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Study the power point presentation and video presentation attached about Martin Heidegger's

point of view about technology. Then answer the following guide questions comprehensively:

1. What are the arguments of Heidegger about technology?

-As previously stated, Heidegger's analysis of technology in The Question Concerning
Technology consists of three main 'claims': (1) technology is "not an instrument," it is a way of
understanding the world; (2) technology is "not a human activity," but develops beyond human
control; and (3) technology is "the highest danger," risking us only seeing the world through
technological thinking.

2. Do you agree with Martin Heidegger's stand on technology?

-Personally, I disagree with Martin Heidegger's argument that technology should only be viewed
as one of many ways to experience reality. Technology will never expose or recognize any truth,
whether it is for moral truth, fairness, honesty, moderation, bravery, or ethics. Heidegger is
interested by the essence of technology, which he maintains is distinct from technological tools.
The essence of technology is the technological understanding of Being, as shown by the overall
character of our shared practices for dealing with objects, events, and others in the world as a

3. Why Heidegger says that the essence of technology is nothing technological?

- When Heidegger says, "the essence of technology is by no means anything technological," he
indicates that the driving force of technology is not found in machines, nor even in the many
human activities involved with modern modes of production. In his example of the vehicle, the
machine's parts and the labor of factory employees are all part of technology, but they are not its
essence. The "frame of mind" that perceives the world as raw materials for the creation of
automobiles—its metal ore deposits, chemical structures, and human population—gets closer to
what Heidegger meant by the essence of technology. Heidegger's argument, on the other hand, is
more general. Enframing, he believes, comes from the human need for "precise" and "scientific"
understanding of the environment.

4. How is technology a mode of revealing?

- Technology is a mode of exposure that includes and displays greater meaning, truth, and
importance. According to Heidegger, humans should consider technology to be a form of
revelation since it discloses so much more about the human being and the world. Technology is a
technique of disclosing the truth that is used to achieve goals or make life simpler in general.
Technology is a method of revealing since it is connected with how we live, our behaviors, and
our surrounds. It also gives us access to whatever we wish to analyze when finding and
discovering the meaning of truth.

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