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What is the role of Science and Technology in  A systematic approach that organizes

Society? knowledge in the form of testable

explanation and predictions about nature
Introduction to Science and Technology
and the universe.
What is ST and Society?  Is a systematic way of acquiring knowledge
about a particular field of study through
❖ Study of how social, political, and observation and experimentation, to
cultural values affect scientific research describe different natural phenomena.
and technological innovation and how  In science, we seek the so-called “Laws of
these, in turn, affect or the community, Nature” (general statements about the
political and culture. behavior of Nature), but this depends on
Definition of Science and Technology crucial assumptions:
a. There is regularity in Nature that is
expressed by these Laws.
The human mind can “know” these Laws.
 Remove these assumptions, the scientific
structure will fall down
 In Physics, chemistry and biology, this
regularity in Nature is often expressed in
the language of mathematics, thus this is
another assumption that the regularity in
Nature has the same logical structure as
 The Laws of Nature do not carry any time
stamp that indicates when and where they
were discovered, or where they are
❖ “Rational inquiry into Nature”, it means applicable. This implies that we assume
such inquiry be within some logical that the Laws of Nature are the same
structure, to gain knowledge about Nature. everywhere an remain so for all time-again
a philosophical assumption.
❖ Scientific knowledge is more than just a
collection of empirical statement. It satisfies FIELDS OF SCIENCE
the following requirements
I. Pure/Theoretical Science – method of
a. The collections must be internally
investigating nature by the
experimental method in an attempt to
b. There must be a logical
satisfy the need to know (matter of
interrelationship between
understanding); explains a
statements that organizes these
into coherent whole (logical and
consistent). a. Physical sciences – which deal with matter
and energy and allow us to describe the
c. We should be able to deduce a
material universe in terms of weight, mass,
prediction, which can be tested by a
volume, and other standard, objective
experiment or observation.
Life Sciences is divided into b. Medical science – include medical
microbiology, clinical virology
❖ Microbiology
❖ Botany
What means does science use now?
❖ Zoology
❖ Science used the scientific method
Earth Sciences is divided into
❖ It is a set of techniques for investigating
❖ Geology phenomena
❖ Meteorology ❖ Acquiring knowledge
❖ Astronomy ❖ Correcting and integrating previous
Examples of Overlapping Sciences understanding.

❖ Physics + Chemistry = Physical


❖ Astronomy + Physics = Astrophysics

❖ Biology + Chemistry =
Biochemistry/Organic Chemistry

❖ Biology + Geology = Paleontology

❖ Biology + Astronomy + Physics =

Astronautics Scientific Method vs Creationism
❖ Geology + Chemistry = Geochemistry TECHNOLOGY
❖ Geology + Astronomy = Astrogeology ❖ Is the practical application of scientific
knowledge to human life; to solve
II. Applied/Practical Science – determines
how a particular phenomenon may be ❖ As the production, tools and processes
put to use used to accomplish tasks.

• Applies existing scientific knowledge to ❖ The collection of techniques, methods

develop more practical applications, like or processes used in the production of
technology or inventions. goods or services or in the
accomplishment of objectives of
a. Engineering sciences – include scientific investigation.
thermodynamics, heat transfer, fluid
mechanics, statics, dynamics, Scientific and technological changes are caused
mechanics of materials, kinematics, by scientific and technological discoveries and
electromagnetism, materials science, inventions
engineering physics.
❖ Terrorist are using modern technology
for their destructive work.

❖ Due to the development of atomic

energy and atomic bomb create many
harmful diseases like skin, lungdiseases,

❖ Heart disease, brain disease are caused

due to the vibration of the mobile

❖ Modern technology have not only

ADVANTAGES affected man but it also affected plants
and animals due to nuclear energy.
❖ Life becomes easy and comfortable
through science and technology. ❖ Due to the development of modern
technology natural beauty is decreasing.
❖ Travelling has become easy and fast in

❖ Communication becomes easy, fast and


❖ Standard of living have increased with

the increase in technology

❖ Man have become advanced by using

various new technology.

❖ Due to the development in the science

and technology impossible have
become possible.

❖ Difficult thing and work have become

easy and comfort to man due to science
and technology

❖ Life has become easy and stable.


❖ Man had misused the technology and

used in destructive purpose.

❖ Man is doing illegal things by using it.

❖ New technology like mobile, i-pads, etc.

are creating bad effect on children.
History of Science and Technology In the • Lasted from the third century B.C. to
Philippines 11th century A.D.

STONE AGE • Filipinos were engaged in extraction

smelting and refining of iron from ores,
until the importation of cast iron from
Sarawak and later from China.

• Filipinos from the Butuan were trading

with Champa (Vietnam) and those from
Ma-I (Mindoro) with China. ( bee wax,
cotton, pearls, coconut heart mats,
• Archeological findings show that tortoise shell and medicinal betel nuts,
modern man from Asian mainland first panie cloth for porcelain, leads fishnets
came over land on across narrow sinker, colored glass beads, iron pots,
channels to live in Batangas and iron needles and tin).
Palawan about 48,000 B.C.
• Settlement in Sulu, Davao, Zamboanga,
• They learn to weave cotton, make glass
Samar, Negros, Batangas, Laguna, Rizal,
ornaments, and cultivate lowland rice
Bulacan and Cagayan.
and dike fields of terraced fields utilizing
Inventions spring water in mountain regions.

• They made simple tools and weapons of • They also learned to build boats for
stone flakes and later developed trading purposes.
method of sawing and polishing stones
• Spanish chronicles noted refined plank
around 40,000 B.C.
built warships called Caracoa suited for
• 3,000 B.C. they were producing adzes interisland trade raids.
ornaments of seashells and pottery.
• They learned to produce copper,
bronze, iron, and gold metal tools and


• Filipinos were already engage in

activities and practices related to
science forming primitive or first wave
technology. e.g. making of wine, mining
• There were curative values of some • The society promoted cultivation of
plant on how to extract medicine from indigo, cotton, cinnamon, and silk
herbs(superstitious beliefs). industry.

• They had an alphabet, a system of • In 1789 Manila was opened to Asian

writing, a method of counting and shipping, inaugurating an era of
weights and measure. increase in export of rice, hemp,
tobacco, sugar, and indigo, and imports
• They had no calendar but counted the
of manufacturing goods.
years by the period of the moon and
from one harvest to another. • The 19th Century In 1863 the colonial
authorities issued a royal degree to
reform the existing educational system.

• In 1871 the school of medicine and

pharmacy were opened to UST, after 15
years it had granted the degree of
Licenciado en Medicina to 62 graduates.

• There were no school for engineering

but they offered nautical four year
course for pilot of merchant marine that
• Establishment of school system manage
includes the subject: a. Arithmetic, b.
by missionaries and priest (religion-
Algebra, c. Geometry, d. Trigonometry,
centered). e.g. Colegio de San Ildefonso-
e. Physics, f. Hydrography, g.
Cebu-1595 Colegio de San Ignacio-
Meteorology h. Navigation, and i.
Manila-1595 Colegio De Nuestra Senora
del Rosario-Manila-1597 Colegio De San
Jose-Manila-1601. • Jesuits promoted meteorological
studies founding Manila observatory at
• Development of Hospitals San Juan
the Ateneo Municipal de Manila in
Lazaro Hospital the oldest in the Far
East was founded in 1578.
• In 17th and 18th Century, successive
shipwrecks of and attacks of pirates on • Science and technology advance rapidly
the galleons led to declining profits by the government encouragement and
from the trade that led to economic support.
depression in Manila during the later
• Creation of Department of
part of the 17th century.
Public Instruction which offers
• The Real Sociedad Economica de los free and compulsory
Amigos Del Pais de Filipinas founded by elementary (600 teachers from
Governador Jose Basco y Vargas in 1780 USA taught in Philippines,
encouraged research in agriculture and Philippine Normal School,
industry. Philippine Medical School).
• Promotion of higher education • Curriculum revision (removal of Gr-7,
in sciences and government double-single session and reducing time
research institution and or dropping certain subjects in basic
agencies performing technical education).
function (Liberal Arts,
• Reorganization and establishment of
Veterinary medicine, law).
government corporation to perform
• Trained and qualified Filipino development of natural resources.
teachers (they were sent
abroad for advanced training).
• Men and women must finished
• The State continues its support to
in American Colleges
education at all levels.
• Proliferation of schools and many of
• Scholarships for advanced
them were ill-equipped and ill-prepared
studies of a scientific or
to provide quality education particularly
technical nature.
in sciences and engineering (Standards).
• Produces medical doctors,
• UP system remains the most developed
with extensive graduate and
• Proliferation of schools as undergraduate degree programs in the
business enterprises and no sciences and engineering. (half of the
definite government policies. national budget for SUC’s)

• Government was responsible in • Low enrollment rate in agriculture,

supervising private schools due medical, natural and physical sciences
to substandard private schools (low compensation of Filipino
(Monroe survey). scientists).

• Creation of Bureau of Science as • Engineering and science courses entail

government research longer periods of study and been more
establishment and training expensive to pursue.
ground of Filipino Scientist
• Little innovation and training of
(Vaccines, dse like leprosy,
scientists and engineers.
tuberculosis, cholera, dengue
fever, malaria and beri-beri and • Scientific work in the government
scientific developments). suffered from a lack of support,
planning and coordination after early
postwar years.
• Promotion of scientific development for
• Creation of science agencies like PCARR,
the economic development.
• Expansion of public school system to
• Establishment of a Scientific Career
accommodate all schoolchildren.
System in the Civil Service by PD No.
901 .
HISTORICAL ANTECEDENTS • The Sumerians used the wheel to carry
heavy loads over long distances.
• The wheel was also used for chariots for
❑ Ancient Wheel battle.
❑ Paper • The oldest known wheel found in an
❑ Shadoof archaeological excavation is from
Mesopotamia, and dates to around
❑ Antikythera Mechanism 3500 BC (Bronze Age).



Before the wheel the Sumerian's used flat

bottomed structures called "sledges". These
sledges often got stuck and could not carry
heavy loads. The Sumerians also put the sledge PAPER
on a roller which is the picture under the sledge.
This would not work well because they would
have to keep the sledge balanced.

• The Egyptians began to write,

about 3000 BC, they wrote from the
beginning in ink, on papyrus (pah-PIE-
• They also used something called the russ)
potter's wheel which when the • The Greeks and the Romans also used a
Sumerians used this it made them pots. lot of papyrus, all bought in Egypt
• The earliest wheels are believed to have because that is where papyrus grows.
been used for pottery making. But it wasn’t cheap! One sheet of
papyrus probably cost about what $20 SHADOOF / SHADUF
is worth today.

• It took 3000 years to come up with

paper! Paper was invented around 100
BC in China. In 105 AD, under the Han
Dynasty emperor Ho-Ti, a government
official in China named Ts’ai Lun was the
first to start a paper-making industry.


• Hand-operated device for lifting water,
invented in ancient times and still used
in India, Egypt, and some other
countries to irrigate land.

• Typically it consists of a long, tapering,

nearly horizontal pole mounted like a
seesaw. A skin or bucket is hung on a
rope from the long end, and a
• Cuneiform is a system of writing first counterweight is hung on the short end.
developed by the ancient Sumerians of • The operator pulls down on a rope
Mesopotamia c. 3500-3000 BCE. It is attached to the long end to fill the
considered the most significant among bucket and allows the counterweight to
the many cultural contributions of the raise the bucket. To raise water to
Sumerians and the greatest among higher levels, a series of shadufs are
those of the Sumerian city of Uruk sometimes mounted one above the
which advanced the writing of other. In India the device is called a
cuneiform c. 3200 BCE. denkli, or paecottah.
• The name comes from the Latin word ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM
“cuneus” for 'wedge' owing to the
wedge-shaped style of writing.

• In cuneiform, a carefully cut writing

implement known as a stylus is pressed
into soft clay to produce wedge-like
impressions that represent word-signs
(pictographs) and, later, phonograms or
`word-concepts' (closer to a modern-
day understanding of a `word').

• All of the great Mesopotamian

civilizations used cuneiform until it was • Ancient Greek mechanical device used
abandoned in favour of the alphabetic to calculate and display information
script at some point after 100 BCE. about astronomical phenomena.
• The remains of this ancient “computer,” ❑ Mechanical clock
now on display in the National
Archaeological Museum in Athens, were ❑ Spinning wheel
recovered in 1901 from the wreck of a HEAVY PLOUGH
trading ship that sank in the first half of
the 1st century BCE near the island of
Antikythera in the Mediterranean Sea.
Its manufacture is currently dated to
100 BCE, give or take 30 years.


The heavy plow was one of the most influential

inventions in Medieval Europe. This invention
allowed for the settlement of Northern Europe
and farming of the wet clay soil of Northern

• Steam turbine invented in the 1st • Before the heavy plow was invented,
century AD by Heron of Alexandria and Northern Europe could not sustain a
described in his Pneumatica. large population because the soil was
heavy clay and there was no technology
• The Aeolipile was a hollow sphere
at the time that could turn the soil over.
mounted so that it could turn on a pair
of hollow tubes that provided steam to • Then the heavy plow was invented, and
the sphere from a cauldron. The steam it was the first plow that could turn over
escaped from the sphere from one or the heavy, moist clay of Northern
more bent tubes projecting from its Europe, thus allowing for towns to start
equator, causing the sphere to revolve. growing in Northern Europe.

• The aeolipile is the first known device to • As the towns started to grow, they
transform steam into rotary motion. realized that the clay soil was better for
Like many other machines of the time farming and produced more crops. The
that demonstrated basic mechanical heavy plow then lead to a 7.7% increase
principles, it was simply regarded as a in population density and 14.3%
curiosity or a toy and was not used for increase in urbanization between 900
any practical purpose. AD and 1300 AD in Europe (Andersen,
jensen, and Skovsgaard 23).

❑ Heavy Plough

❑ Gunpowder

❑ Paper money
GUN POWDER how much money the merchant had on
deposit on a piece of paper.

• The paper, a sort of promissory note,

could then be traded for goods, and the
seller could go to the agent and redeem
the note for the strings of coins.

• With trade renewed along the Silk Road,

• In Chinese, gunpowder is called huo this simplified cartage considerably.
yao, meaning flaming medicine. Unlike These privately produced promissory
paper and printing, the birth of notes were still not true paper currency,
gunpowder was quite accidental. It was however.
first invented inadvertently by
alchemists while attempting to make an • At the beginning of the Song Dynasty
elixir of immortality. It was a mixture of (960–1279 CE), the government
sulphur, saltpeter, and charcoal. licensed specific deposit shops where
people could leave their coins and
• At the end of the Tang Dynasty, receive notes. In the 1100s, Song
gunpowder was being used in military authorities decided to take direct
affairs. During the Song and Yuan control of this system, issuing the
Dynasties, frequent wars spurred the world's first proper, government-
development of cannons, and fire- produced paper money. This money
arrows shot from bamboo tubes. was called jiaozi.
• In the 12th and 13th centuries, MECHANICAL CLOCK
gunpowder spread to the Arab
countries, then Greece, other European • There is historical disagreement as to
countries, and finally all over the world. when the oldest mechanical clock in
medieval Europe was invented. Pope
PAPER MONEY Sylvester II built a clock for a German
town in 1996 and it is considered one of
the oldest clocks.

• By the 11th century, clocks were being

used in different parts of Europe.
However, the use of proper mechanical
clocks which utilised heavy weights for
time-keeping, is more accurately dated
back to the 14th century.

• One of these clocks was built by a monk

• During the Tang Dynasty (618–907 CE), at Glastonbury in the 14th century and
however, merchants began to leave exists to this day. From the 14th century
those heavy strings of coins with a to the 15th century, mechanical clocks
trustworthy agent, who would record evolved so that they began to use a
spring-powered operation rather than
relying on heavy weights. However, MODERN PERIOD
these clocks had to be wound up twice
a day by the monks for them to ❑ Compound microscope
functional accurately. ❑ Telescope

❑ Jacquard loom

❑ Engine powered airplane

❑ Television


Replica of an early 17th-century foliot-and-verge

clock, generously provided by Mike Helfrich


• The limitations of the single-lens

magnifier were apparent to scientists.
They labored to develop a practical
system to increase microscope
• Early machine for turning fibre into
• The next breakthrough in microscopy
thread or yarn, which was then woven
was the invention of the compound
into cloth on a loom.
microscope. While the origin of this
• The spinning wheel was probably device and the identity of its inventor
invented in India, though its origins are are the subject of some debate, credit
obscure. It reached Europe via the for the invention of the compound
Middle East in the European Middle microscope has generally been given to
Ages. Dutch optician Zacharias Janssen (1580-
circa 1638).
• It replaced the earlier method of hand
spinning, in which the individual fibres • Around 1590 Janssen reportedly
were drawn out of a mass of wool held stumbled upon an idea for a multiple-
on a stick, or distaff, twisted together to lens microscope design, which he then
form a continuous strand, and wound constructed. Though he affirmed its
on a second stick, or spindle. ability, no record exists of Janssen
actually using his invention. It is now
believed that Janssen's son fabricated • Before the 1800s, complex woven
the story. designs were created by hand. This was
very labour-intensive. As a result,
• Meanwhile, Dutch scientist Cornelius
patterned fabric was extremely
Drebbel claimed that he had
expensive. In 1804 Joseph-Marie
constructed the first compound
Jacquard (1752 – 1834) developed the
microscope in 1619. The astronomer
Jacquard Loom, which mechanised the
Galileo (1564-1642) also reported using
production of patterned textiles. The
a two-lens microscope to examine and
loom contributed to the transformation
describe the eye of an insect.
of textile weaving from a ‘cottage
TELESCOPE industry’ run by close-knit families of
skilled workers, to a focus of mass
production on an industrial scale.


• Even though this telescope had many

limitations (chromatic aberrations, low • Brothers Orville and Wilbur Wright did
field of view), it was enough for Galileo not invent flight, but their
to start looking at the sky and discovery craftsmanship skills helped them form
of phases of Venus, 4 largest moons of the early 20th-century equivalent of a
Jupiter, and find proof that will support startup. Their invention of the Flyer,
astronomical model of heliocentrism. which was the first crewed, powered,
• The pioneers in that field were Isaac heavier and (to some degree)
Newton who in 1668 built first practical controlled-flight aircraft, brought people
reflecting telescope (although it was not and ideas together like never before.
used much because it was very • In just a few decades, their ideas led to
complicated and expensive for the creation of new aircraft in warfare,
manufacture). assisted with the spread of goods and
JACQUARD LOOM people for globalization, and led to
spaceflight — including putting the first
people on the moon, in 1969.

• The history of the television can be

dated back to the late 1800’s when
• Doctor Fe Del Mundo (Bamboo
inventors experimented with ways to
Incubator Inventor) – credited with
have signals transmitted to a receiver. In
studies that lead to the invention of an
fact, the first coaxial cable (commonly
improved incubator and a device to
used to distribute cable TV signals) was
treat jaundice. Fe del Mundo’s invention
invented during this time. The first
has saved countless premature infants
actual transmission of images was
around the world.
successfully completed by John L. Baird
in 1925, which led to rapid • A medical incubator is an apparatus or
developments in television in device used to maintain environmental
subsequent years. And, the first conditions suitable for a new-born baby.
television system was created by Philo It is used in pre-term birth or for some
Farnsworth in 1927. These early ill full-term babies. The incubator
developments led inventors down the maintains optimal temperature,
road to rapid improvement in the humidity, and other conditions such as
television industry. the CO2 and oxygen content of the
atmosphere inside.
❑ Bamboo Incubator

❑ Erythromycin

❑ The PC chipset

❑ Quick ink

❑ Electronic Jeepney


• Abelardo Aguilar discovered the

antibiotic from the Aspergillus species
of fungi in 1949 and sent samples to
Indiana-based pharmaceutical firm Eli
Lilly Co. The drug firm allegedly • Francisco Quisumbing- He is a scientist
registered the propriety name Iloson for from the Philippines who had
the antibiotic in honor of Iloilo province miraculously devised an instant and
where Aguilar discovered it. quick drying ink, which had gained
Erythromycin, the generic name of recognition, in partnership with the
Iloson, was reportedly the first makers of the internationally acclaimed,
successful macrolide antibiotic “Parker Pens”. “What is so special with
introduced in the US. this Filipino ingenuity?” Basically, this
fast-drying ink is water resistant.
Therefore, it will not clog the opening of
this amazing writing instrument.
Through continuous usage, it will not
blot or fade with time and age.

• Diosdado Banatao developed the first

single-chip graphical user interface
accelerator that made computers work
a lot faster. This invention has allowed
computer users to use graphics for
commands and not the usual typed
commands in older computers. It has
allowed data processing to be a little
faster using very little space (small chips
instead of large boards).


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