2021, the Arkan-

sas state legislature overrode
a veto by the governor to pass
being of transgender children and
adolescents. We have found that
such young people are courageous
to denote this incongruence. Al-
though not all transgender young
people feel distress related to
legislation making it illegal for and resilient, yet profoundly vul- their gender identity, when dis-
medical professionals to provide nerable. Moreover, they already tress is present and persistent, a
gender-affirming treatment to pa- have higher-than-average risk for mental health professional with
tients with gender dysphoria who suicidality and are disproportion- experience in gender-identity eval-
are younger than 18 or to refer ately likely to experience violence. uations may diagnose gender dys-
them to other clinicians for such Gender identity — the deeply phoria.
treatment. Several other states felt internal sense of oneself as Gender dysphoria can be treat-
have similar legislation pending. male, female, or somewhere else ed with both nonmedical and
As physicians and a physician- on the gender spectrum — may medical interventions. The for-
in-training who provide gender- or may not align with the sex mer may include therapy, coming
affirming care, we are deeply con- one was assigned at birth. When out to loved ones, or using a cho-
cerned that these political actions it does not align, the umbrella sen name or pronouns and dress-
threaten the health and well- term “transgender” is often used ing or grooming in a way that

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